Dancing in the Rain - Chapter Six

Story by Valt on SoFurry

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I gave a happy groan as I fell onto my lawn, smiling up at the multi-colored sky and panting heavily. My chest was aching, my legs were quivering and my entire body felt sore, and I fucking loved it!

Today I ran my twenty kilometres track in forty-five minutes. No brakes, no needing to rest, and with not a single care to keep me down.

I felt free this morning, I felt happy, and I felt like I could handle anything! I felt like I was king of the world and that nothing could bring me down. Nothing.

I arched my back a little and pulled out my phone from my pocket and went into my messages and opened up Max's message log. I smiled as I gently began to tap away as I laid on the gently wet grass.

To: Max

You know, if I knew coming out would be this freeing? I would have done it fucking ages ago!

I rolled over onto my arms and got myself up. Padding myself into my house and closing the door behind me.

"Oh good morning!" I heard my dad in the kitchen.

"Morning Dad!" I said with a smile, padding my way over to the kitchen, "How was your sleep?" I asked,

"Fantastic!" he said with a smile, "How are you feeling dude?" He asked me, and I just nodded my head.

"For ages, I knew something for wrong, something dragging me down, I had no idea what it was. But today, I feel... I don't know how to explain it." I said with a chuckle, "I feel free. I feel ready and I feel like every thing's right." I said with a chuckle.

My dad just gave me a massive smile, pushing over a nice hot cup of coffee.

"I'm so happy you're feeling so gay." he said taking a sip of his coffee, a nice loud laugh following. I just gave him a very unimpressed look, taking a nice drink of my coffee.

"Is this what my life is now?" I asked, My dad just nodding his head.

"Fathers job." He said, swallowing his coffee as he did.

"You're not going to be my father if you keep this up." I said bluntly.

"Oh c'mon." he said gently, "Don't be a drama Queen."

I just kinda looked at him in total silence, before I put my coffee down and walked into my room. My dad in the kitchen laughing his ass off.

"How am I related to him?" I asked myself, gently shaking my head and chuckling. I pushed open my door, doing my regular morning thing. Shower, Jerk off and get into my uniform. I smiled as I put all that I needed into my pockets, and happily padded out into the lounge room, finding Daniel at the head of table munching away on his cereal.

"Good morning brother of mine." I said smiling over at him,

"It is isn't it?" he asked me. I was surprised by his lack of groaning and I just kinda looked at him with his shocked amazed look on my face. Laughing when his face just changed from happy to annoyed. I smiled walking over to him, and giving the top of his head a tussle.

"Got to bed early?" I asked him,

"Fell asleep right after dinner and I feel amazing." he admitted to me,

"Are you going to be going to bed earlier now?" I asked him, and he just sighed. "Ten o'clock bed time alright?" He asked me, and with a small smile. I returned the smile and gently pet his head.

"Perfect, but your electronics off at nine thirty and you need to be in bed by ten alright?" I asked him, smiling as he nodded his head.

"Alright bro." he said with a large smile on his face before he went back to his breakfast. I was proud of him. He was finally deciding to do something good for himself. I know he loved his games, but he's going to be feeling so much better after a week or two.

I got myself to the kitchen and began to make myself my regular breakfast shake. As my little machine buzzed it all through, I felt my phone buzz in my pocket.

I let my shaker finish, then took it into my room, sat on my bed and took my phone out of my pocket. After a quick swipe and a double tap on the notification, the message log opened itself up.

From Max:

I'm so glad you're feeling better

hun, I was so worried about u

all night. What happened with


I just gave a soft sigh before I took a quick sip of my shake.

To Max:

Look, I'll talk to you about it

during Psych ok? To much to say.

I'll pick you up around 8:15. chat

then dude.

After that he just seemed to stay quite so I assumed we would talk about it later. I just got myself onto my laptop and did a little more work on my Psychology assignment. Putting it down on my lap while I typed away about the frailness of the brain and how easy it was to break it down.

It was a two thousand word essay, needing a very detailed bibliography at the end. It was driving me crazy just how damn detailed it needed to be! I had to get the websites or books name, the address, the last time it was edited or written, and then I had to write a quick one hundred words on how trust able the information is and why.

Sometimes I hated my Psych class. It drove me to the point of insanity. Ironic huh?

When the time came for me to go, I packed up my laptop into my bag and then padded myself into the kitchen, fiddling around with the zipper as I came out into the lounge. "Daniel you..." I began, before I looked up to see my family in the lounge and it was not pretty. Daniel was on the couch, and my parents faces were the angriest I had ever seen them! Mums eyes were teary as she glared down at my brother and Dad was pacing just off to the side.

Two things to know about my mum and dad. Mum has only ever cried in rage once before in her life, that was during the law suit for Trent when things were looking really bad for us. My Dad on the other paw, only pace for two reasons. He's trying to figure something out, or he's trying not to put his fist through something.

My brother had really fucked up.

"Oh sorry, I'll come back later." I said, about to turn around.

"No don't." my mother growled, "You go, I'll be taking this one to school myself and I'll pick him up too." I knew that trying to pry right now would result badly, so I just nodded my head and walked myself to the door,

"Um see you tonight bro." I said turning to the small Dalmatian who was starring into the floor with anger in his eyes. He didn't reply, he didn't say anything, he just store into the floor. I sighed only imagining what he had done now.

I padded over to my car, put my bag into the back seat and then after starting up my car, made my way down to the electric blue house. I didn't rush, I was in no hurry, I just happily drove twenty down the road until I found myself sitting just outside the small Mammals house.

It wasn't twenty seconds later that the front door opened and out walked that gorgeous animal that I couldn't seem to get out of my head. He smiled over to me gently as he slid into my car and put his bag into the back next to mine.

"Morning." He said gently,

"Good morning man." I said cheerfully, waiting until his seatbelt was on to once again take off.

"How did you sleep?" I asked him softly,

"Yeah I slept alright thanks hun." He said gently, "How about you?" he asked,

"I think I had the best sleep of my life last night." I said with a smile,

"That's great man!" He said with a smile, "I woke up a few time, but besides that it was alright." He said with a smile.

"That's really good to hear man." I said with a smile, "So um," He said, looking down at his paws. "I wanted to really thank you for yesterday man.? he said gently, "I don't think anybody has ever stood up for me like you have and I really really wanna say thank you for it." He said with a smile.

I just chuckled and reached over with my arm ad brought him into a one arm hug.

"You're a sweet, funny guy Claye. And I'm happy you're here man." I said with a gently rub of his side.

His arms slid themselves around me, his head softly nuzzling into my chest which just made me smile. He held onto me for a good portion of the trip, nuzzling my chest every so often and god I didn't want him to let me go.

Though as I gently turned into Max's drive way, I gently gave his back a soft pet.

"Max will be coming out soon dude." I said petting his back softly, he nodded his head, looking up at me for about two seconds before he gave a sigh to just say 'fuck it' and he leaned up to kiss my cheek.

He then just leaned back, giggled a little before getting out of the car and sliding into the back seat.

I gave a happy chuckle as I noticed Max coming out of his front door.

"That was great Claye, but you did one thing wrong." I said looking back at him with a smirk,

"Oh?" he asked, "and what's that?"

I then turned to him and pointed to maw,

"lips are here." I joked, "Hey!" I said as the Leopard slid into my car.

"Hey man," He said with a smile. "Hi Claye." He said looking into the rear view mirror with a smile. His face dropping in confused while he put on his seat belt with his sights still on Claye.

"What's wrong with you?" he asked, I turned over to look at the Sea lion worried that maybe my joke was a little to far; but seeing the Otter sat their with his eyes bulged open and thick blush over his cheeks just made me chuckle

"Oh nothing," I chuckled, "he's fine." I said as I took my gaze off him and backed my way out of the drive way. Keeping my eye on traffic while I did.

"So is Christina alright?" Max asked,

"Yeah man." I said nodding my head, "She sent me a test saying she was happy for me while I was out for my run this morning. Which by the way, I did in forty five minutes." I chuckled,

"Shit man!" Max laughed, "That's impressive!"

"You go for runs in the morning?" Claye asked from behind me. I just smiled as I flickered my eyes up into the rear-view mirror, smiling as he sounded interested.

"I do, Twenty K's at six every morning." I said with a smile,

"Would you consider a partner?" he asked, a little quiet snigger coming from max. I gave his thigh a quick hit while smiling at Claye the mirror.

"I would Love for you to join me." I said with a smile, max gripping his thigh as he laughed and whimpered at the same time.

"Great!" He said with a smile. "So um six tomorrow morning then?" he asked,

"Yup," I said, "Bring your A game." I warned him, "HA!" He laughed at me, "You couldn't even catch me yesterday."

"Who said I was trying?" I asked, knowing full damn well I was spitting up bullshit. He just giggled and shook his head.

"You're tail's in trouble tomorrow." He said with a real snooty attitude, I just gave an obnoxious laugh while having to give Max another hard punch.

"You don't even know my route." I said to him, and his snooty attitude just kinda dropped as that information sunk in.

"Ahh." he said, before he gave a nervous giggle. "um, I guess I wont be serving you your tail any time soon." he giggled,

"Not in running anyway." Max muttered under his breath, this time I made sure his arm wouldn't be moving painlessly for a good hour.

"You are going to be getting out of this car paralyzed if you don't stop." I laughed, the Leopard holding his now dead limb whimpering and laughing.

"What is he doing?" Claye asked,

"Making comments that are going to get him seriously injured." I said loudly as I turned into school.

"Why you do dis?" Max groaned as he laughed,

"You know damn well why I do dis!" I laughed back at him, pulling up into a free spot and getting myself out of the car. I could hear Max groaning as he tried to open his door which only made me laugh even harder. Claye was laughing just as hard as he came over to give me my bag.

"So um." he said while Max was still preoccupied with the door. "Did you m-mean what you said?" He asked, looking up at me. I couldn't help but give a soft chuckle as he looked just so damn cute. Almost like he was begging me for it.

I was about to lean down and tell him how serious I was when a hard flying object got me right in the right shoulder blade. I yelped, reaching behind myself and groaned as the football just rolled into view.

"You fucking shit!" Jacks voice growled, I just sighed as I picked the ball up and turned to face the growling dog walking in front of me.

"Well hello Sub." I chuckled,

"I am NOT a fucking Sub Emmett and don't think for a fucking minute I'm sitting on that damn bench he growled with his nose pressed right up against mine. I just huffed as I store him down and began to walk forward.

"If you think for a fucking second I am going to let you back on the field when you went home to do gods knows what, and then come back to make fun of Claye. You are fucking more delusional that I fucking thought!" I snarled, pushing him back away from me. His hind paws tripping over themselves and the large husky fell down to the floor. "Sam is five times the player you are you dick, and his sick dying grandfather is coming to his game next week and I will be damned if I let some twat who skips practice take maybe his last chance to play for his grandfather away from him. So you get your head out of your ass or I promise you I will have you kicked off the team." I threatened.

"You can't do that!" He barked up from the floor.

"Are you sure?" I asked, "You're abusive to team mates, you skip practise, your skills have not improving, your grades are falling behind and I have two better players ready to pounce at the opportunity to play. So If I can't kick you off I can damn sure make sure that you never play another game."

His eyes were red with rage as he got himself up from the floor.

"I am warning you know Emmett." he growled, "If you take me off the field I will make sure everything you love is killed or destroyed."

I just looked right into his eyes and laughed. "I would fucking love to see you try you pathetic fuck." I growled, turning myself away to end this stupid argument. I didn't need this, not when I was having such an amazing day, but Jack needed to put himself on top like usual

"Emmett!" Claye yelped before a hard punch was landed on the back of my head. I groaned as the impact stung quite badly, leaving me a little dizzy which I guess Jack knew would happen as his hind paw came pushing into my back, causing a little stumble forward from me.

I looked down at the floor, just collecting myself for a few moments. It took me mere seconds to stand back up and look over at the Husky. His paws were up and his face was enraged.

"Come on you fucking dog." he growled. I just gently strolled over towards him with an angered sigh escaping my maw. "That's two hits Jack, if you take one more it's self defence and I'm free to fight back." I warned him, getting a loud growl in response before he stepped forward and swung his fist towards my nose.

Stepping out of the way, the Husky was left open for my knee to come up and slam into his stomach. He yelped as I gripped him by the hair, holding him still for me to slam my knee right back into his maw. After my foot was back on the floor, I swept his legs and pushed his body to the floor.

It was over.

I just took a deep breath and made my way back over to my friends, chuckling as Max held his phone in his paws.

"You got that?" I asked,

"Had it out since he was nose to nose with you." He explained.

"Sweet." I said with a chuckle. I could hear him gasping which would have made me feel bad if he was't such a prick. "Now when you get yourself up, two things are going to happen. You are never going to go near anybody I care about again, and you are going to stop being such an unbelievable cunt nugget. If you think for a minute that you are going to sue me, I have the entire thing on tape and I know my laws Jack. It was all in self defence, by law. I warned you to stop but you persisted, so I had to drop you to stop it all." I explained, taking my bag from Claye who held it out for me.

"Y-You ok?" He asked and I gave him a quick smile to show him I was.

"Just an extremely mild concussion." I chuckled, Max had put his phone away and the three of us just left Jack to his pain.

"Today of all days." Max sighed,

"Hey man it's all cool." I said with a smile, giving his back a quick pat. "He got what was coming to him." I chuckled.

"Yeah he did." Claye said with a giggle.

"Ooo, mister tough guy here." I chuckled, quick stepping in front of him and holding my paws out, "C'mon tough guy." I joked, playfully and softly jabbing him with my paw. "Oh down goes Claye!" I laughed, yelping as he suddenly stepped into me, swung his leg around and with a kick back and a push into my shoulder, my entire body just flipped back onto the floor.

It probably would have hurt more if he hadn't kept hold of my shirt. leaving my back and head free from slamming against the floor.

Max and I just kinda looked at him with this look of complete shock. He was the last person I would have expected to take me down. His head reaches just below my neck for fuck sake! And yet, there he was. Holding my head up after the fastest take down I had ever seen

"H-Ho..." I began, but the word just got caught in my throat

"Holy fuck!" Max laughed, Claye just smirking as he knelt down as he held my shirt.

"Don't ever underestimate me Emmett." he said, letting my shirt go and giving my nose a flick.

Now if I wasn't sure I wanted to fuck him before, I knew one hundred percent I wanted him now. He just let out this adorable giggle and held his paw out to me, with no hesitation this time I slide my paw into his. He leaned back and began to pull but of course I just stayed on the floor, no matter how hard he pulled.

"You may have the sickest take down ever, but dude you won't get me up." I chuckled,

"You sure about that?" Max asked, I nodded my head noting myself to kick his leopard ass later. I got myself up and the three of us made our way to my teams regular spot out in the lunch tables.

We got there in no time, and as I sat down I pulled out my laptop and placed it on the table.

"Psychology?" Max asked, I nodded my head.

"Damn thing is pissing me off." I sighed,

"What are you writing your essay on?" Claye asked,

"I'm writing about how frail the mind is, so basically how easy it is to make somebody break down." I explained with a smile. The Sea Lion nodding his head. "Has Dr. Sellric given you your assignment?" I asked,

"Yeah um, and I need your opinion." He said reaching into his bed and pulling out a book with a truly exceptional ultra realistic drawing of a brain on the front cover. I just couldn't believe just how real it looked. I seriously would believe it if he said it was a photo.

"Woah dude!" I said, the detail of it was just amazing! I had to look closer to make sure it actually wasn't a photo. "D-Did you draw that?" I asked,

"Hmm?" Claye asked, "Oh n-no. I found that picture online." He said with a smile, opening up his book. "I was wondering if I should write about Post Traumatic Stress Disorder, Or about how the mind responds when its sufferers stress?"

"Explain the last one to me" I asked, turning to face him

"Ok, so. In two-thousand and nine, a group of forty guys signed up for a Psychological experiment going over two months. They were broken up into two groups. Group A were to be Prisoners, and Group B were the guards to keep them in check. Group A were to have rules, were to eat when told, go outside when told, they had no free will at all. Group B had all the power." He began, "Now, the first two weeks went by soothly. Nothing went wrong. Then a fight between two prisoners broke out, and Group B had no idea what to do. They freaked out, So they rushed in and beat the shit out of the two prisoners. And you would assume that this kind of violence would stop the experiment and shut it down? Nope, this is what Professor Swatchinkoft was after. The experiment continued."

"Shit." Max said, wincing a little as he listened.

"So, a month went by and the Prisoners were getting depressed while the 'guards,'" he said bracketing his word with his fingers, "got more and more power hungry. Soon, the guards got horny and people were raped, If they fought they were beaten, three people died from serious injury, and another four killed themselves. As the experiment came to a close one Prisoner was left. Fredrick James Paul. He survived by letting the guards do as they wanted to him, staying away and at night, Fred explained that he said to himself over and over 'it will all be over.' Now when everything was over, everybody was let go."

"Woah really?" I asked, "The guards didn't get arrested?"

"Oh no they did, three months after when they were found to have an underground rape club. They caught guys, brought them down, beat them if they didn't comply. Some where as young as thirteen." He said with a sigh, "But what I found interesting was what happened to Fred. When he was let go, reports said he began to suffer anxiety and had random screaming fits due to sudden waves of agoraphobia. So he personally locked himself away into a mental institution, every night he repeats the same thing 'it will all be over', and he's even asked some of the officers at his institute to rape him." Claye explained, "The problem is I can't find anything else like it. So if I write about it, my essay becomes unreliable and I fail." He said with a sigh.

"Well, I believe later on in the year we have a Case study report." I explained, "So you could probably use it then." I said with a smile. A gorgeous smile that just sent butterflies through my body.

"Oh really?" He asked, his face just lighting up, "Oh fuck yes." He said scribbling a little note under his idea then shutting his book. "I am going to ace that Case Study." he giggled before moving himself closer to me.

"What are you doing mister?" I asked him,

"I am reading." He said matter-of-factly, I gave a little chuckle and let him read.

"You're doing an amazing job Emmett, but I would find a study to back up your findings." he explained.

"I don't know how many studies there are on frail minds." I said with a sigh. "its due in three days." I sighed, and Claye just laughed.

"Did you not just listen to my case study?" He asked me,

"Wait, but don't you want to use that?" I asked him,

"Oh honey please." He giggled, "Its open to the public, go ahead and use it to back you're assignment. I'll send you the links tonight." He said with a smile. I had to admit. If I wasn't at school I would have kissed him there and then.

"Thanks a bunch dude..." I said genuinely, "That really helps me."

"Just consider it a small thank you." He said with a smile. I just nodded my head and reached over to give him a small hug.

"It's not small." I said softly,

"Yeah it's not." Max said out of no where.

"God dammit Max!" I sighed,

"And how the hell would you know?" Claye asked, Max just kinda chuckled.

"Wouldn't you like to know." He said all mysterious like. I don't think my eyes could have rolled harder.

"Anyway." I said, going back to my report. It wasn't soon after that, that the group began too show up. Then not to long after that school started. The day was nice, no practice and nothing to physical. So it kind of left me a little needy for some... self exercise. If you catch my drift.

I was worse while I was sitting in English. I was rock solid and just couldn't stop thinking about Claye. This kid was going to be the death of me. Death by bursting dick from being way to fucking hard.

I know he was Gay, and I know all I needed to do is ask; but in the back of mind there was this little voice that kept telling me that this was only a phase. Now yeah, I know it sounds stupid after me throat fucking my best friend and me fantasying over another guy, and then there was also me feeling so free and what not.

We all cope with things differently, some would just accept it and move forward. I would do that usually, but with such a sweet guy at risk of hurting. I just needed to make sure that three or four weeks down the tract I wasn't going to be turning around saying 'lol sorry, I still like pussy. Bye gay boy!' ... Obviously a little more caring but you get what I mean.

I sighed as I reached down, having to adjust myself for the umpteenth damn time, I was about ready to excuse myself and rub one out in the bathroom again. Though it was my last class for the day, and it was about five minutes till the bell rang. I would be able to get home and look at some porn, which is a lot better then imagining.

"Dude I am so bored." Shane groaned. He had been sitting next to me the entire class of course. Sam to my other side, Max next to him, and Claye was next to Shane.

"Yeah, today's lesson is quite slow." I sighed, "Just want to go home and get this assignment done. I'm five hundred words away."

"Oh really dude?" Shane asked,

"Yeah man," I chuckled, "Do you need some help?"

"Please dude." He said putting his fingered hoofs together like he was preying.

"Yeah man easy." I accepted with a smile, "You wanna come over this afternoon?" I asked,

"Thanks man." He said with a smile,

"You still need a lift to work Claye?" I asked leaning forward

"Oh, um you don't have to." He said gently, I just shook my head.

"It's on the way man." I said, brushing his worry off.

"Oh ok awesome man." Claye said with a thankful smile.

"Max?" I asked, turning to him. "Oh um a friend is coming to get me." He said with a smile, It only took me a few moments to realise what he meant.

"Oh ok sweet as man." I said with a smile, I would have asked Sam but his best subject is English, and he drove himself here.

I watched the clock tick, second by second, minute by minute. I watched it until the minute hand flicked to the four and the bell sounded.

"Thank god." I groaned getting myself up, "I'll meet you guys at my car alright?" I asked smiling over at Claye and Shane

"Yeah no problem." Claye said with a smile

"See you there dude." Shane said cheerfully, I gave them both one wave before I made my way to my locker. I grabbed my bag, before putting my English and Psych books inside it and closing my locker.

I made my way, sighing and wondering if I should made a quick detour to the bathroom, but after remembering Claye had to work, I just told myself to wait. His wages were a little more important then my dick.

I dodged through the halls, saying hi to the few members I saw, smiled at a few lusting girls, before I finally got myself to my car where the two were sitting and waiting.

"Well finally!" Claye giggle,

"Oh fuck off!" I said with a chuckle, getting myself over to the driving seat and starting her up. All our bags went on the back seat and Shane let Claye sit up front.

I don't know why he did, he was usually so anal about getting the front seat. I just chucked it up to him being welcoming, so I didn't pry.

"So do you enjoy working at Caffeinated?" I asked,

"Here seems to be a lot nice. The people are friendly and one girl I am convinced is hitting on me." Claye explained, a smile coming to my lips as I heard.

"Well hey, you're not an ugly guy bro." Shane said, leaning forward to give his shoulder a soft hit.

"Awww, thanks Shane." Claye giggled, "to bad she has tits." He joked. Shane and I having a good laugh.

"Yeah too bad huh." I chuckled,

"Nothing wrong with a bit of titties, but I will admit ass is so much tighter then puss." Shane said bluntly.

"And how the hell would you know?" I asked,

"I got high on weed this one time with this guy. He begged me to fuck him and weed always has a way to get me in the mood so i just said fuck it." He said with a chuckle.

"Really?" I asked, "I find that really hard to believe man, you're like the straightest guy I know." I chuckled,

"Yeah well. Shit happens." he chuckled, as I pulled into the car park to Claye's work.

"Thank you so much Hun." Claye said leaning up to give my cheek another peck, my arm giving him a quick hug.

"Yeah no problems man." I said with a smile, "Did you want me to come grab you after?" I asked,

"No its alright hun, mum said she would come get me." Claye said with a smile,

"Alright dude, Oh! quickly give me your phone." I said with a smile. He quickly reached into his pocket and gave me his slim wide screen phone after he unlocked it. I quickly tapped on the phone, typed my number and let it call.

As my phone began to vibrate, I hung up and gave Claye his phone back. "Message me after work man." I said with a smile,

"Sure thing dude." He said with a smile, "I'll see you guys later yeah?"

"I'll see you in the morning at six." I said with a smile, "Oh yeah, I'll see you then." he said with a giggle, "Bye Shane."

"See ya stud." Shane said getting out of the car and getting in the front seat. Once he was in, I waited for him to get inside before taking my leave.

"He makes me really confused man." Shane chuckled, I didn't really know what to do with sentence.

"Do explain." I said with a good amount of confusion,

"He's a dude, but seriously I would have no problem getting into a bed with him. He'll I'd even jerk him off while I pounded that perfect ass." He said with a seriousness I never even knew he had.

"Well if you do, make your intentions clear with him before hand so you don't hurt him." I said with a sigh, and actually it kinda pissed me off. He wasn't some object to use at your will. He's a person. If you're going to fuck him, at least make sure he knew what was in for.

"Well yeah of course dude." he chuckled, "How about you man? Would you?" he asked me,

"Dude c'mon." I said with a laugh to try and get away from the subject.

"You totally would." He chuckled, and I sighed nodding my head.

"I really would." I admitted,

"He the only guy you would fuck?" he suddenly asked and I honestly was at a loss for words. I went to say yes to try and get him off this subject but my silence said it all. "It's alright man." He said giving me a nudge. "Guys can be a good lay too."

My mind went crazy as he said that. My horniness getting the better of me as images of Shane fucking cute little feminine boys, listening to them whimper and moan over his horse meat. Their tight holes clenching his meat as he slammed it home to fill up with his heavy load.

I whined gently as my pants began to get real tight again, I had to get off now. I just had to.

I was soon turning into the drive way, parking just off to the side. I turned my car off then reached into the back and pulled the two bags into the front.

"Cheers man." He said taking the bag from my paws. "and dude. I really don't mind that your gay. Truly, I think its great." He said with a smile.

I was about to thank him but, when did I say gay? I only gave away I would fuck other guys yeah, but I said nothing about not fucking girls. I know it was true, but I still never told him.

"Th-Thanks man." I said, the equine smiling a little before getting out. It took me a few minutes while I tried to figure how he got gay. After about two minutes I just kinda chocked it up to a good guess and got out of my car.

Shane and I went into the house, locking the door behind us and making my way to my room.

"So what exactly are you having trouble with man?" I asked, getting into the hallway,

"Just this hard problem I have." He explained, I wasn't exactly sure on what he meant but he was never very good at explaining himself.

I pushed open the door to my room and walked over to my bed, I then took the time to put my bag down and take out my laptop. When it was on my bed, I began slipping out of my blazer.

"Fuck that feels better." I chuckled, as I began to unbutton my shirt.

"Yeah." Shane agreed, while I was taking my pure white shirt. I then began to kick off my shoes, not really caring about my socks for the moment.

"So what part of the assignment where you having troubles with?" I asked, lifting my laptops screen up.

"This part." He said smoothly, my head turning with the expectation to see him holding the assignment sheet, but what he was holding was most definitely a bit longer.

He stood there stark naked, his hoof holding his rock hard horse cock that was just throbbing.

"Sh-Sha..." I couldn't speak I was in so much shock. He just chuckled as he made his was over to me, his smile was the one I usually had when I was walking over to one of the many girls I fucked. His meat throbbing in the same way.

"So Chrissy called me," he said, my heart skipping a beat as he walked over. Was she actually pissed with me? Was Shane here to hurt me? "and she was balling her eyes out, and then she accidentally let it slip that your cute ass thought it was gay." he said, his hoof gently sliding over my hip as he pulled me into him.

Now Shane was taller, he may not be as strong, but he still was very big. He could easily over power me if he really wanted to. It would be a challenge, but he knew how to grapple.

He smirked down at me as his meat was rubbing just below my first set of abs. Which meant he had a good nine inches poking out of his sheath.

"Just before you freak out, she asked me to help you figure things out, not to hurt you." He chuckled,

"B-But you're the straightest guy I know." I said gently, that he just chuckled at,

"You're confused," he said with a chuckle, his paw reaching up as he gripped my cheek, "You're confusing straight with Dominate." He growled lightly as he pulled me forward and began to really force his lips onto me. I gave a confused whimper as his free arm slid around me and pulled me into him closer. His hips gently grinding his large meat against my body and abs.

I was so clouded with lust, so turned on by how much power he had over me. I just moaned into his maw as my paws tremblingly moved to his chest.

"Kiss me." He commanded, his lips coming right back onto mine and I just did as I was told. I moaned into him as our lips mashed together while his hoofs made their way to my pants.

He took my belt off quickly, he ripped my pants open and then he stopped kissing me. Leaving me panting with my cock throbbing in the open.

"Take it all off puppy." He said quietly, but his voice was so demanding it was impossible not to listen. I got my socks off first, following them quickly with my pants. I pushed them down quickly, standing up and kicking my last shred of clothing away. Leaving Shane's eyes to just drink me in, his paw slowly working his meat as he looked over me.

I was too horny to care, my own meat was throbbing, a dribble of pre formed at my mushroom like head.

"Get into your shower." he said to me, flicking his head towards my cupboard door. I nodded my head and went where he told me. He was close behind, pushing me in as I had the door opened.

I was then chest to chest with him, the horse flicking the shower head away from us before pulling the lever just behind me. "On your knees." He demanded, pushing me down with his hoof. I gulped as I got lower and lower, my knees meeting the cold water and tiles. My eyes level with his belly button, and his cock poking me in the throat. "You're not leaving this shower until I have every inch of this horse cock down this virgin throat. understand boy?" he said in that demanding voice that really seemed to just turn me on. I slowly nodded my head, his paw reaching under my head and making me look at him. "I said understand boy?" He growled at me.

"Y-Yes." I said softly ad he chuckled.

"I love fresh meat." He said as he gripped me by the ear and aimed his round shlong at my lips. This was the do or don't moment, and god I was going to do. If you asked me a week ago, I would have threatened to bite it off, but Shane really knew how to use his dominance. He would have told me slam my head against the wall and I would have done it, just as long as he used that damn voice.

my maw slowly opened for him, the horse just smiled as he softly slid the head of his monster inside of me. The taste was nothing like I thought. It was Musky, it tasted like tongue and god the throbbing just made it all better.

"You like the taste of cock Emmett?" He asked, his voice not dominant, more curious.

"Please keep going." I begged him, I didn't want him to stop. I didn't want this treatment to end until he blew his load. I heard him chuckle, and he gripped my ear a little harder before pushing my head down more and more. I moaned as my tongue slid under his large brown and black skin, gagging as his large head hit the back of my throat. "mm, fuck yeah. I'm going to be down that soon, hear me boy?" he asked, a slow nod of my head was all it took. "good." He growled.

His other paw grabbed the side of my head before he pulled his hips back and he began to buck. I whimpered as his cock head pounding up against the back of my throat, causing me to gag and gag. I reached up to his waist and pushed him back, but that only made him mad. He gripped at my head fur and pulled my head back. "What are you doing?" He growled, I grabbed at his paw and panted looking into his eyes. "To much... G-Gagging." I panted in a plea, Shane just laughed shaking his head, moving to the side of me, I watched him stand side on from the shower and pushed me till I was against the wall. He turned the water on us, letting the water drench us while he smirked down at me.

"Give me your paws boy." he commanded, holding his hoofs out for me. I worryingly gave him my paws like he asked, and as quick as lighting they were being held up above my head. His head was at my lips once more and he gave a huff of amusement.

"You're gagging on this thing till you open your tight little throat boy." He growled, "Now open up."

I whined as I tried to pull my arm back, but he had obviously done this before. He had a grip and he wasn't letting go. I looked back at his throbbing cock and slowly opened back up for him.

as soon as my maw was wide enough for him, he pushed himself right back into my maw and bucked that little bit harder. I groaned and squirmed under him as he roughly bucked his thickness right into my throat, my tongue getting assaulted with his squirts of hot horse pre.

"Open your fucking throat!" He yelled at me, my throat letting go of a whimper which did exactly as he asked.

I felt his head pop into my esophagus, and after that the rest of his nine inches followed. I heard him moan as his meat went further and further until his groin was right against my nose.

All the while my stomach was constantly convulsing, and my throat clenching around his meat. I couldn't breath and Shane just didn't care.

"That's a good cock slut." he groaned before his thrusts began to pick up again. I felt every vein, every bump get fucked into my throat while I sat there unable to do a damn thing about it.

And I loved it.

"Look at me boy." Shane commanded me, his hips not stopped as he looked down at me, I was getting low on breath, I wasn't able to handle a lot more of this. I looked at him like he asked, my eyes red with tears slowly sliding down my face as he made a few more deep thrusts and pulled out.

I gasped out for sweet sweet oxygen, taking in as much as I could in that one gasp. Shane kept a hold of paws as I did.

"How's it feel to have a thick cock down your gullet boy?" he asked me, I was panting to hard to answer him, I didn't even notice him sliding one of my paws over to the other. He held both of paws in the one paw while he grabbed my chin and made me look up at him. "How does it feel boy?" He asked me again,

"S-So fucking hot." I whimpered, my cock underneath him and it was still so damn hard.

"That's my good little boy." he chuckled, before his hips pushed forward once more. The bathroom was filled with the sounds of wet gags as Shane's rough hips pounding against my nose. My throat was aching from the stretching, but every ounce of me was hoping he didn't stop.

His hoofs held my wrists so tightly as he slammed into my maw, my head getting slammed against the wall behind me and my cock was throbbing below me.

He growled as he pulled back, letting me take a nice deep breath in. My lungs took in the cool air before his hips pushed his throbbing mean back against my cheek,

"Open." he said panting gently, I quickly swallowed down the saliva in my maw before I looked back up and opened up for him. He groaned happily as he pushed forward again, this time though he didn't push all the way. He gently rocked his hips making me taste and suckle on his large thick head.

I groaned out with agony as he teased my taste buds, teasing me with his musky, gently salty member. His eyes down, looking right at me moan and squirm; begging him for more.

"Do you want it back down your throat boy?" He growled, pushing himself just to the back of my throat. I gagged softly as his head pulsed in the back of my throat, my body shivering to try and move the thickness away from the deep area it was in. The horse didn't let me though, he stood there watching me squirm and gag and all he did was push it in deeper. "The only way you stop gagging is if I push it back in," he chuckled, "So do I push in?" he teased.

I couldn't only let out a coughed agreement, his medial ring prevented a lot of air and talking. Once he had his all clear though, he pushed forward again, groaning into the air as his massive cock was just pushed further and further in.

"Oh fuckin' hell Emmett." he growled as his crotch bounced against my nose. "If I knew your throat was this tight, I'd fuck ya when you were straight."

I couldn't hear much, I was to focused on not puking my guts up as he began to really roughly pound. My nose felt bruised after every hard thrust his hips gave. It was like being punched in the nose while my throat was being stretched.

My eyes felt sore as they leaked tears, my stomach felt like I had a bad case of food poisoning but god, the taste, the feel of his cock throb inside my throat and his words made it all worth it.

My cock was throbbing so hard, leaking a thick amount of pre onto my thigh. I wanted to grab myself and take care of my own needs but I knew that shane wouldn't be ok with that. So I sat there, gagging and choking on his large equine cock, tears streaming down my face as his hips crushed my nose.

"Get up." he said suddenly letting my paws go. I looked up at him, giving a rather rough gag as his medial ring popped from from my throat.

"Wh-Why?" I asked him,

"Up!" He yelled in a dominant growl, pulling my arms up. I got up onto a hind paw and with his help was soon up on both. He then grabbed my shoulders and spun me around only to push my upper half down. "pass me the conditioner." he ordered, I had no idea why, but I reached down, grabbed it and passed it back to him. "paws on the wall, now."

I slowly put my up as he asked, whimpering as I noticed his tool was getting pushed into my thighs, I could hear him softly groan as his thick meat slid under mine.

"Actually," He said with a chuckle, "reach underneath boy, jerk us off." He ordered, I whimpered happily as I reached under us, took his tool into my fingers, my tool into my thumb and held them together. My black meat against his long brown. I began to slowly work his saliva covered meat with mine, panting softly as I felt his meat throb against mine, feeling his veins and bumps as my paw moved along the two shafts.

"Yeah, that's a good boy." he panted in pleasure while I made sure to give his shaft, nice tight squeezes while moving my paw slowly. I was so ready for more, wondering what was going to happen next...until I felt his finger slowly push at my tail hole.

"Woah!" I yelped, turning and backing up against the shower door. "I found out I was gay not even twenty four hours ago. I am not ready for that." I said panting gently, Shane just kind of stared at me with an extremely disappointed look on his face. If his little game he was playing with me was real, I think this would be the part where I would beg for his forgiveness.

"Get your ass back here." he said sternly, "you may not think you're ready, and your right. You aren't, that's why I'm getting you ready boy."

"Shane, Seriously." I said softly, my fear must of getting through, because his angered look dropped, his entire composure just changed.

"Buddy, I'm not going to hurt you." He said softly, "I know anal is dangerous, but I also know that it should not hurt. I'm not going to hurt you unless you want me too alright." he said giving my shoulder a quick pat, "If it gets to much for you, just say the word vanilla and I will stop, pull out as slowly as I can and we'll stop for as long as you need."

I sighed feeling really unsure about it all; But he really did have me horned up all this time and even yet, while I'm quite freaked out I'm still rock solid. I was still so horny, and I would be lying to myself if I said I was curious about it.

I took a deep breath, and then nodded my head.

"Yeah alright man. But if you don't stop as soon as I say it. Your heads through the fucking wall." I warned him.

"Yeah man, I wouldn't expect you to do anything else." He agreed, letting me go and giving me a kind welcoming smile. "You alright now?" he asked me and after another deep breath I nodded my head.

"Yeah dude." I said trying to sound as confident as I could, but that didn't work.

"Then get your ass bent over and keep jerking me off." He growled sending shivers down my spine. I slowly turned myself around, yelping as he pushed me back down. His paw giving my ear a soft and gentle rub which calmed me down more and more as he gently pushed his stiff meat through my legs. "Get that paw to work boy." he said sternly, sending a quick shiver through my body.

I heard him chuckle as his rubbed my back up and down, humping his large tool into my squeezing paw. I heard a cap flick open and then felt a cold gel at my rear. I began to get a little freaked again, I knew how bad this could hurt after so many girls just refusing it.

I felt him gently stroking the outside of my leg while his other hoof was gently scooping the conditioner into his finger.

"Remember, Vanilla." He said softly, before I felt a gentle prod forward. I whined in surpise as my ring gently opened up for his digit. I kept waiting for the burning pain, waiting for it to hurt like I had been told but as he kept pushing forward, to my surprise I didn't feel much. It stung just a little bit and the sensation was really strange, and actually not as bad as I thought. "Got my bird knuckle deep in you." he growled, his finger just gently turning around inside me while gently feeling around. I was panting and whining as he wiggled around, very confused on what he was searching for.

"Wh-What are you doOhh~*" I suddenly blurted out, my knees quivering and a wave of pleasure was sent through my body.

"That's what I'm after." he said with an evil tone, before his finger was pulled back and slammed back, sending an immense feeling right through my cock and leaving me panting like a little bitch against the shower wall. "Hows that boy?" He asked me, his finger continually fucking my rear end, and each time sending that amazing feeling through body.

I tried to talk, but every time he hit that little spot inside me every word that left my throat was turned to a moaned slur. It was suddenly so hard to talk as that damn horse rubbed what ever he was rubbing.

I was a moaning mess against my shower wall, the hot steamy water drenching my lower body and leaving my chest and upper body to cool down.

"Like me playing with your spot boy?" He asked, rubbing that spot a little harder,

"Ahh~* Y-Yes! Fuck god yes!" I moaned into the wall. His finger wriggling around a little faster. My eyes rolled back into my head as he very slowly added a second finger. My ring slowly spread open further, a loud pained growl escaping as he kept pushing.

"You good?" he asked,

"Do-Don't stop." I growled, determined for more, determined to feel that feeling again.

"Oh don't worry, I will." he chuckled as he roughly pushed his fingers inside. Fuck it felt good. Two thick digits rubbing my most intimate area while a growling dominant horse told me to like it.

His bird and ring finger gently pulling and pushing my insides around all the while my paw was still jerking us both off. My paw was going off I was so horned up, so needing for that finish! As my paw continued to work myself I felt that familiar build in my shaft and sack. My knot was forming and I was just on the edge as his digits continued to fuck me.

"I-I'm cumming." I moaned out, whimpering as his finger was pulled out, my paw was grabbed by his hoof, and my orgasm was left to subside.

"No you are fucking not." he growled, "let go of your cock immediately." He commanded. I wanted to keep going, I wanted so badly to cum. But he had my paw. Whimpered loudly, I did as I was asked and let my canine meat, and his thickness go.

I panted as my knot deflated, my orgasm going with it. I was left with this immense need to cum, with this aching feeling in my balls. I was going to beg him for more, beg him to just fuck me already, but suddenly I was overcome with an even fuller feeling as an even wider object was slid into me.

"O-Oh fuck." I moaned out, my paw gripping his meat tighter, and my fingers gripped at the wall. "Wh-What is that?" I asked,

"Bird, Ring and pointer." he chuckled, "Ater this, me and you are going to get wild in your bed." he growled, leaning in to get it right into my ear and sending his fingers in deeper.

"Oh fuck yes please!" I begged, my ring clenching at his fingers as he began to very slowly pull them out, pushing them in so roughly and so pleasingly.

"You want my cock boy?" He teased,

"Fuck yes I do!" I whimpered out,

"You willing to go through a little pain to get it now?" He asked,

"I'm willing to go through any damn pain!" I said back, panting heavy as he finger fucked me. I heard him chuckle one last time before he pulled his fingers free, and gave my ass a firm grope.

"Get dried and then lay on your bed, ass up, chest down boy." he ordered,

"Ok." I panted back to him, sliding up and grabbing my towel and giving myself a quick dry over. I didn't care if I was still a little damp, I would be showering after this anyway.

The minute I was dry...ish, I made my way to my bed and laid down like he asked, I felt so dirty, but it turned me on even more. God I wanted him to hurry the fuck up, I needed this so bad. I don't even know where this side came from, but if it got me feeling the way he had me feeling. So fucking be it!

I heard a snigger from the closet, my head looking over to see the damn horse slowly working a good layer of conditioner onto his dick, it reminded me so much of cum the way he was doing it, and it turned me on even more.

"You want this cock boy?" He asked me,

"Oh god yes please." I whimpered like the needy bitch I was,

"Arms through your legs." He ordered, my arms sliding underneath me, under my own throbbing cock that was leaking a good amount of pre onto my arms. I suddenly felt him grab my legs, pulling me back until I was on the edge of the bed, "I have more control on my feet." he said gently, "Whats the safe word?" He asked me,

"Vanilla." I replied,

"Emmett, I'm going to say this once." He said with his paw gently groping at my ass, running a finger down my crack, getting a nice heated moan as it went down to gently cup my balls. "You're seriously drop dead sexy man. You have an amazing ass, your maw and throat feels just incredible." He complimented me, reaching under to slowly stroke my shaft a few times, "How would you like to be my secret boy toy?" he asked me, my lust getting the better of me as I nodded my head and blurted out.

"I-If you make me feel like this all the time. You got it."

I heard him chuckle as he let my cock go, and before I knew it there was a slow pressure building up at in my tail hole. I grit my teeth and whimpered as my hole slowly stretched over his very thick head. "F~uck!" I groaned,

"Breath puppy." he said panting, my ring sliding over its first ever throbbing meat and he was right when he said pain. my paws gripped the side of my bed, my fingers digging in deep and my teeth were hurting I was gritting them so hard.

"F-Fuck you're massive!" I whimpered out,

"You'll get used to it boy." He said, his paws grabbing at my hips while he began to push, his cock throbbing as inch after thick inch began to sink into my rear. I moaned and whimpered in both pain and pleasure. His gently pushing getting deeper and deeper, but each throb sent a sharp sting through my ring. "Feeling good boy?" He asked me,

"G-Getting there Shhh.. Shane." I whined out, gasping as I felt his hips finally hit my ass, a long happy sigh leaving as it was finally in. I could hear him panting in pleasure above me, a little growl following as he gripped my hips.

"How does it feel to have ten thick inches of horse meat inside your needy little ass?" He growled, giving a gentle roll of his hips, getting that long piece of horse that little bit deeper into me.

"Oh fuck!" I called out, "S-So full." I whimpered, moaning out as he gave a gentle test pull back, letting a few inches pull back before pushing them back in. The feeling was impossible to explain. Being so full, then so empty, and getting that full feeling getting pushed back inside of you while a wave of immense goodness getting spread through your body... It was hard to not whimper and just beg for it.

"You like that my little boy toy?" He asked, his body leaning onto mine as his lips softly pecked down my shoulder.

"Please don't stop Shane..." I whimpered out into the bed, "Please keep going." I begged him, looking back with what would I imagine to be the face of a needy fuck boy.

Shane took one look at me, and a very wide smile spread over lips.

"You want to get fucked boy?" He asked me,

"Please don't tease me Shane. I reallAH!" I begged of him, being forced to stop mid sentence as the horse leaned back, grabbed my hips and began his rough pounding into his by toys ass. "I will fucking do what I please!" He growled through his teeth, his cock having to be pulled out half way before being slammed right back into me, "I fucking own your boy cunt. You hear me!?" he yelled at me, his paws pulling my ass back to meet his thrusts. My maw was hanging open as yell after yell of nothing but pleasure was forced out of me.

I could hear Shane snorting out his breaths, his fingers were digging so roughly into my hips, my cock was roughly getting slammed against my body as he rocked my body with each pound from his hips.

I understood why gay guys take this as much as they could now, why so many subs are so dick needy! This feeling is amazing, this feeling was something no sex before had ever given me. A toe curling, throat hurting scream filled, eyes rolling into the back of your head orgasm.

"Shane~*" I screamed out, following with yell after yell as thick ropes of my boy toy cum was shot all over my bed, hitting me in the chin again, and again, and again.

"Did my toy just cum?" Shane asked me, his hips stopping as he suddenly pulled out of me and flipped me over. "With out my fucking permission?" He asked me, "I-I need your permission?" I asked panting harder then I had ever panted before.

"Yes you do you little shit." he growled, flipping me over again and pulling me down on the floor. My left knee hit the floor but shane caught my right he pushed it up on the bed, leaving my rear open. "This is what bad toys get." he growled, grabbing my hip and slamming his cock right back into me.

I yelped out as it stung a little bit, but as he kept going, the pleasuring feeling returned. He then dropped my leg, and grabbed my now very sensitive cock.

"arms up on the bed slut." he growled, my arms moving up as he then began to really hammer into me, and then began to jerk me off again. I yelped and whimpered as my cock was forced to harden again, and that painful post-cum sensitivity was still covering every inch of me.

"N-No shane! ah! Fu-Fuck no!" I yelped out as his thick meat continued to pound into the deepest part of me, my cock throbbing in pained pleasure.

"This is what you fucking get boy!" He snarled at me, moving forward to bite on the back of my neck. I was left helpless to endure my punishment.

His hoof working every damn inch with his paw while his hips were beginning to bruise my cheeks. He was pounding into me so roughly, but fuck it felt good. "I'm not stopping till this cock gives me another load you needy cock slut." He growled through his teeth and my neck skin, gripping my cock tighter getting a loud groan of pained pleasure.

"P-Please le-let it go!" I whimpered, the pain causing my ring to really clench at his thick meat.

"No fucking way," He growled, his teeth letting my neck go, his paw letting go of my cock and his cock being ripped from inside of me. "On the bed, on your back with your arms laid out straight with your palms up." He ordered, pushing me up.

I did it as fast as I could, trying not to get any more punishment. I flipped myself around, laid my arms out and yelped as his knees pushed them down and held them down. He grabbed my hips and after a little fondling around, pushing his cock right back it belonged

"Fuck, still so damn tight." He groaned, his hips once again beginning to pound into me.

"O-Oh fuck Shane!" I called out,

"Yeah I know slut, Feels so fucking good huh?" He moaned, grabbing my cock again and began to roughly hoof it off.

"OW! Oh fuck NO!" I begged him as he slammed his hoof up and down as he drilled my ass.

"I told you slut, You're cumming again for being so bad!" he growled, the pained pleasure from my cock making it really hard to actually enjoy him fucking me. I felt the jolts of pleasure his massive tool was making me feel, but god the milking was getting to much.

I knew vanilla wouldn't work here. It was only for anal pain and it was the complete opposite time to use that.

"C'mon you fucking slut, I'm about to paint your guts with my load." Shane moaned out as hips began to somehow go even faster. It was the knowledge of what to happen that got my knot inflating, it was knowing he was bout to seed me that got my cum climbing to burst.

"I-I'm cumming again Shane!" I moaned out, "P-Please let me." I begged him, a groaned chuckle escaping his lips as he let my cock go, pushed my legs back, and began to slam his cock into me with more sliding out.

"Take it you fucking cum whore!" He yelled out before his massive throbbing cock was pushed deep inside me for the last time.

I screamed out as that last pound sent my orgasm into over drive, my cock that was now aimed at my face began to squirt thick ropes at my face an wide open maw.

Shane groaned as he laid over me. His hips thrusting his immensely throbbing cock that little bit deeper into me. His balls emptying inside my rear while I lay there, having to swallow some of my own seed before panting as hard as I ever had before that afternoon

I laid there with my knees on my chest, Chase's orgasm throbbing rope after rope inside of me, and my eyes beginning to feel really heavy.

I shook my head, waking myself up a little, slowly spreading my legs to let Chase fall down on top of me with a chuckle.

"You are seriously the most amazing fuck, boy." he panted, moving in to put his big lips against mine. I just moaned as I kissed the large horse back. Smiling as I gently pulled my very sore paws free, and brought then up to rub his big thick chest. He slid his arms under my back as he gently opened his maw to let his thick tongue slide up against mine.

I moaned into his kiss, moaning softly as he began to pull his hips back. I moaned so loudly as he pulled more and more out until his gently limp dick slid free from my ass.

"I would go sit on the toilet for a bit." he said with a chuckle, "I'm going to be dripping from you for a good long while boy." he said, so proud of himself as he rolled over. "but I think you need to clean what you dirtied." He said, holding his gently cum covered dick.

"Dude, that had conditioner on it, and its been up my ass. I ain't putting my maw near that thing." I said with a huff of laughter, yelping as he suddenly sat up on my chest holding my maw at the tip of his dick.

"Open up." He said in his dominant voice once more, and even though every fiber of my being said no, I opened my maw and groaned as he slid every inch back into my maw, gaging me once more and pulling it back out slowly. It tasted nothing like I thought it would. It didn't taste soapy, or.. yeah. It tasted of one thing, of Chases musky, bitter load that just made me moan. My tongue sliding over the softening cock, getting every bit I could before his head sunk into his sheath. "you're amazingly obedient." he chuckled, "That voice man..." I said softly, pushing myself to the end of the bed, "Its hard not to do as you ask." I chuckled, pushing myself onto my very shaky legs.

"Oh jesus..." I whined. I don't think have heard Shane laugh as hard as he did that day. He was rolling around my bed as I wobbled myself through my room, shivering as I felt Shane's cum slowly dripping down my thighs.

"The biggest kid in school is knee weak from getting ass fucked!" He laughed, while I finally sat myself on my toilet.

"Laugh it up cunt!" I yelled back, "Keep that up and I'm going to be shoving my dick up you!"

I could hear him laugh harder as I said that. I just chuckled and shook my head realising how hard to believe that was after I was moaning so needingly. I just shook my head and let my guts empty of Shane's very thick seed.

After I finished my clean up, I turned my shower back on and sighed waiting for it to heat up. Smiling as a still very naked Shane walked with a smile on his face.

"So you do know what you agreed to be right?" He asked me, his large paws sliding around my waist, grabbing my ass. I just shook my head and slid my paws around his large neck.

"No I don't." I chuckled,

"Well, you agreed to be my sex toy." he chuckled, "when ever I want or need, I tell you I'm coming over and you get yourself lubed and ready for when I barge through your door and shove myself right back inside you." he growled,

I let out a soft murr, as he leaned in to softly kiss and suck at my neck. I gasped as his finger slowly dipped into my cheeks, giving my hole another soft rub.

"How about we go with friends with benefits. Cause as amazing as that felt, I'm still a top to most. So you ask and if I'm up for it, you can dominate me as roughly as you like." I offered, the horse nodding his head and giving my rear a quick pat.

"It's going to be difficult showering with you now, knowing how fucking crazy you are in bed." He growled into my ear, pulling me into the shower.

"It's going to hard for me too stud." I chuckled, before we began to clean ourselves up. The shower time was then spent soaping each other up and resisting the temptation to go another round.

We fought hard though and soon enough him and I were back on my bed working on our english assignments.

"Alright, you did do the reading yeah?" I asked,

"Yeah I read the book dude, I just don't understand question seven. She doesn't experience loss." Shane said confused,

"Well not in the way your thinking. She didn't loose anyone but remember that pendant and she lost all bel..." I began, before a loud slam was heard from the lounge room.

"Fuck!" Shane said, gripping his chest and laughing.

"They must be home." I chuckled, "I'll be right back." I said getting up and heading to my door. I sighed opening it up and taking two steps out of my door before all hell seemed to just break loose.

"You get your self back here you little shit!" My dad yelled, and I just froze. My dad did not speak like that... Especially to who I assumed to be my brother.

"Oh fuck off Craig!" Daniel snapped back, "You do not use that tone with me!" He yelled back, I just kind of walked forward in this daze of confusion as my family yelled at each other.

"Why not!? You're not exactly calm with me!" Daniel snapped back,

"Your Father isn't being an immature, ungrateful, simple minded brat!" My mum screamed, "You're brother has done nothing but love you, done so much for you and because of a little thing he can't fucking control you can't love him back!?"

My heart just snapped inside my chest as her words echoed through my head. Did I hear her right? Was my brother upset with me being gay?

"It's not right! He's supposed to be who I look up to! How am I supposed to look up to him when he's sucking dick!?" Daniel screamed out, "I am not ok with having a fucking faggot as my brother!"

The entire house was silent, his words rang through the walls leaving me staring at him from the hallway. He turned himself around and saw me, with his face red with rage and his eyes bloodshot.

"You are not my brother." He growled, before barging pass me and into his room. His door slamming behind him.