All You Need

Story by Mog Moogle on SoFurry

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#14 of Reader's Choice

All You Need

You pull your head back and let his member slip from your lips. Looking up at Malcolm as his breathing starts to come under control, the tiger looks down at you with an almost desperate expression. It's obvious that you just denied him an orgasm, but you want things to go farther than just a blowjob.

"Where's the lube?" you ask as you mover your paw to his sack and caress it gently while nuzzling his thigh while you inhale his musk.

Malcolm's expression shifts to an embarrassed one. He bites his bottom lip as you look up at him past his twitching member. "I ... uh, I'm afraid I don't have any," he says. "Never really, needed it before."

"Ah," you say and give his member a teasing lick. "Guess we'll have to figure out something else, then."

You slowly lift off the couch and put your arms around his neck. He shies his eyes away from you, but you nuzzle the side of his muzzle and cheek. Malcolm moves his muzzle against yours suddenly and kisses you.

Your eyes are open in surprise for a few moments but flutter closed as he brings his arms up and wraps them around you. You feel his paw pads and fingers rub your back while his tongue pushes into your mouth. Moving your tongue up against him, the kiss heats up.

He eases you back to the couch and you sit slowly, all the while Malcolm follows you down, then pushes your back to the cushions as he eases on top of you. He keeps his lips locked to yours as you feel him ease out of his shoes. They clunk against the hardwood floor and he kicks his pants off before he shifts more of his weight on to.

Malcolm breaks away from the kiss and sits up. As you open your eyes, you see him fumbling with your pants. "Malcolm," you say hotly. "I want you."

It occurs to you that with no lube, something will be needed to ease things up.