A Long Wedding Party

Story by Sisco on SoFurry

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The following story is (c) 2000 - 2002 Alan Gibson (sisco)

Neither this story nor parts of it may be reproduced or reposted in any form withouth permission from the author.

For questions and/or requests, email Sisco at [email protected]

" I just can't fucking believe that they can just expect me to do that!" Fumed Shawn as he paced about a small hilltop.

" Stop dramatising things Shawn. All they are asking you to do is let a couple of wolves sleep in with you for a week. You've had me sleep in with you for longer than that", replied Toby as he tied his horse halter ropes to a tree and found a comfortable place to sit down and look out over their families farms.

Shawn and Toby had grown up on adjacent farms, as the only two males their age ,eighteen, within twenty miles they had had little choice but to become friends. Shawn was a stocky German-Shepherd dogmorph five foot ten inches tall. With light brown eyes, to match his neatly groomed brindled fur. His muzzle was longer and slender almost feminine. His tail, currently down, matched his bodies markings being mostly different shades of brown with a black tip, three foot long with neatly trimmed fur.

Toby was a jet black rabbitmorph standing six foot four inches tall, not including his ears which could easily add another foot. His eyes were a clear blue, his muzzle a short square rabbit muzzle. His ears were covered on the outside with soft black fur, but on the inner with soft and extremely short pink fur. His powder puff tail stuck up through the back of his blue jeans and at the bottom were two huge powerful bunny feet. They had both been born and raised on a farm and had worked on them since they were old enough to walk. They had both therefor got highly developed and toned muscles. Their perfect bodies showed easily through their dirty T-shirts and jeans.

Shawn looked out over his farm " That's different . I know you and like you and you don't snore. What if the snore...or smell or are ugly".

Toby looked out in the opposite direction over his families farm " Look you sister is marrying their brother right?"

" No just one is her brother the other is some childhood friend of his", Shawn answered shortly.

" Right so brother and lifelong friend. Furs that your sisters husband to be is gonna want at his wedding. They have to stay somewhere, I am sure that they won't smell, if they snore well you will just have to put your head under the pillows. Besides this damn wedding is taking forever to set up so you will probably be worked like the dogmorph you are all day and be so tired you fall straight to sleep. Then they can complain about your snoring. As for ugly, who cares you only have to put-up with them for a week then they go back to the city where they came from." Toby began sitting down and picking a stalk of grass to chew as he spoke. " Which is another good point, in a few months we are going off to the city to study, having a couple of locals as friends might be a good idea. They can show us round, point out all the good bars and help us find our bearings".

Shawn sighed and turned around " you're right... Damn it. I'll be extra nice when they arrive tomorrow. You ever met any wolves?"

Toby shook his head " Naw, but they are probably just like you dogs".

Shawn grinned a little " Ah so weird and unusual animals eh?"

Toby patted his friend on the back " Not so weird once you get used to them and you will have a whole day to get used to them".

Shawn nodded " yeah and I'll have you there to back me up".

Toby gave a pained smile " well not exactly there, I mean I'll be there in spirit, backing you up all the way but..."

" But?" Shawn growled

" But, in body I'll be several miles away in town with my dad selling those horses we broke last week" Toby replied stepping back for his short tempered friends explosion.

" OH THAT'S just PERFECT!" Shawn spat the last word out with more than a little hatred " you get to sod off and leave me with the weird city wolves".

" Hey, don't go blaming me. It's not my sister getting married, our farm hasn't stopped working for a week. I have work to do and I can't just say, no dad I can't help you keep the farm running, Shawn's afraid that the big bad wolves will come and get him" Toby replied sharply, poking his finger into his friends chest.

" Yeah you*re right, I'm sorry. It's my sister I should be mad at", Shawn said offering Toby a paw " friends?"

Toby grabbed his paw " Of course. But, you can't be mad at Lisa, just last week you were saying how much fun it would be to get her our of the house and away from your life.

" Yeah I know, I need someone to be mad at soon" Shawn said with a half laugh.

" Oh don*t worry I'm sure I'll do something wrong soon and you can yell at me, but for now it's time we were heading home. Good luck for tomorrow". As Toby spoke he untied his horse and mounted it, he gave Shawn a wave before galloping off down the hill.

Shawn stayed up on the quiet hilltop for another hour before heading home. He stabled his horse and headed down to his bedroom.

Shawn was awakened by his father the next morning and informed that the wolves had arrived. Quickly pulling on his new jeans and a clean white shirt Shawn headed outside where two cars had pulled up. The first, an old station wagon contained Lisa's future husband and his parents. The second a small blue sports car was driven by what Shawn assumed was one of the wolves staying with him, sitting next to him was the other wolf.

Shawn hung back while his family went forward to great the wolves. He eyed up the two young wolves. Both male and both older than him by four or five years. The first one was about six foot tall, with black fur and a huge muzzle and paws. His body was nearly as strong and muscular as Shawn's. Yellow eyes and a wolfish grin, his tail was four foot long pure black and erect. He was wearing some tight black jeans with a light red sweater.

The second wolf was slightly taller than the first and a bit thinner, not so well muscled. With soft grey fur a muzzle much smaller than the first, but still bigger than Shawn's. His paws were much more petite and slender. He was wearing some white jeans and a white polo shirt, which was unbuttoned letting Shawn the pur white fur on his chest.

Shawn's father went up to the two wolves and shook paws, then spoke to them for a moment before pointing at Shawn. The two wolves gave a friendly wave as his father headed over to him. Shawn saw both wolves give him a long look before the second one whispered something to the first and they both grinned in his direction.

" OK son, come and meet our guests" , his father ordered in a friendly voice. Shawn nodded and followed his father over to the wolves. " OK this is Ben" Shawn's father said pointing at the first wolf. Shawn politely shook paws " And this is James, Chris's brother and soon to be member of our family". Shawn again shook paws politely. " They thought that they would take you on a drive, maybe go to town and see a movie or something to get to know you better".

" What about my chores?" Shawn asked a little surprised.

" Well if you would rather stay here and work instead of go out for the day and have fun that is fine with me" Shawn's father replied with a chuckle.

" No no I don't mind if they don't mind", Shawn responded quickly giving the two wolves a friendly smile.

" We don't mind at all" Ben answered looking Shawn up and down again " My cars only a two seater though, so you*ll have to squish in between us, sort of preview of the rest of the week eh?"

Shawn chuckled and made to get into the car, he was stopped momentarily by his father who pushed twenty dollars into his paw. Shawn patted his father on the back and turned back to the car. James was already in the passenger seat and as Shawn climbed in he missed seeing Ben checking out his firm rear.

Ben climbed in after him and Shawn was soon stuck between two warm wolves. As the car pulled away James stared speaking " I hope you don*t mind sharing your room with us. Us wolves are a bit touchy feely at times but if you have a problem with it just tell us to stop OK"

Shawn nodded " well there's nothing wrong with the odd friendly pat or whatever so don't worry about me I'm sure we'll be fine" he said pretending he was totally OK with them so that they would feel at home.

James patted him on the leg " great I'm sure we'll get along like a house on fire".

The day passed swiftly for Shawn and he enjoyed every minute of it. Ben and James were both funny and generous, buying him food and paying for him in the cinema. They went to the beach, a rare treat for Shawn who only got there once or twice a year if he was lucky. They slipped off into their shorts and played in the surf, Shawn was surprised at how much the two seemed to enjoy tackling him and jumping on him. Three times they accidentally pulled his shorts down. Since Shawn and Toby went bathing naked in a small lake near their farms every summer. He didn't feel too embarrassed and just pulled them back up and gave their shorts a tug or two.

They drove home and reached there about nine at night, deciding that they should all get an early night since they would have to start setting up the wedding tent in the morning.

Shawn lead them down to his room in the basement " Watch your step down these stairs, through that small door on the left is the toilet and a shower. It*s not that powerful but it works well enough for me. Oh don*t worry about being quiet, my dad soundproofed the basement so that me and my rabbit friend Toby could scream bloody murder and no-one would be disturbed..."

" You have a rabbit friend?" James interrupted

" Yeah he lives on the next farm about a mile away, you'll get to meet him tomorrow , he's coming over to help". Shawn answered then pointed at his giant four poster bed " that was bought at an auction a few miles away by my mother and sister for my sister*s room. But it wouldn't fit in there unless we took the wardrobe out and there was no way Lisa could live without her large selection of clothes".

Ben and James both chuckled " Yeah females can be really weird. We will look forward to meeting this bunny friend of yours" Ben muttered.

Shawn smiled and nodded " well there's the bed erm how do you want to do this?"

" Well why don't you go in the middle and we can hang on to the edges", James replied heading over and sitting on one side of the bed.

Shawn nodded in agreement then turned off the main light and switched on the small bedside lamp. He pulled off his T-shirt and unbuttoned his jeans, sliding them down and bending over, much to the pleasure of the two wolves who's eyes burned holes in his boxers. Shawn then turned and climbed into bed.

He watched as both James and Ben began to undress, he found it strangely attractive to watch and was more than a little shocked when they both pulled off their boxers and stood naked in his room before turning back to him. Shawn's eyes quickly flicked to the ceiling and he hoped they hadn't caught him staring and didn't think he was some sort of weirdo.

Ben was on his right and James on his right. The two wolves were far from the edge of the bed in fact they were both very close to him, he could feel the heat from their bodies passing into his. He rolled onto his right hand side and faced Ben, who was lying with his back facing him.

Shawn settled down and was just about to drop off to sleep when he felt two paws on his back, they were gently scritching his shoulders Shawn dozed happily enjoying the feeling for a few minutes before he really realised that the James was scritching his back. He thought about saying something, but the wolf's fingers on his back felt so good his whole body was practically melting against them. He remembered that he had been told that wolves were touchy feely. This must have been what they meant by it, well who was he to insult his guests social habits.

Deciding that he should join in he reached his paws back behind him and began to gently scritch James side. The wolf growled softly for a moment with pleasure before his petite paw took hold of Shawn's and pulled it off his body and placed it lightly on Ben's back. Realising that he should scritch the wolf in font of him, he reached out with both paws and began to gently scritch Ben's shoulder blades. He sighed as the soft wolf fur felt good in his paws, the firm flesh of Ben beneath him feeling strangely good.

Ben growled softly to and for a few minutes let Shawn scritch away at his back, before turning around in his bed to look Shawn right in the face. Shawn held his breath wondering if he had done something wrong. His back was still being gently assaulted by James wonderful paws, the wolf had began to move his way slowly down Shawn's back, feeling amazingly pleasurable. Ben looked at him and smiled reaching out his paws he began to scritch Shawn's chest softly, one of his massive paws taking hold of Shawn's and pulling it onto his. Shawn began to scritch the wolfs chest with both paws. As he did so Ben's massive paws began to work on his chest.

Shawn was in heaven his whole body tingled with pleasure as the two wolves worked on him. He made many little whiney pleasure noises as the two wolves worked. He closed his eyes and panted as he felt Ben's paws teasing his nipples, he felt his cock pressing hard against the inside of his boxers. He felt totally embarrassed and hoped that his seven inch member wouldn't be noticed by either of his guests.

James was scritching his lower back and moving lower as Ben was stroking his stomach gently. Shawn had copied Ben and was now stroking the wolf's stomach, suddenly he felt a paw accidentally brush against his hard dog cock. Shawn squeezed his eyes tightly and began to hope that the wolf hadn't noticed.

Shawn heard Ben let out a little wuff of laughter then say " hmmm, this doggy seems to be all excited James" he said slipping his paw into Shawn's boxers making the dog yelp as he took a firm but gentle hold on his doghood.

Shawn jumped forward a little, thrusting his cock into Ben's massive paw as he felt fingers tickling his puckered anus " oh is he? I think he wants to play with us, don't you".

Shawn gulped as Ben grinned at him and moved his muzzle close to Shawn's, the wolf's massive muzzle just a hairs breadth from Shawn's slender one. " yes I think he does " he whispered, the heat from his breath flowing softly over Shawn's muzzle. Shawn was about to open his mouth and say something when Ben's muzzle pressed forward. Shawn found his lips forced against the big wolf's. He felt his lips being forced open by a long probing wolf tongue. It caressed his muzzle and tongue subduing all Shawn's resistance. The kiss felt amazing, plus as the wolf kissed him he felt the paw on his shaft begin to jerk. The massive paw of Ben seemed to know exactly how to pleasure him. With each slow jerk his whole body shook with pleasure.

Shawn squirmed a little as he felt James pulling down his boxers. Then he jumped a little against Ben as he felt a tongue flick against his pucker. He moaned deeply into Ben's muzzle as an expert lupine tongue began to work it's way inside him. His cock was drooling loads of pre, which Ben used to lube up his cock and allowed the wolf to masturbate his engorged member faster and harder. Shawn couldn't move his whole body was alive with pleasure as Ben pulled back from the kiss and smiled, seeing the semi spaced out look in Shawn's eyes and knowing that the dog was lost in the pleasure he and his friend were giving him. The wolf quickly slid his muzzle down Shawn's body, licking his nipples as he went, Reaching the dog*s cock he began licking the head as he jerked Shawn faster.

With his mouth now free all Shawn could do was moan and whine as he felt a distant orgasm growing. He felt the warm muzzle of Ben suddenly surround his cock, his lips pressing against the dogs hard and growing knot. He gasped as he felt James long lupine tongue worm it's way deep into his ass and swirl around. He panted and gasped, knowing that this double assault of pleasure would soon bring him to orgasm.

Ben's tongue ran up and down Shawn's cock, which was drooling more and more pre, all of which was gulped down quickly. His massive paws gripped around Shawn's knot and squeezed as James pressed his tongue as deep into Shawn's ass as he could. Shawn cried out as the sudden increase in pressure made him, cum. His cock exploded inside Ben's muzzle spraying wave after wave of dog seed into the wolfs muzzle. The wolf swallowed these first spurts of cum greedily. As Shawn could feel James tongue wiggling in his tight ass keeping his orgasm going.

After the first few spurts Ben stopped swallowing the seed and instead collected it in his massive muzzle. As Shawn's orgasm faded he pulled off the Dogs cock and went up to hold him in his arms. As James did the same, squeezing the panting dog between them and smiling at each other. James leaned over and kissed Ben the wolf's tongue greedily pressing into Ben's muzzle and lapping up most of the cum held there. But Ben broke the kiss when he had just a few drops left. He moved his massive muzzle and pressed it to the panting dogs. Shawn suddenly felt his own seed pushed into his mouth. It tasted tangy and bitter, but with Ben's muzzle pressed against him he had no choice but to swallow it.

Ben pulled his muzzle back and smiled at Shawn " how did doggy like his treat?"

Shawn smiled a little as he finally got his breath back, he felt a paw grasp around his softening cock and begin to lightly massage it "OooOO it was gooOod" he gasped. He felt James licking his ears lightly.

James whispered into his ears " We are glad you like the middle, cause you are going to be in the middle properly now" Shawn gulped as he felt a warm cock pressing lightly against his tailhole.

Ben looked at him a little with a little compassion in his eyes and then kissed him softly saying " don't worry, we'll take it slow and gentle until you get used to it" he whispered before he turned around and lay with his back facing Shawn. He gently lead Shawn's cock until it pressed against his tailhole then whispered " now, do it now!" Shawn nodded a little, took a gulp of breath and put his paws around Ben. Then the dog paused for a second before thrusting forward hard, the wolf yelped as he thrust his cock in until just the knot remained.

Shawn was overwhelmed by the feeling of the wolf's ass, the tightness and heat pulling him in deeply, the friction from that first thrust all combined into the most pleasurable second of Shawn's life. He almost came there and then but managed to hold it and calm down. He let his cock rest inside Ben as he felt James cock pushing against his pucker again. He held Ben tightly and braced himself.

James thrust forward much more slowly than Shawn, the dog's wet ass combined with the pre he had spread over the cock meant that he was fairly well lubed up. Shawn bite his lip as the pain of having something forced inside him came over him he closed his eyes and held on to Ben as tightly as he could. Once James felt his knot pressing into the dogs ass he stopped and lay still letting Shawn get used to the feeling of a cock inside him.

The pain in Shawn's ass faded quickly leaving just a feeling of discomfort. As his breathing slowed and the wolves guessed that he was used to the cock inside him James whispered " right now we do this together, slow at first". The wolf's paws were around his stomach and as the wolf slowly pulled back out of the dog he pulled Shawn back. Shawn pulled back as James did the feeling of pulling back almost as good as the feeling of thrusting forward. Then as he felt James stop pulling back he stopped too.

James whispered " now back in, slowly this time" Shawn did as he was told thrusting forward slowly, gasping a little as Ben clenched slightly suddenly increasing the friction. Shawn then clenched his ass a little and got a gasp of pleasure from James as a result. This time the wolf's thrust forward was almost painless but not really pleasurable. He began pulling back slowly again, though James moved slightly faster and this time thrust forward much quicker, bashing hard into his prostate and making Shawn yelp in pleasure.

As he felt the pleasure wracking his body he pushed forward hard, making Ben moan with pleasure. The two animals began to hump as one, moving faster with each thrust. Shawn moaned with the pleasure of the wolf's ass around his cock and the feeling of the other wolf's cock in his ass. As he humped he realised he had never tied with anyone before but as he thrust forward harder and harder into Ben's rear he felt his knot pressing deeper and deeper. He felt the desire to get his knot fully into the wolf's ass. He grasped the wolf firmly and thrust forward with sudden speed and strength. Shawn was rewarded by a light pop as his knot slid inside Ben's ass then a immense feeling of pleasure as the wol'*s ass crushed his knot.

As Shawn began to make hard little thrusts into Ben's ass, he knew his orgasm was just seconds away, he felt James thrust forward hard and the wolf's massive knot slide into his ass then expand spreading his wider than he thought possible filling him with pleasure as James to began to hump forward with desperate speed and strength.

Shawn cried out as he came inside Ben, spurting stream after stream of dog seed deep into the wolf's ass. He saw drops of wolf cum spraying out from the wolf in front of him and felt the wolf's rear clench down on his knot amazingly hard, making him yell out again with pleasure. He felt something warm filling his ass as James humped forward and knew that the wolf behind him was cumming inside him.

The three of them lay there together panting heavily all locked together. Shawn hugged Ben tightly laying his head on the wolf's shoulder before falling asleep.

Shawn awoke when James knot pulled out of his ass and Ben pulled forward and the wolf freed himself. Both wolves smiled at him and gave him a light kiss before they leapt off the bed and headed for the shower, chuckling a little and grabbing each other as they went.

Shawn sat and listened as they showered, he could heard them chuckling and moaning and knew that they were doing something more than washing in there. Just the thought of it aroused him, he began to grow hard again. However, he was to afraid to go into the room and join in the fun.

After half an hour the two wolves stumbled out giggling again, Shawn could see that James's cock was just sliding back into his sheath as the two dressed saying " We'll go check see what's happening today while you get showered and dressed doggy". Then they pulled on some clothes and were gone.

Shawn felt a little disappointed as he headed into the shower, his cock had grown hard again watching the wet wolves dress. The floor of the shower room was covered in water and the whole room smelt of wolf lust, Shawn could feel his cock rock hard and demanding attention as he turned the water on. He stepped under the hot water and began to scrub his body trying to ignore his erection.

" Mmm so that's the dog cock I was sucking on last night" Shawn jumped and turned to see Ben standing in the doorway naked looking greedily at his crotch.

The wolf stepped up to the shower and opened the glass door and slide in. Shawn stood there shaking a little in excitement. Ben turned him around and pushed him against the wall, before one of his huge paws slipped around his waist to grasp Shawn's cock.

Shawn gasped with relief leaning heavily against the wall, as Ben did what he had wanted to do to himself. The wolfs paw began to jerk, moving slowly at first getting faster and faster as water flowed down his body and over his cock and balls. The pleasure from the pawing made Shawn yelp as Ben pawed him harder and faster, the wolf licked his neck and ears softly. His whole body shook as he felt his orgasm rapidly approach. Ben Suddenly pressed himself firmly against Shawn and his paw began moving with amazing speed on his shaft, covering the whole of his cock with every pump, pushing hard into his knot.

It wasn't long before Shawn felt the pressure of his orgasm grow to great for him to hold it back and he came, his seed spraying out over the shower walls and being washed away. With each jerk on his cock he sprayed more and more doggy cum onto the wall. Then with a gasp his orgasm ended. Ben looked down a t the drain " damn I wish I had gotten a chance to taste your seed again, it's so nice, don't you think?".

Shawn just stood there panting too blissed out to respond. Then Ben turned off the water and got a towel and began to dry Shawn roughly. Shawn loved the feeling of the wolf's paws rubbing him thought the towel As Ben finished drying him, he grabbed a towel and in turn began to dry Ben.

When they stumbled out of the shower ten minutes later they found James and Toby sitting on the bed talking. Shawn felt incredibly embarrassed but Toby didn't even raise an eyebrow, Shawn guessed that James had told him some sort of cover story to explain this, knowing what Ben had gone in there to do. He and Ben quickly pulled on their clothes while Shawn was informed that the large tent hired for the wedding would not arrive until tomorrow and that since it was going to be late the company they hired it from will provide furs to erect it. Meaning that they had the day off.

James smiled " Toby was just saying that we could go up to that lake were you two go to swim".

Shawn smiled and nodded " yeah we could it's a bit of a hike though".

Ben slapped him on the back " good we can wash the sweat and dirt of the hike off when we get there".

Shawn's mother made them a picnic which Shawn had to carry, they all packed a couple of towels before heading off.

The path lead up several hills and through the woods , they all had chosen to wear shorts, due to the sun. Ben and James followed closely behind Toby and Shawn noticed the way they checked him out several times as the bunny bent or straightened. His feet were of special interest to James, the wolf stared at the giant bunny feet for almost half of the journey. Toby seemed not to notice anything and talked away to everyone. Shawn found himself staring at Ben's ass every now and then, thinking of the pleasure he had found in it last night. His eyes also drifted to his friends rear and he found himself wondering what it would be like to mate that tight bunny ass.

It took them almost three hours to reach the lake, partly because after an hour and a half the stopped at a small clearing in the forest to eat. They had lay on the grass and played a bit of rough and tumble. Toby getting dragged in by Ben then jumped on by Shawn while James took the opportunity to tickle Toby's feet. The bunny had squealed and squirmed much to James delight, when Shawn was pushed back against him he felt the wolfs cock hard and pressing against his white shorts.

Shortly afterward Ben had suggested that they should get a move on, they all picked themselves off the floor and headed on until they finally reached the lake. Over a hundred meters of crystal clear water, deep and cool.

Shawn pulled on his clothes as he reached the waters edge, undressing with desperate speed and jumping straight into the water. He turned and watched Ben and James following suit almost tearing their clothes off and jumping into the cool water. Toby seemed to take longer and slowly undressed much to the happiness of the two wolves who watched his every move with eagerly eyes. Shawn also found himself admiring his friends body and even felt himself growing slightly aroused as he watched Toby bend over, his cute bunny tail going straight up and his pucker showing slightly. Ben and James were staring jaws open as he turned around, his large bunny sheath and balls prominent in their view.

Toby jumped in and swam up to them and began to splash Shawn, who splashed back, Ben and James joined in quickly and it wasn't long until the four were fully engaged in more rough and tumble.

Toby suddenly dived down deep into the lake, James quickly followed him. Under water the wolf caught up with him and slipped his arms around the bunnies waist, holding him gently but keeping him submerged. The wolf looked into the bunny's eyes then pressed his muzzle against the bunny's. Toby struggled for a few seconds trying to break James hold as the wolf's tongue pressed inside the bunny's short muzzle. As it caressed around inside him, Toby slowly stopped fighting and put his arms around James, as he did this the wolf let one of his paws fall to the bunny's sheath, gently stroking around it and then cradling his balls.

The two surfaced after just over two minutes underwater, they were still kissing. Toby's paws were holding on to James buttocks, as the wolf played with the bunny's quickly emerging cock. Shawn felt Ben slip up behind him and the wolfs strong arms surround him. Ben began to lick his neck softly as he whispered " look's like those two are a bit busy so we'll have to keep ourselves busy for a while"

Shawn smiled happily and turned around in Ben's arms. Putting his own arms around the wolf and rubbing that rear that had brought him so much pleasure last night. He felt Ben's paws groping his ass, then one of then slipped under his tail and he began to tickle Shawn's pucker with one finger. As the wolf pressed his finger deep into Shawn's ass he moaned with pleasure, thought the finger felt very cold in his ass, stroking around gently. He felt his erect cock gently rub against something smooth and realised that Ben was just as aroused as he was.

Toby gasped into James mouth his paws gently kneading the wolf's buttocks. He felt the wolfs paw on his fully erect cock stroking and gripping and beginning to jerk him off. His eyes could see Ben and Shawn kissing not far away from them but James tongue drew his mind away from the other two furs and on to the one stroking his tongue and cock. His own paws came across a long hard wolf member and he began to jerk it with one paw while his other paw softly stroked James balls.

As he felt the finger moving around inside him Shawn knew that he wanted more and whispered as much to Ben who nodded then they both began to swim as quickly as the could to shore. They clambered out erect cocks bouncing then kissed passionately on the shore, Shawn's paw gripping Ben's cock and jerking it softly finding pre leaking out freely he rubbed it all over the wolf's eight inch shaft, making sure to spend time on the head making Ben whine with pleasure and desire.

Shawn suddenly pulled back turned around and got on all fours in front of Ben, his tail up and wagging slightly. Ben gripped it gently and pulled it out of his way as he got into position. Pressing his wolfhood against Shawn's pucker then slowly thrusting deep into the dog beneath him, the tightness of the dog's rear making him growl with desire.

Shawn moaned as he felt Ben thrust deep inside him, his ass being slowly spread wide. Then as Ben stopped and waited for a few seconds he muttered " are you OK?"

Ben chuckled deeply " yeah I'm fine just waiting for the others to get here so we can all enjoy this together".

Shawn turned his head to see that Toby and James were swimming towards them as quickly as they could and would be with them in a matter of seconds. He watched the two furs emerge from the water cocks erect and then run through the water paw in paw up to them.

James got down onto his knees and then stomach, he slide under Shawn and then rolled onto his back, so that his erect cock was in front of Shawn's nose. As he felt James muzzle surround his shaft licking it softly, he sent his tongue out to lick the wolf's shaft, murring happily only to have his muzzle pulled up a little by Toby. He smiled down at his dog friend and moved his cock up to Shawn's muzzle. Shawn nodded a little in understanding and took Toby's cock head into his muzzle and began to lap at the head. His bunny friend began to stroke and caress his head as he suckled on the bunny's meat.

As Shawn was getting used to the sucking Ben decided to start fucking him again, the large wolf pulled back slowly then thrust forward hard, at the same time Toby thrust his cock deep into Shawn's mouth and James pressed Shawn's member deep into his muzzle. As the wolf and the bunny fucked Shawn in both ends and James suckled on him, Shawn knew it wouldn't be long before the pleasure he was receiving would push him over the edge into orgasm. The taste of a cock on his mouth was so much better than he had though it would be, now he was desperate to find out what bunny seed tasted like.

As Toby thrust forward into his friends muzzle he saw the erect and unattended cock of James right by his foot. Lifting one foot and using his paws on Shawn to support him, he moved his giant bunny foot to the cock and used his big toes like a paw and gripped the wolfs shaft as best he could. The response from James was amazing the wolf began the thrust up happily into the bunny's foot. Toby held the wolfhood with as good a grip as he could managed. The wolf's shaft drooled pre all over his foot and soon his toes were soaked in wolf pre as the wolf fucked his foot desperately.

As Shawn sucked hard on the thrusting and drooling bunny shaft he could feel Ben's cock thrusting harder and deeper inside him, the mouth around his cock seemed to be suckling harder and faster, he couldn't see what Toby was doing. His mind was reeling with a mixture of pleasures the new taste of pre in his mouth, the pounding his ass was receiving and the warm suckling on his shaft. He tried to fight back the urge but it was to strong and with a muffled cry he came, his doggy seed pumping quickly into James mouth.

As Ben felt the ass tighten around him he began to fuck Shawn with animal lust, his need to be inside the tight doggy rear before he came making him fuck him harder and harder until his knot was rammed deep inside Shawn's ass and locked, it took only another thrust or two to get him to cum. His creamy seed filling Shawn's ass in several giant spurts. He came to a rest on top of Shawn and got to watch as the bunny fucked Shawn's face faster and faster.

He also got to see James humping into the bunny's foot like a made wolf and smiled, he knew that James had both a foot fetish and a bunny fetish and that this was a dream come true for his friend. It wasn't long before with a loud gasp James came, his seed spraying up over the bunnies foot and Shawn's muzzle.

Toby was too preoccupied with fucking Shawn's muzzle to notice that James had cum, he kept fucking faster and faster. Shawn's mouth completely dominated by Toby's eight inch shaft. Until with a cry he came deep inside Shawn's muzzle, sending so much seed into Shawn's muzzle that some of it trickled out of the dogs muzzle.

Shawn was amazed at the sheer volume of cum his friend sprayed, it was much sweeter than his had been and he swallowed it down greedily but remembering what the wolves had done for him last night kept some of it in his muzzle as the bunny pulled his cock out of him.

Shawn and Ben collapsed on the floor with James next to them, Toby sat down in between the two of them and James. Shawn's paws reached up to his friends neck and pulled him down for a kiss the bunny went willingly only to have his own seed pushed into his mouth. Swallowing quickly out of surprise Toby then settled into the kiss, before pulling back and licking Shawn's muzzle clean of wolf cum. As he did the James came up to join the group Shawn quickly pulled him into a kiss and pressed the last of Toby's seed into James' muzzle. The wolf pressed his tongue deep into Shawn's mouth squirming around to taste more of the bunny's seed.

James pulled back from the kiss and turned his attentions to Toby as Ben and Shawn lay, locked together and snuggled. James kissed the bunny's muzzle softly, his paw caressing Toby's face, his paw went down to Toby's limp shaft, he began to stroke and caress the damp bunnyhood. It wasn't long until he got the bunny cock hard again. Pulling back from the kiss he turned and with a glint in his eye turned around and got on all fours right next to Shawn and Ben.

The two furs watching murred with content as the watched Toby approach James ass a little unsure. Shawn remembered how unsure he had been last night when it was his first time and knew that his friend was more than a little worried. However, after just watching Ben and Shawn, Toby knew roughly what he had to do. He mounted James and pressed his cockhead against James pucker. Then he thrust forward hard, the sudden tightness and heat of James ass gave him a shock and the amazing new pleasure almost made him cum right there and then.

Shawn smiled as he watched Toby's face knowing that he had just been a bit overwhelmed by the sensation of the wolf's ass. The bunny recovered quickly however and it wasn't long before he was humping James fast and hard, much to the wolf's pleasure, Shawn could see the erect cock of the wolf dripping pre. Reaching out a paw he reached under James and firmly gripped the oozing member. He began to jerk James cock as the bunny on top of him fucked faster and harder, reaming his ass delightfully. It wasn't long before James cried out in pleasure his wolfhood shooting forth more seed coating Shawn's paw as Toby cried out at the extra tightness, the sudden increase in friction causing the bunny to cum. He thrust away pumping his load of hot milky seed into the wolf's tight rear.

The two furs collapsed panting happily. The four lay together snuggling each other randomly, scritching softly. After a few hours they got dressed and headed home. During the hike they stopped several times so that they could hug and kiss, the return hike took almost four hours. As Toby began to head off home, he took Shawn aside and laid a soft kiss on his lips and said " To think two days ago you didn't want them here, now you can hardly keep your paws off them or me".

Shawn smiled and kissed his friend back softly " yeah it promises to be a fun filled week, and when we go to uni this October they will be living nearby, we could have a very interesting time. Of course once they have gone home, there*s nothing to stop us getting together to have some fun".

Shawn hugged Toby and turned to go back to the wolves who were standing paw in paw and waving to Toby. The three of them headed back to Shawn's.