With No Working Title - Ch3 Preview

Story by SLDawn on SoFurry

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#4 of With No Working Title

Just the prelim to Ch3. I want to see opinions and thoughts.

It leaves off at a cliffhanger because honestly, there isn't a better time to cut it for a 'preview'. This will likely be the last chapter I split the perspective's.

I've been more critical of my writing style and have forced myself out of my comfort zone with most of this, so I'm less worried about the technical aspects of the writing. I'm more interested in what people are liking or are not liking about the story itself. I know it's moving super slow but it will pick up soon.

Katie rolled over and nearly toppled right off the bed, her natural bodily reflex to panic and recover woke her up completely. As her heart slowed and her hyper awareness wore off she was informed by her senses that this was indeed NOT her room. Right, Dawn's house. Dawn... Not here. Katie glanced around at the empty room. Clothes piled in one corner, probably dirty. Two drawer's and an open closet displaying a couple dresses and shirts. A computer desk was nestled in the corner beside the curtain covered window.

She stood and saw a trail of clothes leading up to the bed from the doorway, hers. The previous night's activities bubbled up from where her brain had been ignoring them and she blushed, smiling a little. And with Dawn too! She'd thought the snow leopard was gorgeous before her growth spurt, but combined with all that blue... The red-haired wolf got a little warm just thinking about it. How long had Dawn been into girls? She picked up her clothes from the floor and started pulling them on. Maybe she was experimenting... Katie felt worry form for her friend's sudden changes. Once dressed she did the once through of Dawn's apartment. She found the snow leopard sitting on the balcony reading a thick hard cover book. She stepped through the open glass door and sat herself on the arm of the patio chair. "Whatcha readin'?" Dawn glanced up at Katie and turned the book to show her the cover. "Ah..." They sat quietly for a few minutes as Katie debated what the comfort level was between them right then. What if Dawn didn't swing that way romantically? What if last night was just a fling? Katie steeled herself and leaned over, nosing into the white fur at the base of Dawn's ear. "Hi..." Dawn purred. Good sign. And then pushed up against Katie's muzzle. Very good sign. "You're quiet this morning."

"Mhmmm..." Was what she got back.

"Not like last night." She smirked and stood, leaning against the balcony. Dawn was holding the book up to block eye contact. She couldn't help but laugh at that, "Oh come on!" Katie pushed the book down into the leopard's lap. Dawn was blushing and looking down. "What's wrong?"

"I dunno, it just... I've never done" Dawn gestured vaguely in the direction of Katie and then the bedroom. "That." As if 'that' was all the explanation needed.

"Fooled me." She saw the corner of Dawn's mouth twitch upward in a smile and pointed accusingly. "Aaaah! I knew you weren't that upset about this." She crowed triumphantly.

Dawn threw up her hands. "But that's the issue! I've never been into girls, and as cute as you are" Dawn's eyes lit up for a moment "It wasn't until two days ago that I'd even thought that way about you."

Katie hmmm'd quietly and both girls fell into an awkward silence. ".... So it's just a spontaneous thi- HEY! Wait a second!" Katie lost herself mid thought and motioned at Dawn's chest.

"Oh yeah!" Dawn blushed and laughed a little despite herself, crossing her arms over her boobs. "I forgot to explain before, well, I didn't forget, I didn't know." Dawn motioned a much larger bust on herself, "Short story? They get bigger when I get horny... In the last two days." Katie looked at her suspiciously. "I promise!" Dawn held

"How does that even work?! A body can't just GROW mass! And then shrink it away!"

Dawn shrugged "I dunno, I'm in biochem, I have dozens of ideas and none of them make sense either." She thought about the heat that would roll over her, and that ability to create arousal out of nothing. Nothing made sense. Her mind drifted off and her body came into stark focus. It was like her ability to move and think slowed while her senses become twice as sharp. Her body pulsed, a heartbeat? Katie was just turning to say something to her, very slowly. Words came out like molasses to Dawn's ears and then she felt a pulse emanate from her body again. It rolled over the her body like a red wave, lighting up her nerve endings and quickly fading. A breeze swept across the balcony, only lightly but to Dawn's senses it was huge. She felt it flow over her fur, the sound filling her ears and the wind itself seemingly coloured a light blue. All in the breadth of a second as reality snapped back into place. Everything happened so quickly Dawn nearly jumped out of her skin. A second ticked by as Dawn caught her breath and Katie stared at her.

Katie looked part worried part excited. She reached out and touched Dawn's shoulder, hot to the touch. "Dawn?" The snow leopard's eyes had unfocused again like before. This time Katie felt the wave pulse through Dawn's body though she couldn't see it. Sensation rocketed up her arm and into her body, coursing through it. "Nnnnn...." Katie's pleasure centers went off, not in an orgasmic way, but enough to make her knees tremble. "Dawn stop..." The feline's eyes focused again and met Katie's, hesitating only a moment before lunging forward and locking lips with her.

Dawn pushed against Katie, their bodies pulsing against each other. This wasn't the raw need to cum Dawn used earlier, this was just a need to touch, hold, feel. She brought her hands upwards to twine into the wolf's hair, gently holding the back of her head. Dawn broke the kiss and continued nuzzling Katie's cheek, letting the pulses flow through her hands and straight into her partner.

Katie couldn't stop from moaning at every pulse, all of her erogenous zones feeling like they were being massaged and stimulated. "Nnn... What are y- Aahhnn... Doing?" Katie continued to nuzzle into Dawn's cheeks and neck, her horniness rendering her other motor functions offline.

Dawn wasn't even sure if she knew what she was doing. She had surrendered to it and the heat was evidently going to show her more. As if on autopilot she turned Katie around and pushed her down into the reclining balcony chair. She slid her face down between her boobs to her stomach and her hands up under Katie's shirt, pushing it up to expose her chest. Dawn felt something in her head she didn't know how to use being pushed and the pulses sped up, Katie's moans speeding up in time. Dawn let her paws cup Katie's boobs and the pulses focused entirely in her breasts. Katie half moaned half screamed at that, her back arching up a bit. "Mmmnnn, so close! Aaaahn!!" The wolf arched her back and gasped, her mouth opening silently as she teetered on the brink. "...NNnnnnnaaaaaah!" Her body bucked as her orgasm ripped through her and Dawn felt the largest pulse yet hit Katie's body, renewing her orgasm. As the young wolf came down Dawn cradled her close, her eyes and spots glowing as her breasts expanded once again.

"Thank you my dear, I am awake now." She licked her lips as she saw Katie's breasts start to slowly swell. Her round orbs expanded from their cute B cup into the larger D range, looking huge on her small frame. Meanwhile Dawn's boobs had grown well into the realm of ripe grapefruits and sat high on her chest, her small pink nipples hard and swollen. Her boobs felt tight and full and were only growing more so. She stroked her hand over Katie's back as the wolf's head rested on the upper part of her now even larger breasts.

"Mmm...?" Katie stirred, but didn't move. Dawn ran a hand down the back of her neck and touched along her jaw, gently guiding her head from the white furred goddess's bosom, the wolfess in a daze.

"Come on sweety," Dawn gently led Katie's muzzle down the leopardess's right boob and felt her latch onto her nipple. "Suck." Dawn gasped and purred as Katie obeyed. She felt the tightness suddenly release as milk flowed from her nipple, quickly gulped down by Katie. "That's it, good girl." Dawn continued to hold Katie's head to her boob, alternating between right and left. Yet her size did not diminish. In fact, Dawn would guess she was even a little bigger than when Katie first started suckling. She was still growing. She shuddered as Katie gently nipped the end of one of her nubs before suckling milk from the other. "Mmnnn... You're such a tease..." Dawn gasped quietly, looking down at Katie, the wolf's eyes were glazed over as she continued to pull at Dawn's leaking nip. "But this can't go on forever you cutie." A pulse flowed into Katie through Dawn's nipple, sending them both into shuddering fits and causing Katie to jump her bones. Squeezing and pushing their enlarged tits together, milk leaking out between them as Katie rode Dawn's fingers and returned the favor.

Both furs gasped and moaned against each other. "Ah~ Dawn... "

"Hnnn... Yesss?"

"Blow me up m-more, I know you did it... Ah, aaah! Before." Katie let out a scream as another pulse flowed through her body straight into her boobs. Orgasm rolling through her as her body pressed up against the glowing snow leopard. And her boobs began to swell again. "Yeeeeeaaa-AH! Hnnnn..." Katie squirmed through her orgasm the sensations of her breasts expanding helping prolong her climax. She finally collapsed against her friend as her orgasm tapered off along with her growing breasts. They were proper tits now, almost as large as Dawn's and on a frame six inches shorter. They were ridiculous, the inner curves meeting just barely in the middle and the outer curves peaking out from her ribcage to be seen from behind. Her tits sat high and perky on her chest but still looked soft. Katie rolled over and laid back against Dawn, her head resting on the snow leopard's huge mounds, letting out a very happy breath. "Yesss..." She fondled her hugely swollen boobs and let out a cute little "Thankyoooou."

Dawn's amused voice came back but in an unfamiliar tone. "You're welcome dear."