My Personal Star Part 6

Story by Solerodis on SoFurry

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#7 of My Personal Star

Things start to heat up as the chill of winter sets in. Hope you guys enjoy.

Valin walked across the grass to avoid the crowds and ignoring the greetings that were called out to him. He had his eyes fixed on the dashing figure of Martin, his new white suit standing out amongst the darker colors around him. Valin hesitated a moment, looking at the tickets in his hands, before walking up behind Martin and wrapping his arms around the otter's waist. Martin spun around, shock turning to relief and delight as he saw who was manhandling him.

"Hello...oh my. Your father really knows what looks good." Martin smiled happily as he let his hands feel the fabric, tugging it open a little to see the vest below. "I'll have to be careful tonight. Turn my back for even a moment and someone'll steal you away." The otter looked up and Valin and pulled him into a kiss. "So, shall we start a night of frivolity and debauchery? Well, we had that already with Halloween but..."

Valin leaned in and nuzzled Martin's nose before tugging him off to the side away from the crowds. "Yeah, about that...there's something you should know..." Martin looked worried again as Valin rubbed his cheek. "So...this is embarrassing, but I...I don't know how to dance. Not really. It just...never came up before this." Valin blushed, and it deepened as Martin started laughing.

"Is that it? That just makes this even more fun." The otter leaned in, hugging Valin close. "And more romantic. First dance, and I get to teach you how. Now come on. They're waiting." Grabbing Valin's hand, Martin tugged him back towards the building, his laughter infecting the wolf, who joined him, mood lightening considerably.

As they walked into the building, earning quite a few stares, they joined hands and merged with the line to get their picture taken. When it was their turn, Martin waited until the last second before turning his head and kissing Valin's cheek, getting the kiss and the wolf's shocked look on camera. The female raccoon behind the camera smiled and waved them on as Valin started playfully attacking Martin for the sneak attack.

The pair continued playfully fighting as they sought out a table to claim as their own. Coughing in surprise, Valin tapped Martin's shoulder and pointed to a mostly empty table in the corner. The only occupants were Travis and Caleb, locked in a passionate kiss and more than just a little groping going on. Matin blushed as Valin steered them towards the table and knocked forcefully, startling the pair of jocks.

", this is why you've been so excited to get out of the dorm recently and...I'm guessing he's also why you've been at the gym nearly every hour outside of class." Caleb blushed bright red as Travis laughed loudly. "Nice to meet you. I'm Valin, Caleb's roommate and ex-crush. This is my own bundle of delight, Martin."

Travis rose enough to shake Valin and Martin's hands, still grinning at Caleb's reaction. "Yeah, sorry for keeping him so busy, but he's quite the hard worker and good for competing. I'm Travis, and...ex-crush AND roommate? That must have been interesting." The panther pulled Caleb into a headlock, messing up his hair. "I'll get the details on that later, huh?" As Caleb grunted out an affirmative, Valin and Martin left their jackets at chairs and took their leave. They walked back towards the dancefloor with Martin watching Valin and the wolf growing more and more nervous with each step.

Martin reached up and rubbed Valin's cheek, smiling reassuringly. "You'll do wonderfully. I know it," he said as the music changed from an upbeat song to a slower one, drawing couples in close. Smiling, Martin grabbed Valin's hand and pulled him out onto the dancefloor before properly placing the wolf's hands for a simple waltz. "Just listen to the music. Let it flow through you. One two three. One two three." The first few steps had Valin stepping on Martin's feet, or tripping on his own. But with some reassuring smiles and small adjustments, Martin soon found himself leaning against Valin as the two spun across the dancefloor, lost in each other's eyes.

As the music died down, Valin led the pair to the edge of the dancefloor, smiling. "Well, that wasn't so bad." He stares down at Martin, sighing happily and leaning in for a slow kiss. Martin closes his eyes and moves to join him, only to open his eyes quickly and roughly drag Valin back onto the floor, screaming 'Oh my gosh, I love this song.'

As the night progressed, the two danced their cares away. Valin even got Caleb and Travis to quit fondling each other and join them out on the dancefloor for a few dances, with lots of laughter at Caleb's two left feet which were far worse than Valin's attempt at dancing. As the building started emptying, and the two couples bade farewell to each other, with Caleb walking off with Travis, Valin pulled Martin off to the side.

"My dear, sweet otter. I know this is...long overdue, and hardly needs to be said, but humor an old wolf and his ways." Martin quirked his head in confusion as Valin reached into his pocket and pulled out a small jewelry case. Fumbling with it, he finally managed to get it open, showing a small, fragile looking snowflake necklace nestled in the dark fabric of the inside. "Martin, lord of the pool and keeper of my heart, would you...will you accept this symbol of my love for you? Will you officially be my boyfriend, even though we're well past settled into that? And, will you..." Valin paused, looking at the ground in embarrassment. "Will you come back to my dorm tonight? I don't want the magic to end just yet."

Martin's eyes lit up at the delicate necklace, and tears started forming in the corner of his eyes. "Oh, Valin, I'd love nothing more." The otter hugged Valin roughly, making him almost drop the necklace. "And of course I'll join you at your place. A beautiful end to a truly magnificent night." Beaming with delight, Martin released the wolf and turned around so that he could put the necklace around the otter's neck. Running a finger over it softly, Martin tucked it under his shirt and placed a hand over it. "Next to my heart, as it should be."

Leaning in, Valin captured Martin in a deep kiss, pulling him close and wrapping his arms around the otter as Martin did the same to him. As they stood in their passionate embrace, the first few delicate flakes started drifting down from the sky, swirling around the couple until the arctic winds dug through the layers to make them start to shiver. Finally separating, with their cold breath clouds mingling as they caught their breath, the two walked side-by-side, holding each other close all the way back to the dorm.