Lizard in a Land of Furs (part 3)

Story by KingKobold on SoFurry

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Lizard in a Land of Furs (part 3)


Anna was born and raised in the small town of Alameda, New Mexico. She was raised by her single mother from a very young age. Her father had been in the Army and stationed on the nearby base. After the divorce he ended up assigned to another base in some third world country she had never heard of. Her mother was not what you would call attentive. She was nice enough in her own vague way, and there was always food in the cupboards, so Anna never had anything to complain about.

What had always gotten to her was the indifference of her peers. Anna was never chased by the boys, nor sought out by the girls in her town for companionship. As previously mentioned they were all depressingly shallow and mammalian. It was sophomore year that Anna discovered that she was invisible.

Now of course she was not physically invisible, but mentally. Everyone in town simple glossed over her existence. She was not a trouble student, always got her assignments in on time, so the teachers never paid her any mind. She was not a bosom catgirl or slutty vixen so the boys of her school looked right through her. Since the boys were not actively pursuing her the femmes of her youth were able to ignore her to focus on their competition. While she did have many acquaintances Anna did not have any close friends among her age group.

She discovered she was invisible when she woke up on a fine Thursday morning an hour and a half after her alarm had failed to go off. She had fifteen minutes to get to school and it took her 12 minutes to run there. Worse yet she had forgotten to get the laundry into the dryer and thus the only article of clean clothing she had to wear that morning was a tiny black baby-doll tee and a pair of red workout shorts that she had grown out of long ago. She also had no clean panties.

Thus attired in a tiny fragment of skin-tight cloth and a shirt that squeezed her modest breasts into her chest she grabbed her book-bag and sprinted to school. It would be good to note at this point that Anna had never worn such an ensemble to school before, or even in any sort of public place. She had up until this point dressed in modest knee length skirts or jeans with loose shirts, which when she thought about them and compared them to her current outfit made her feel positively naked. In all truth she might as well have been naked as the tight fabric of her shorts with the absence of panties resulted in a pronounced camel toe as the material crept ever closer into her slit. The exertion of running soon worked the crotch of her shorts directly into her pussy and left both of her outer lips exposed.

She felt the soft fabric rubbing across her lips, snagging on her clit with each stride, and beginning to slide more easily as her pussy moistened. Anna had nearly reached the school when the stimulation finally got the better of her. She came to a shuddering stop and leaned against a large tree planted by the sidewalk. In the middle of the morning on a public street she pushed her shorts to the side and rubbed frantically at her pussy (a motion which came entirely instinctual as Anna had never before masturbated). Her fingers slid wetly across her lips as she pushed her fingertip down and into her dripping mound.

A soft moaning rose from her throat and she felt her tongue flop out of her mouth as she pleasured herself in broad daylight. Waves of ecstasy overcame her and she pushed her first two fingers into her pussy and with the other pushed up her shirt to fondle her own breasts. She knew that her moaning would attract attention sooner or later. The street was mercifully empty at this stretch and so far no one had seen the femme's public masturbation.

Caught up in pleasure Anna pulls down her tiny shorts to get better access to her slit. The overwhelming pleasure drives her to her knees and she pushes her ass up into the air while still plunging her two fingers into her pussy. The waves reached their peak and she arced her back as she let loose a triumphant scream of pleasure and her pussy gushes warm liquid down the insides of her thighs.

She felt so dirty, she felt so alive. Anna lay back against the tree and panted in the afterglow of her first orgasm, completely unaware of what it was she had just done. Then she heard the bell ring to announce first period. She could just barely see the entrance to the school yard down the street and quickly pulled her clothes back into their proper places in order to make the last frantic run for the school.

The lizard femme burst through the doors and smacked immediately into Principal Crowe of Alameda high school. He was a large avian male of some carrion bird descent, most likely some mongrel of crow and raven but with perhaps a dash of vulture. The shock of fear that felt like a block of ice falling into to her stomach came when she realized that her legs were still coated with vaginal juices, her nipples were poking through her much too tight shirt and that the crotch of her shorts was soaked through. Bracing herself for the tirade Anna closed her eyes and hoped she would only get detention for the rest of her life and not be expelled.

"Hurry now dear, it's time for class." Said Principal Crowe in a distracted manner as she helped the lizard to her feet. That was all. There was no incredulity at the femme's sopping crotch and improper attire. In this moment Anna felt something click in her mind, all the years of watching their eyes glass over and slide right past her as if they were looking through her. They really were looking through her. No one in town had ever taken a good look at her. She was invisible.

That day she attended all her classes wearing the tiny shorts and the too-tight T-shirt. Not a single teacher made a comment on it, none of the boys stared at her even. The image of modest Anna with her less buxom proportions and skinny limbs was forever ingrained in their minds that even coming to school in something that could qualify as sexual harassment in some states was not enough to jolt them out of it.

She resolved to test this phenomenon further. Slowly she became even more daring and risqué in her outfits and mannerisms. She went slowly, always afraid that she would break whatever spell the others were under and they would finally see her and the whole charade would come crashing down.

First she experimented with poses. Wearing slightly less exposing shorts than the first day she made sure to bend sensually at the waist whenever she had to get something from the floor. She practiced in the mirror so that her buttocks would show through the fabric and her pussy would strain against the crotch. No response from her classmates.

She tried switching tactics and wore a button up shirt with her sexiest lace bra and only buttoned in up halfway. Leaning over and pressing her chest out at every counter she stood at so that even her modest breasts should have been painfully obvious. Still the pursuit of vixens and catgirls and this strange mental block kept them from noticing her in all but the most offhand manner.

Upon finding that poses had failed to impress the boys she attempted new clothing. The clothing stores in Alameda were not quite adequate for the task so she was forced to order several new outfits over the internet. In the meantime she took a pair of scissors to her clothes. Her jean skirt became scandalously short and she wore a black thong underneath when repeating her bending over routine.

This garnered a few double takes from several of the more open minded males but in the end their eyes always glassed over and slid past as they always had. Tiny lacy underwear bought on websites of ill-repute gained longer speculative stares and one wolf who decided to talk to her.

Anna however was not interested in dating and rebuked the wolf with glee as she found that she could pierce the veil of disinterest seemingly at will. Two years of experimentation eventually evolved into her standard day-wear of the much too tight cotton tee and the pleated skirt with no panties. Strangely she tended to garner more attention when wearing her sexy panties than when she went without and she loved the delicious feel of wind on her pussy lips. By her senior year Anna had learned how to wear the miniskirt and avoid being noticed while still enjoying the freedom of wearing as little as possible.

In fact the two years of experimentation kindled a mischievous exhibitionism in Anna. She loved to flaunt her body while maintaining the veil of disinterest. The thought that she was exposing herself to near strangers without them noticing was an endless source of arousal to her.

That is until Basil showed up. She first noticed him as Mrs. Fennow introduced him to the class and was startled when she looked up at the attractive reptile and realized that he was ogling her with a pained look on his face. Clearly he was not like her classmates and had immediately noticed her lack of clothing.

Just as he was sneaking peaks at her from out of the corner of his eyes Anna was making her own private observations of the strangely plumed male, the first male she had ever felt attracted to. She saw his growing discomfort and the way he shifted around in his seat. She even heard the hiss of his zipper and the soft thump as his cock was released from it's entrapment. That was when she had decided that she needed to make a move.

She knocked the pens off her desk on purpose so that she could give him her sexy bending over routine and gauge his reaction. And did he ever react. The spontaneous and furtive sexual acts they exchanged in the middle of class were the first time she had ever done anything other than masturbate. She found his seed intoxicating and that fact both worried and excited her. His touch on her slit was the first time anyone had ever touched her in that way and that more than anything had brought her to climax.

She can still taste his cum in the back of her throat and the lingering saltiness has kept her constantly aroused since she left the class room. Beneath the cover of reaching for a new pencil she idly rubs her wet pussy underneath her desk, which while pleasurable is ultimately unsatisfying, as daring as she was Anna had never masturbated in class and didn't plan on it any time soon.

He was so cute and shy. She wanted to hug him and kiss him and do things no good girl should discuss in polite conversation. But not there in the classroom. She knew from peeking at his schedule on the desk that he shared her lunch hour. She would find out 4th period what new things she would discover with him. In the meantime she suffered through second period art with a small puddle forming on her seat and her fingers itching to dig themselves into her eager pussy.