Subject of Interest

Story by Demet_13167 on SoFurry

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Disclaimer: Please be advised, this story is rated for mature (18+) web audience members only. Proceed at your own risk as I don't care, but someone else may.

First time posting, let's hope first isn't the worst.

Special thanks to Timid Fox for playing the role of assistant editor.

(A/N tbc.)

  • - - START - - -

". . . therefore, based on the ideals of the 18th Century, a duel was an honorable method of settling disagreements without the consequences one would face today."

'Ugh, could this get anymore convoluted without a history lesson?' Hunter 'thought'

"As a matter of fact Hunter, most literary works are based on what the author believes in, often influenced by the prevailing thought of the time," the lynx instructor lectured, tapping her footpaw against the tiled floor.

"Oh, um--I wasn't thinking out loud was I?"

The class erupted in laughter, causing Hunter to sink into his seat, covering his head with his paws.

'Aw fur, just let the day end.'

Almost on cue, the bell rang the standard three set.

'Wait, three set?'

"Okay everyone," the instructor announced, "you know the drill. Outside, single file, calmly and quietly."

Of course as with every fire drill, it was only a drill; it didn't make sense to calmly and quietly do anything. The hallways gradually filled with furs as everyone headed out to the evacuation zones well ingrained to memory. While the other students and teachers waited for the all clear signal in the parking lot, Hunter stood under a streetlamp, brooding over the incident in class.

Hunter's dirty white coat blended in with the darker fur along his muzzle, torso and extremities following the appropriate pattern for a Siberian husky. Both his dark coat and jade green eyes, which portrayed a forlorn look, had other furs mistaking him as a wolf. His 6'5" stature and medium build kept most at bay, which made him feel like an outcast, yet he longed for a meaningful relationship.

"Is everything all right Hunter?"

He looked up to see his instructor approaching him with a concerned expression.

"You normally don't make an outburst like that in class, unless that's what you always think about my lessons," she added.

"No," Hunter began, "your lessons are understandable and informative, but I'm just having trouble wrapping my head around these outdated themes. I mean, I can understand the fact that times change, but to change so much--," he searched for the right words, "they're archaic in relation to what I know in terms of science. Science updates and builds on old findings, but these themes of yesteryear are complete paradigm shifts."

The lynx laughed lightly and placed a paw on Hunter's shoulder.

"You know sometimes I wonder if you'd make a good teacher," she said matter-of-factly. "You certainly know what's going on and can express your thoughts using words instead of the IM speak or text language of the day. You're going to go far with those skills, but it's not enough. That's why you're here."

With her words came the all clear chime. The lynx removed her paw from Hunter and turned her gaze back to the building, preparing to join the mass of fursons returning to the building. She turned back to give Hunter another word of wisdom.

"You know literature isn't all that different from science."

Hunter gave her a quizzical look.

"Give it time, you'll figure it out--Mr. Top of the Class."

Hunter blushed at the lynx's compliment. He was only ranked first in his class for one semester and that was with a good mix of A's and B's. After everyone found out they were being ranked on grades, Hunter fell to 5th the following semester. He was left for a moment to recollect his thoughts before making his way back to the room.

'Sometimes I wonder,' he thought ,'if that teacher's coming on to me with all this fursonal attention.'

Hunter paused mid-step to look up and see the lynx give more swish to her stride than normal, which brought up a smile.

'Like I'd take the chance of making the 6 o'clock news,' he mused. 'I can see the headlines now: Local high school student rapes instructor. He's been charged with aggravated assault and sexual battery.'

Shaking the deluded daydream-nightmare out of his head, Hunter continued on his walk. He entered the room and took his seat as the lynx prepared for what Hunter figured were the concluding remarks to the day's lesson.

"All right, since that fire drill took what ten minutes we would have had to discuss our next assignment. . ." She held up the printouts as the class groaned. "You can look over it yourself and if you have any questions, let me know."

She started handing out the assignment and paused to whisper to Hunter before walking on. Some of the students started the 'ooh, something's up' jeer while someone made a wolf whistle. This was enough to ruffle the lynx's fur as she turned around abruptly to look over at the tiger who made the whistle and calmly, but sternly announced:

"Class, give your thanks to Malcolm. Because of his misguided and lewd gesture, this assignment will be due tomorrow instead of the allotted weekend."

The class groaned especially loud at this change and promptly booed and tossed paper balls in Malcolm's direction. Following the ruckus, the class had the remaining time to look over the assignment now due three school days earlier. During this free time, Hunter stood up from his seat and proceeded to the instructor's desk to the side of the room.

"Hey Hunter," the lynx said warmly. "Have a seat."

Hunter took a seat in the chair beside her desk and was about to say something, but was cut short by his instructor.

"Yes Hunter. I know the punishment didn't fit the crime, to punish everyone for what Malcolm did," she explained. "But individuals like Malcolm act up all the time and traditional discipline won't work. So if an authority can't make Malcolm break his habit, perhaps his peers will."

Hunter's jaw dropped as she explained this to him, astonished by the unorthodox, but fitting action. Hunter realized he still had a slack jaw for his instructor to see and promptly closed his muzzle.

"Huh? Different and innovative," he commented.

Having been shaken from his stupor, he found the words to speak, "What would you like me to do?"

"My notebook can't connect to the school's wireless network. I started it up some time ago, hoping the Internet would connect by itself, but lo and behold, it didn't. Can you troubleshoot it for me?"

Hunter was good with computers, but not great. It was often that instructors asked the class for assistance when they had these problems and Hunter was one of the few to respond. It was best to have the systems up in running as soon as possible rather than waiting for the real techies to come up to actually fix the problem. Sure they got the job done, but their instructions were often hurried and filled with more technobable than most furs could understand. After fiddling around with the system for a bit, Hunter got the computer to recognize the network.

"Sometimes random things will happen with computers, but knowing computers as computers, nothing is truly random," Hunter explained with eagerness in his voice.

He turned to see the lynx smile sweetly into the screen as he was manipulating the system.

"When these weird things happen, components just need to be restarted. Therefore, right-click this icon," Hunter circled it with the pointer, "and choose 'exit' from the menu. Then reload the program with this shortcut to restart the software. This should work for a temporary fix, so for any continued problem contact the techies."

At the end of the explanation, Hunter relinquished the computer mouse to the lynx and watched as she followed Hunter's instructions. After a satisfactory run though, she thanked him and Hunter returned to his seat. A moment later the bell rang, signaling the end of the day.

"Oh, today couldn't get any better," Hunter said to no one in particular as he made is way through the halls to drop off his books before heading off to the parking lot.

He unlocked the door to his SUV when he heard his name called out in the distance.

"Yo Hunt! Wait up!"

Hunter turned up to see Ryan approach with breakneck speed. That wasn't out of the ordinary with Ryan's lithe 6' wolf form. Probably another reason why Hunter was usually mistaken for a wolf since he and Ryan, more often than not, roamed the halls together between classes.

"Hey Ry," Hunter shouted back waving his arm at Ryan as he came to a stop at the vehicle, exhausted to the point of collapsing on top of the hood.

"Watch the paint job!" Hunter cautioned.

Ryan responded with a pained groan and turned his head away to cough as he tried to catch his breath.

"You know Ry," Hunter began, "you didn't have to run over here, I wasn't going to ditch you."

"You. . . know what?" Ryan replied, ramming his open paw against the hood of the car, earning a serious look from Hunter. "I do what I want. . . and I. . . like it."

Ryan looked up to see Hunter's jade eyes glaring into his icy blue pair.

"And you know how many times. . . ," Ryan stated after getting in a few good breaths, "I ask you not to refer to me as bread?"

"Hey what you give is what you get," Hunter said with a shrug. "You call me a verb, I'll call you a noun."

Ryan looked up incredulously at his friend, who kept a straight face the entire time he made this 'profound' quip.

After a tense moment of staring at each other, Hunter couldn't hold back and let loose a hearty laugh, pounding on the hood as he laughed. Ryan gave a slight chuckle himself and started to stand on his now spaghetti'd legs. Just as he was about to fall back, Hunter put his laughter under control to catch Ryan. A slight blush crept on Ryan's cheeks.

"Uh, thanks Hunter."

"Ha ha ha, yeah. Anytime bro, ha ha."

Hunter helped Ryan into the passenger seat and bucked his seatbelt. Watching Hunter strap him into the seat made Ryan blush more since it seemed like he was being babied by his larger friend, but he let it happen without objection. Hunter hopped into his seat on the driver side, buckled up and brought the engine to life. He waited a few for the engine to rev down on its own before exiting the parking lot.

"So Ryan," Hunter began, having recovered from his laughing, "what brought you over? I thought you took the bus home."

"Well, there's a bio test coming up and I was hoping you could help me study for it," Ryan explained with a quick glance to gauge Hunter's reaction.

Ryan knew Hunter resented helping others, but his kind-hearted nature prevented him from 'saying' no. Other furs seemed to just ask for the help, get it, then leave him alone until he was needed again. It wasn't right in Ryan's eye to ask for the 'smart guy's' help then cast him off like he was nothing.

Seeing little reaction from Hunter, Ryan added, "I could help you with that English lit stuff Ms. Allendale's been preaching about for the last few weeks."

Ryan got a scoff from Hunter.

"Ryan, Ryan," Hunter said with intent to chastise, "you know I've got your back on stuff like this. You don't need to offer anything to get my help. You're my best bud or did you forget?"

"I am your best bud, but I was just--"

"Ah, say no more. That's all there is to it," Hunter interjected. "Now onto a more intimate subject."

Ryan made an audible gulp.

"And by intimate, I'm talking about me." Hunter smiled as he spoke. "How'd you find out I needed help in English lit?"

"Um, let's just say the rumor mill have a tendency to churn out some pretty nasty stuff in the span of a few minutes," Ryan replied nervously.

Hunter gripped the steering wheel tighter and gnashed his teeth against each other to produce a not so pleasant sound.

"I assume it was Malcolm who started this?" Hunter asked, ready to step into the accelerator.

"Yeah, but no one believed him," Ryan added quickly. "Most were still peeved at him making their assignment due sooner than everyone else."

"It worked," responded a now calm Hunter. "Ms. Allendale's psychological experiment worked."

"Wha?" Ryan asked, dumbfounded.

"Long story"Â

Several minutes passed as Hunter recounted the so called 'exploits' that led up to Malcolm's shunning, from the too close for comfort moments with Ms. Allendale since the beginning of the year to the final straw that 'broke the camel's back.' Ryan was taken aback by what Hunter told him.

"Dude, it's starting to sound like you're not into vixens," Ryan replied after listening to the story. "I know of like. . . twenty other furs that would kill to get into your position."

"Ryan," there was Hunter's chastising voice again, "you're such a horny wolf. Thinking about sex, not the consequences."

"Hey, I never said I was one of those twenty, I said 'I know of twenty' of which I'm not included, to reiterate. And who thinks about the consequences of sex anyway? It's all good until the morning after."

This latest exchange garnered an exasperated sigh from Hunter and if he weren't busy driving, he'd face-palm himself . . . or perhaps at a red light. The pair continued to converse about happenings around school during the drive.

"So uh, where are we going?" Ryan asked, realizing they passed the central library.

"Home," Hunter replied simply.

"Your home?"

"Yes," Hunter said, giving his friend a smirking side glance.


"Is there a problem?"

"Well, it's weird you know. Of the three years we've known each other in high school, I've never been to your house."

"There are perfectly good reasons for that," Hunter began slowly. "Firstly, I didn't know you well enough back then and secondly, I couldn't drive."

"We could have taken the bus after we got to know each other," Ryan said sarcastically.

"Okay. . . no. Let me finish. I have a lot of 'friends,' as you know, but there's a big difference between those I associate with and those I trust. Acquaintances get information, but nothing along the lines of secrets or feelings. For furs I trust, you see more into my life and most importantly--"

Hunter reached over to run his paw across the wolf's chest.

"Hey!" Ryan exclaimed, batting Hunter's paw away.

"--I can do that without getting slapped, punched or a lawsuit. All benefits of being trusted, fun for everyone involved. It works both ways, so. . . ," Hunter hinted with a wink.

"Yeah yeah, I understand." Ryan laughed. "You are really something aren't you Hunt?"

"Da. . . is how I roll Ry," Hunter replied with a fake Russian accent.

It was a half an hour's trip in early rush hour traffic before they reached Hunter's humble abode. Pulling into the driveway, Hunter noticed the family van was out so no one would be home.

"Heh," Hunter huffed, "looks like we have the place to ourselves."

"Makes it easier to party!" Ryan shouted enthusiastically throwing fist pumps as the duo walked up to the door.

"Ah, not so fast," Hunter said as he flipped close his mobile and he held out a paw to calm down Ryan's fist pumping action. "Looks like there's a sale at the mall, they'll be back in a few hours."

"Aw, you had to ruin my fun," pouted Ryan.

"Your intent for being here in the first place was to study, so partying would have distracted us from that."

"Wait. . . a--are you serious?" Ryan asked, perplexed. He stared at Hunter as if he'd dropped in from another planet.

"Since when have I not been serious about anything?" Hunter asked in a mock hurt tone. "You're starting to doubt me Ryan. . . "

Ryan starting backing up into the wall as Hunter approached with a stiff stride.

"We can't have that," Hunter said robotically as his paw slowly reached for the wolf's neck, causing Ryan to flinch and shut his eyes.

Fearing the worst, Ryan kept his eyes closed and put up his fists. After several seconds of nothing, Ryan lowered his arms and peeked out from under his eyes to see a nonchalant looking Hunter staring back at him.

"Whoa," Hunter noted, astonished. "You are tense. I suppose we'll have to have a small party of two to loosen you up."

Ryan was on the verge of tears. His reaction was genuine, no back and forth here; Ryan's watering eyes and choked gasp conveyed that much Hunter. He approached Ryan and lifted his chin so Hunter could look into his friend's moistened blue eyes. Ryan wrapped his arms around Hunter as he let his tears rain freely. Hunter was surprised by his friend's reaction, but didn't pull him off, seeing as it was his fault for upsetting him.

Ryan's bawls were muffled into Hunter's shirt as they made their way into the house. Hunter slowly closed the door behind him, careful not to lose his grip on the wolf. They made their way to the couch and Hunter sat with Ryan as he continued to let loose his sobs. As the tears and crying ebbed, it was Hunter who spoke first.

"I'm sorry. . . I didn't mean to upset you," Hunter said, placing gentle rubs along his friend's back. His apology almost brought out Ryan's tears again, but he had to continue.

"I don't want to hurt any of my friends and I especially don't want to hurt you," Hunter sighed dejectedly. "I guess my jokes are not as harmless as I thought. I apparently have a sick and twisted sense of humor." He looked below to see his friend's slightly watered eyes stare up at him.

"I'll tone it down a bit. Hell, I'd stop it all together if--"

Hunter was stopped with a finger on his lips. Ryan tilted up his head up further from Hunter's shoulder and started to mouth words before speaking with a crackled voice.

"Hunter. . . I--I don't want you to change. . . . I want you to know that--" Ryan's reply was cut short by a rumbling sound.

"Oh, is there a thunderstorm churning outside?" Hunter let Ryan sit on the couch and went up to look out the window. "Nope, not a cloud for miles."

Hunter heard the rumble again, but this time it came from behind. He looks back to see Ryan turning red under his fur as he was trying to cover up his stomach to quell the rumbling.

"Aww, someone's hungry." Hunter grinned as he approached his friend.

Ryan gave a sheepish smile and cast his eyes down to the cushions. Hunter got between Ryan's head and his view.

"I'll make us something to eat."

Ryan gave a nod and began to wipe his eyes. Hunter gave a reassuring smile and lightly ruffled Ryan's headfur before disappearing into the kitchen.

"To have a hunger creep up now," Ryan whispered, with a slight sniffle.

A clattering of pots and pans followed by a series of curses brought Ryan off the couch. He went in to see the kitchen in relative disarray and a flustered Hunter watching a pot of water on the stove. Ryan walked over to stand next to Hunter and found comfort in wrapping an arm around Hunter's midsection.

"Hey Ryan, feeling better?" Hunter asked, returning the gesture.

Ryan's rumbling stomach answered, followed by his cheeks reddening.

"What are you making?" he asked, also staring at the pot.

"The only thing that I can make without burning: instant noodles," Hunter replied with a grin.

"Oh. I was hoping for something more traditional, like pizza perhaps?"

Hunter gave Ryan a severe look.

"You don't like my cooking?" he asked grimly.

"Uh, no it's not that. It's--ha ha--that. . . pizza--ha ha ha." Ryan had difficulty talking as Hunter began tickling him.

"Oh yeah? The pizza takes longer to get here than the water to boil and with no leftovers to heat, the microwave is out of the question as well. Unless, you would prefer to eat food that smells like it has seen better days."

Giving Hunter a smile and having recovered from the tickling, Ryan nodded in agreement.

"Look at that." Hunter motioned to the pot on the stove, "We weren't watching and it boiled."

"You do know that proverb isn't actually true," Ryan stated. "It's the perception of time that makes the difference."Â

"I know," Hunter replied simply, "but you didn't have to ruin my play-on-words fun."

Ryan let out a snort as he shook his head in disapproval and removed himself from Hunter's side. He took a seat on a barstool at the kitchen's island and waited for Hunter's culinary concoction. After Hunter set the bowl of steaming noodles in front of Ryan, then himself, the pair had some small talk before getting back to business.

"Incredible!" Ryan exclaimed while slurping loudly. "Who knew instant noodles could taste this great?"

Hunter chuckled. "When you have access to ingredients that smell like they've seen better days, their flavors combine to make a better all around taste."

Ryan stopped inhaling his food and had a noodle hanging from his mouth as he heard the latter part of the husky's explanation. His reaction prompted a laugh of dismissal.

"Don't worry," Hunter reassured, "it's nothing out of the ordinary. I used pastes that mimic the flavor of beef, chicken, and fish. Blasphemous in the culinary world I know, but I did not use some of the other things that would take your stomach for a ride. I'll leave that as it is, so that you can enjoy your food in peace."

Ryan sighed resentfully and kept packing the food down, at an understandably slower pace than before. Hunter decided he needed to change the subject.

"So after this you want to go up into my room to study?"

Ryan abruptly coughed back some of the noodles he was eating. "Your room?" He asked wiping his muzzle. "Why the sudden change in venue?"

"Would you prefer to try to study in the family room when the family returns; and they start babbling about how 'fabulous'," at which Hunter mimicked the pose of a swooning store Mannequin, "their shopping trip was?"

Ryan was about to cough again his friend's sudden flamboyant portrayal, but managed to substitute it with a chuckle.

"I guess not."

"Good, let me get this stuff cleaned up and I'll head upstairs. I'm sure you can find my room while you wait. Oh, by the way. Not to downplay the importance of what I'm going to say, but--I'm sorry, again, for earlier. I didn't mean to upset you."

"You're forgiven pup," Ryan replied. "Don't scare me like that. Your regular jokes are harmless, but when you suddenly put me in a life-or-death situation, it shakes me up pretty badly."

"I get it. I have a tendency to improvise to customize for the situation. From now on, I'm sticking to my mostly harmless run-of-the-mill jokes."

Ryan smiled at his friend and made his way up the stairs, leaving Hunter to clean up below. He stopped at the top of the steps, thinking about where Hunter's room would be among the series of doors that spanned both sides of the hallway. Ryan spotted caution tape on the second door to his right and proceeded to the room. He opened the door and was surprised by the strange order-mess paradox that existed in Hunter's room.

His walls were kept pristine with no posters blocking the ocean blue hue. Hunter's electronics and chargers were on a nightstand and dresser drawer on opposing sides of the bed. His clothes were nowhere to be seen on the floors, or in general chaos as in Ryan's room, but following closer inspection Hunter's clothes were neatly organized in the closet and dirty clothes amassed in the hamper.

What remained a mess was more or less expected, a cluttered desk with papers and supplies strewn about the expanse of oak; and an unmade bed that comes with the rush of getting to school in the morning. Ryan decided to pass his time waiting for Hunter by making the bed and clearing the table for study materials.

"You know you didn't have to do that," Hunter stated some minutes later, coming upstairs with both backpacks in tow.

"Yeah, but I felt that I needed to return the favor for your cooking and such downstairs."

"That's awfully nice, thanks much." Hunter tossed both packs near the desk. "Right, time to get to studying."

The pair sat in swiveling chairs at each side of the desk and took the next half-hour to study their courses independently, on occasion asking for help or spinning around on the chairs out of boredom.

". . . so despite the seemingly endless interpretations of symbols in ordinary stuff," Ryan started, "common themes for color: red for anger, love or seduction; green for serenity, life or jealousy; and black for illness, mystique or in some cases unseen prosperity; always make it into works of any time period. Times may change, but the emotional reaction to color has generally remained constant."

"Right, consistency," Hunter added. "That's what I wanted to know. At least there is some symbolism that isn't time dependent."

Ryan nodded, then went back to trying to study for his test.

"Hey Hunt, err Hunter?"

Hunter looked up to the wolf with a slight smile.

"Could you help me get this Linnaeus classification system straight? I know that kingdom comes first and both genus, species go last, but everything in the middle is in a jumble for me."

"I've found the best way to memorize things is to use a mnemonic device," Hunter began, "From the order of operations to the planets in the solar system; if there's a rhyme and reason to it, there's a mnemonic device for it. In your case that is King Phillip came over for Greek salad 'or' Keep puppies clean or Fido gets smelly."

Ryan stared at Hunter strangely as he continued the explanation.

"You see, the first letter in each word stands for what you're trying to remember. In either case you will get: kingdom, phylum, class, order, family, genus, species. So whichever method you choose, you're a salad loving monarch or you'll have a fetish for smelly puppies," Hunter laughed to himself at the last one and looked over to see Ryan now staring at him intently.

"Ryan?" Hunter asked with a concerned tone, "Are you okay?" He closed his book and began to wave his paw in front of the wolf's face. "Yoo hoo, Ryan?"

Ryan abruptly closed his book and took Hunter's paw into his own. Hunter gave a quick gasp and silently watched Ryan come closer to him. Both heart beats quickened and near silent breathing followed as the gap between them got smaller. Ryan's lips started to quiver as he came close to enveloping the husky's. Hunter's body remained rigid and panic was evident in his eyes as they darted left and right, looking for something else to keep from seeing what was happening before him.

He soon couldn't avoid Ryan's growing presence in his field of vision and was forced to look straight into Ryan's eyes. When Ryan's lips finally touched with his, Hunter's expression softened; both closed their eyes and murred into the kiss. A few seconds later the pair separated and opened their eyes to watch the opposite.

". . . and the magic words were?" Hunter asked in a whisper.

"fetish for smelly puppies," Ryan replied and immediately buried his nose into Hunter's neck, deeply inhaling the scent of fully, musky male. "And some non-academic reading on the side helped."

Hunter let out an appreciative moan as Ryan continued to nuzzle into his neck, licking at his fur and taking in the husky's musk. Hunter was in heaven, and he wanted Ryan to join him on an even higher level of bliss. He gently nudged the Ryan from his body and decided to give a small striptease to the lusty eyed wolf. Hunter stretched his arms upwards and gave a sultry smile before burying his snout into his left underarm and reveling his scent, causing Ryan to whine.

"Aw poor baby, you want some of this too," Hunter crooned as he turned his muzzle to his opposite underarm, basking in his musk.

Hunter looked back up to see Ryan barely able to restrain himself from leaping at the husky again, made evident by his tented pants. Hunter smirked before looking below to his own arousal as it pressed against his jeans. With a sultry smile, Hunter brought one arm down and slowly peeled away his shirt over his head to reveal a sweat matted T-shirt against his toned body.

Hunter tossed the first shirt to the side and brought his arm back up to interlock with the other. He stretched again and brought his ill fitted-shirt to the breaking point under his form. Ryan couldn't hold back and pounced on Hunter. Both fell out of the chair and landed on the rug layered carpet with a soft thud. With Ryan's tail wagging happily and muzzle drooling, he swept his nose over the matted T-shirt and took in the stronger musk. Hunter could only squirm under the wolf as he enjoyed the attentions of his friend. He let out a drawn out moan as Ryan's hand reached under Hunter's stretched shirt and began pinching his nipples.

Ryan used the temporary distraction to use his other paw to remove the barrier to the source of Hunter's heavenly scent. The shirt came off with relative ease, and Ryan took a moment to quickly sniff the musk-drenched shirt before tossing it to the side. With the shirt gone, Ryan took the opportunity to lick around Hunter's nipples with his nose inching near the husky's underarms. Hunter shuddered heavily in pleasure as Ryan continued to lick around his torso.

When Ryan came close to licking under Hunter's armpits, Hunter had to restrain the urge to clamp his arm down on the wolf's muzzle and was left in a ticklish induced pleasure. A few minutes after a thorough and intense licking, Ryan sat up and allowed Hunter to get up as well. Ryan continued to lap at the husky's collar until the pair sat up fully and breathlessly.

". . . heh," was all Hunter could manage after sitting up, "t. . . t--that was something."

"Hmm. . . sure was," Ryan concurred, "your musky fur is intoxicating."

Hunter was about to lean into Ryan to return the kiss when. . .

*buzz*. . . *buzz*

'Damn it, of all the times. . . ,' Hunter mentally cursed.

He looked over at Ryan, who gave him 'the eyebrow' and Hunter mouthed 'Sorry.' Hunter extracted the mobile from his jeans and flipped it open.

"Crud," Hunter said, closing the device.

"What is it?" Ryan asked, slightly disappointed at the loss of a moment.

"Family's going to be back in an hour," Hunter stated sorrowfully.

"So I guess that's it for our fun?"

"Not exactly," Hunter replied and went over to lock his door. "There's more than one way to enjoy an hour together, or more if they get stuck in traffic."

Ryan smiled as Hunter returned to sit next to him.

"Though we won't be able to 'tie the knot' as you might be hoping," Hunter stated, causing Ryan to blush, "we can still take care of this--"

Hunter grabbed Ryan's hard-on through his pants and guided him onto the bed. With Ryan down, Hunter stood at the foot of the bed and removed his jeans to reveal the strained fabric of his boxers with a wetness near the tip of his covered member. He bent down to remove his socks and threw both pants and socks to the side.

"What's wrong, not feeling up to keeping your room clean for me?" Ryan asked.

Hunter's face changed rapidly from feigned hurt to sly smirk and jumped on all fours above Ryan. Hunter proceeded to strip the wolf of his clothing in a gentle, but hurried manner and threw this clothing about the room.

"There, now it's just like home," Hunter quipped.

Ryan stuck out his tongue, which was promptly taken into Hunter's muzzle with a heated passion. Both furs murred deeply and clung to each other as the minutes crept by. Hunter broke the kiss and started to mat Ryan's fur with licks as he made his way down the wolf's form. Hunter spent some time flicking the wolf's nipples with his tongue, eliciting pleased moans.

As Hunter approached Ryan's midsection, his licks were accompanied with a side massage to relax Ryan into the mattress. Hunter's lower jaw soon brushed up against an obvious wetness and stopped his licking. He looked up beyond the expanse of his friend's torso to see a contented grin pasted on the wolf's muzzle.

Pleased with his work thus far, Hunter lowered his muzzle to Ryan's arousal and blew a warm breath along his 6" member. Ryan gasped when Hunter took up each of his orbs into this maw and used his tongue to massage the treasures. Hunter continued to lick around and brought forth pleasure saturated breaths from Ryan. As Hunter licked his way up the shaft, he used his free hands to rub around Ryan's thighs, creeping upwards to stroke the base of the wolf's member.

Hunter took the tip of Ryan's member into this warm muzzle, nearly causing him to cum on the spot. Ryan was able to hold back his release and let a squirt of pre leak into Hunter's waiting muzzle. Hunter tentatively sampled the pre as it was swished around on his tongue; his rough organ dragging against Ryan's fully engorged member, now halfway down his maw. After a few seconds of Hunter experimentally suckling and wrapping his tongue around the flesh, Ryan gave a hoarse warning.

"Hunter, you're. . . gonna make me--I'm gonna CUUU--"

Ryan tensed and arched his back off of the mattress, paws gripping tightly to the sheets as Hunter plunged his muzzle down to envelop the member. He was barely able to fit around the wolf's knot as streams of hot essence shot straight down Hunter's throat, leaving a warm and soothing trail as it went. Ryan's head was swirling in a sea of colors as his orgasm rocked through his body, still able to feel the warmth of Hunter's muzzle around his very being. Ryan's member slowly softened and Hunter continued to lap around the head to get every last drop of seed.

"That was. . . amazing!" Ryan exclaimed breathlessly, relaxing in the afterglow, "I've never had an orgasm that powerful."

Hunter wiped some cum splattered along his muzzle.

"All research, theory and practice. And trust me, I had a blast giving it."

Ryan turned his gaze to see Hunter sitting majestically at his side, his new appearance causing Ryan to take a second glance. His eyes no longer looked forlorn and dark, but filled with life and mirth. Hunter's face shifted from longing to fulfillment, as if the experience finally gave purpose to his being.


The husky cast his newly brightened emerald green eyes and smiled towards Ryan.

"I love you," Ryan admitted, after many interruptions.

Almost if it weren't possible, Hunter's smile grew to span his entire muzzle and his eyes glowed with those of a God. He lay down next to Ryan and brought both into an embrace that expressed a flurry of passion which went unmatched in the previous hour. Hunter broke the embrace, gently stroking Ryan's cheek.

"I--I love you too, Ryan," Hunter responded. "It's been too long for me to go on without someone. I never thought you'd be mine to cherish."

As the two embraced for what seemed like an eternity, Ryan felt something poking his belly. He looked down to see that Hunter still had his hard-on, the front of his boxers thoroughly matted against him with pre.

"Um. . . Hunter, some of those reads--err, may I?" Ryan quickly corrected himself and gestured down to Hunter's protruding arousal.

"Of course love, do the honors."

Hunter leaned back onto the bed as Ryan loomed over his form. Ryan began by lapping at Hunter's neck and worked his way down the husky's body as Hunter ran his paws through Ryan's headfur. Ryan took the opportunity to nip around Hunter's torso as he immersed his senses with the new smell of highly aroused husky, which complemented Hunter's natural musk.

He grazed his fangs about Hunters' pectorals and traced the outline of his fur covered musculature with his tongue. Ryan continued the tease across the husky's lightly formed 8-pack abdominals which brought moans to his ears. As he went further down Hunter's form, he could feel the heat coming from the pulsing member covered by the wet fabric.

Ryan slowly peeled the boxers back and was in awe of the member that stood proudly under him. With a 7" length and thick girth, Ryan worried that he would not be able to fit his muzzle around the mountain of flesh before him. He took a few quick breaths to ready for the attempt and started by licking the head. This caused a spurt of pre to plaster itself on Ryan's nose and he happily licked it off.

"Someone's excited," Ryan noted sultrily, causing Hunter to blush.

Ryan opened his muzzle as wide as he could to take in Hunter's flesh. He was able to get a third of the meat into his maw and began bobbing along the member. Ryan also took Hunter's furry orbs into his paws and caressed them in their warm home. This assault brought forth a heavy and drawn out moan from Hunter as he writhed about in his pleasure induced world.

Hunter buried his paws in Ryan's headfur and massaged his scalp to share how blissful it felt to be enveloped by such a skilled maw. This caused Ryan to chuckle softly with the member in his mouth, and it undulated slightly under the vibrations. Hunter could feel a warmth spread from his loins to the rest of his body, bringing intense euphoria to the husky. Hunter was close, Ryan could feel it in his muzzle.

'It's now or never,' Ryan though as he inched down the shaft.

Ryan took a final breath through his nose, which overwhelmed his senses with Hunter's musk, and moved forward to the husk'y knot. Hunter was on the edge, he was riding on his sexual high and was about to lose control. Ryan took hold of Hunter's canine knot and gave it three quick, deep tugs; this was enough to bring Hunter to an Earth-shattering orgasm

"Ryan, I'm. . . CUUU--AROO," Hunter warned, unable to to finish as he came with a howl.

Hunter unleashed a torrent of seed and Ryan tried to take it all as jet after jet of cum raced down his throat. Ryan wanted to keep his muzzle over the shooting member, but he had to breathe and lifted his muzzle off of Hunter's arousal. He was able to get a breath before he was hit with a final shot of Hunter's essence. The fluid ran down to Ryan's chin, which he promptly lapped up and proceeded to clean the member, covered in oozing cum.

"You're going to have me go another round. . ,"Hunter panted, "if you keep up the show."

Ryan blushed as he nuzzled with Hunter on the bed. The pair shared a passionate kiss and strong embrace before falling into a deep afternoon nap.

"Hunter, are you in there?" his mom asked sometime later through the door.

Hunter groaned as he was stirred from his midday slumber.

"Yeah mom," Hunter replied.

"Well come on down for dinner, I'm sure you'd want something else to eat after instant noodles for lunch."

"How'd you--"

"Trash, honey"

"'Kay mom, down in a few," Hunter said yawning.

Ryan was roused awake from Hunter's exchange with his mom. Hunter looked into Ryan's sleepy eyes.

"Evening sleepy head," Hunter said softly.

Ryan gave a post-slumber stretch and groan before replying to Hunter, "Evening? Is it tomorrow already?"Â

"Nope. It's only been two hours." Hunter noted after looking at the clock on his nightstand. "But it could have been two days and it wouldn't have made a difference with you by my side."

Ryan murred in approval as he sat up.

"Tell you what, get a shower and dressed, and I'll introduce you to the family."

Ryan had a worried look to his eyes, "Won't they be upset?"

"Upset?" Hunter asked, shocked. "Upset to know I had a study buddy over and we fell asleep in my room? Not in the slightest."

Ryan cast his eyes on the carpeted floor. Hunter then took his paw to Ryan's chin and lifted his face up to eye level to share a quick kiss.

"Don't worry, we'll let everyone know when the time is right. For now, we'll get acquainted."

Ryan smiled as he was pulled into another lip lock with Hunter.

"Thanks, again. . . for everything," Ryan said, breaking the contact.

"No problem love, now get your tush into that shower. My mom's cooking beats mine ten to one and I'd like to get dibs on the first dish."

Hunter playfully jabbed Ryan in the side to get him moving and his point across. This left Hunter to find a way to freshen up without a shower.

_Well Hunter, you seem to have a vivid imagination.

Your use of clear details and selective dialog both reflect excellent writing. While most narratives focus on the details, you were able to tell an effective narrative through dialog._

This work goes far beyond what I asked for this assignment, but I can only give you an A+. Excellent work as always Hunter.

PS: I'll keep the subject matter under wraps by calling in one of your favors. The subject is borderline inappropriate according to district guidelines, but I graded on ability, not content.

Hunter smirked as he read the instructor's comment scribbled on his paper.

"All right class you have your assignments back. If you can't read my comments, see me. Overall the submissions were satisfactory. Some were worse," she looked in Malcolm's direction, causing a few snickers, "and some went far and above what was required for the assignment," she glanced sideways in Hunter's direction, no one noticed save for Hunter. "As always, keep up the good work and you will do well this year."

The instructor wrapped up the feedback as the final bell of the day rang, signaling the end of another monotonous school week. Hunter went to his locker and exchanged the appropriate books for weekend homework. After closing up and walking down the hall, he spotted Ryan walking toward the buses.

"Hey Ry!" Hunter yelled, strolling quickly to intercept his friend.

"Oh Hunt you know I hate it when you shorten my name that much. It makes it sound like I'm bread or something."

"So then Rya is okay with you?" Hunter asked, picking up the hint.

"Rya?" Ryan thought aloud. "Rya. . . has a nice ring to it."

Hunter laughed and gave his wolf friend a hard pat to the back.

"Excellent. That's why I like to mess with you, always something different. Anyway. . . how'd you do on that biology test?"

"I aced it!" Ryan replied ecstatically. "That mnemonic device really helped me out."

"Oh, which one?"

"I went with the smelly puppies, it was more interesting to remember than a king who wants his veggies."

"Ha ha yeah. The more absurd it is, even if it is true, the more likely you are to remember it. So do you want a ride home?"

"Uh, sure. Actually, is it alright if I spend the weekend with you? There's nothing to do at home until Sunday evening and it'd be great if we could get in a few rounds of Halo 3. I'm so ready to finally whoop your ass in multiplayer."

"Ha! You wish," Hunter scoffed.

"Yeah, just get ready for a beating you won't forget."

"We'll see who whoops who."

The pair walked down the halls, throwing smack back and forth until they reached the parking lot. Ryan hopped into the passenger seat as Hunter climbed in, taking the wheel. Hunter started the engine and burned rubber as he left the parking lot behind in a plume of white smoke.

"You know you could get in trouble for that," Ryan stated matter-of-factly.

"Ah," Hunter waved him off, "they have to catch me before they can ticket me. I don't do it often enough for the authorities to bother waiting for me to do it again."

"Such a rebel," Ryan replied, landing a light punch to Hunter's arm.

The pair traveled in relative peace and Hunter glanced at Ryan after several minutes of silence. The hum of the engine had apparently put Ryan to sleep. He was quietly dozing in his seat with his tongue hanging out of his muzzle, a slight drool collecting along his jaw. Hunter chuckled quietly before reaching over to close his friend's maw and wiping away some drool.

'Wonder if it will ever be,' Hunter pondered as he turned his eyes to the road.

A slight grunt and mumble from Ryan caused Hunter to look over again. Ryan was settling into his seat and dropped a paw on Hunter's right thigh. A slight grin grew on the husky's muzzle.

"Then again," he thought aloud, "anything's possible."

Hunter turned from his friend one last time and swore he saw a sleepy smile on Ryan's lips.

  • - - ALL STOP - - -

(A/N ctd.)

This is what runaway writing looks like. Ideas just flow and everything works well, at least in my view, so I haven't the heart to cut anything. What was supposed to be a oneshot certainly stayed as such, but would have looked better in chapter form.

To avoid probable prosecution under some obscure law, I cite myself as a source. This work is based off of a real assignment I did back in the day, but has been built and fluffed appropriately to create. . . this.

All references to works other than my own have their rights held by the respective creators. Any events portrayed in this work are fictional, unless otherwise noted. The names of the characters have been changed to protect folks from being identified. Any relation to anyone alive or dead is purely coincidental. Many will play, few will win. Results may vary. Oh. . . got carried away in my announcer-lawyer speak.

Feel free to criticize not flambe me. Again first submission of this type, ever, at least one worth mentioning. Please rate or review, not required but serves as excellent feedback.