Spring Break Chapter 2

Story by Rick Coona on SoFurry

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#2 of Spring Break

Chapter 2

this chapter has a unique twist i have never seen before



=Chapter 2=

Both the girls were walking down the sidewalk, contemplating how being laid first thing in the morning really improves your outlook on life.

"Ya know Sal, last night was amazing... It really took a lot for me to decide to take Greg back to our room, but I am _so_glad I did! Isn't he a wonderful lover?" Anna said. Sally nodded enthusiastically.

"Yeah, and a tasty one as well. My god, where did he learn those skills? I tell you, it really made up for last night, that's for sure. Thank you for letting me take him for a test drive." Sally said, touching Anna's shoulder.

"You are quite welcome. you're my best friend. And, well best friends share." Anna said smiling at her compatriot. "Boy he really nailed you to the bed sheets, didn't he?"

"Oh_hell_yeah. He pounded me into a satiated puddle of squidgy fudge ripple. I haven't been _that_well laid in quite a while." Sally grinned.

"Personally I'm amazed at the guys staying power. He woke up with a case of morning wood you could have used to hammer spikes! We both agreed it was a wonderful way to wake up. Taking him first thing in the morning felt incredible! Then _you_come strolling in. Once you were in the bathroom we got back to the task at paw... Sal I rode this guy hard right in the middle he asked me to suck him, so I slithered off him peeled off the love glove and took him." Anna grinned.

"I tell you, when he started licking me, I went mad! Taking as much of that lovely cock that I could. You know when they get to that point and start trembling, you know they are about to cum?" Sally nodded, motioning for her friend to continue. "Well, when he hit that point, I reached down, cupping his balls in my paw and gave a slight tug and squeeze. He went stiff as a board then exploded. Considering everything we did last night I wasn't expecting much. He damn near filled my cheeks!" Anna exclaimed.

"And he was _still_standing at half mast when you passed him off to me!" Both femmes laughed. "Now, I'm not usually one for _'sloppy seconds'_but daamn! Oh thanks for leaving me a bit of him to taste; I milked him for everything he had left...I figured he'd lose it as I was sucking him. But no, he got harder! Well it was _on_then...hell you saw what he did to me! " Sally was almost painfully grinning ear to ear.

"Yeah, that was the first time I ever got to watch..." Anna said.

"And, what did you think?" Her fellow mouse Femme asked.

"Well for one thing, you can get quite vocal." Anna said with a wink. Sally's muzzle fluffed. "It was an interesting experience. Here I was sharing a lover with my best friend, watching them making love. It was beautiful the way you two moved together, it was kind of like watching myself there. I really hope we can spend more time with him." Anna said with a wistful look.

"Well, we know where he's staying..." Sally said.

"Room 105 at the Crestview!" Anna finished.

"Let's go find the place" Sally said, with Loki dancing in her eyes.

The Crest View made the Sand and Surf look like the Ritz-Carlton. Shabby didn't even begin_to cover it. Although it was a prime example of "_deferred maintenance," both femmes just stared slack-jawed.

"Oh, my god..." Anna said.

"This_can't_be the place..." Sally finished but the faded blue sign with holes where its long lost neon had resided confirmed it.

" How the _hell_could anyone stay _Here?_I mean it--" Anna's statement was cut off by high pitched screaming. Dashing around the hedge they were just in time to watch a flailing Bunny femme being tossed off the second floor balcony into the pool. followed by much laughter.

"Holy Shit!" Sally cried, making a dash for the pool. Seeing the foundering rabbit femme, she dove in without a second thought. Grabbing the back of her shirt, Sally managing to drag the flailing femme to the shallow end of the pool, Anna helped haul her out of the water and on the the grass.

"Are you okay?" she asked the half drowned Rabbit who managed to drag herself up on her paws and knees, coughing twice.

"Yeah, thanks, oy told them oyI -cough-_couldn't swim. So Biff said the best way ta learn was ta jump right in, so he picked me up and tossed me in.-cough- -cough-_The name's 'Manda." The blue eyed, mocha-furred, buxom bunny said, her corn silk hair plastered to her body as she slowly got to her feet.

"Sally, nice to meet cha, this is my friend Anna." Sally replied, indicating the other mouse at her side.

"'Allo Anna. Thanks for the rescue Sally, don't know what I would have done if someone hadn't jumped in after me." She said as the smile faded from her muzzle as the realization that she came close to drowning if it wasn't for this mouse femme and offering her paw to her rescuer and her friend.

"Hi Manda, where do you hail from?" Sally asked, finding her accent intriguing.

"I hail from Sydney, Australia. Came ovea ta see what all the hullabalu over spring break is all 'bout. Found meself at this party and things start getting a little rowdy, someone says we should all cool off in the pool over there, oy pop off sayin' oy'd pass, seein 'ow oy con't swim. and you know the rest?" She finished with a chuckle, and a final cough.

"Tell me you're _not_staying at this dilapidated lunatic asylum?" Anna asked. Manda shook her head.

"Naah I'm over at the Blue Wotter, where do you two 'ang yer hats?" she asked taking a deep breath, realizing just how much better it was to breathe air rather than water as they walked to the street.

"_Us?_We are staying over at the Sand and Surf, just down the street. Would you like to come along with us? We are going for some food, and mapping out the best hunting grounds." Sally said with a wicked wink, causing the Aussie gal to do a double take.

"Crikey don't you sound like a couple of dingos in the sheep! Best offer oy've had all week." She said as the three left the den of iniquity that was the Crest View motel. Anna spun around, eyes wide.

"Damn! Almost forgot to leave a message for Greg!" She said as she sprinted for the office.

"I take it Greg's her fella?" Manda asked with a twinkle in her eye.

"Wellll, I wouldn't say that, but they sure got off to a fine start last night..._and_this morning." Sally said with a knowing smile not lost on her companion.

"Got a good shag in, did she? Well good for 'er, So tells me, he a looker, this fella?"

"Oh yeah. He's got a nice body. He's kind of shy and soft spoken, but an incredible lay in the sack!" Sally said.

"So, let you watch, did she?" Manda chuckled, giving the mouse a nudge.

"Well, not really, I came waltzing in as she was riding him and hit the showers, but she let me take him for a test drive when I got out." Sally grinned at the shocked look on Manda's face.

"_Nowway!_You're tuggin my tail." the bunny grinned.

"Nope, he nailed me to the bed sheets and plowed me into a puddle."

"You lucky cheese nibbla! So, think you'll be able to find him again in all this?" Manda asked indicating the milling crowd

"Heh yeah, Anna went to leave him a message, seems he's staying in that hell hole with his buddy who dragged him along."

"Crikies! Lucky sheila! What about yourself, any luck baggin a buck or two?" Manda asked trying to keep the chuckle out of her voice.

"Eh, scored my first time at bat, but the guy turned out to be one of those type who like to use a femme as a masturbation toy...not that it wasn't okay...It's just he didn't do it for me, ya know?" Sally shrugged.

"Gow do oy ever! Snagged me this one hunky bucky boy, dragged him back intendin to shag the shit outta him. We started really gettin into it, ya know? Then the fucker goes off sprayin me backside, screams "gotta go' and bolts right afta! and oy was just startin ta get a glow on, ya know?"

"Oh yeah, those were far too many of my third date disasters, but the ones I hate the most are the dead lay, it's like banging a corpse! Sure he's stiff as a board, but all he does is lie there!"

"Heh, sounds like we 'ave somthin in common than savin me from drownin.'" Manda said putting an arm around her shoulder trying to put a smile on the event; Sally could hear how much the humor was forced. She turned and drew the bunny into a hug. Manda was startled at this unexpected gesture then held on tight to this complete stranger who'd saved her life.

"Oy don't know 'ow ta thank ya Sally, it really scared me back there...oy." Was all Manda could say before wracking sobs made it impossible to continue. The tears rained down on Sally's shoulder fur as she held the crying bunny, in her arms soothing her and stroking her back. Anna returned to find Manda sobbing in Sally's arms. She just wrapped her arms around both of them. Five minutes later, Manda had cried it out of her system.

Looking up with a sniffle she tries to smile. "Ain't oy a pretty sight."

"Lets get you cleaned up, okay? Now, which would be closer, the Blue Water or Sand and Surf?"

"I'm about three blocks that away." Manda sniffled pointing over her shoulder...the opposite direction from where they came

"Well, we are about 6 blocks in the other direction, Looks like your place is closer, hon." Sally said softly, Manda nodded smoothing her muzzle trying to get her face fur to look less tear streaked.

"Thankya, okay let's go get me all prettied up and then find us a bite ta eat then see about baggin' us some boyo's." Manda said sounding much more chipper as the three femmes made their way to the Blue Water Motel.

"Welp, here is me little slice o' heaven." Manda said opening the door to her room. It contained the standard amenities with a blue motif (of course) Sally smiled at the most prominent feature of the room; the king size bed.

"_Score!_Looks like you got a good one here, Manda. Lots of room to maneuver." Sally said.

"Too right." came the response from the bathroom, "Oh me god. just look at me _fur!_Oy'm a bloody mess. Oy look like road kill at's been left ta bake in the sun too long!" Manda mewled. Sally and Anna rushed to the bathroom finding the bunny slumped on the floor, elbows on knees, her paws over her eyes.

"..._Manda?"_Anna said softly slowly reaching over to place her paw on the distraught, sniffling Lapine.

"It's not as bad as all that... A quick run through the shower, and a good scrub down, then a through fur brushing will do wonders." The shy mouse said, softly moving the paws away from her eyes.

"Ya really think so..." Manda sniffed.

"I_know_so... Anna smiled with a nod.

"Would you like someone to do your back hon?" Sally asked, Manda looked up.

"Yes please if ya would be sa kind?" she said with a half smile.

"Sure thing hon, who do you want to be with you? Sally asked. Manda looked from one mouse femme to the other, both had an identical look on their faces.

"...Well uh if it wouldn't be asking too much... Now you both are offering to step inna shower with me, yeah?"

"Yes," both mice answered as one.

"Well um how bout both ah you join me, if you'd be okay with showerin' with another Femme?" She asked; both mice just looked at each other nodding.

"We have no problem with it..." Anna said. "I'm really, really shy, painfully so. Sal brought me down here to try and loosen me up. Well, this morning was the first time I ever had a group shower. We both joined Greg and it was...well it was a real learning experience for me, if that's what you were so delicately hinting at?" Manda blinked.

"Crikeys," she said softly nodding, "Nether o you 'ave a problem with, well, you know what 'appens when ya get somin in the showa with ya." Manda's muzzle fluffed just a bit.

"If you mean _'wandering paws'_it's kinda nice, actually." Anna said as she and Sally stripped down to their fur with Manda following suit.

" Oy've got ta say, this a right nice little cafe. Good eats, decent beer, and an unobstructed view of the meat market walkin by..." Manda said, intently watching the male review pass by.

"So what message did you leave Greg?" Sally asked her fellow mouse.

"Um, I was, I um wanted to know if he wasn't busy, if he'd like to come by our place tomorrow around five and we can go out for dinner and see what happens after."

"Well now, that sounds promising, good call there. Wonder what Manda would make of him?" Sally asked. Anna smiled.

"Don't you mean what Greg would make out of her?"Anna giggled.

"Here now, what gave her the giggles? Did oy miss something, someone walk by oy missed?" Manda queried. Anna just about slid off her chair trying not to laugh. It was a losing battle and she knew it. It was just a question of how long she could hold out. "Wot's got inta her?" she asked of the almost epileptic mouse sliding off her chair.

"Oh, nothing really..." Sally said watching Anna slide out of sight. "We were just wondering what you'd make of Greg if we introduced you two... "

"Oh_reeealy_? Now this sounds promissin'!" The Rabbit sat up, a gleam in her eyes. Anna sounded like a steam kettle about to blow its lid.

"Yeah...Anna here wondered what Greg would make out of you, perhaps plow you into_carrot sticks?"_That was it. Anna burst out in hysterical laughter that threatened to break glass.

"Well now, that calls fer another round!" She stood up and whistled for the waitress causing a couple of guys to stop, admire the view and whistle back. Manda struck a pose that would have stopped traffic.

"Allo mates. Think a couple of nice strong lads like youreselfs might be up for a bit of fun?" She teased, leaning forward giving them a better view of her low cut top, seeing their eyes bulge at the state of Manda's braless condition, grinning at where their attention was she gave a bit of a chest shimmy.

"Loose boulders threaten city...like 'em, do ya...grew em meself, ya know." She said with a wink, turning tail and holding up her arms as everyone within earshot broke up laughing. Manda 'adjusted' herself a bit and sat back down.

"Well now, that was a bit of fun," she said, accepting another glass of Foster's from the waitress, who gave her a wink for the great performance.

"Gawd Manda, and here I thought Sal was out there--you are over the top!" Anna said. Sally held up her glass for a toast.

"To two weeks of being over the top!" all three femmes clinked glasses.

" Manda, You ever date other kinds of furs? Ya know, not Rabbits that is?" Anna asked.

"Well now, that's an interestin' question, really, never thought about it much, although we 'ad a bit of fun din't we?" Manda hefted her glass and gave her a wink, Anna's muzzle fluffed. "But as to your question, can't say's oy 'ave. but 'at's one reason oy'm 'ere. Why'd ya ask Anna?"

"Well, um, I just wasn't sure how you felt about it is all. Some fur take a dim view of "mixing" ya know, and I didn't want you to be uncomfortable here with all these different types of guys running around."

"Pish, Personally, never tryed it, meself, might be fun with the right kinda fella. O've met those types you talkin of. Pain in tha tail, you ask me. Always sturrin up trouble that lot. "

"...Soo you might be open to trying something new?" Anna hedged, Sally grinned, this was great; Anna was starting up a difficult conversation with someone she'd just met.

"Why, think oy might not like this mousey fella o' yours?" Manda asked rapping her beer glass on the heavy wooden table. She leaned in with a predatory grin dancing across her muzzle showing off an impressive set of lapin dental work. Anna gulped and leaned back a bit. before Manda gave her a wink leaning back in her chair paws folded on the table. "Seriously mate, what ya got in mind?"

"Well...we've been talking about Greg, and were thinking of having you two meet then it struck me, I wonder if she'd have a problem with being with someone else, I didn't _think_you would, but I thought I'd ask first..." Anna said showing a bit more confidence. Manda sat back taking a swig of her fosters.

"Oy like you Anna, you're a bit timid, but you seem to be getting betta. and oy've been thinkin' with all you two 'ave said about this Greg fella, got me a mite curious, truth be told. But at the same time, oy don't want to go poachin in your territory, ya know." She paused to take another swig. "But if your askin if oy'd be up for a good shagging?... Sure, why not. Never had me a mouse fella before, might be fun. and if he's as good as you say, he might be able to take us all on... Yeah?" Manda grinned wide, looking between her two companions.

"Uh, well, you see...Greg's not a mouse, like us..." Anna said, softly looking at the table.

"Ya don't say? What is he then...a _Cat?"_she chuckled.

"No...he's a Skunk..." Manda sat bolt upright at the revelation.

"A_Skunk_you say? well now, isn't this a new kettle of fish. Here oy was gettin myself all lubed up over the prospect of gettin shagged by my first mousey and here ya go switchin 'im on me..." Manda paused polishing off the last third of her glass. rapping the empty upside down on the table turning to Sally.

"You say this Fella's worth a tumble?" she asked. Sally nodded grinning like she'd inherited a hundred pound wheel of cheddar.

"Well oy could really go for a good 'ard shaggin, and this fella of yours sounds like 'e may be up for it?"

"I don't see why not, he seems a pretty easy-going kind of guy." Sally said thinking just how much fun Greg really was.

"Well okay then. Let's 'ave a good old fashioned shag-a-thon!" Manda crowed as she turned her attention to the latest offerings in the walking meat market.

"Say, all this talk has got me pretty wound up, if you two are up for it, what say we find a noice tasty guy or two and bring 'im back ta my flat and shag him tell he can't walk." the bunny grinned.

"If you two will excuse me, I need to take care of something..." Sally said as she crossed the crowded room and came over to my table at the Cafe.

=** We interrupt this storyline for a conference with the author. ***=*

"Uh, excuse me, uh hi. I know you said we'd meet some interesting furs, and have all the sex we want. Not that I'm _complaining_mind you, but...Manda kinda scares even me, she's waaay over the top. I like her, don't get me wrong, it's just..." Sally said. I indicated a chair for her to sit.

"Yes? It's just...what, Sally?" I ask. The mouse fidgeted.


"Yees? go on Sal." I urged.

"Well it's just.."

"That she might not be playing it safe, is that it?" I ask. Sally looks both ways before nodding.

"Well then, why did you save her life?" I ask. The mouse sputtered.

"What do you mean _why_did I save her? I had to! Or she would have drowned...Wait a minute, are you saying _I'm_responsible for this?" Sally asked tapping her paw to her chest.

"Well, you _did_save her from death, and you can imagine what a fright that must have been for her. So you can understand her need, her craving to celebrate life after coming that close to death." I said. Sally paused looking pensive digesting what I'd just said.

"I can see your point, I guess... But tell me, would you have let her drown if I hadn't saved her?" Sally asked.

I remained silent, taking a pull on my beer.

"You heartless son of a bitch! You would have let her drown! Why, tell me why you would have done it?"

"Actually, the decision as to whether she lived or died wasn't mine to make..."

"Wait a minute...are you saying _I_made that choice? " Sally asked jaw dropping with the realization of what she had just done.

"Yes Sal, it was totally up to you and Anna whether Manda lived or died, You chose to save her life, why was that?"

"......I_had_to... I couldn't just stand there while another fur, another femme, dies because of a thoughtless prank." Sally looked as if she were remembering something from her past.

"Well than, you know what she needs, don't you? Her breaking down like that, I figured she would wait till you got back to the motel. But the realization hit her a bit faster than I'd thought."

"So what can _I_do about this?" Sal asked.

"Well, you _could_throw her in front of a bus, or off the end of the pier, and watch her get eaten by sharks...there are a couple of real nasty ones cruising the pier waiting for some marinated spring breaker to fall in. You could always throw her back in that pool at the Crest View, that's where she would have drowned if you hadn't intervened. There is a lot that you can do. I probably shouldn't be telling you this, but over the next 48 hours your actions will determine her fate."

"Wait, you mean that I...why would you _do_that to me?" Sally pleaded.

"I didn't really, now did I. _ You _were the one who jumped in and saved her, I didn't make you do it, did I?" Sally shook her head.

"But... I mean it was such a _simple_thing..._Anyone_there could have done it?" she said softly.

"But they didn't, did they?"

"No, they just stood around and watched... _ Fuck. _" Sally sighed and hung her head.

"Sal, this may sound like a bit of "Capra-corn*" but everyone of us can have a profound effect on those we meet."

"I guess you're right. What do I do?"

"Do nothing, leave it to fate and let the cards fall where they may. Perhaps she'll decide to take a swim off the pier..."

_"BUT SHE CAN'T SWIM!"_Sally yelled, getting to her feet and stomping her foot in frustration.

"I can change that... " I said.

"You_wouldn't_..." Sally gasped, her eyes going wide.

"Give me _one_good reason _not_to? You said yourself that she scares you." I sat back and waited, the mouses jaw hung open in horrified shock.

"Because she deserves to... She's so full of life, that she can't be just tossed away... Because I Saved Her Life, Damn It!" she yelled, pounding her fist on the table.

"Exactly." I said. Sally's paw was still raised ready to counter any argument I may have made.

"Sal, she came into your life for a reason. Give her what she needs, and let fate decide the rest."

"Okay... thanks, Sorry about earlier."

"Sokay. Remember this is spring break, have fun; you are doing a great job of bringing Anna out of her shell"

"Yeah, I guess I am, huh?" she smiled. "Thanks, it just had me weirded out for a bit. Thanks for the time out."

"Any time, you know that." I said raising my glass to the sexy mousey.

= = =

*a reference to director Frank Capra, of 'It's a Wonderful Life' often referred to as 'capra-corn'.

=** Now, Back to our story already in progress. ***=*

"Call o' nature there Sal?" Manda asked as Sally returned to their table.

"Something like that." she said with a chuckle, looking in my direction.

"Ya know wot they say... 'Ya don't buy beer, ya rent it!'" Manda laughed, slapping the table.

"Too true!" Sally quipped... Looking at her two companions. "So where too now?"

"Well, we can go clubbing?" Anna suggested. "We had fun the last time."

"Oy here there's this new place... Real popular. Only let a certain kind in, ya know?" Manda said, a grin tugging at her muzzle.

"Oh, What's it called, sounds like a fun place!" Anna said. From the twinkle in Manda's eye, Sally had about two seconds to duck the incoming pun.

"The place is called... '_Baby Seals'._Supposed to be a great place to go." Manda said grinning madly, trying not to laugh.

"Who'd want to go clubbing? _EWWWWWWW!"_Anna exclaimed shaking herself like she'd been hit by something icky, As the pun splattered all over her like a water balloon.

Manda and Sally were laughing so hard they had to lean on each other. Those at nearby tables lost it as well. One should never discount 'splash damage' when telling jokes.

"Oh, ha ha. Verrry funny." Anna groused a few moments before it sunk in. A nightclub... where you'd go..'clubbing'...called Baby Seals... Soon Anna was pounding the table trying to get her full blown giggle fit under control.

Once everyone was more or less coherent enough to talk again, they wiped the tears from their cheeks.

"I can't tell you 'ow good it is to be Alive!" Manda said taking Sally and Anna's paws in hers "And oy owe it all to you."

"That's what friends are for. So let's go celebrate life and snag ourselves a few boy-toys!" Sally said winking at Manda as they left to find themselves some mischief.

"This makes me feel like the new office Typest!" Manda said as they prowled.

"Why's that?" Sally asked.

"Cause I'm a huntin' pecker!" the Aussie bunny crowed.

=End of Chapter 2=