A Fox Behind Bars part 18

Story by Wip on SoFurry

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#18 of A Fox Behind Bars

Part 18, y'all!

You'd be impressed with me if you saw me actually planning a bit ahead. I got several magnificent ideas and suggestions from some awesome peeps and everything is just flowing!

And on the personal front, I just had another job interview thursday that went really well, and believe me, it is a LOAD off! I must have been more worried about it than I thought, cuz when I got done, my word count shot up and everything seemed to move more organically and... well, now I'm rambling

Point is, things are going well! Like, I could have just kept writing and writing and writing, what with all the inspiration I'm feeling. But I'd hate to keep you peeps waiting, so here's the 18th installment. Imma gonna chill for a few hours, then hit a coffee shop to get part 19 going

Really hope you're enjoying this!!!!

Thank you for reading you all rock!


An echoing alarm blast sounded an end to my Yard time. I waited along with Jake for Dimitri by the doors. We both surreptitiously wiped beaver jizz into our prison issued coats. I was feeling more than a little irritated at Vince. If he had told me I'd be spending almost my entire Yard time jerking off a drunk gang of rodents, I would have told him to go do it himself.

I couldn't even figure out how they got drunk inside a prison, but they were. From what I could gather, the group of them were being treated by whatever hierarchy the rodents had for having spent a stretch in solitary after a fight with some of the scalies. If it wasn't for Greg they would have ended up back there and me and Jake would probably be in the infirmary. It started when they took a moment from making speciesist comments about the scalies to ask me what I thought about them. Stupidly, I told the truth. I said I had a few scalie friends on the outside who were really good poets and in here my only interactions were with them were sexual and that a raptor, Tox, was one of the best lays I've ever had. Had I known how serious the feud between the rodents and scalies was, I probably would have kept that to myself.

Thank God, Greg was there. That fat wolf finally proved useful. Although he did make me apologize for saying things I wasn't sorry for, he did save me from getting my ass kicked. I found myself wishing Dimitri would have been with me. Greg did the best he could, but me and Jake still had to be extra careful to stroke the rodents egos along with their cocks to avoid repeated slaps and some of the more inebriated furs from deliberately trying to cum on us every time Greg looked away.

I looked at the grass stains on my knees and wondered how much worse they'd get once the spring thaw arrived. Was this my life now? I pushed away the thought before I could answer it.

Dimitri arrived, the bright orange in his fur a shade darker from perspiration. Even without a jacket his manic workouts could still work up a sweat in this chilly weather. He gave a slight nod at me and Jake, acknowledging us more than usual. We fell in behind him on our way back to our cells. I looked over at Jake. He hadn't spoken to me since our time with Hash. The red fox's attitude was beginning to get on my nerves. I wanted things to be easy for him, but everything was still so hard for me. What could I do?

"Jake," I tried to speak loud enough for him to hear me over the crowd coming in from the Yard. "Jake, sorry I got those rodents upset. I'll try to be more like you next time Vince has us working together." He gave me a half smile. I couldn't tell if this was normal quiet-Jake or if he was amused by how off the mark I was in guessing why he was still not speaking to me.

We entered Cellblock-H. Piter was just walking over to his cell to wait for the after Yard headcount when we saw each other. The husky glared a threat and grabbed his crotch like it was the handle of a gun, and it was just as scary as one to me. I sped up until I was close enough to Dimitri to feel the tiger's body heat.

I was looking forward to spending the evening in my corner. It was nice and safe there. I'd probably need to service Dimitri a few times first, but when he finished with me and spent the rest of the day watching his television, I could lose myself in the book that sat on the shelf. That would be so pleasant. But Dimitri had other plans for the evening.

"You have fun out outside, pet?" Dimitri asked as we entered the cell.

"No, sir," I said without hesitation.

He looked over his shoulder as he went to the sink to rinse himself off. "No one hurt you, did they?"

I thought about getting slapped a few times. "No." I leaned against the cold wall, waiting for the tiger to finish.

"Well, you are gonna have some fun tonight."

Oh hell. "W-what do you mean, sir?" I listened to water splashing against the tiger's face.

"Don't sound so fucking scared. Just do what you're told and you have no reason to fear me."

I wrapped my arms around myself, a knot starting to form in the pit of my stomach. I watched Dimitri dry his face on a towel. "Sir?"

Dimitri grunted into the towel.

"Y-you said I'd have fun?"

"As long as you listen. Now, fuckin' relax. That's a command, pet."

His words had the exact opposite effect. I pull my arms tighter around myself to stop any shaking before it began. "Do you want me to wash up before I suck..." I swallowed hard, not feeling up to finishing the sentence. What if he wanted something more this time? His idea of fun was as different from mine sometimes as night is from day.

"Yes. But my cock will have to wait."

Cryptic jerk. "Yes, sir." I washed as well as I could in the tiny sink. My hands didn't smell like sex, so I felt I did a good job considering I didn't have access to industrial grade disinfectants. Dimitri even inspected me, straightening my shirt and pushing my hair out of my eyes, making sure I was presentable.

"Can't you get clothes that fit?" he mumbled to himself after realizing I was as good as I could be expected. "How were the rodents?"

I blinked, rather impressed he bothered to remember what I had to do. I only read him the note once over breakfast.

I told him I thought they were drunk, and that they'd just gotten out of solitary.

"I remember that fight. They fucked up some raptor. And had the whole place on lockdown for three days. Should've beat the fuck outta those bitches." He saw my expression. "I said should, not would. Anyways, I got plans for us."

I smiled. My stomach began to unknot a little. He wasn't in a violent mood. A guard walked past our cell door, giving a look just long enough to see two furs. The doors would open soon. "Please, if you want, give me a tiny hint about what we're going to do."

Dimitri put his hand on top of my head, messing the hair he'd just smoothed back. "You like Sanders, right?"

Was it a trick question? I liked him, he was on the short list of furs that didn't make me want to crawl into a hole and hide."He's nice, I guess," I said.

"We're gonna hang out with him in the common."

My knees felt weak. "But what if-"

Dimitri wrapped his paw over my muzzle, holding it shut. "Piter needs to learn any power he thinks he has ends at the Pack's borders. I'm sure you don't need a reminder of that too, do you?"

I whimpered and shook my head no as well as I could in his iron grip.

"Good boy." The doors opened. "Heel."

Unsettled as I was, I still hated how much like a pet he treated me. Of course I obeyed though.


Jake had no reservation about getting ordered around like a feral dog, or at least he hid any better than I could. When Dimitri walked by his cell and snapped his fingers, the red fox came running. No questions either, the showoff.

From the walkway I could see Piter and his pack gambling as usual. I could also see Sanders and a panther sitting at the feline table, the one furthest from the Pack's, but not far enough for me to feel any easier.

"Dimitri!" Sanders stood and jovially welcomed us. "'Sup, Regal, Jake," he smiled. "This is Styen. Not sure if you guys know him."

The panther waved. "Any of you wanna play this cheatin' fuck? I'm tired of losing," he said with a laugh.

My eyes zeroed in on the checkerboard. "Can I, sir?" The proximity of Piter momentarily forgotten.

Dimitri's grin was a rare sight, but I was starting to love seeing it. "I told you you'll have fun."

I hopped into the seat across from Styen, stealing an appreciative look at what I could make out of his slim athletic build, and coal fur. Male beauty had always been an abstract notion for me, something I'd like to see in a statue or painting, but since my forced acceptance of my bisexuality, my thoughts were getting as carnal as the were back when females were an option. I wonder how big his dick is.

I pulled my attention away from the panter before I started to blush. "You don't mind, do you, sir?" I asked Sanders as he pivoted the game board toward me. "I mean, is it ok to sit here? I could stand if you want."

The lion rolled his eyes. "Regal, I said you don't need to call me 'sir.' And you're a cool dude, not all of us take this speciesism crap so seriously."

"Thank you, Sanders." It was hard not to get emotional, seeing another glimmer of reality in the twilight zone of pointless hate and pain.

There were only four seats welded to the common area table, and Jake would have been content to stand there. As long as he wasn't being used as a chair like Piter always did, I think he saw this as a step up. My guilt caught up with me as Sanders set up the pieces. "Jake can share my seat," I offered to Dimitri, knowing he'd have the final say on the matter.

"No." Dimitri patted the table, "he's gonna sit right here and look pretty." I watched in mute apprehension as the red fox settled himself on the circular table between me and Dimitri, facing Piter's pack. I couldn't help but look to see their reaction.

My ears flattened. Piter's card game had stopped. He and his pack were staring at us with a mix of lust and rage. I hunched over, wishing I could fold in on myself and disappear to someplace their eyes couldn't see me. Sanders laid his paw over mine, causing me to nearly jump out of my skin.

"Sorry," he grinned apologetically. "I was just going to tell you, you have nothing to worry about. Dimitri, you did tell them the plan, right?"

"No." Dimitri was sitting sideways, his arm wrapped around Jake's waist, and his attention divided between the frustrated pack across the room and the common area's television.

Sanders gave a reproachful look to the distracted tiger. "He wants to see if he can get a few of the dogs to snap. If they start anything first, it's all on camera and they'll be the ones sent to solitary."

"Oh." I was bait then. "If there's a fight, are you and Styen going to help Dimitri?"

Sanders and Styen laughed. "He says he won't need any help, but yeah, that's why we're here." I looked accusingly at Dimitri, but he didn't notice. Probably for the best. "Your move, fox," Sanders motioned to the checkerboard.


The lion won easily, but I think it was because I was out of practice. That and Jake's tail would flick in my face every so often, breaking my concentration. He'd say he was sorry, but I'm ninety percent sure he was doing it on purpose.

"Who's next?" Sanders said triumphantly. "Dimitri, you wanna go?"

The tiger twisted in his seat to face the lion. "Jake, go play with him so he shuts up."

Jake hopped off the table and I moved to give him my seat. As I slid onto the still warm table, Dimitri took his attention off the common area's television. "Not there, pet." He patted his knee.

I think everyone in the cellblock was aware of what kind of a relationship - if it could be called that - I had with Dimitri, but I still didn't want him to make me humiliate myself in front of everyone. I pushed off the table. I didn't have a choice, so with as much dignity as I could muster, I settled gingerly onto the tiger's lap and proceeded to study my shoes to avoid seeing anyone's reaction.

"Good boy." Dimitri's hand caressed my knee and slowly started working its way up my thigh. "Look at how angry Piter is getting," he whispered in my ear.

I looked up. It was hard to tell when the husky was really mad because of the frightening fur patterns that left him looking permanently pissed off, but if the way he was clenching his fists was any indication, Dimitri was right. I wasn't so sure Dimitri's plan to get him worked up was safe, or a good idea.

The tiger's knuckle grazed my package and I shuddered.

"I'm tempted to fuck you right here. But that sick bitch would probably enjoy watching too much." He smirked at my look of dread. "Would you fucking relax?"

"Sorry, sir," I said quietly. His other hand began fondling my tail.

"I want you to look at him, right in the eyes."

"Please don't m-"

"Do it," he said firmly.

Any more protests on my part would only get me in trouble. I took a deep breath and looked back at my husky tormentor. Dimitri's arms stiffened around me. It felt like a wall being built; a wall that really could keep Piter out.

"That is not someone you need to fear. Trust me, the next time he even tries to touch you, I'll cut off his dick and give it to you as a present."

I burst out laughing, loud enough to get the other furs at our table looking, but I didn't care. Dimitri was crazy enough to be serious. "Is that a promise, sir?"

"Would I ever lie to my pet?"

Probably, I thought, but I started to believe that if he did lie to me it wouldn't be intentional. I put my arms around his neck, hugging tightly as a layer of fear lifted off like a morning fog. To cement my freedom from that oppressive fear, I turned back to Piter, and almost with a mind of its own, my arm lifted and before I knew it, my middle finger was jutting up.

"Good boy," Dimitri hissed into my ear.

Well, I was now committed. Dimitri's pet for the duration, or until either me or Piter are dead. Hopefully the latter.

Piter stood, followed by his pack. For a moment I worried I'd gone too far, but the husky motioned them to sit. He casually made his way towards our table. The sudden hush in the cellblock drew the attention of the normally disinterested guard, a stallion today. The guard rushed to meet Piter before he could reach our table.

"I'm just going to say a few words," Piter said with an unnatural calmness. The guard has his radio out and reluctantly backed off a step, his eyes never left the husky.

"That's close enough," Dimitri growled.

Piter's smile never faltered. After grinning at us for an unnerving few seconds he spoke. "You," he laughed softly, "you furs are ghosts. I see you sitting there, thinking you're still alive, but you are so fucking dead I could walk right through you."

That was creepy, I thought with a shiver.

"That all?" Dimitri asked.

The husky smiled and walked away. I waited until he was just far enough away that he might still hear me.

"When you cut off his dick, can I have his balls too?"

Dimitri laughed. "Anything you want, pup."

I have no idea where my sudden bravery came from. Maybe a fur can only take in so much fear before some of it gets pushed out. Piter's ears flicked, and I was pretty sure he heard me. He went into his cell, followed by Cole and Max, his lieutenants. I held my breath, waiting for them to come back out armed with some impossible weapon. But time went on and it became clear that they weren't coming back.

I looked at Dimitri. "You scared them off," I said with a hint of amazement.

"Looks like it," through half lidded eyes, "I hope he tries something soon. My pet wants a chew toy."

Styen cut in before I'd have to consider if I'd really become so callous to the violence in here to appreciate a bloody bouquet of Piter parts without reacting with horror.

"I'm gonna stash my piece, there's not gonna a rumble today." The panther sounded disappointed. "Sanders?" The lion palm something from his waist and passed it to Styen with a handshake.

I watched the panther strut to his cell. "Did you bring a..." I didn't want to say weapon in case someone overheard.

Dimitri laughed. "You think I need one?"

"No, sir." His body was a capable of committing war crimes, why would he need a sharpened toothbrush.

Sanders slapped the table. "Hot damn! I win again. It was a close one, Jake. you almost had me there." He stood to stretch and gloat. Jake was actually smiling, and from the few pieces left, it had been close. "Alright," Sanders clapped his hands, "since the night's festivities ran away with their tails tucked between their legs, what do say we make this next game more interesting? Both of you against me," he pointed at me and Jake. "I want to see if those stereotypes of clever foxes are true."

I frowned slightly. Me and Jake weren't on the best of terms right now, and Dimitri's lap was so much more appealing since he let Piter know I was truly off limits to him now. Jake look about as enthused as me.

Sanders didn't let that stop him. "If you win, I've got two chocolate bars-"

"Yes," I declared without hesitation. "I mean, can I sir?" The only thing I could think of was getting my paws on more tradables to swap for the spicy chips I wanted to get Hash.

Dimitri rolled his eyes and spoke to Sanders. "Pet dosen't have anything to gamble with. And I don't want Jake getting himself in debt."

"Dimitri, you should know me better. I was just thinking that if I won... I'd kinda like to see them kiss each oth-"

"Yes." I gawked at Dimitri's spot on imitation of me. More than gawking, I gave Dimitri a look of mock disapproval. "What? That would be fuckin' hot. I'm surprised I haven't made you two do that myself." He tussled my hair and slid me off his lap. "Don't lose, Sanders, or I'll make you kiss Styen."

"What?" asked a surprised returning Styen.

I pulled Jake back a few steps to discuss strategy. "What do think? Can we do this?" I meant work together, more than win, but I really did want that chocolate bar.

Jake shrugged.

That was not helpful. "C'mon, dude. I said I was sorry, what else do you want? Please just let it go? I promise next time Dimitri gets unfair, I'll say something." I did hope I could follow through on that, but I was desperate enough to promise him whatever he wanted. I'm not proud of that.

Jake looked at me. "I do like chocolate. I think we can beat him."

My tail wagged and we planned out how to take down the lion. It wasn't the six or eight minute game of checkers we were used too. It was really more like a chess match. Me and Jake conferring before and after every move, with the advantage of our large sensitive ears we weren't at risk of Sanders overhearing us. And Sanders was playing with an unusual intensity, like he was defending his title of King of Cellblock-H Checkers Enthusiasts. Styen and Dimitri watched the match intently, Dimitri even ignored the television.

Sanders strategy of piece trading had cleared most of the board, leaving me and Jake with two kings and Sanders only up by one. One our kings was trapped by Sanders' last regular piece and one of his kings. We were in the endgame, chasing each other with our last kings. Three moves too late I noticed we fucked up. I looked at the lion. His predatory grin told me he knew we fucked up too.

Sanders crowed about his checkers playing prowess as I slid my head down to the table, giving Jake the honor of completing our poor king's death spiral into a corner. It wasn't having to kiss Jake that disappointed me - although I didn't relish the thought - it was the missed opportunity to get that candy bar.

I don't know why I was so fixated on my plan to buy my friend, Hash, a bag of spicy chips. It was such a small gesture compared to all that his being there meant to me. Depressingly, it was all I could hope to do. I would be spending all the wealth I had left under Dimitri's dominion just to buy an overpriced snack for the coyote because he mentioned how much he loved hot food out on the outside. The lines between romantic and pathetic were razor thin.

"Good game!" Sanders roared. He was elated at the genuine challenge we gave him. I lifted my head from the table to see his expectant face. "Well?" he arched an eyebrow.

I looked over at Jake. He was where ever his happy place was when he got that vacant look in his eyes. I sighed and stood up, pulling Jake off of his seat, then looked at our expectant audience. "This is immature, you guys know that?"

Sanders and Styen laughed hard at that. Dimitri just leered.

"Like a bunch of cubs discovering what the internet is really for," I muttered before positioning Jake's muzzle and planting a smacking kiss. "Satisfied?"

"C'mon, Regal," whined Sanders. "I want to see some passion. Kiss him like he's the love of your life!" Styen and Dimitri echoed the sentiment.

I couldn't say no. Not just because they were bigger than me, but because they'd been willing to fight Piter's gang just to keep me safe. The furs I used to think were my friends didn't even stick around for my trial. These guys just proved they were more loyal to me than anyone has ever been. A feeling of gratitude and obligation built in me. I gave the cats a coy smile and closed my eyes. I thought back on my experiences and what I witnessed in porn and the rare romantic movie I'd seen. Inspiration gathered. Ok.

I wrapped my arms around Jake's waist, looking deep into his hazel eyes. I felt his hands reach around, one cradling the back of my head, the other squeezing my ass. I moaned softly for the benefit of Sanders, cocked my head to the side and voraciously attacked the red fox's face. My mouth parted only to be invaded by Jake's tongue. I opened my eyes to see the look of determination in his eyes as my tongue pushed back, wrestling to penetrate his hungry mouth. But neither one of us wanted to play the bottom in this theatrical kiss.

It wasn't a romantic kiss, it looked sexual, but it was a different sort of aggressiveness beneath the surface. Both of us pulling the other into a closer embrace, able to feel every curve of the others body as the vacuum seal of our mouths broke to take in a quick gasp before going at it again. Jake's paw took hold of my hair, I swore silently for not having gotten it cut yet. He pulled it with a burning need to dominate this forced display of affection, to prove he was capable of leading the way at least once. I knew, because I felt the same way. I ignored the growing sting of Jake's hair pulling, and focused on kneading the fleshy globes that flanked the fluffy red tail everyone was always making such a big deal over.

The physical reaction was inevitable, but my eyes still widened as I felt Jake's arousal making itself known against my thigh. If it went on much longer, he'd be getting a similar surprise. I slid a hand up his chest, wedging it between us. With one last charge of the tongue, I push away, gasping for air, leaning over the table, wiping the saliva from my sore mouth.

I glanced up, remembering we had an audience.

"Fuuuck," moaned Styen. Sanders and Dimitri just looked on for a moment before snapping out of it.

Dimitri stood. "We'll be back," he announced before reaching across the table, yanking me by my shirt.

I heard Sanders call out, "you lucky son of a bitch," to Dimitri as he nearly dragged me up the stairs, and told the others to watch Jake for him. Had I not still been short of breath, I might have had the notion to give Jake a glimpse of what my victory-grin looked like.

The tiger practically flung me into his cell. "Naked. Now," he commanded as he pulled off his shirt.

The residual arousal from the kiss drained. Dimitri was horny, his cock threatening the zipper on his pants. The word "gentle" wasn't in his vocabulary. I put my pile of clothes on the little table and the tiger was on me like a feral on a raw steak. He grasped my throat, his finger and thumb pressing into hinge of my jaw, forcing it open.

"You are..."

What, I wondered, stupid? Reckless? Cursed?

Dimitri never told me. He just bent down, his big flat tongue flooding my mouth before I knew what was happening. There was no competition with Dimitri kiss like there was with Jake's, I let him explore my mouth without resistance.

"So that's what Jake tastes like," the tiger observed. "You liked making out with him, didn't you?" He spun me onto his bunk before letting me answer.

"D-did you like seeing me do it?" I asked on my back, looking up at Dimitri as he hunched over me, one of his knees between my legs.

"You know I did." He moved his hand towards my face. "Open." I did and he jammed his middle finger in. It slid along my tongue, further back than any doctor ever put their popsicle stick, but I managed to resist gagging.

"Good boy," he cooed as I sucked instinctively. He started rubbing my balls, putting just enough pressure to start me whimpering. "Who owns these?"

"Mmyoo mmoo," I whined around his finger.

"That's right." He started twisting my stiffening cock between two fingers. "This too."

I nodded in complete agreement. His finger made a popping sound when he yanked it from my suckling mouth. I bit my lip in a failed bid to keep from crying out as his finger went where I feared. "Please," I begged before yelping as Dimitri violated my hole, pushing in before I could loosen up.

I felt the burning fade and his finger twist and curl like I was about to be picked up like a bowling ball. Then a spark shot up my spine as his thick digit found the gland he was looking for and I stopped caring what he was going to do. He let his finger play my g-spot like a guitar. The pleasure burned hotter than the pain. And as abruptly at he pulled it from my mouth, his finger was gone.

"Please," I begged urgently, this time wanting him not to stop. My raging hard on was slick with pre. "Sssir," I hissed. I wanted - no - needed release! He pinned my arms above my head, watching my frustration in sadistic glee. My hips twitched, ready to hump anything they could reach.

"My property, pet," he said letting go of one of my arms to flick my cock, drawing a shuddering yip. "Only I decide when it cums. Understand?"

Sadly, I did. I nodded with a groan.

"You're such a good boy. I loved the show you put on. And if you keep being a good boy, tonight, after lockdown, I might let you get off."

I came closer to arguing that remark than was safe. I caught my words while they were still a squeak in the back of my throat. "Yes, sir. I'll be good."

"I know you will." He let go of my hands, sitting back. "Start by taking care of this."

I stared at the bulge in his pants, bigger than when we got to the cell. Part of me wondered at how his pants hadn't ripped. I rolled off the bunk, hitting the cold floor.

Dead bunnies, empty spray-paint_ cans, that time I made fun of a goat that turned out to have a prosthetic leg._ I was thinking of anything to get rid of this damn erection as I crawled between Dimitri's legs. But everything was a fucking turn on in my state. The hot feel of his flesh as it filled my mouth. The smells of his masculinity, his sweat, his natural scent. The sounds of my slurping and sucking, slowly muffled by the throb of blood in my ears as my breaths became fewer as Dimitri kept me down longer with the approach of his climax.

I had to wrap my arms around his calves just to keep from playing with myself. My whimpers added to Dimitri's thrill. His massive hands trapped my head and he began jerking himself off with my mouth. Apparently I wasn't going fast enough. As painful as it was, I welcomed the distraction from my aching arousal. He let go of me with a geyser of cum flooding my mouth. I was to experienced with the tiger by now to just take my mouth off, like a normal fur would think to do. Instead, I pulled away just enough to open my throat, sucking in air and musk through my flaring nostrils. I swallowed down his diminishing spurts, willing myself to stay calm.

When he was empty, I looked up at him with pleading eyes and jizz running down my chin. He knew what I was after.

"No, pet. Tonight. If you behave yourself, I'll let you shoot your load."

My ears flattened in abject defeat. I could still feel the specter of his finger stroking my gland and rolling my balls. It was going to be a long evening.