Warrior's End

Story by CanuckMutt on SoFurry

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A warrior with a reputation as a mighty demon hunter faces the consequences of his actions, and that death isn't the only way to get revenge.

Sir Falkry groaned as his eyes fluttered open. The last thing he remembered was coming - no stumbling out of the ale house. He had enthralled the patrons with tales of his monster slayings, with a head or two to prove it. Upon leaving something had cracked against his head, and it all went dark.

His head still hurt like the dickens, and he would have preferred to be laying down. However he was suddenly aware that his limbs were chained tightly to a wall. Not only that, but a cool breeze on his crotch told him he was naked as well.

It was not an ideal predicament. He forced his eyes to focus despite the pain, for if he was to escape, he needed to know what options there were.

The room was not large, made smaller still by the shelves upon shelves full of jars. Many had contents he did not recognize, though a few contained eyeballs that stared back at him. In the middle of the room was a long table, equally cluttered with more jars and various flasks bubbling over small flames. The curtains were drawn and the floor was stone, so he could not tell where he was. However his armour, his pride and joy, was piled haphazardly in one corner close by. If he could escape his bonds it would be easy to fight his way out.

"Ah, so you are awake," said a voice.

Falkry searched the room, but he saw no source.

"Show yourself! I demand to know my captor's face, so I know who to take my revenge upon!" he said, though not as confidently as he would have liked.

The voice sighed. "Look down."

He did. A little purple creature with a yellow throat and chest was looking back up at him. It had a lizard's snout, shimmering scales, and comically big feet for something that small.

"Hi," it said.

"Dirty Kobold," Falkry sneered.

"Yeah, I get that a lot. How's the head?" it asked.

"What concern of it is yours beast?" Falkry snarled back.

"Skagarth," he replied.

Falkry blinked. "What?"

"My name. It's Skagarth. Don't bother trying to come up with interesting insults. I've heard them all, plus if you know my name you know who to take revenge on or whatever you think you might do," he said. "And as for my concern, it isn't. I just wanted to make sure you were lucid enough to talk to.

The kobold plucked a flask off the flame and took it over to the warrior's armour. With his claw he scraped off some of the gold paint into the liquid, ignoring Falkry's protests. The liquid bubbled harder for a moment then settled back down as it took on the same golden hue as the armour.

"You must be thirsty. You've been out for over a day," Skagarth said, pushing a ladder in front of the warrior. The kobold climbed up so he was eye level to Falkry and sat on the top, feet dangling below him.

"I won't drink anything made by an alchemist," he spat. "My death will be on the battlefield."

"I'm not trying to kill you, you dolt," Skagarth said, rolling his eyes. I'd have already done that with a blade and not waste my time and supplies to poison you. You are worth far more alive than dead anyway, at least to me.

"This," he said, holding up the flask, " is meant to keep you alive. Full of things to make you better wrapped up in a tasty ale package."

Falkry had to admit his tongue felt dry and pasty. His lips weren't much better, already cracked and painful. The liquid in the kobold's claws looked an awful lot like the ale he downed by the barrelful, with its tiny bubbles and smooth texture. He almost opened his mouth, but snapped himself back. Instead he pursed his lips like a petulant child.

"Suit yourself," said Skagarth, and he climbed down the ladder. "I'll just pump it up your ass. It'll do the same thing anyway. Now, where is my horse enema kit?"

Falkry's eyes went big. "You wouldn't!"

Skagarth rummaged through a chest and pulled out a funnel with a rather wide hose attached.

"I would," he grinned, holding it up.

"Alright, alright! I'll drink your foul brew," he said.

"Good," Skagarth said, and climbed up the ladder again. "Be a shame to waste it like that. I pride myself on making good tasting brews. Open up."

The kobold brought the flask up to the warrior's mouth and tipped. At first he sipped the liquid. It was surprisingly cool for just being on a flame, and brought instant relief to his insides. And the flavour was exquisite! Perhaps it was just the thirst, he thought, but it was the best combination of mead and ale all in one drink. Not that he would tell that to the kobold. Falkry gulped the rest down, where it settled into a pleasant warmth in his belly.

With at least something in his stomach to keep himself going, Falkry needed to plan an escape. That meant he needed time. And what better way then to ask a villain to explain their plans?

"Now that my thirst is quenched, tell me why I am here and what foul plans you have in store," said Falkry.

"Sure, why not?" the Skagarth shrugged. "I'm going to tidy up a bit while I do though. The kobold hopped off the ladder and pushed it over to one of the shelves. "My employers, just a band of us monsters you've pissed off really, pooled their money to capture you. As a 'mighty warrior,' you've killed a lot of their friends and family."

"Plagues upon the land," Falkry mumbled.

"I'm sure," Skagarth said dryly. "Ah, my mandrake seeds! Tilda will be so happy! She's been asking for these for ages."

Falkry's belly gurgled uncomfortably, and he shifted in his chains. It was making coming up with a plan much more difficult. "I don't suppose you could slacken my bonds?" he asked.

The kobold snorted. "Not a chance. Anyway, gold is gold, and they found someone to capture you. Rival warrior I think.

"Now as for what, well that's why your here. You've already guessed I'm an alchemist."

Falkry's stomach growled audibly. It felt bloated and he winced in pain. "I thought you said this would heal me," he said.

"No, I said it would make you better. And I didn't say it was in your view."

With a roar he pulled with all his might on his chains, trying futilely to get down. "What did you give me?!"

"A very expensive transformation brew. Which I believe is taking hold now."

Fire raced through his blood. His heart pounded with more force than he thought possible, while sweat beaded on his brow. "No, you can't," he said through gritted teeth. His skin rippled and squeezed in on him.

"I can and I did," Skagarth said, perching once more on the ladder to watch. Your days of killing are behind you, Falkry of Coville."

Bones popped and cracked, reshaping and shrinking. His fingers and toes burned as though hot rods of iron were trying to burst out. He opened his mouth to scream, but instead watched in terror as his nose shot forward into a snout. The bottom of his spine bubbled then a tail burst out, while his cock sucked back into his body. A wave of itchiness swept over his skin and hardened to form scales.

Everything snapped in, with his arms and legs suddenly sucking in to meet their new smaller frame. It was enough so his hands slipped through the once tight cuffs and he landed on the floor with a thud. His stomach rumbled so hard his body shook. Falkry let out a tremendous belch, enough to rattle the jars lining the walls.

And then it was over. He sat up in a daze, as Skagarth came over. The purple kobold undid the cuffs around his ankles, for while now loose there was no way he would slip his now very large feet through.

"Now you live your life as a monster," Skagarth said, and went to his workbench. "I'd sit still for a few minutes. Get used to your new body."

Falkry looked down at his much smaller frame. He stared at his hands, now clawed and scaled. He was a kobold now, that much he was sure of, with golden scales the same colour as his armour over most of his body and creamy white scales over his abdomen. But then he noticed the distinct lack of a cock and let out a shriek in a very unbecoming manner for a warrior.

"You made me a woman!"

"No you idiot, it's inside. It's called a genital slit. See?" he said, lifting up his own loincloth to show his own slit. "You still have a cock, and it'll work just fine.

"Now if you want to rest, or go play with yourself, you can use my bed. Then you can be on your way."

Falkry tipped his head. "I can just leave?"

"It's done. I've done what was asked of me. My employers want you to live as something you hated. Not much is more hated than a kobold," he said, and opened a book.

Though his body still ached, Falkry didn't feel tired. He felt rage. His life was gone. He would never see his friends. The alehouses. The beautiful men at the bathhouses...

The newly formed kobold shook his head. Where did that last thought come from? No matter; he needed a weapon. There were no locks on his armour, and his sword was casually dumped on the floor. That would be too big for his new form though. But his dagger was still strapped to his boot.

This other kobold hardly looked like a warrior. There were no other weapons around other than his own. It would be easy to drive a blade into those supple scales... No! He had to kill. It was only a few moments until Skagarth turned his back to Falkry. His new body didn't feel strong, but it was nimble. He leaped towards his armour, faster than he thought he could, and grabbed the blade.

"I can at least have my revenge now!" he yelled and charged at Skagarth. He would tear that purple creature limb from limb, cut of his head and put it on a pike for all to see those... those beautiful lips, toned body... and slurp down his cock.

Skagarth didn't even flinch, and watched as the former warrior dropped the blade four feet away and fall to his knees. Clear pre-cum dropped out of Falkry's genital slit, and the rage inside gave way to lust. A pink cock slide out with a small splash of fluid.

"Your warrior days are over. Part two of my little potion. Anger to love, violence to sex. You won't be hurting a fly now without having to rub one out," he said, and leaned forward with a smile. "Go ahead, don't be shy. It's nothing I haven't seen before. Or enjoyed."

It wouldn't be enough. He needed his bowels filled, to be bred like a bitch. Maybe he couldn't hurt Skagarth, but he could get fucked by him. Falkry pounced on the purple kobold, who let out a shriek as they tumbled to the floor. Unsure of how his new body worked, he pressed his snout against the other. He fumbled with his hands over Skagarth's body like the first time he was with another but it was a start, then forced his tongue into his prey's snout. There was resistance at first, but Skagarth acquiesced and pulled the warrior's body against his.

Skagarth broke the kiss to get air. "Well this is interesting," he said.

"Your potion," the warrior rasped, nibbling the purple one's neck.

"Oooh, no not me. That - eek! - is all you. My potion makes you lust," he said, and nibbled at the base of one of Falkry's horns. "To who is up to you."

Skagarth wrapped his tail around Falkry's waist, and before he could react he flipped them over and pinned the golden kobold down. "The warrior that's really a tail raiser, or whatever the human equivalent is," he said, pulling off his loincloth. "Had a big warrior make you his bitch, then beg for more?"

"I hate you so much," the warrior said.

"Mmm, I can tell," Skagarth said, grinding his lengthening cock against Falkry's.

The warrior squirmed in delight, bucking his hips.

"Stay right there, I have just the thing to make this go smoothly," Skagarth said. He rummaged through a shelf muttering names of things that had no meaning to the warrior. What he fixated on was the bobbing cock in from him. It looked so soft and tasty, with its reddish purple shaft begging to be sucked.

Like a hungry predator the warrior went in for the kill, slurping the entire length down his snout. With his new found tongue, he coiled it around the shaft down to the base tickling the balls.

"Ohh my goodness," Skagarth said, his knees wobbling. You've got the ha-ha-hang of things quickly."

Falkry pulled the other kobold down again, giving one long lick up the shaft. Skagarth let out a shuddered sigh, and held up a jar labelled Slime Essence. Falkry tore the top off and poured it over the waiting cock. He scrambled up, lifting his tail high, then ground his butt against the now slimy cock. When enough lube was smeared around his tailhole, he pushed himself onto the purple one's cock.

Both cried out, Skagarth over the burning hot passage that enveloped his cock, Falkry over the fullness invading his bowels. His new body proved adaptable, or maybe it was just the fog of lust, but there was no paid as he slid down Skagarth's twitching cock. Just the incredible feeling of his spear hitting all the right spots along the way.

Hardly waiting for a breath, he pulled up again flexing his tight buttocks over the cock. Skagarth moaned, tilting his head back and letting his tongue fall out to the side.

The room was filled with moans of lust, punctuated by the squelch of lube against scales as Falkry bounced on top of Skagarth.

It wasn't enough though. He needed it faster and his legs couldn't get the rhythm right. Falkry stood up over Skagarth panting, lube dripping out of his tailhole.

"Pound your seed into me!" he demanded as he pulled the other kobold up. Without waiting for an answer he leaned over the table and pulled his tail up high.

Not needing further prompting, Skagarth slammed his cock back in. Grabbing the tail of the golden kobold, he hammered into the former warrior.

Each pound was punctuated by the clink of jars as the table shook from the force.

"Oh goddess, yes. I'm going to - ahg!" Skagarth's cock spasmed, sending a burst of creamy seed into the depth of the golden kobold's ass. Falkry pushed back hard, not wanting to lose a drop, and milked the cock in his ass with all his might. But in their mad rutting Skagarth stepped in a puddle of lube and cum, sending the pair tumbling to the floor with a shriek.

Skagarth landed first, followed by Falkry who was impaled on the still orgasming cock. He cried out as it stabbed at his prostate, and seed flew out of his cock. The first blast splattered against the bottom of his snout, followed by more ropes of milky white fluid flying through the air and landing on his chest.

Falkry collapsed on the floor as the last little bit of seed dribbled out of his cock. As their orgasms faded, the kobolds just laid on the floor panting for a moment before Skagarth hugged the golden kobold against him and nuzzled into his neck.

The lust satisfied and his mind starting to return, the former warrior tensed for a moment. But strangely he did not dislike the sensation of being held. It was... the only word he could come up with was nice.

After several minutes together Skagarth's cock went soft and popped out, followed by a gush of seed.

"We should get cleaned up," Skagarth said, gently rolling Falkry off him.

The golden kobold sat up on the floor, seed dripping out of his hole and dripping down his chest. The fog of lust had dispersed, and once again he was faced with the reality of his situation. He stared down his short spindly legs at his two huge feet, each with three toes and sharp looking claws. It was surreal, but a wiggle of his toes proved they were his.

"It's getting dark, so I suppose you should stay the night," said Skagarth, peering through the curtain. He disappeared into another room for a moment, then returned with towel. "There's a wash basin with warm water in the kitchen."

Falkry took the towel to wipe off most of the seed and went towards the kitchen. The warm water felt nice against his scales and now sore tail hole.

"I have some dried meat and fruit to eat. And a few cloths you can have," said Skagarth, setting some dishes full of food on the table.

Falkry tore at the dried meat. It was tougher than any he had ever had before, but his newly sharpened teeth compensated for it. And he was much hungrier than he thought. Before long he had eaten it all, and asked for more.

As Falkry worked on his second plate, Skagarth poured a drink and handed it to him. The warrior stopped chewing and eyed it, waiting for something to bubble.

"Just ale this time," Skagarth said. To prove the point he took a sip and handed it back. Falkry nodded and took it, gulping it down.

After a silent meal, Sakgarth got up and added a few logs to the fire. As the light flared up, Falkry watched it shimmer off his golden scales.

"Can I ever be turned back?" Falkry asked.

"What?" Skagarth frowned, sitting back at the table.

"If I raise enough gold, can you brew a potion to undo what you did?"

Skagarth shook his head. "Doesn't work like that."

"I can find a way. By the time I raise that much gold I will lived among your kind for many years, and I swear I will never set foot in these lands again if you do."

"No, I mean alchemy doesn't work that way. It can make you smaller, never bigger. Otherwise everyoue would make themselves dragons."

"I don't understand. It's all magic, is it not?"

"No, it's chemistry. Look, you were what, 200 pounds before? And now you are maybe 80. What happened to it?"

Falkry gave him a blank look.

"The potion dissolved it. Remember that bloated feeling? The potion turned what it didn't need of you into gas, which you passed during the transformation. But you can't turn it back into flesh again. You'd need to add 120 pounds, and even the fattest kobold can't manage that."

"Oh," he said, and pondered his toes. After a long pause he asked "So what shall I do then?"

Skagarth shrugged. "How should I know? Become a prostitute? You're pretty good at taking a cock up your ass."

Falkry felt a quick burst of anger, but the resulting sensation of lust that followed reminded him the purple kobold was likely right. He managed to calm himself fast enough, but it still left him with a dilemma. He was not confident in his ability to last long on his own at the moment. Someone would need to at least guide him. And then he came up with an idea.

"Can I stay with you? he asked, with none of the confidence he once had as a human.

"Oh no, absolutely not," Skagarth said waving his hands dismissively. "That's not even close to what I was paid to do."

"But Skagarth, were you not paid to make sure I learned of your world?"

"Not from me!" he protested.

"And would I not be dead in a week on my own? I know nothing of your world, except killing. I can't kill you, as I've already proven, but that doesn't mean others can't kill me. I would have no idea what to say to any... thing I met."

Skagarth drummed his claws on the table, and stared at the other kobold. Falkry did his best to look just a little bit pathetic.

"I don't run a charity. You'll have to pull your weight."

"Of course," Falkry nodded.

"And actually learn about us non-humans. I'll take you with me on my travels, but make one nasty comment and I drop you then and there."

"My lips are sealed."

"I'm not spending extra money on you either. If you want something to spend, you'll have to earn it yourself."

"I can come up with something."

"Lastly, I'm not buying another bed. You can share mine."


"Winter's coming. It'll save on wood."

"It's Spring," he said slowly.

"Yes, and it still gets cold."

Falkry narrowed his eyes. "Do you just want to fuck me?"

Skagarth shrugged. "I'll ask first," then he flashed him a grin. "Or piss you off."

"Fine," Falkry huffed. "Any other requests?"

"Should be fine,"Skagarth said and stuck out his hand.

Falkry grasped it and shook.

"Now, are you up for another round? I can show you some real dirty things you can do with your tail."

The former warrior felt a surge of blood go to his loins. This time, he wasn't even mad.