He came on the Western Winds Ch. 4

Story by Flashbackwolf on SoFurry

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#4 of HCotWW

Chapter 4 of the HCotWW story. Sorry this took so long, just had a hard time working with my phone. I got my computer back recently and finished this up on it. Hope you all enjoy.

Fire... There was so much fire. Remnant could barely breath through the thick smoke that weaved its strangling fingers through the trees. His long ears perked up as screams carried on the wind. His village. He ran back, the thick haze of smoke only growing denser, darker. The sky slowly slipping from view as dark clouds of ash and smog fill the air. Ahead of him is a glow, a great and foreboding glow.

Fire wraps the village, even the dense black smoke couldn't hide the orange light of the fire. The sparks of flame engulfed the village and began crawling its way up the trees. Coughing screams could be heard through the roar of the blazing inferno. Life slowly being burned alive and those who did not burn choked on the ash of their own homes.

Remnant could only scream. He ran for his village, determined to save any he could. And yet no matter how much he ran, no matter how he struggled, he managed to get no closer to his home. He could only watch as those responsible rose from the flames. Great dragons on their foreboding wings rising as if to ride the smoke into the sky. In the distance came running bodies, all set ablaze as they ran from the village, setting more of the forest on fire with their footsteps. The bodies passed, screaming by Remnant as if he wasn't even there. The heat and fire rose and rose.

Remnant woke up screaming yet again, his fur plastered to his skin with sweat, the hot desert sun leaking through the small holes in the roof of the hut. Above him was a silhouette. Someone he had never seen before. He put a hand over his eyes so they may adjust to the light. "H-hello?" He asked his voice raspy from the hot dry desert air. "Don't move boy. I'm not done looking you over yet." Said the figure in a low growling voice. He checked Remnant's eyes, making the wolf hybrid flinch away. It was then he heard the rattle from beneath his bed sheets. He lifted them up to see that he was bound by a chain in the middle of his room. The shackle on his ankle made of iron. It was old and worn, rusted in some spots. It was likely not often used. "Who are you?" He asked softly as to not upset his sore, parched throat.

The figure shifted and loomed over him. His features feline, a silver colored fur covered him head to toe, with a crop of white flowing hair upon his head. "I am doctor Solmet... I was brought in to check on your... Stability. You did some pretty gruesome things. Do you remember?" He asked. Remnant shook his head. "No... I... I passed out in the desert... Rain! Dust! Are they okay!? Last thing I remember they were-". The feline put a finger to Remnant's mouth. "They are fine. Made it back alive and they are recovering from minor injuries." He left out his role in their survival however.

The feline took a few notes, Remnant's lack of memory of the incident was troubling. "You have some interesting markings. Do they have any meaning?. He questioned, his eyes narrowing as he looked over the violet marks that colored Remnant's otherwise pure white fur. While he was interested in the marks, he was more interested in getting the wolf hybrid talking. Perhaps an idea of his state of mind now would shed some light on his overall stability.

Remnant looked the markings over. "I... I earned them. During the war. They were rewarded to me.". He said, still seeming a bit distant. "The war?" Asked the feline with a raised brow. "You are from the west then?" His eyes narrowed at the thought. How did he not realize it? One of those treacherous villains had slipped from his hovel in the woods and hidden in the sandy deserts. "Very well... You seem to be recovering alright... Drink any water sent to you and eat what you receive. You should be fine." Remnant rose as the doctor left. "Wait! Why am I in chains?" He asked, but the feline just kept moving forward.

The village was gathering in a large pavilion. The great cloth top kept them shielded from the hot sun while the open sides let a decent breeze blow through the area. At the head of the tent was a tall human, his skin dark from years in the sun, though his hair was light as if bleached by the intense rays of light. He cleared his throat before speaking. "Now is everyone here? Have the children been tended to?" He asks ensuring all the adults were present and ready for their coming job, while the children were left out to keep their minds and consciences clean.

"If we are ready to proceed I would like to get this going." Shilana spoke up. "Mathias, as you know we are here to discuss the fate of Remnant, the wanderer from the west who Rain brought to our doorstep. He has been recovering from the events that led him here, and doing small duties and chores for us. Keeping our home running, at least a little smoother. He is becoming a part of this village. This family-" she was cut off as the chief raised his hand. "Thank you mother... But as much as I know you and a few others have grown fond of him, you must remember that this trial is to be based on facts, not our personal feelings. There will be time for people to stand up for his character later. But first I want the facts.

The room went silent as Dust walked forward. "As previously mentioned by Mama Shilana we recently took in Remnant. He has been with us for a few weeks now and has been of some help to the village. The incident in question happened when Mama Shilana suggested that Remnant join Rain and I on a hunting expedition. We took him along, I was against it but Both Rain and Shilana seemed adamant that the experience would help break him free of the depression he had come under."

The audience listened intently as he continued. "It was only about two or three hours into our trip that we found food. Or at least we thought we had. We were soon ambushed by Lizos. Around four of them. I was able to keep my distance, but Rain was caught... And tormented for a bit." Rain's now pierced ear drooped as she fingered the scar. The hole would not fill in, it was too wide. "It was then that Remnant seemed to snap to life... His actions sudden and violent, as if fighting an old foe he had been hunting for years. It was violent in ways I had never seen..." The crowd grew hushed as they listened. "He didn't just kill the beasts, he slaughtered them, and managed to leave one of the corpses a mangled mess before me and rain pulled him off." "Rain stood up and spoke, "He saved my life! If he was mindlessly violent he was could have easily killed me too!"

There began a chatter among the crowd until Mathias raised his hand and silenced the chatty spectators. "Rain... I understand your attachment to the boy. I really do. But we cannot let that sway our opinions. Dust has seen much. To hear that Remnant's acts were even shocking to him is worrying. And until I feel safe in with him in our village I refuse to be swayed by emotion. And I suggest you all put your feeling aside. He seemed like he was a good man in the time he was here but that doesn't mean he is safe to keep in our village."

The chief turned his head to Solmet. The feline doctor stepped forward. "Well I have spoken with him. And he seems of sound mind. Outbursts of extreme violence in times of fear or desperation are not unheard of. However his background is cause for alarm. How many of you knew of his history? Did none of you know he was from the west?" A few looked down to stair at their feet as if ashamed. The dragons were still dealing with the aftermath of the war. It was likely that they would not look kindly upon their village for harboring an enemy combatant.

"I see... so none of you saw the many dangers in holding a man such as this here?" he asked. This perplexed them all. "The wolves are dangerous. So vicious, so violent. This seems to be nothing more than a quick episode of madness, brought on by fear... but his kind has shown that such things are more serious. Much more serious. His are a brutal and violent people...Not just on the battlefield either. Torture, murder... rape. They were known for sights of brutality such as these. He may well be unbalanced." he said. This got people talking, and talking in hushed, panicked whispers. What if he was a killer? What if he took a likening to a woman? What was he capable of?

"It's alright... the dragons will not look poorly upon your desire to shelter the man, but they will gladly take him from here, deal with him as they deem fit. After this should earn you some appreciation from them, and then they-"

Shilana interrupted, "Then they will help us right?! They haven't been out here themselves in a great deal of time, and when they are here they do little for us." she said. "Our village is too small to warrant their protection, they only come out so that the capital may sing their praises.

And here we have a male who can fight off the beasts right in our village." The others were shocked by how open she was, no one stands up to the dragons. But here was Shilana, standing proud with her own points to the issue. "This boy is here now, and he has shown himself to be our friend, our ally! Are we just to toss him aside? He has not just been kind, but even timid, hardly the look of a killer or rapist. Not to mention he is someone who we have proof can kill these beasts... and can teach us how."

The crowd seemed to agree with this as well. Her reasoning was sound, and they felt that they knew him well enough. Plus, a dragon supporter lying? It wasn't the hardest thing to believe. The dragons twisted everything to their will, even the truth.

The chief raised his hand. "I have come to a decision. I was going to have Solmet deal with Remnant. To me there was more risk than I was willing to take. However, it seems that the rest of the village disagrees... And as such I feel it right that I respect that. Remnant will be trained in our ways of fighting and in time perhaps we can learn to fight our foe from him. Once I find a warrior to teach our western guest I shall send for him." said Matthias. The crowd seemed to be pleased with this decision, but Solmet was not. They would defy the dragons? This runt town of such little consequence? What fools, what pure fools. He would fix this. He must. The wolves were not to be trusted. Solmet went off as the village dissipated from the pavilion. He needed to get to the warriors... The chief planned on training Remnant. His skills could be useful, but Solmet could not have this village's need of the dragons be filled by another. Especially a wolf. This did not look good.

Hours passed and the crowd had all died away, going off to perform their various duties around the camp. Solmet smiled as he saw one of the village warriors walk into his hut. He followed the man and knocked on the opening to his home. The cloth door pulled back and the large camel stepped out. "Ah, you are the physician. Please come in."

The feline smiles and walks in after him. "Thank you. I hear you have a newborn. I thought I would see the child, ensure his health while I was here." The big warrior smiled. "Of course, I would be happy for your help." He led the feline back to where his son nursed from his mother.

"Here is the lad. Be calm my dear, it is the physician, he comes to check on our son. Her sudden clamoring to cover herself subsides and she smiles. He had seen her naked before checking on an injury to her ribs. "Well if the doctor has some time let me finish feeding our young one first. Lest he be fussy through the whole thing." "Of course. Nothing worse than a fussy child. Well perhaps I speak with your husband, you can tell us when he is ready.". Solmet said with a warm smile. He walked to the door and the camel followed.

As soon as they were out of earshot of the man's wife and child Solmet turned quickly to look at the camel. His eyes showed an intensity that displayed a certain darkness. A deep displeasure with not having been given his way. And a determination to see that fixed. "What are your thoughts on this Remnant fellow?" Solmet asked. The warrior shrugged. "Seems a decent enough guy. Haven't had much time with him, but what I have shared was fair. Seems quiet..." He responded honestly. "Well... Let me ask you another question... Does knowing the dragons may be looking for this man concern you? For your son's future I mean. The camel scratched his chin. "I see what you mean, but the chief said..." Solmet interrupted, "He said he would see to getting him training, not that you would have to train him. If this is an issue for you, being a father I'm sure no one would question why you would turn your back on the chance to teach this man." The baby was soon brought out. "Oh, my, that was quick..." said Solmet. I won't be long, this lad looks quite healthy, little chance he needs me. But looks can be deceiving. Better safe than sorry." He looked up at his host as he spoke those last words, making sure he understood that they applied just as much to him.

He headed in with the child, ready to give the little one a quick examination. "Say, before I begin, could you point me to any other warriors with children? I like to start with the warrior's families. They keep our towns safe after all, and are most prone to injury" He would have his hands on every warrior in town soon enough. With no warrior to train Remnant, Perhaps he could work his magic on the chief, and have the wolf in his custody by tomorrow.