A Fallen Angel Relishing in Sweet Revenge

Story by Ace of the Stars on SoFurry

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I was slinking around in my usually manner not wanting to be seen or spoken to, looming around behind the other members of the Akatsuki, Hidan carrying on in his usual manner, Deidara and Sasori arguing again, Zetsu, Obito, Pain and Konan absent, of corse I already knew why, Kisame was out in a mission and Itachi was in the shower, probibly washing the blood out I of his long think black hair, then there was him......ugh he's presents sicken me, Kakuzu........my thoughts flash back to the incident seven years ago.......I'll never forgot, he acts like it never happened......that is what disgusts me the most, I egerly await the day I ruin his pride.....I knew it I felt it that day was fast approaching, soon I thought to myself soon.....a twisted grin finding its way across my masked face.I left to my usual spot, a small rock out crop high above to cave floor, I could observe from there, unseen, untouched, unknowingly planning his demise.......just the thought of it made me grin, my large sharp jaggered fangs protruding from my top lip glistening with fresh blood, I was born for desruction, that's why I'm here I keep reminding myself I stay for I am thought of as a tool and yet I'm the builder,the creator I will use other to get my way, my revenge for so many people I've lost and the suffering I've been through. I bounded down from my perch it was the dead of night but as usual light shone out from the crack under his door, I approached on silent feet swinging his door open causing a soft breeze, his back turned to the door, he lifted his head slightly from his desk, his head ajar staring at me from the corner of his eyes "your silence it truly defending, almsot as much as your beauty is blinding" I scoffed softly "keep your tackless comments to your self, but I'm sorry to trouble at this hour but I require your assistance can you step this way for a minuet" I muttered in my most gentle tone looking at him with pure hate burning in my eyes my arms tensed, my knuckles whitening as I clean her my fist trying to hold back "that line sounds awfully familiar, what is I seven year now, you sure have grown, but that's wasnt a question is it...." He said turning around, I adjusted my mask and nodded fading into a black shadowy mist and vanished, reforming in a solid shape at the great snow fields of iron and waited.He showed up a while later his ominous aura rather menacing  "I'm not going to waste my breath on a dead man" I snarled my short white hair fading into black the tips a deep crimson, growing to be down at my waist, my skin a pale white making the bright red eye markings stand out, blood red catlike eyes, fanning out my massive black wings "I rid my life of all the sinners, know your the only left to destroy and I'll no longer be  paranoid, no more reason to be annoyed.....in a moment you'll see. Y other side.....when confronted my demeanour no longer gentle like before" I crouched slightly a

long black tail lashing out behind me "Now I think Hell is awaiting you....take it from some one who's been there before.....your not going to like it" the corners if my mouth twisting into a wide Cheshire Cat like grin and I pulled down my mask, letting out a deep disturbing harsh noise which sounded like mocking laughter, kakuzu's eyes narrowed the skin on the side of his nose twiching in an obvious disgusted sneer, with a quick side step I vanished, and stood to his left back a few paces "what's with that look, do you find my presence ominous, disgusting, repulsive and disturbing as I do yours?" He quickly flicked out his arm grabbing my throat slamming me to ground growling "What Pain said was right your so cold and spineless, you have no sou, wicked minded,out of corntrol, that's why I did what I did it was to keep you in your place you are born to serve not control, guided but your hunger for blood and destruction" he snarled glaring at me.At his final note I hissed in defiance coiling my long thrones tail around his arm raking thorough his skin making deep blood dripping furrows instantly, giving him a hard kick to the gut to push him off, beating my massive black wings, instinctively jumping backwards many of my soft black and red feathers had fallen loose much to my dismay, I loved my wings so very much and to see them even slightly unkept made me increasingly forlorn. "Your wrong! I was never born to follow is was born for freedom,to be a neutral party I'd would destroy both sides, those unworthy I was reborn after my death to judge them! And you Kakuzu, have committed sins unforgivable, EXECUTION IS MY FINAL VERDICT!!!!!!" I let out a triumphant roar which sounded much like scraping metal on metal in a deep dark tunnel, I bounded over to him before he could react and grabbed his now lose long black hair in my hand coiling it around my fingers and pulled his head back all saintly leaving my eyes as I roared again my full jawbone of my hollow covering my mouth. I slammed his head into the ground relishing at the satisfying crack noise his nose made as I a pounded his face into the cold uneven, rough iron infused stone under the soft now red snow.I flapped my massive black and red owl like wings more feathers flitting lose, all control lost to my relentless unstoppable war hungry hollow, I dragged him off the ground claws digging into his shoulder, slamming my teeth into it severing all the tendons, releasing my lock jaw like bite I dug my clawed hands, or I guess your could say paws, into the fresh wound, shuddering happily as he screamed, with a firm grip I pushed to sides of the wounds away from each other tearing his flesh, muscle, skin and breaking his bones his shoulder popping out of its socket, trembling with ecstasy from the crunching and cracking noise as his arm came lose, bathing in the joy of his painful, dry, throat tearing, screams of agony wich would surely be heard for countries

aroun.I stopped flapping my wings, one hand on his now semi detached shoulder the other on the back of his head, my wings flicking up behind me slamming to the ground, the collisions caused his neck to make a soft click, I roared over my helpless pray, coiling my hand around his arm yanking it hard and fast the entire arm coming lose, blood splattering all over the now melting snow as the first rays of dawn hit the land and my face and arms, as I pulled, his shoulder made a grinding, crunching, cracking, snap noise and split in half shoving my furred arm into his wound grabbing his spin near the base of his neck, on the brink of consciousness, screams had torn his vocal cords, all he could do was wheeze and groan, Kakuzu thrashed around with the last of his might "paybacks a bitch ain't it, any of your return payments comes with interest" I muttered in his ear In a low growl, wrenching his spine out through his shoulder, all his rips, pelvis, arm, legs and skull making a audible crunch as the collided with each other and broke and scraped, cracked and crumble his body instantly stopped moving and lay still,letting out a blood curdling roar that would surely be heard in the hidden leaf village, I shuddered my wings fading and my mind returning now unhollowfied my memory fuzzy, I realised the flesh and bloody bones in my hand and let go letting out a loud whimper falling back onto the hard ground, feeling the sleeping dark beast inside me, I trembled tears leaking from the corner of my eyes "N...NO.....I...I DID THAT?!?!?!?" I half screamed as I chocked it out whimpering loudly. After a few hours I stood up teetering to one side whining softly as I walked as briskly as I could towards the hokage's mansion and fell onto my knees shivering uncontrollably as I gave a weak knock collapsing there crying, taking heavy deep breaths, my only though was "he and only he can help" I prayed and hopped he was home ,the sensation of his bones and blood on my hands never leaving me as the sun bathed my back in warm morning light, it would never feel the same again.......THE END ((I was bored, this is what I do in my spare time.......... I hope it's good and you enjoyed it))