Done In Return

Story by AstroSecant on SoFurry

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Last of the daily uploads for now! Quite glad to get a load off of my backlog, and I'm pleased with the responses to them, hopefully I can satisfy the demands for more in time!

Payback's a bitch. Or maybe it makes you it's bitch. (And now I have a title for a future story.) But because I'm a nice guy, in the end everyone gets what they really want. Hopefully you readers do, too. I don't do nearly enough with Pokémorphs, for all the stuff I do with actual Pokémon, so let's make up for that a bit.

OBLIGATORY CONTENT WARNING: This story contains sexual acts between multiple males, varying levels of consensuality, size differences, rough sex, some dom/sub stuff, and a lesson on why not to take bets (or why to take them, if you want to find yourself in this kind of situation for some reason).

"Guys, please...don't make me do this..."

"C'mon, Oliver, a bet's a bet. You lost, don't be a welcher."

"But Fitz! This is...I can't just do that! How could I just go up to Scaph and...ask something like that?"

"Easy...go up to him and talk to him."

"Ellis!" Oliver couldn't believe this was happening. Okay, he'd made a foolish bet about whether the school's basketball team would win their game against their most heated rivals, and he expected he'd have to pay for it...but what he hadn't expected was for Fitz and Ellis to force him to go up to the Pokémorph he'd been crushing on all year and ask to be nailed by him. That was way too far, much more than they'd ever pushed him into, how could he have seen that coming?

"You know you can't refuse, otherwise you get the ultimate punishment," Fitz said harshly. He took the bets way seriously, and he had enough dirt on both Oliver and Ellis to make good on the threat - especially because they weren't likely to retaliate. "Those pictures get around school and you will never be able to show your face again."

"I don't judge, man, but the rest of the school, you know they will," Ellis agreed. "You know you're trapped, just go through with it. What's the worst that can happen?"

"He agrees to it!"

"Well, yeah, that's what we're aiming for."

"It's not what I want to happen! I don't want his first impression of me to be some...needy little creep!"

"I'm sure he'll be nicer about it. Now come on! They're just about done!"

The gym showers turned off, sending Oliver's heartbeat skyrocketing. He cursed under his breath, this was definitely getting bad. In just a minute the Sceptile that had been haunting his dreams and fantasies would be stepping out, and the first real words he was supposed to say to him were a sexual proposition. It didn't help that he didn't think of himself as attractive - short, scrawny, nerdy, wearing thick glasses and having unkempt blond hair, he was far from the ideal and the object of his affections, despite being quite reptilian, was far more attractive. On top of that, he was barely dressed, having been pushed into that as well...wearing nothing but his boxers, he felt very exposed, even if the others were doing the same.

He didn't like to let the others force him into this, but it was tough to resist them. Fitz wasn't too much bigger than he was but he had this fierce intensity about him. Dark-haired and sharp-eyed, he could be extremely forceful when he wanted to be, and that was often. Ellis was more laid-back, but he was the biggest, taller and stockier and able to throw his weight around on either of them. Either one of them alone could physically match up to him, and with the two of them on the same side he was unlikely to be going anywhere.

"There he is!" Fitz hissed, pointing to Scaph emerging from the shower, wearing only the towel around his waist. He sat down on the bench, unaware that certain people were paying a lot of attention to him. Oliver swallowed, momentarily caught up in the sight of him...lean and fit, much taller, handsome as all get-out...and then Fitz and Ellis were pushing him, and his panic returned, letting out a little "Eep!" as he was herded over.

Scaph definitely started to take notice when he saw the three humans approaching, his eyes curiously taking it in. Oliver gulped as he slowly walked towards him, trying not to freak out. "'re you doing?"

Scaph looked at him curiously. At over seven feet tall, he seemed huge even sitting down. Oliver's heart was racing even harder now; he'd hoped that it would get easier after he'd said something, but that didn't seem to be the case.

Despite a frame that looked more fit on an athlete, the Sceptile was known to be quite heavily embedded in the nerd/geek sphere. It was a point of pride for him that he could maintain a healthy fitness while still keeping his brainiac cred, and that brain was telling him something was clearly off. He'd seen Oliver around before, even catching him peeking with more than passing interest at Scaph, but that was about the extent of their previous interactions; that he was approaching now, and looking terrified, had him on high alert. "Is something wrong?"

"'s...just...I-I-I..." Oliver swallowed hard, closed his eyes and shook his head suddenly. It was too much, he couldn't handle it anymore. He turned around, muttering to Ellis and Fitz, "I can't do this, I can't-"

"Oh, for fuck's sake." Fitz grabbed Oliver as he tried to make a break for it, and held him firmly in the direction of Scaph. "What Ollie here WANTS to say, but is too much of a pussy to say, is that he wants your dick. Badly."

"F-Fitz!" Oliver squeaked out, turning even redder.

"You had your chance. Anyway, he lost a bet, and now he's gotta take it from you or else we spread some pictures throughout the whole school, pictures he definitely doesn't want released. So, yeah, that's how things stand."

Scaph raised an eye ridge at this proclamation; whatever he had thought might be coming, it certainly wasn't this. "I'm, uh, pretty sure that's called rape."

"It is not!" Ellis countered insistently. "We all know Ollie wants it, he's had the hots for you all year long. He just hasn't had the guts to actually come out and ask for it, so we figured we'd help it along a bit."

"Yeah, he sure looks like he's enjoying this..." Scaph nodded towards Oliver, who had his eyes closed tightly, trying hard not to break down sobbing; he certainly didn't want to embarrass himself further in front of his crush. "And what made you think I'd just do that without him agreeing to it?"

"Oh, come on, like you'd turn down a good lay? You guys are always talking about that kinda stuff. Besides, a bet's a bet, you gotta help fulfill it."

"No, I really don't. Not if Oliver doesn't want to go along with it-"

"He does, dammit!" Suddenly Fitz grabbed Oliver's shoulder and pushed him towards Scaph. The shocked boy stumbled forward and almost crashed into Scaph, who scrambled to catch him safely. "Now come on, we want to see some action in here! Chop-fucking-chop!"

The only thing they got from the Sceptile was a scaly glare. "What is the matter with you two? Are you nuts?"

"Hey, man, you stake your honor on a bet, you can't just welch because you don't like the outcome," Ellis said with a shrug. "'Sides, I wanna see some mon-on-man action too."

"See? Everyone's waiting for it!" Ftiz was close to yelling now. "And you can't tell me you don't want it, so that makes everyone, so make with the fucking like everyone wants!"

"Oh, really?" Ellis and Fitz both jumped at the deep growl that came from right behind them. Before they could react, a pair of arms grabbed each of them and lifted them into the air, before turning them around. Ellis found himself staring wide-eyed at a built Charizard, modestly but notably larger in build and stature than Scaph, while Fitz was squirming in the arms of a Feraligatr who had all of them beat by a fair margin. Unlike the rest of the party, they weren't wearing anything at all.

"Looks like we found a couple of kids who really want some action, Charon," the Feraligatr rumbled tauntingly.

"Well, you know what they say, Fergus - it's nice to watch the action, but better to be part of it," replied Charon with his own teasing tone, leering a bit at Ellis.

"What?! Fuck no! I don't take it up the ass! That's for fags!" Fitz cried out, trying and failing to wrestle himself form the gator's tight grip. "Lemme go!"

"Oh, really? What happened to 'we want some action?' As you said before, we know you want it, so why don't we make it happen already?"

"I didn't...that's not what I meant!"

Fergus laughed, a low growling laugh that was tinged with lust. "Riiiight, and this doesn't mean anything either." He suddenly grabbed the band of Fitz's boxers, pulling them down and off the human roughly to reveal an obvious erection. "Well well, look at this...seems like I'm only gettin' ya harder. If that's enough for you to push someone else into a good dicking then it's only fair I should take care of that."

"What? No! That's not-!" In desperation, Fitz looked over to Ellis for aid, but that was a total bust - Charon had gotten his underwear off as well, and had wasted to time teasing the human with his tongue on his also-hard dick. Ellis was already moaning under Charon's ministrations, and his struggles had stopped completely.

"I don't think he's in any hurry to get away," Fergus laughed again, drawing Fitz's attention back to him. "Guess you're right - it's obvious when they want it. You're coming with me...we're gonna get wet."

Fitz tried to protest, but as his body was whipped around suddenly in those strong arms, he got disoriented and failed to produce a sound. As he was marched to the showers, he did realize that Oliver and Scaph were gone...

With no one else occupying the locker room any longer, Charon soon had Ellis down on the floor, his hot tongue making sure that Ellis never stopped getting a nice warm pleasure treatment. His moaning kept getting louder, his hands clinging to the benches as the sensation overpowered him.

"Hm...seems like someone's enjoying this this..." Charon stroked him a bit as he brought his head away. "But I think it'd be impolite for you to be the only one getting anything out of this, don't you?"

Ellis nodded - the dragon could have said just about anything at that point and he'd've agreed to it. Satisfied with that, Charon stood up and stepped around to Ellis's head, making the human's heart race as he felt even tinier observing Charon from his position. He had a nice, clear view of the Charizard's hot manhood, far bigger than his own...oh, how desperately he wanted that, more than he could ever have admitted.

Charon got back down on the ground, body over Ellis's; his head resumed position at the human's groin, while he settled his cock right above Ellis's head. He didn't even need to say anything - almost the moment he settled, he felt both hands start to rub over his length, while Ellis's tongue started roaming over the tip of his pointed endowment. He rumbled pleasantly at the enthusiastic treatment, while Ellis moaned lustily around him. It was hot, almost burning on his tongue and hands, but he wasn't even thinking of stopping. He worked Charon hard, getting droplets of pre to form at his tip, which were rapidly lapped up.

"Someone's eager..." the depth of that voice, the growling undertone of raw power sent a lightning bolt down Ellis's spine. "Seems a shame, to make someone else do what you'd rather be doing yourself..."

He felt himself blush, the creeping feelings welling up in him as they so often did. "Ah...I'm not..."

"Not? Your response here..." He gave a rough stroke to Ellis's boner, being sure to rub his claws firmly against it. "...would say otherwise..."

Ellis's blush deepened. "No...not...good're all so hot...can't compare..."

"Then stop comparing." Ellis's attempt to respond was cut off by his moan as the Charizard morph went down on him again, engulfing his entire rod and giving him easily the best blowjob he'd ever had. As Charon was too big for him to emulate, he just did what he could, sucking the top few inches into his mouth and letting his hands jerk the rest of the exposed flesh. It was clearly working as he could feel the heat intensify, so hot he thought it should be burning him but yet it wasn't.

As intense as they were going, neither of them were going to last long. Ellis was the first to blow, moaning around Charon's steaming cock as he spurted hard into the dragon's maw. Charon wrapped his mouth tight as Ellis shot his load, wrapping his tongue around him and stroking him more to milk him of everything he could. Several seconds later, Ellis was able to return the favor, his mouth filling with hot dragon seed faster than he could swallow. The white fluid pulsed out of the sides of his mouth as he sucked down as much of the heat as he could, feeling an intense warmth radiating from inside him as he did. Then, unexpected, Charon pulled out of his mouth, letting the last few shots land on his face and neck.

"Damn, that was nice...hope you're ready, because there ain't no way I'm not taking a crack at your ass." Charon swung himself around until he was back in the same orientation as Ellis, his legs nudging the human's open as his head leaning down to lick a bit of his own seed off of him.

"Ch-charon...Ah, no, I...I can't..." Ellis protested breathily. "I'm not...I'm not good enough for you..."

"That's just silly," Charon replied, a hand stroking along Ellis's side. "What would make you think that?"

"It's...true...I'm not attractive...I'm just big and thick, no one could ever want me...I don't deserve to have such a hot stud do something like this..."

"Oh, hush." That hand that was stroking him now went to his mouth. "So that's what that was about? You wanted to have something to fantasize about because you didn't think you could make it real? Believe me, there's plenty of us who would be more than happy to have a go at you. The only thing holding you back is you. Now here's what's gonna happen. I'm gonna fuck you, and you're gonna enjoy it like you know you will. Then I'm gonna give you my number and prove to you that someone can find you plenty attractive. How does that sound?"

Poor Ellis was so blindsided by this that he didn't really have the wherewithal to do more than nod. He was redder than he ever could have imagined possible and the heat from the Charizard was only part of it. Taking this as his cue, Charon grabbed Ellis's legs and lifted them, exposing his unused hole for him. As he pushed them up higher, Ellis suddenly raised his own hands and grabbed them himself, relieving Charon of that burden and freeing up the dragon's hands. Grinning, Charon took the opportunity, getting himself lined up and poking into Ellis, then leaning over him and licking at his face, enjoying the sound of his panting and whining.

"Here it comes..."

He pushed in, slowly but forcefully, the tight hole parting around his tapered cock an stretching slowly open as he did. Ellis whimpered at the feeling - it was so big, and so hot, he didn't know if he could handle it...but Charon had no such worry, morphs like him didn't have troubles fitting anywhere, it was why they were so popular for this kind of thing and had such a reputation. Ellis was feeling full as he bottomed out, but indeed in no discomfort despite the pressure and heat. Panting, he managed to whisper, "More..."

Charon obliged, pulling out and then thrusting in much more quickly. This earned him a cry from Ellis, who felt a sudden powerful spate of pleasure as he prostate was roughly brushed, and bathed in heat soon after. He drew his legs open wider as his back arched, trying to invite that cock in as freely as possible. Without question, Charon knew he had the human fully engaged, and he began going in earnest, pounding Ellis with abandon, growling deeply as he gave and took all the pleasure he possibly could.

Ellis felt amazing - not only that he was having sex, but with one of those creatures he had always desired. And it couldn't have felt better, either - from from painful, the unprepared entry was sending bolts of pleasure through him, and the size and heat were a wonderful flood of sensations that had him almost insensible on the floor, only barely keeping enough cognition to keep himself in position. His own cock and balls were throbbing harshly, worn out from the previous orgasm yet already on the verge of another.

Charon made sure that the pleasure never relented, hammering home on each thrust, bracing Ellis so that he didn't get pushed along the ground. The human was a tight fuck, which he always enjoyed, and he felt damn good. His hard breaths were blowing steam around them, drips of hot liquid occasionally dropping onto Ellis, redding his skin where they landed. Heat-marked, coated in his seed, and on the floor wordlessly begging for him...well, Charon was hard-pressed to not find that hot. And Ellis himself wasn't nearly as bad as his self-image...he would have as much fun building him up as he was banging him down.

Once again, the intense pace meant a short bout. This time it was Charon who came first, growling loudly as he slammed one last time into Ellis and flooded him with gouts of hot seed, further fueling the heat building inside his body. A clawed hand found Ellis's cock and gripped it tight, jerking it a few times until he too went over, spurting all over Charon's hand and Ellis's stomach. With a final motion, Charon pulled out once more, firing the last part of his load onto Ellis's groin, making the human moan loudly as fiery seed scorched his privates. Again it was intense but not unpleasant, leaving them a bit redder than when they had started.

"God fucking damn, but you were a great lay," Charon said in a pleasant growl. He pulled himself back up to a standing position, grabbing Ellis as he did to help him up. "And you thought you weren't good enough...I'm gonna have to be careful or everyone will want a piece of you."

"R...really?" Ellis asked, a bit numbly.

"Hell yes. Ain't many who would turn down a human who enjoys it that much. Come on, though...we should get washed up, if your buddy isn't still dealing with Fergus in there..."

The moment they were in the shower, Fergus had pinned Fitz against the wall, grinding his thick cock against him. The Feraligatr was wasting no time throwing his weight around and making a show of it as Fitz attempted hopelessly to fight it, his entire body well of the ground making it even harder to do anything. "Well, you're a feisty one. Bet you've been waiting a while for this kinda thing, haven't you?"

"Mmph, on someone else only!" Fitz protested.

"Oh, right, like you're trying to get your buddies screwed because you're just such a good friend...keep tellin' yourself that while I pack my meat into that tight ass a'yours." Fergus switched on the shower with his free hand, sending a blast of water over them, warm and forceful, just as he was planning to be.

"Why don't you back off?" The laughing gator wasn't at all intimidated by him, something Fitz wasn't used to...though he wasn't exactly expecting that much, for a creature that overpowered him to a pretty vast degree. He was mostly hoping to stall, but that wasn't about to work, either, as he was forced harder against the wall, the massive tool probing at his hole.

"Oh, yeah, you're gonna feel real good..." Fergus grunted as he pushed, getting the fat head of his cock to force open Fitz's ass. The human let out a primal cry as he was stretched, somewhat uncomfortable but fortunately not painfully. It only got more intense, though, as the mass of that gator cock was driven into him. His hands were flat against the wall, trying to push away and try to get some space to get away, but Fergus was holding him effortlessly with a single arm, defying his most fervent efforts. "Damn, you're nice and tight...first time you've had a real man's cock in you, isn't it?"

"Fuck you, asshole." No wonder it felt tight to him, to Fitz it felt like a telephone pole had been shoved up there. But it was putting a pressure on his most sensitive spots, and the rapid pace of his heartbeat was only partly due to anger, as he was undeniably hard and dripping. "You better be ready to get in trouble for this!" he said breathlessly, though his behavior was indicating otherwise as his struggles were weakening.

"Really...somehow I doubt that you'll even bring it up. Besides, something tells me you're rather liking this..." A big, cool hand slipped under Fitz's leg and groped his cock and balls, clearly identifying his hardness. "Heh, gonna try to tell me this is from the shower?"

Fitz was about to give him a wiseass response when a hard thrust from that big dick forced another cry out of him, keeping him from speaking his mind...or pretending to. Because while he continued to try to push back against the force Fergus was applying, the truth was Fitz was getting an intense thrill out of the experience. When he'd been pushing Oliver into this, he'd rather been hoping that Scaph would use him like Fergus had decided to use Fitz himself. And it wouldn't be nearly as good if Fergus wasn't pinning him hard against the wall, denying him escape. Every hard, rocking thrust was forcing his body open, imposing its will on him, and he wanted more of it.

And Fergus knew it. "Knew you were a bitch just waiting to be drawn out," he grunted as he slammed hard into Fitz, growling with each tight entry that enveloped his cock in wonderful warmth. "Can always tell when someone wants you've been hoping one of us would ambush you and force ourselves on you, haven't you?"

"G-go suck a cock."

"Such a dirty mouth...but I think I know how to get an honest answer..." He stepped up his thrusting, ramming in harder, constantly pounding him without remorse. It took only a few seconds of this before Fitz called out again, his body tensing as he shot his load onto the wall of the shower, painting the tile with fertile spurts. "Just as I thought...your cock tells the story your mouth refuses to. Nice to see one part of you in honest."

Fitz couldn't respond, the orgasm had drained him quite a bit and now his resistance was essentially nullified. He could do little else but pant as he was ravaged by the gator's cock, the pleasure never stopping as he was forced to take it again and again, his sweet spots hit each time. Fergus's free hand was tightly gripping his length, jerking it as he fucked the human on and on, never letting him soften. "I'm gonna make you cum again, bitch..." he growled threateningly, a bit breathlessly as his thrusts got more erratic. "Gonna drain you empty, then fill you so full it'll almost make you fucking burst."

It felt like a valid threat given how much he was spurting inside Fitz already, copious pre flooding his insides. At this point the only actual resistance he could offer was trying to deny Fergus's efforts to make him go over the edge for the second time, but it was rapidly proven to be a losing battle, his body already on the verge of giving in by the time he started trying.

He lost it just before Fergus did, a few weak shots spurting out as his abused cock tightened, his clenching seeming to be the thing that put Fergus over the edge. With a snarl he slammed himself into Fitz against the wall, slightly winding the human before he started pumping his essence into Fitz. To Fitz, it was like a firehose had gone off in his gut, a powerful gusher that sprayed deep inside him and filled him to the brim and beyond, enough that he felt a bit of a swell inside him with the volume that was entering him. He'd thought it would feel uncomfortable, but it wasn't as bad as his fears, a a prime pressure packed into every crevice of himself.

"Mmm...damn good fuck," Fergus rumbled, dragging himself out of Fitz before letting him fall to the floor. The human's legs buckled as soon as they touched solid ground, and he went down to the floor, his hole gushing quite a bit of fluid.

"Mmph...messy prick..."

"Oh, relax. It washes better than yours. Bet you want to keep it in you anyway."

Fitz shifted to a sitting position, glowering up at Fergus. "Ass. Just because you got me to cum doesn't mean you deserved it."

"Who cares? I wanted a bitch and that's what I got." He leaned down, a fanged grin wide across his face. "I'm gonna make sure I get my friends together to have a good time with you. You'll be packed so full for so long maybe you'll finally put some weight onto that scrawny body of yours."

Fitz just glared daggers at the Feraligatr, but it would have been a lie to say he wasn't hoping that Fergus would carry through on that threat.

The weight room was completely empty when Scaph brought Oliver inside. The two rested against the padded ground, where Oliver clung to the Sceptile half in gratitude and half in relief. Though he was still shaking, he'd gotten enough of a hold of himself to keep from breaking down into sobs. "I don't know how I can ever thank you, Scaph."

"Don't worry about it, really," Scaph tried to assure him. "I couldn't have just gone along with them like that, that would have been so wrong. Glad the others decided to lend a hand, though, that made things a bit easier."

"They're not gonna...hurt them, are they?"

Scaph chuckled. "They'll be a little rough with them, maybe, but nothing really're worried about them?"

Oliver nodded. "Well...yeah...they're my friends..."

"That's a friend? I'd hate to meet your enemies."

"It's not like that...I mean, this wasn't normal. We've done bet stuff before but it was always know, harmless stuff, silly. They never tried to do something like this before. I wouldn't have gone along this time if I knew what they were planning..."

Scaph nodded silently; though he didn't do anything like that, he knew other students did plenty of dumb things to each other, it wouldn't serve to judge them too harshly if Oliver wasn't. "That doesn't make it right, though."

"No way...I mean...I guess they thought they were being helpful, maybe...but they weren't. Not that you're not hot, though, it's, it's got nothing to do with that..." Oliver blushed deeply, shutting up before he could embarrass himself further.

The Sceptile chuckled. "Well, I'm glad you think so. Personally, I don't think I'm that great compared to some of my mates, but I'm glad to hear that someone disagrees."

"Oh, no no no, you''re amazing! I...I mean, maybe the others are pretty attractive, too, but you''re in a whole different league, I really mean that!" Oliver could feel himself growing redder with every word, but ho was finding it harder to stop. "I...I dunno what they were thinking, that a guy like you wold do it with someone like me."

"What makes you think I wouldn't?"

"Well, just...I mean, you' know...and I'm just..."

"That sounds like a whole lotta no good reason to me." Scaph drew Oliver's head up with a finger and smiled warmly at him. "Truth be told, I've noticed your attention...I never said anything because I didn't want to make you feel pressured about anything, I know sometimes humans can be intimidated by us and I didn't want that. But, really, it was kinda sweet that you even wanted to look...I don't get that a lot."

"R...really? H-how?"

This earned a laugh from the lizard. "You're awfully cute...I'm not that much of a catch. I tend to get lost among the more impressive guys, not quite fitting in with the hot jocks talking about their conquests and such. It never meant much to me...I've tried it, but it was empty. I like being close to someone. And that doesn't sit well with a lot of them."

", you've never..."

"Oh, I have, but not know, I'm not the kind of guy to, well, hit it and quit it, you know? Only with people I've actually been going out with...mind you, they haven't really lasted, yet, but it was something at least."

Oliver nodded. "More than I've had...just thinking about actually going up to someone freaks me out..."

"Well, you don't have to worry about that with me now. Seems the ice is already broken, isn't it?"

It took Oliver a beat to catch on. "Wh...wait, are you...? With...but..."

Scaph grinned and snickered at the stuttering human. "You find me attractive. I find you cute. I've been in relationships founded on less. What do you think? You want to try going out together, see where it leads?"

"I...I, I just...are you sure?"

"Course I am, I wouldn't say it if I wasn't. And I think as unsure as you sound, one part of you sure seems to be eager to agree." A clawed finger poked down at a lump in Oliver's underwear, causing him to blush madly.

"I-I don't want you to think it's only because I think you're seem smart and funny, too, and you really helped me out..."

"Don't worry, I believe you. But I'm gonna help you relax..." His hand started kneading the lump, causing Oliver to gasp out softly. "By the time we're done, you'll be totally at peace around me...and that'll be the easiest way to get things going."

"A-are you sure?"

"'s how sure I am..." Scaph used his free hand to unwrap the towel around him, and Oliver gasped as he saw the deep red, ridged hard-on jutting from Scaph's slit. The Sceptile wasn't nearly as hung as some of his buddies but he was still a great deal larger than most humans. "It doesn't usually come out to play without a little coaxing, so you're definitely something special."

"G-gosh...I, honored..." It felt silly to say that, but it was really the only way Oliver could describe it. He'd never expected that the guy he was into would return his feelings in any way.

"I'm glad you do." Scaph played with him a little more before trailing his hand into the band of Oliver's boxers. The human shifted a bit, rising up as the Sceptile drew down his only article of clothing, revealing his arousal to the air. As he kicked them off, Scaph's hand retruned to his package, rubbing and stroking him with teasing touches. "Hm...a very nice size..."

"N-not nearly...yours is so much bigger..."

"I don't mind in the's quite a bit more work to pleasure something like this. Yours fits so nicely in my hand, it makes it quite simple to give it the right touches..." He ran a claw along the tip, making Oliver shudder in pleasure. "Like that..."

Oliver's hands reached out to try to return the favor. For sure, the size of what Scaph was packing took a lot more effort to work with, he needed both hands to cover less of it than he could his own. He could also feel that the ridges weren't totally smooth, the undersides covered with tiny bumps that felt very odd to the touch. Running his finger along them earned him a sharp inhale from Scaph, a pleasured sound that he knew meant he should focus on that to please him.

A couple more minutes of handplay was all the two could handle. " you want to go further?" Scaph asked through heavy pants.

"Y-yes...please, Scaph...I want you..."

Scaph took that assent as a call to action. He brought Oliver in front of him, the two face-to-face, the human half-sitting just in front of him, his hole ready for Scaph's entrance. Although his tip was pointed, he widened out rather quickly, and it only got thicker towards the base, a bit of an imposing sight. "We don't have to go all the way if you don't want to..."

"I...I want to see what we can do."

"Fair enough...stop me if it gets to be too much." Scaph pointed himself into that hole, and Oliver let himself down, spreading himself apart as he took the first parts of the Sceptile's cock into his body. It was a slow process, but he was emboldened by the lack of discomfort, the unfamiliar stretching the only thing that he was struggling to adjust to. Even that seen was unimportant, as the first ridge slipped in and he felt a point inside him send sparks through on contact. He gripped Scaph tight to keep himself from losing balance, the Sceptile helping by holding him up just enough.

Shaking a bit, Oliver pulled himself back up slightly, and gasped as he felt the bumps under that ridge rub up against his insides. It felt incredible, better than he could have anticipated, and it was similar to Scaph, who moaned out at the sensation of the most sensitive part of his dick being rubbed. Oliver went further, sinking himself down more, letting the second ridge spread his hole. The reptile's warm, thick shaft felt so good inside him, better than he had even dreamed. Again he rose, now feeling more of the bumps inside him as he pulled up, getting all the way to the first ridge before plunging down again, not stopping until he had buried himself all the way to the third ridge, moaning as his body pulled it into him.

From there he continued to move up and down in Scaph's lap, relishing each slow stroke inside him that did all the right things, touched all the right places. His own cock was leaking liberally, pre dripping freely from him as he felt Scaph's slicking up his insides, making the movements even easier. The Sceptile was in near heaven, the tightness of the human beyond anything he'd ever had with any of his morph partners, hugging his cock tight and getting the maximum sensation from the bumps under each ridge. He could have done this all day long.

Oliver's legs were shaking, however, and he was finding it hard to keep up even this pace. And he wanted more. Shakily, he spoke. "S-scaph...can you...take over?"

"Of course..." Scaph shifted them again, laying Oliver on his back, his cock still buried deep in the human. He looked almost lost in bliss. "Are you ready?"

"Y-yes...please, Scaph...I want it all..."

"Are you sure? You've done more than enough already..."

"Yes...I want to feel it...I know it'll be fine."

With a nod of assent, Scaph started pulling out, and then thrust in more vigorously than before. From his position, he was a lot more free to go more quickly, though he didn't want to overdo it lest he hurt Oliver. But fast was his natural gait, and it was tough to get a balance...he stepped it up a bit for sure, moaning loudly as he popped the ridges out and plunged them back in, getting quiet cries from Oliver as he did. Even now, the more intense pace was allowing him deeper, until finally he grunted and stretched Oliver around the final, widest ridge of his cock, sinking it inside and hilting Oliver finally.

He paused, panting deeply and looking down at Oliver. "Are you...all right, Oliver?"

"Y-yes..." came the moaning, breathless reply. It was an incredible feeling for Oliver, he felt so full inside but the sensation was so wonderful, he could scarcely believe it. "Scaph...I'm ready for more...please, take me how you want to...don't hold back, please..."

"Are you sure, Oliver? I...I tend to go fast..."

Oliver nodded. "Y-yes, Scaph, I...I want to know what it's going to be like...and it feels this good already, I know it'll just be better."

After a moment of pause, Scaph leaned forward over Oliver, kissing him deeply. Oliver moaned into his mouth as their tongues crossed, enjoying the sweet taste of the Sceptile...then, he pulled away, and suddenly pulled out hard and thrust in fast, his hands gripping Oliver's arms as he went at it like his instincts told him to. The human cried out loud as he was suddenly plowed at high speed, the feelings from earlier amplified manyfold an he was given a ride he'd never even imagined possible.

Scaph couldn't believe how good it felt himself. He'd fucked hard and fast before, but never had it been like this, with such a tight passage giving the bumps on his cock thunderbolts of pleasure with every pull out, and the warmth making every entry a moment of ecstasy. He'd never imagined a human feeling this good, and it was making Oliver all the more appealing in his eyes, especially that he was willing to let Scaph go at his own pace. The cute moans and cries he was getting from Oliver were only making it better, sending shivers down his spine as he realized that he was giving the ultimate pleasure as well as receiving it.

Their lovemaking was a blur, a rapid and frenzied affair in stark contrast to how it had started, with the Sceptile's hips colliding repeatedly against Oliver's rear. With the pleasure coming so hard, they were never going to last very long. After just a couple of minutes, Oliver cried out the lizard's name as he fired his seed all over himself, splashing his chest and stomach as his body clenched down onto his partner. This added tightness sent yet another surge of pleasure through Scaph's cock, driving him over the edge as well. He slammed in once more, hissing as he pumped Oliver with his thick fluids, filling him to the brim.

After a minute on top for each of them, they came back down, heaving hard, but immensely satisfied. Scaph wrapped his arms around Oliver, holding him close in a tight embrace. "I...would ask if you liked that, but...I think the answer's obvious..."

"Yeah..." Oliver replied with a slight laugh. "Thank you, Scaph...for everything..."

"You're very welcome, Oliver..." Scaph smiled over the human's shoulder, feeling happier than he had in months. He definitely had a keeper.