The Better Day Of My Life

Story by fox gamer on SoFurry

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This day have been a normal day to me Alex, i am are returning to home before school it was friday and this will be a end of week very boring anything special about it, when i am are returning to home i think "if my mom discover that i am are gay... No, i don't want to think what will happened", when i finally get in home i see that anyone are in home , this is very suspect, so i see an paper with something wrote on the desk it was from my mom it says " hello honey , me and your stepfather are going travel , i leave some food for you in the fridge, have a good end of week" , "so this end of week don't will be sooooo boring after all" i talked to myself , i go to my bedroom when i see a flashing light coming from it ,i run to see what is that light and so i see its an digivice , my eyes flashing when i see an gabumon and the friendship crest coming out of it, i don't move a muscle gabumon look to me with an strage look so he said "what? Did you don't like , i can go away if you want" , "no plese don't go i... Just don't know what say" i said perplexed, "well ,its better we hug it other" gabumon said with some more than a hug in mind , we get huged for a long time , but it was amazing, so he belly do a lot of strange sounds "look like someone here are hungry" i said plaing with him "well i don't eat for some time don't will be a bad idea eat something" he answered me, we get downstairs , i do the food that my mom leave , when we ended the food i said " well i go get a wash , make yourself at home" , i get out bathroom alredy with my pijamas i see that all the lights are turned off except for my room light so i go there gabumon are there saw something at TV , when i get there he turned off the TV and said to me "Alex i will tell You something , i know all things about you , i know you are gay and you have furry fetish and all those type of things " when he started to talked i get very blush , he noted that but don't do nothing about it ,but so he complete the phrase " i have the same feeling that you have for me to you, and diferent from other persons in your life i will love you regardless of what you are" when he said that he push me and start to kiss, the two tongue fighting , his tongle are more powerful so i lose and him started to explore my mouth,after some time i break the kiss and said "well i think it's time to the real work" i said with other type of work in mind,"welllllll for that type of work i think you have to get rid of that uncomfortable clothes" looking to me with an malicious look, i started to take my clothes way, when i am are completely nude, he said "it's my turn because i have the better tongle",i don't say nothing just give a smile and a yes with the head,first he lick the head of my dick he does this some times more he suck the entire dick and lick, i basically don't have to do nothing , but so i stopped him and said " you truly want to do this i don't want to force you to do something you don't want" , so he look to me and a answer "i truly want to do this and because two reasons first it's because i love you and second because this is pleasure" so after that i let him do what his is doing, sometimes i do murring sounds in pleasure, so with that amont of pleasure i can't resist i just can say "i...i gonna cum" in that moment all the warm liquid got suck by gabumon, after all this i get next to him ear and said " i want you to penetrate me , but not in this form" gabumon just say yes with his head and so the digivice and the crest of friendship glow and after that i have an werewolf in my room, before we started weregarurumon said "you truly want this, i don't want to hurt you" i answered " yes i want because without hurt don't exist pleasure and i love you" , after listen this we both were ready for it, just a moment before start he said "i will go slow because we both never do this before" in that moment i found that he is virgin and wander how could a beautiful creature like that still be virgin, so i sence the head of his cock in my ass hole, so he start to enter at a prety slow speed,after some time of that the pain from it started to disappear, so i said to weregarurumon "continue doing this the pain is about to disappear",we two start to moan in pleasure, i think it's the better sensation that i ever experienced, but so weregarurumon said " your ass is so tight i don't will resist much more time" , some minutes after that weregarurumon don't resist and spread his warm liquid at my empty ass, after all this he turned back to gabumon and we sleep hug each other, so i murmured "this is truly the better day of my life"