The Day We Met

Story by Kamira on SoFurry

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The Day We Met

This is a story of when a Master met his Pet, not that either of them knew that was how things were going to turn out...

This story is based on events that occurred between Kamira Rae (myself) and Crystal Blue on Second Life, it covers a few kinky topics such as aggression and a little bit of have been warned!

The nightclub was fairly busy this evening as the young husky walked in, he was dressed in his usual attire of baggy jeans and a fishnet vest, his swords decorating his belt and back, they were only for show, but he enjoyed carrying them. His black hair, tinted purple to match his eyes and dragon pattern on his chest and back was all glowing in the blacklight of the club. The music was humming away in the background, the usual techno beat he had come to expect of the place.

Kamira looked around the room, flicking his tail to the beat of the music, trying to decide if he should find a spot to dance or to grab a drink first, deciding on the latter he walked towards the bar. The bar was empty and he managed to get served by the cute horse behind the bar quickly. Carrying his drink towards the comfy seats he has a look at the other guests, "lots of cuties here tonight.." he thought to himself.

His eyes met the gaze of a young white fox sat off to one side of the room, the fox had been staring at him and once their eyes had met, he waved him over, Kamira being the friendly sort walked over to the fox wondering what he might want from him.

The fox was wearing slightly unusual clothes, the husky noted as he walked over, he appeared to be wearing a leather harness of some description beneath a long flowing black cloak, a small pair of black glasses perched on his muzzle contrasting with the blue of his hair.

"Hello sir. Would you like a seat?" the fox offered a spot next to him on the comfy couch, Kamira nods and takes his swords off and places them to one side as the fox scoots over to give him some room. "So how are you tonight?" the fox asks, his voice was soft and smooth with a slight confidence.

Kamira smiles slightly as he sits beside the fox "oh..I'm aright, a little lonely, but I'm fine".

The fox merely nods "I know what you mean...I too have been lonely recently, I have been here looking for some new friends...maybe a mate even..." he voice trails off to nothing as the fox looks down at the floor.

Kamira turns his head to look closer at the fox, the bright party lights of the club illuminating the clean white fur of the fox's fur, his unusual clothing more revealed to him now, he could see that it was indeed a leather harness that crossed the fox's chest and down to his waist, upon which a rather feminine looking skirt was attached, all this was partially covered over by his knee length black cloak. The fox seems to sense the husky's gaze and leans back, stretching out with his arms and legs, letting the cloak fall away from his front a little, causing Kamira to blush a little and avert his eyes as he saw the fox looking up at him with a smile.

"I'm sorry, I didn't mean to.." Kamira blushed a little as he was caught.

"Don't worry about it...I don't mind much." said the fox

Kamira looked back at the fox "You don't the others..." he commented, his gaze passing back down his body

The fox shrugged "I like it...It is comfortable" he patted his skirt down a bit as he blushed slightly

Kamira smiled at this and extended his paw to the fox "My name is Kamira"

"Crystal Blue, can call me Crys..." said the fox.

Kamira nodded his head as they shook paws "I look forward to getting to know you Crys"

The moment the two had touched paws they knew something was different about the other, the husky was strong and powerful, the fox comparatively frail.

" do you propose we figure out more about each other then?" Crys asked as he held onto the husky's paw and slid a little closer to him on the couch.

"I..don't know...?" the husky said a little shyly.

The fox wasted no time in sliding closer still, sniffing gently at the husky's neck "mmm...I think...yes...I am starting to get a good idea already..." the fox said with a soft voice

Kamira moved his head to get a good sniff of the fox, his fur smelt clean and well maintained and he couldn't resist giving his neck a little lick, the fox tasted as good as he smelt.

"oh...oh that tickles Kamira!" giggled the young fox as he was sniffed at and licked, he wriggled slightly as the husky lent closer in and placed a paw on the fox's shoulder holding him still, the pressure and contact from the husky stopping the fox from trying to wriggle away. After a few moments of this the two look at each other a little awkwardly before Kamira wraps his arm around the fox's shoulder with a smile, Crys followed this by wrapping his arm around Kamira's back and placing it on his hip, they both smiled at each other with a blush.

", what is your idea of fun?" Kamira smiled at the fox.

"Well...other then getting yiffed? Or do you mean WHILE getting yiffed?" the fox laughs and looks away quickly as he blushes deeply, "s..sorry..that was very rude of me Sir...I barely know you.."

Kamira patted the fox on the should and laughed softly "It's ok Crys...answer one, and then the other..."

Crystal turned his head to look at Kamira "well, I like to play games...and to generally just have fun with friends."

"and the other question?" Kamira said with a grin

Crystal smiled up at the husky "W...well...I like to be....told what to serve..." the fox stammered and tried to look away but found that the husky was holding his head in place and looking into his eyes. "I like to be...dominated...." the fox continued "to be made to feel powerless, even humiliated. Getting thrown to the ground and made to struggle wildly...futility... and then looking up at the man or woman...into their eyes pleading...knowing they will be keeping you..."

Kamira smiled and growled softly " isn't that a coincidence...." his gaze not leaving the fox's eyes for a moment

Crystal looked into Kamira's face with wide eyes "wh..what do you mean..?" he blushed an even deeper shade of red now

"well....if I were to...hypothetically, grab you and drag you to a private room somewhere...and tie you to the bed...." the Husky growled slightly and his breathing started to come a little quicker as he spoke "you''d like that would you Crys?"

The fox looked down at his legs, trying to escape the husky's stare "y..yes Sir...I would like that...hypothetically of'd never do tha...Wahh!" the fox cries out as he is roughly dragged off the chair by his wrist and across the club to the private rooms by the bar, Kamira throws some money at the barman and walks drags the fox into the first room they reach, he opens the door and throws the fox in with a slightly growl and locks the door behind him.

The husky steps towards the fox, he had fallen when he was thrown into the room, looking up at him and then at his surroundings, the fox looked a little scared "K..Kamira..what are you.." he whines and crawls slowly away from the husky, wondering if he had made a big mistake in starting to talk to he canine this evening.

Kamira steps towards Crystal, crouching down and then crawling on his paws until he was covering the fox with his body, his muzzle almost touching the fox's, he moves his head a little and licks up across the fox's muzzle and over his nose, a low growl coming from his throat, his upper body weight was pressing down on the fox's shoulders, pinning him to the ground, his lower body pressed against the fox's.

"K..Kamira..I can't..why are you doing this? I thought you liked me!" the fox was scared he was going to be mugged or worse, yet his body was reacting with arousal and he could already feel himself warming inside, a slight stirring under his skirt.

The husky stared down into what had to him, become his prey, something he had caught and was going to satisfy himself with, he moved a paw to the fox's face and knocked his glasses off his muzzle and they clattered noisily on the hard floor as the slid away, using a claw he cut the strings holding the fox's cloak on his shoulders, running his paw down the fox's throat, over his chest and down his flank. The husky pushed himself off the fox a little and looked down at the harness, it wasn't protecting the fox's modesty at all, but he wanted it off, using his claw he undid the buckles without ceremony, the fox laying still and gasping as he was stripped without his permission.

Crystal lay still on the floor, not wanting to provoke the husky, not wanting to get hurt, he let the large strong canine pull at his harness, feeling the straps tighten before the were released, he exhaled deeply as the last one came off and the harness removed, it wasn't until this point that he had realised the husky was sat directly on crotch, a wide grin across the dog's muzzle "what...are you smiling at?" the fox asked, his voice quiet, almost passive, Kamira leant backwards and ran a paw up under the fox's short skirt and squeezed gently causing the fox to whine softly "'t Kamira..I have...a problem..please don't...".

" is it?" Kamira asked, not bothering to even use his name now.

"I can' is too embarrassing..." the fox whined

Kamira stared down at Crystal and growled, leaning forwards onto his stomach causing him to whine loudly, the young fox suffering from a weak bladder, the weight of the husky pressing down on him like this breaking the tenuous control he had, his skirt rapidly soaking through, as the fox ended up laying in a rather large puddle, his ears back against his head in shame.

Kamira stared down at the fox, he sniffed deeply, smelling the combination of the fox's excitement and fear, the scent of his own excitement and arousal adding to the scents in the air around them, he could already feel his manhood threatening to poke out the top of the waistband of his jeans. Kamira moved himself to stand with one foot paw on the fox's chest as he reached down and tore the soaked skirt off Crystal's waist, the wet fabric tearing quite easily, revealing the fox's very very tight, and now very wet panties.

Crystal started to whine loudly, considering calling out for help, reduced down to his panties and laying on the wet floor a tear rolls down his face "please Sir...don't do this..." he pleads with his words, however his body was giving off other messages to the husky, the fox's panties were skin tight without the aid of being wet, but it was plainly obvious that the fox was thoroughly aroused. Crystal watched as Kamira pulled off his fishnet vest and started to remove his wet jeans, the husky wasn't wearing any underwear and his manhood was poking out of his sheath a significant way already. The fox gasped slightly at the sight of the husky's member, his own manhood now poking out the top of his panties, he squirmed on the floor slightly and bit his lower lip "P..please...let me go...I'll...I'll do anything..." the fox pleaded.

Kamira licks his lips as he stood over the fox watching as the fox tried to cover his panties with his paws, he grinned and picked him up off the floor and grabbed his paws, holding them up above the fox's head and pushing him up against the wall hard, the fox was breathing heavily, almost panting as the husky held both his hands in one paw and used the other to claw down his chest, over his stomach towards the panties which were now doing nothing to hide the fox's manhood, the claws cut through the wet fabric, shredding them off his body in no time at all, both males now stood naked in the small locked room, the air hot and close, the husky leans forwards and licks under the fox's nose, leaving the scent of his saliva by his nostrils as a sign of dominance. Kamira looks towards the small bed in the corner of the room, the purpose of the room was obvious as there was very little decoration. Kamira growled and pushed the fox towards the bed roughly, his cock fully erect by this point, his mind filled only with the thought of taking this fox for his pleasure.

The fox was weak at the best of times, he had never been to the gym, he had never done any sports or exercise, and the larger husky was easily overpowering him, his small frame was easy to push around, and he stood no chance if he dared to fight back, all he could do was whine and plead for the husky to come to his senses and let him leave, however when the fox had looked into the canine's eyes, all he saw was a feral lust, a fire burning behind the purple pupils. With a loud yelp the fox hit the bed, face first in the mattress, he risked a glance behind him towards the husky, seeing the erect manhood, the tip glistening with pre, he could imagine what was to come next. Watching as Kamira reached to the small table by the bed where there was a complimentary bottle of lube, the fox was frozen in place, partly in fear, partly with desire to be taken so roughly, by a stranger, he whined softly as his tight tailhole was lubricated by the husky's paw, he laid his head back down and closed his eyes and waited to be violated.

Kamira finished applying the paw full of lubrication to his plaything, reaching down and smearing some lube on his large throbbing cock with one paw, while the other moved to squeeze at the fox's butt cheek, pressing his claws in a little bit with a feral growl he inched his hips forwards until the tip of his manhood was touching the fox's rear, with a smile of satisfaction he started to press against the tight fox, his paws had now moved to the fox's hips, pulling him back onto himself.

Crystal felt the slow but forceful press of the canine penis against his tight hole, he reached up and tried to crawl away from the husky, however the grip upon his hips was far too tight and strong, he could feel his body reluctantly accept the wide girth of the husky's penis, his ears fold back against his head and his muzzle opens as the feeling of pressure and tightness becomes one of pain, his paws grip the thin bedsheets as he cries out.

Kamira grunts in satisfaction as he hilts the young fox, the grip upon his hips had only tightened as the fox cried out in pain, the fox was tight, very tight, and his manhood was stretching him out thoroughly, pulling slowly back with his hips, still holding his hips tightly, Kamira started to slowly pound the fox, the tightness of the fox not allowing him to move at much of a pace, however he soon started to loosen up slightly, which Kamira quickly capitalized on, the strength of his thrusts growing rapidly, pulling hard on the fox's hips, he leant down and growled into the fox's ear before biting onto his shoulder

Crystal could do nothing but accept the pounding his rear was receiving, clawing at the bed clothes as he whined and moaned, his once tight hole loosening up for the large dog, his whole body shuddered at the rough treatment, though his own manhood responded by throbbing deeply against the bed, being pinned and raped was exactly what the fox had dreamed of, his whines of pain soon turning into moans of lust and passion, within a minute, the husky didn't need to pull on the fox's hips for he was pushing back of his own accord.

Kamira grunted and snarled with feral pleasure, his tail twitching and teeth bared, his natural aggression normally hidden and repressed was coming straight to the surface. Feeling the Crys pushing back against him, the husky removed his paws from the fox's hips, and leant further over him, pressing down on him with his body weight, pinning the fox down by placing his paws on his prey's. He pressed his manhood deep into the prey's tailhole, knowing he was getting close already, the sheer thrill of overpowering the young fox bringing his orgasm forwards, he felt the familiar swelling of his knot at the base of his cock and was determined to tie with the young vulpine rear.

A loud moan fills the room from the fox, partly muffled by the bed sheets that were almost covering his muzzle where he had been writhing on the bed helpless, he felt the base of the husky's cock swelling and starting to fill him even more, something he hadn't thought possible, the violent thrusts becoming almost too much for him to take, the pain and the pleasure made his own penis leak copious amounts of pre-cum onto the bedsheets. Kamira lifted off the fox a little and shifted his weight to force himself even deeper in, but in doing so released one of Crystal's paws, which he quickly slid under himself and started to rub at his cock, feeling like he was ready to explode almost immediately.

With a loud bark of effort the husky forces his knot fully into the fox, tying with him, his loud grunts of lust quickly being replaced by soft whines of pleasure as he rocked back and forth on the verge of cumming. He lifts his head and lowers his ears as he howls to the ceiling in ecstasy as he unloads his seed deep into the fox's rear, his thick canine cum coating the inside of his prey's body, the knot ensuring not a single drop would leave until he was finished. With a long deep moan he looks back down at the fox and could feel his plaything's body tensing up, noticing where the fox's paw was now he could only grin knowing that soon the fox would orgasm and fill the air with yet another delicious scent and leave a nice stain on the bedsheets to mark their visit with. To assist the fox with his endeavour, Kamira started to once again rock his hips back and forth, his knot pulling on the fox's tailhole, making him whine with each pull.

Crystal was pawing at himself furiously, the feeling of having the canine knotted inside him was too much, the pain, the pleasure, the feeling of being so deeply filled and so stretched, the warm feeling of the seed in his all added up to in immense orgasm that had the fox moan deeply in pleasure and kick out with his legs, his toes curling the claws on his paw that was still held on the bed to cut through the bedsheets.

The two lay on the bed exhausted, Crystal was curled up in a ball in the middle, moaning softly at the feeling in his tailhole and the wetness underneath him from his cum that had seeped deeply into the fabric of the bed. Kamira sat beside the fox, still panting softly even though he had finally managed to remove his knotted penis a full ten minutes earlier, he smiled and looked down at his conquered prey and knew that this fox would be easy to bend to his will again in the future, and just to emphasise the point he moved a footpaw and placed it on the fox's head with a smirk before closing his eyes and sniffing deeply the scent of the room.

After a couple of hours rest, Kamira slowly opens his eyes, seeing the fox wasn't on the bed with him he glances around, wondering if the prey had escaped him, however once his eyes had focused he saw that the fox was actually on his paws cleaning up the mess on the floor, glancing up at the husky he simply smiled and said "good morning Master!"

The End

A slight explanation.

This story was based off of the Second Life chat logs of myself and Crystal Blue (Perse) and the first time we met, it isn't a direct translation of the logs however, I just used them as a starting point...and before anyone asks, I have his permission to use these logs ^.-

Although this story set things up as master and pet, we continued on and have had many many RP sessions that have been totally outside the realms of these characters here, sometimes the dominant role is reversed, sometimes we have even done RP's where one of us is fully feral, you can look forward to more stories like this in the future.