What's Gotten Into You [3]

Story by Pawsroloc on SoFurry

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#3 of What's Gotten Into You

After paying his respects towards his recently deceased parents, Nathan Slater finds himself back in the small town of Tallowoh. For a month now, Nathan is plagued by the same nightmare. A shadowy beast has been hunting him down each night. He awakes each night, telling himself that it was just a dream. That is, until he finds the first note.

Eric glanced back over at Nathan's nails. They looked freakishly long and pointy. Had he put nail polish on them?

"So what the hell is Donna getting herself into?" Nathan grunted, gesturing at the screen with his elbow. The man was obviously trying to hide his fingernails from Eric.

Eric turned his attention back to the show and shook his head. "I have no idea, man. I'm not sure I like Donna."

"Really? I think she has her reasons." Nathan said. His voice sounded so much deeper than usual.

"As a character, sure, I respect her. But Donna? No." Eric said, only half paying attention to the movie. Nathan had seemed... off... ever since the diner. And he was still eating. Eric had brought over the large amount of pizza as a joke, but the guy was nearly done with it. Eric shifted on the bed, glancing over to get another look at Nathan from time to time. He felt like he should bring it up but...

" Oh my g od th at wa s so corny!" Nathan laughed, his throat releasing a hearty rumble. Eric chuckled nervously, trying his best to not focus on his old friend. Had he always been this way? The nails had to be new. Was this some weird stage of Nathan's life? Or maybe it was like some sort of... coping mechanism...

Eric sighed, dropping the subject. He scooted up to a better position on the bed. Nathan and Eric used to watch movies on this bed every weekend, but now the two could barely share the bed without touching one another. Had Nathan always been that tall?

The two continued to watch the show late into the night. Eric didn't know when Nathan had fallen asleep, but he could hear the man snoring beside him on the bed halfway through the first episode of season 2. He glanced at the clock, noticing that it was already 3 A.M.

Eric bit his lip, noticing that the sleeping man's hands had slipped out of his jacket's pockets. He didn't want to pry but...

Nathan was asleep. He knew that much. He was drifting in an empty void, trying his best to find some sort of platform to latch onto. The twin peaks theme song kept on playing, but he couldn't remember all of it.

A soft blue glow emanated from his shoulder. Nathan squinted, shielding his eyes from the bright light. Suddenly gravity overtook him and he found himself falling. Usually when a sudden lurch like this would have cause Nathan to wake up, but the young man found himself in an all too familiar location. He was back in the house. Nathan stood at the base of his stairway. The floor was covered in the same strange markings, except this time they were blue. He recognized a few. They danced and spun just like the symbols on his shoulder.

And then he heard that noise.

The snarl would have sent a shiver through his body a week ago, but now it excited Nathan.

" Beast!" Nathan shouted, his voice echoing off invisible walls.

SLATER. The Beast's voice seemed to come from everywhere and nowhere at once.

" I've been calling out for you all day." Nathan said, relieved that the demon was here now.

I HAVE ALWAYS BEEN HERE, SLATER. The Beast's voice was calm and collected.

" But... why aren't you helping?" Nathan asked, slouching down to the floor. He hadn't realized how tired he was until he had heard the Beast's voice.


" The changes?" Nathan asked, glancing down at his hands. The thick black claws were growing before his eyes. " No... no no no... How do I stop this Beast? How do I... I hide this?" Nathan begged, inspecting his naked body. The skin on his stomach looked... cracked.


" How? I don't know what I'm doing Beast. I need your help." Nathan asked, his eyes getting heavier as he spoke.


" But... what about... Eric."

Nathan awoke. The television had turned off, and Eric was not in the bedroom. Nathan yawned and rolled out of the bed. He could hear footsteps from outside the bedroom. He pushed open the bedroom door to find Eric in the kitchen. His old friend was wearing the same clothes he had on yesterday.

" Morning." Nathan grumbled, forgetting to hide his voice. The raspy voice sounded just like the Beasts.

Eric glared at Nathan, arms folded. "So...?"

" So...?" Nathan said, worried by his friends' attitude. Had the Beast done something with his body while he slept?

Eric walked up to Nathan and grabbed at his arm. Eric yanked the hand out of its pocket and held it up.

"You're voice. And... and you've got claws man. And the appetite?" Eric scoffed before letting Nathan's hand drop back to his side. "And you're taller? What's going on man?"

Nathan looked up at Eric and cringed. He had hoped that Eric wouldn't have noticed, but it seems that idea was a little too optimistic. " I'm... sick."

Eric huffed, walking around his old friend. "You know... at first I thought it was like some sort of phase. Maybe some sort of gothic scene phase you were trying out with the hands... but I know you. You're hiding something from me."

Nathan started to sweat. A familiar heat began to build in his shoulder. Nathan cursed to himself. No, not here.

Eric stared at his friend, waiting for a reply. "Well?"


" I-I'm sor ry. What'd you say?" Nathan said, trying to keep the voices at bay.

"What's going on with you Nathan? Are you okay?" Eric asked, stepping closer.


The voices screamed inside his head. He could barely focus on his own thoughts anymore. He had to get Eric out of here before he...

" You... you need to leave." Nathan shuddered, taking a step back.


Eric could see the fear written on Nathan's face. The man was obviously distressed. Had he done this?

"I... Nathan..." Eric began, walking towards the stairs.


" Please... just go." Nathan whimpered. He had never felt so conflicted in his life. He watched Eric disappear down the stairs. It wasn't until he heard the front door slam that he let himself slip away.

Nathan's head swam as he came to.

The man found himself in an extremely familiar position. The large man was sprawled out on his bed, his body drenched in his own seed. Nathan groaned in confusion as he pulled himself away from the wet sheets. The scent of cum was overwhelming for Nathan. He sniffed once, letting a torrent of new scents invade his nose.

A buzz from the floor reminded Nathan about Eric. The huge man stumbled out of the bed, bed groaning underneath him. He felt heavier now as he knelt down to grab his phone. There were over five messages from Eric.

>> So are you going to tell me what's going on?

>> You are scaring me.

>> I did a little research.

>> Are you a werewolf?

>> Or do you prefer lycan?

>> I don't really understand proper werewolf conduct yet.

>> I'm worried about you.

>> Why won't you respond?

>> Are you okay?

>> Please answer.

The texts had been sent from various points throughout the day. Nathan let out a deep growl of displeasure as he tossed the phone back onto the ground. His nose was still acting up. To Nathan, it was as if every scent was heightened. The smell of his spent seed was by far the most prevalent of odors. However underneath the cum were layers of other aromas. A pair of socks in the corner of his room and the smell of Eric lingering on his sheets were just a few. Nathan swore he could even smell the flowers in the kitchen.

The dried cum that caked Nathan's body was no longer a new sensation to the changing man. He caught a whiff of something else emanating from his body. It was a much headier scent. Nathan's tongue instinctively flicked out of his mouth to taste the air. The large man couldn't place the new taste... but it felt familiar.

Nathan didn't know how much longer his body could take the overwhelming scents. He bundled up his sheets and threw them into the wash before heading into the bathroom.

Eric scrolled through an article on mythical folklore. Horribly photoshopped pictures and ridiculous horror stories were about as much information as he could find. Eric glanced at his phone and sighed, thinking back to Nathan. In those few moments before he left, Nathan had almost looked feral to Eric. There was no denying the changes his friend was going through.

What if Nathan was in some sort of trouble? Maybe... maybe Nathan needed his help? Eric closed his eyes and groaned, knowing just how terrible of an idea that was. The worst case scenario involved Eric being torn to shreds by a rabid wolf. But that didn't stop Eric. He found himself heading towards Nathan's bookstore, his heart racing.

It was late in the evening when Eric arrived at the townhouse. He glanced up at the second story, half expecting to see a blood-stained handprint smeared on the window. The door to the shop was still unlocked. Eric took a deep breath before entering his friends business. There was no snarling or howling to be heard. Afraid to call out Nathan's name, Eric slowly crept up the stairs, trying to make as little noise as possible. As he drew closer to the end of the stairway, he could make out the man's deep voice.

" -to find something that fits... ugh!" Nathan sounded frustrated, his raspy voice wavering as he spoke. " What am I going to do... How am I going to explain this to... Shit!"

The bedroom door suddenly slammed, startling Eric. The curious man couldn't help but take a peek into the living room. Nathan was nowhere to be seen, but his bedroom door was now closed.

" Eric?! Go away!" Nathan's panicked voice called out from behind the door. Eric closed his eyes and sighed. How had he known?

Eric stepped into the living room hesitantly. "I just wanted to know if you're all right. You were having some sort of panic attack and I couldn't just leave you without checking up on you."

Nathan didn't respond.

"I just... Can you let me in? I want to help you." Eric pleaded.

" No." Nathan said sternly.

"I just want to... to know what's going on." Eric said.

It took a while before Nathan spoke again. " I don't know... if I can trust you."

Nathan sounded scared and hurt. Eric stepped closer to the door. "Please. I'm not going to freak out. I just want to know. And... and I want to help."

Eric could hear the lock on the other side slide open. Hesitantly, he reached for the doorknob. Eric let the door swing open.

Nathan stood in the middle of his bedroom completely naked. Well, almost naked. The large man had tried his hardest to fit into a pair of briefs three sizes too small. The bulging fabric looked like it could rip at any time.

"Dude... you're..." Eric looked his friend up and down. His entire body was sculpted, muscles bulging with power. "You're ripped." Eric said, openly staring at his friends heaving pecs.

" Yeah?" Nathan said nervously, glancing down at his own body. Nathan wondered if Eric had noticed the strange chitonous bumps forming across his body. The two largest bumps were on his forehead.

"Yeah." Eric swallowed, almost jealous of his friend's muscles. But that wasn't the only thing that caught his eye. "Your feet..."

Nathan looked down at his clawed feet, wiggling the toes for Eric. " T** hey're a uh... a matching pair.**" Nathan brought his hands out from behind his back, showing Eric his long ebony nails.

As Eric stared at Nathan, the changing man did a little exploring of his own. Eric's scent was complicated. Nathan was having a hard time sorting through all the different odors until one in particular hit him. Arousal.

"When did this happen?" Eric asked curiously, pointing at his shoulder.

" Maybe a week. It only really started doing the rest a few days ago." Nathan admitted. He decided to leave the Beast out of the conversation.

"This is..." Eric began, looking up at Nathan.

" Weird?" Nathan cringed as he finished Eric's sentence.

Eric shook his head. "No. This is... cool."

" What?" Nathan blurted out, nose still fixated on his friends arousal.

"Yeah. I mean. I never thought anything like this existed until today." Eric admitted, blushing. "Is it going to... keep happening?"

" I think so." Nathan said, looking down at his hands. The skin around his knuckles had started to pink, as if the skin had been rubbed raw.

"What can I do to help?" Eric said, almost sounding a little too eager.

" W-well you can start by not telling anyone. That means no pictures. No police. No hospital." Nathan said. Eric nodded silently.

" I also uh... I need clothing." Nathan admitted, hiking up his strained briefs.

"Okay! Uh... What are your sizes?" Eric asked.

" I don't know. This is all so new to me." Nathan said. The voices were beginning to stir in the back of his head again.


" You can find money in my wallet on the counter." Nathan said, the scent of Eric's arousal still drifting throughout the room.


"I'm gonna be gone for a while then. The only clothing department is an hour out of town." Eric said, eyes still travelling Nathan's body.


" A-and... can you get some f-food as well? I t-think you recalled how m-much I ate the other day." Nathan stammered, feeling his own groin stir to life.


Eric laughed, walking back towards the bedroom door. "Alright. I'll be back late tonight. If you don't freak out on me again we could probably watch some more Twin Peaks."

" Y-yeah." Nathan nodded. " A-and Eric?"

"Yeah?" Eric said, turning back around.

Nathan briskly walked up to Eric and grabbed his arms, doing his best not to poke the smaller male with his claws. Nathan looked into Eric's eyes. " Thank you so much for doing this for me. It really means a-"

Nathan's words were cut short as Eric closed the gap between their lips. The kiss lasted longer than either expected, tongues darting into each other's mouths as they gave into their desires. Nathan's shoulder released a burst of pleasure, his cock straining against the taut fabric. The voices in Nathan's head were quiet as he broke the kiss. They stood in silence, neither knowing what to say.

Eric hiked a thumb behind his shoulder. "I should uh... get you some better fitting clothes. B-before they close."

Nathan nodded, resisting the urge to tear out his member in front of Eric.

Eric regretfully pulled away from Nathan, remembering to grab Nathan's wallet as he left.

Eric's arousal still clung to the bedroom. Nathan lay on the bed, letting the addicting scent hang in the air. The tent in his ripped briefs stood proudly, begging for Nathan's touch. As much as the changing man wanted to let off some steam, he knew that Eric would be back soon enough.

I'm cutting this one short! I hope you enjoy the direction I'm taking with this story. As always, leave a comment or send me a message! I love to hear what you have to say and criticism is greatly appreciated.
