Getting closer with your dragon part 4

Story by Tarrik on SoFurry

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After what amounts to the craziest two weeks in my life, finally some time to return to this romantic dragon/human cuddling writing project which is way, way overdue. Apologies for that, and for dropping off the known universe. Also, dire warning: next installment should contain human on dragon sex, hence, read forward at your own risk. The very exposure to dragon on human stuff has been scientifically proven to lead to people liking dragon on human stuff (but hey, the characters all cute and cuddly this chapter, so you should be safe)

As the summer storm withdrew its dark tendrils and mopped its roaring rage from the sky with giant, spongy clouds, a torrent of sunlight broke through, like a trickle from a dam, followed by a flood of light. Crystal clear, burning, sunlight, looking almost tangible in appearance shone through every window in Reya's spacious quarters. The spots of light, which Reya poetically called "sunny bunnies" travelled up and down her body, and Alric half expected her to giggle from the warm touch. To Alric it seemed that the sunlight was caressing her body lovingly, as if the whole Universe shared his love for he; he could not blame the Universe, and could hardly feel jealousy from ethereal sunlight-powered rabbit-look-alikes. That, and Reya was beyond gorgeous. He felt as if he was seeing every hidden beauty in the world revealed, concentrated in one calm, feminine draconic form - now that he had attained the greatest beauty of all, it felt as if he had attained them all.

She lay underneath him, breathing lightly, moving every so often, in gentle, slow, stretching movements that could put the natural grace of cats to shame with their elegance. She looked so peaceful and content, Alric wondered if time had stopped, as if by the magic of their love some working in the great clockwork of the world had decided to rewind; they had done something together never before done, and, despite his strict philosophical upbringing, the world seemed pleased with them. Maybe, he thought, this was the very meaning of life - love transcending borders that were insurmountable, overcoming them with ease. Alric watched Reya quietly, content to claim her body with a lover's gaze; he was amazed at the peace a dragoness could emit in her intense afterglow; he was certain that he had managed only to look awkward in his own. He pressed himself closer to her, certain that her beauty and serenity would undo his awkwardness maybe even spill into his body, transfusing peace and serenity into the stormy climate of his soul. He wanted to disappear into her, to return to this blissful warm that was dissipating, but he also felt the urge to talk.

"My love" he tried to say with a velvety voice; but it sounded thick, exhausted and unpolished to his own ears,despite the gentle tone he tried to pour into his words. It seemed like his body was sabotaging him, subverting the feelings he wanted to express, twisting them to a comical degree. The course, ragged masculine voice that came out of his mouth could not convey his feelings, he barely recognized it as his own, like an instrument that was temporarily out of tune when it had never faltered before. He looked at Reya apologetically, but she looked back at him warmly and silenced him by touching a claw gently to his lips. "Don't rush yourself, my little one. take all the time in the world. Catch your breath before we go on. " There was so much warmth in her voice, he felt his eyes moisten. She nudged him gently with the claw again, drawing a circle on his chests, something she had never done before. She continued exploring, a strange, alien gesture, which seemed to take all the time in the world to complete. Alric guessed correctly that this new expression of body language was coming from the new type of pleasure the two had shared, a gesture reserved for lovers and not applicable even to the best of friends. The claw was sharp and cool; to her surprise, Alric kissed her big, strong paw and held it to his heart gently, as if it were tiny and fragile, and stood like that a long time, before finally letting it go.

"You are so hopelessly sweet" she purred, a deep, resonating sound that he felt in his chests; it filled his whole being with the impression of a deep, amber-violet starless sky. He felt a change, an imperceptible shift in his vision, that seemed to blur some things while putting others in a sharp, flawless focus; the colors of things changed a little, almost imperseptably slow. Then he begun to experience something that was hard for him to describe.

"I think.... But I'm not sure....that I can...sort of...see your scent as a color now; it''s this feeling, as sweet as eating fresh honey, and thick to my mind's touch, as gentle as silk" he said, suddenly more proud than astonished, as if this was some sort of epic achievement that he could take credit for, not merely a lucky fluke in his biology; his mind was eager to capture the details of this unusual feeling, how perceptions mixed into a relaxed, lucid state, to reveal something that was beyond the separate senses, and could only be perceived as an ever-changing wave of impressions, almost as if in a dream.

There was a pleasant surprise written across Reya's muzzle, which Alric had learned to read better than a human face, and she did nothing to conceal it; she looked deeply satisfied at having been right that he would perceive her scent as a color, much as a drake would, some time after the last wall between them had melted. Nature would not be so cruel so as to separate then in this unique, shared ecstasy; perhaps he would prove not be so unlike the males of her own kind as she had secretly feared. "Tell me, Alric, how my color looks to you now" she said with eager curiosity , and Alric whispered, certain that her unerring ears would catch every word:

"It is like a painting in an amber sky , a cloud cover with a deep, magenta hue, but then.... Then the colors seem to switch place, and I perceive their very opposite: as the sky itself becomes some color close to violet, like clouds we watch at sunrise or sunset, I feel the denseness and sweetness of honey; and the amber becomes this ambient glow of a new, deeper, ocean-like feeling, filled with immeasurable depth; and then like a starry sky, that appears clear to my mind's eye, but when I open my eyes, it is gone, it gives me the sense of space; it is truly the type of grand, gentle beauty that befits you and only you"

She enveloped him with her right wing, which was much warmer now, her heartbeat palpable through the powerful blood vessels; when Alric pressed his ear against the membrane, he could hear the sound of the blood rushing through her delicate, magnificent flesh like the roaring of a distant, underground river. He placed his palms on the membrane, petting it skillfully with just the right amount of pressure to elicit great pleasure, encompassing the thin, remarkably strong bones with his skillful fingers, circling the large, powerful, joints with his palms, pressing them gently down; when he reached the end of the wing, Reya slowly moved it towards him, and he tickled the flight membrane gently, making her whistle a funny noise that she made when she was feeling ticklish but was too out of breath to laugh.

"This is what I love so much about your touch" said Reya with a delighted voice, like a teacher praising an apprentice "It is practically flawless; you know exactly where and how to touch me to fill me with undertones of pleasure, feelings of fullness and content nobody else can give me; I can't even do that myself, and I have the benefit of the most complete sensual feedback from my body possible; imagine what you'll be able to do, given time to experiment, with my most sensitive parts, now that I am intimately yours. It is a thrilling thought just to imagine"

"I will apply myself to the task more rigorously than any man ever applied themselves to any great and noble task" he swore, with such rigor and conviction in his eyes, such determination, that she laughed light-heartedly in delight.

"I expect no less from my beloved little Alric. Though, I must admit, your resolve is impressive"

She lifted him effortlessly, as if to inspect him from all sides carefully, as if to find the source of all this energy from such a little being, before placing him back down on her belly when she was satisfied, offering no explanation and looking genuinely smug. Perhaps she was simply admiring. He certainly had nothing against that.

"Your body is so powerful; everything seems effortless for you" said Alric , inspired to pour words into the air, or maybe to pour whatever he felt into the words "It has always fascinated me, Reya, how effortlessly you blend such strength with dexterity, such intellect with such freedom from the downfalls that doom the human mind; with such power and speed, such might and gentleness, you are like a force of nature. You wield the element of fire as if it were a guill, and you - a bard. If I could see the most microscopic parts of the universe, those that are fortunate enough to be a part of you, they alone would be perfect under any magnification; whereas those that make the rest of the world , even the most beautiful of flowers, the most flawless of gems, would be tarnished and less magnificent;"

Reya crooned at him quietly, and confessed joyfully "Well, I think it's safe to say that I had never before been complemented on the microscopic level before"

"And how, dare I ask in my flurry of passion, have you been complimented so far, if not on every level that makes up your quiet magnificence? Any lesser complement to you is an offence " the question was out before Alric realized he was not certain he wanted to know the answer.

"Well..." said Reya as if she knew what he was thinking before he did "my _draconic_suitors, at least, often complement my strength, my strong wings, how shiny my hide is in the moonlight"

Alric had to gasp so as not to laugh which she mistook for shock that he had not thought of the compliment first "they also offer me to hunt down, chew slowly and subsequently digest whoever I don't happen to particularly like at the moment" disclosed the dragoness, amusement in her voice "they've never touched upon my "quiet magnificence", or my "flawless to the microscopic level structure" as you seem to grasp so well, it seems. In fact, I think you've mostly ruined draconic courting for me. Most drakes are, when the time to mate or be rejected is upon them, rude, assertive, eager to be dominant, which is why I've had to bite off the occasional ear tip when their words displeased me. You're too sweet and too adorable for these powerful, poetic lines you use to describe me. No dragon has ever had those exact words all for herself, never before uttered about anyone, never before being the first to a continent, or having a hoard of unique treasures no one has ever had before. It's so different from the recycled, old compliments of a male trying to win over a female; and the mastery with which you wield words, like someone who has come into his power too young... but someone who wields it with passion and conviction..."

"The best words I've heard are the ones you just said to me" admitted Alric, and they both laughed at that. "If only I were a dragon, I would aspire to surpass all those behind me in giving words to your beauty. If only...

"You are more than enough for me. You, my little Alric, are exactly what I want, what no dragon can offer me. Never forget that. All doubt and uncertainty is in your own head. The rest of the world has no word here, because I am the only judge of who I love"