Part 3 - Could It Be?

Story by CJxFluffyButt on SoFurry

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#3 of A Husky's Surprise

Sooo sorry for taking so long to put up another addition, but here is the newest addition. I hope it's acceptable. Please comment and rate!! ^^

"Wow," I mumbled, looking at the bedside clock, "Eight in the morning..."

I just woke up, although this warm, furry feeling next to me was so comfortable, it could have put me right back to sleep. That would have been fine since it was Saturday. Drowsily, I attempted to sit upright, but something was putting weight on my chest, causing me to stay down. Glancing over lazily, I noticed that it was Jake's arm on my chest, and I blushed a slight bit, but then smiled warmly. Jake was still sound asleep, but I wanted to get up without waking him.

"He's cute when he sleeps.." I muttered to myself quietly, placing my paw on his arm gently.

I probably shouldn't have done that, because it made him stir. He sat up, stretching and yawning, then looked over at me.

"Good morning, Chris..." he said sleepily, reaching out and giving me a 'good morning' hug.

I returned the embrace and the greeting, replying, "Morning, Jakey," which made him blush. I knew he enjoyed it when I called him that, so I decided to humor him.

I then sat up underneath the covers, feeling something rub up against my leg fur, when Jake let out a slight moan. It didn't take me but two seconds to realize that it was Jake's member, and just to lead him on playfully, I grinded my leg up against it a few times.

"Oh...damn.." moaned Jake, "d-don't tease me like that if I'm not gonna get anything.."

I rolled my eyes, then carefully crawled over him, intentionally sweeping my tail across his muzzle, tickling him. In reaction, he reached his paw out and firmly, but not harmfully, smacked my ass.

My brief, "Unf.." turned into a full-out murr, and I looked back at him, then winked.

"You like that, huh?" Jake questioned.

"Yeah, and I'm gonna remember you did that later on.." I returned with a sly smile. Knowing this made Jake curious, I just slipped out of the room, grabbing my clothes form off of the bed during.

On the way out of the house, I yelled back, "Be back in a few minutes. I'm gonna run to my house real quick."

"K, Chrissy," I heard in reply, and suddenly I blushed again. There's just something about someone calling me that that turns me on.

I ran out the door, beginning the trip back to my house, only about 2 or 3 blocks away. This was no problem, as I have excellent endurance. I was actually considering trying out for the cross-country team, but never got around to it. Anyway, I started off jogging at a steady pace, which gave me some time to think.

Even though I was all, I guess, 'lovey dovey' with Jake mere moments ago, I still needed to really decide on this whole situation with him. As in, what if things got more intense and we began dating? There weren't many other gays in the school, at least that I'd heard of, and I knew we would be almost isolated and stereotyped to a huge extent.

As I began to speed up, so did my thoughts. Then, I began thinking of the fact that Jake had almost no friends besides me, and I felt that I might be put into that same situation. Then, I remembered the bedroom picture, and how it said, "...but I know that'll always just be...a dream," and I realized, which I really should have done before, that the only thing stopping us from actually getting together was me, not being ready.

I approached my house finally, wiping my forehead with the back of my paw, attempting to remove the beads of sweat that had formed. See, I had broken out into almost an all-out sprint, but I wasn't focusing on how fast I was traveling.

I gripped the door handle and turned it, and, to my surprise, it was open. Upon strolling inside nearly panting, I closed the door behind me and walked straight into the living room, right upon the gaze of both my parents.

"So.." my dad started out, "Mind tellin' us where you've been?" It was easy to see that he was angry because of the 'fake-calm' tone in his voice, which made me gulp in fear.

"I-I..was at a," I replied, hoping that he wouldn't start yelling.

My mom looked into my eyes from the couch, as I was about five feet away from them, then looked over at my dad, and let out a deep sigh.

"Chris..either go to your room or just go back outside.." she stated, leaving me in a state of shock.

"Yes ma'am," I said hurriedly as I rushed up the stairs and straight into my room to grab my wallet from the dresser, a black muscle shirt from my closet, and a Trojan from my bedside table, just incase. Then, as I rushed back down the stairs, trying to slip on my shirt on the way down, I overhead my mom talking about how she let me off because she 'had a headache' or something.

I reached the door, my shirt finally on completely, and upon opening it, yelled back, "Cya."

I had plans for Jake and I today, but I was a little nervous while walking back to his house, for I wasn't sure if Jake would want to do what I had in mind. It was nice and warm, about 8:30 by now, and the weather made me stop and look up to the sun. A big smile crept its way across my muzzle as I closed my eyes for a second, took a deep breath and let it out, and started back toward my best friend's house.

Eventually, I reproached Jake's front door. Since his parents weren't back yet, I thought it would be fine if I just walked in, so that's exactly what I did.

I entered, expecting him to still be upstairs, but I still glanced around a few times. After thinking that I had confirmed he wasn't downstairs, I turned around to close the door. No sooner had I closed the door that I was greeted by a sudden embrace, almost making me hop right out of my skin.

"Welcome back, CJ," said Jake's sweet voice. I turned around to see him fully dressed, which was good because we were going to go somewhere as part of my plans. Of course I returned his hug and smiled at him, suddenly getting an idea.

"Thanks, Jakey.." I replied as I grinned evily, which made the expression on his face go from excited to curious.

That's when I let go of him and, targeting his stomach, reached out and started to tickle him rapidly. As planned, Jake burst out in laughter and immediately started trying to shove my paws away, although none of his attempts proved successful.

"CHRIS...PLEASE....STOP...." he managed to utter between hysterical laughs, but I pretended to ignore his pleas.

About 10 seconds later, he escaped my grasp, so I pursued him into the living room, where his back was against the couch and there was nowhere to go. This worked to my advantage, and I began to tickle him again, but this time, somehow he managed to push me off of him and onto the sofa, which was facing the left wall.

"You sneak, you!" Jake exclaimed as he nearly jumped on top of me, his knees on either side of my legs, as I was laying in a straight line, except for my arms.

"You got me, huh?" I joked.

"Yeah," he started, "Whatcha gonna do now? 'Cause I got one choice for you."

A sexy grin came across Jake's muzzle, but at the same time it looked so warm and comforting. It was enough to make me melt.

Anyway, for the next minute, we just stared into each other's eyes, both of us contemplating what life would be like with each other.

Then, finally, he leaned down and kissed me, our lips locking. It was just like the first time we had done this, but this time, I had more time to enjoy it.

He slid his tongue into my muzzle, to which I put up no resistance, proceeded to tongue wrestle with me. Wanting him as close as possible, I reached my arms up and put them on his back to pull him in closer, but as soon as I touched his back, he arched it and moaned into our kiss. Again, just like the first time, our members were both hard, but we just didn't feel like 'dealing with that' in that certain moment in time.

I didn't mind; instead of pulling him closer, I just slid one hand down to his ass, grazing the base of his tail, and gently rubbed his cheek twice.

I then broke the kiss and smiled at him, and he smiled back at me, biting his lip. This made me aware of the fact that he liked having his behind grabbed, and I guess I didn't mind doing it.

Looking up at the wall clock, I noticed that it was 8:50, and I wanted to leave now.

"Jake, we gotta go," I said urgently, trying to signal for him to stand up so that I could as well.

"Where we goin'?" he asked as he removed himself from on top of me.

"Well..I thought I'd take my best friend to the mall.." I responded, hoping for a good reaction.

Turns out, that's exactly what I got. Jake's face lit up, "That sounds great!"

"I'm glad," I said happily, "now come on. We gotta get going," I finished as I stood up and began walking to the door with Jake right next to me.

We walked out of the house and he locked the door, then took my paw as we began to stroll down to the mall. It would be a good 10-15 minute walk, but neither of us seemed to mind all that much.

Again, on the way there, we were getting disapproving glances from some passersby, but this time, both of us completely blew them off. I'd had a feeling that this would happen more often, and apparently I was right in assuming that.

We talked about many different things on the way over: what it would be like if we were together, what we would do at the mall, schoolwork. Our conversation had a wide range of subjects, but we both enjoyed it.

At last we had reached the mall, but since I was so preoccupied with talking to Jake, time practically flew by. We had to enter through the food court, and, me being a nice guy, I held the door open for him and a few other furs coming through.

It was weird, for one of the furs looked eerily familiar, although I couldn't remember for the life of me who he reminded me of.

He was a German Shepherd, about my height, and he looked my age. He had a plain red t-shirt on with somewhat baggy black jeans. That kind of look seemed familiar as well, but I just shook it off. I still had absolutely no clue who he was, but even if I did, I was here with and for Jake; no one else.

"Hey, can we grab something to eat, first?" Jake questioned, and I smirked at him.

"Goodness, you want me to buy you stuff already?" I said playfully.

"Well, yeah. What'd ya expect?" he replied, just as teasingly.

"Oh, alright," and with that, I reached into my pocket and pulled out my wallet.

I had plenty for just us two to get pretty much whatever we wanted, so I decided to let Jake choose what we would have.

"What should we get then, Jakey? All up to you," I said with a smile.

"Unnh...I'd say..Chinese?"

"Why not," I replied cheerfully.

With that note, we made our way to the line for the Chinese Buffet, which, surprisingly, wasn't very long today. This was weird because the mall was packed; no shock at 9:30 on a Saturday where we live.

So, as we were standing in the line, looking up at the menu trying to figure out what to get, it gets down to about 3 furs in front of us. Just then, I noticed that same German Shepherd again, standing right in front of me, and it was irritating me that I couldn't figure out who it was when it was right on the tip of my tongue.

"Damn.." said Jake, out of nowhere.

"What?" I asked.

"Phone's vibrating. I'll be right back. Can ya order for us, hun?"

"No problem, Jake."

"Next!" the Koala behind the counter called out, and I approached cashier.

I told him our orders, and I happened to see the Shepherd to my right, standing in front of the other side of the counter, where they gave out the food.

I handed the bear the payment, but now it was time to move down to where the Shepherd was. I was hesitant, but I maneuvered my way over to the counter. Now we were no more than a foot from each other, so I figured this was my chance.

"Uh..Sup, man..You know you remind me of someone I used to know," I started, trying to get him to look at me so I could at least try to recognize his face, "I think an old fri-"

I stopped, because at that very moment he looked into my eyes, and my jaw almost dropped. I realized in that instant exactly who I was looking at, and I could not believe it.