The Merrin, Part 20

Story by Sovereign Kyle on SoFurry

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#20 of Merr

Shelter moved...and new problems

Next: Part 21

All the loose items are packed into three packs. Most of the sections for the shelter lean against a pod. There's a few parts still standing and Key's working to rearrange those into a short hall that connecting the pods' doors together. With their doors now facing each other, this is a simple task.

Avy lands and watches Key for a moment as she rests. Seeing that he's doing okay, she grabs a section and flies off with it. She's not strong enough to lift more than one at a time and that's the fourth one she's moved to the cave.

When he's finished, Avy's taken more than half the remaining panels to the cave. Key puts the pack with the pod's spare parts inside the hall and makes sure the cooling system is set low enough to continue charging the pods' com system. He draws a crude map of how to get to the cave on the back wall and locks the door. Nothing will be able to get inside, but him, Avy, or a rescue party.

As he bundles the remaining panels together, Avy lands and looks back at the much smaller shelter. I will miss this place.

Key slings a pack over his shoulder and nods. "Yeah, but most of what made this place home is in these two bags."

She slowly shakes her head. It's the outside I'll miss.

"Yeah. Who knows how long we'll be in the cave before we can come back out."

Seeing him pickup the bundle of shelter sections, she grabs the remaining pack and puts it on backwards, so it's hanging in front of her.

As they start walking, Key notices that her wings have darkened, a lot.

Sensing his coming question, she flexes her wings so she can see them herself_. I don't know why their dark. I've not seen any adults with black wings._

Key nods, she'll let him examine them later. Right now they have to get everything to the cave and rebuild the shelter inside it.

* * *

Stepping inside, Key picks a large, centipede-like creature from his leg and tosses it back out into the cave. Avy calls them Asrukes, but Key thinks of them more like rats.

This outer room is small, added in an effort to keep the critters out. He then presses a button on the wall next to a red light, and cold air floods the small room. The few other creatures that came in with him scurry back out into the cave. The light changes to green and he quickly secures the outer door. He then opens the inner door and continues in.

Avy is carefully arranging things on the few shelves. She turns and looks at him, Cave's getting crowded.

Key nods. "They're even starting to stack their eggs on top of others out there. Luckily, there's still enough space to walk through it all, but those asrukes are everywhere."

Most of the creatures will soon start to make their cocoons. Others will die, having fulfilled their life cycle.

"And the asrukes? Which are they?"

You would call them...parasites. They try to burrow into cocoons, or get into one while it's being made. Either way, it sometimes kills the cocoon's creator, and in turn the asruke.

Key nods. "Glad I put up that vestibule and bio sensor to help keep them out."

Yes. That was good. We need to be careful, they will also try burrow into some creatures' bodies.

Key's eyes go wide. "Maybe we should stay inside then."

She puts a hand to his armor. How will you check for a signal then?

He sighs and scratches his head. "Well, maybe just or twice once a day, and just me. They can't get through my armor."

She nods, and seems to smile.

He looks at her for a moment, what it the tilt of her head? Just the angle? ...or did she really just smile.

When she hands him a ration pack and drink, he sees that she is indeed smiling. Her facial plates have softened enough to allow her some expressions.


Key sits up in bed.

To his right, Avy still sleeps.


"Drudge? What is that?"

"I believe something it trying to get in."

<Whump> <Thump>


"Floor, near door."

"Inner or outer?"

<Thump> <Thump>

"Inside corner, near outer door."

Key jumps out of bed, waking Avy. She sits up in the few steps it take for him to get to the corner.

What is it?

Key stomps on the floor plating, locking it back into place. "Something was trying to get in."

Did it?

"Drudge, anything get in?"

"Unsure, the bio scanners are not setup inside this room."

"Any sounds from inside?"

"I currently do not hear anything other than you two. I will keep attentive for any internal sounds."

Temporarily satisfied, Key moves a few of the heavier items onto the panel that he stomped on and then lays back down.

Think that will stop them from coming in?

"Forgot about not having the pods' shields. Have to lock the panels together better, somehow. Don't have a lot of spare power."

You'll think of something.