A Masters Betrayal

Story by Malakye on SoFurry

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#1 of A Masters Betrayal


For the first time in my life I was happy, I had a good job, someone who loves me and a brighter outlook on life and it's all thanks to one special fox. I'm a 6"4 wolf with amber coloured eyes and light brown fur that when in direct sunlight has a slightly red tinge to it. Before meeting this fox I had been going through some self-esteem issues, I now have a job in management at a local bank and if it wasn't for my fox's encouragement I would never have gone for the job never mind even considered actually getting it.

We both met by chance and hit it off immediately, he was the light in the darkness of my life, and his smile was the source of my own. It was because of him I'm still here today.


It was raining that night in December 6 months ago, I was more than a little drunk as made my home from the bar after trying to nurse my broken heart with alcohol, a futile attempt I might add. I came to the small stone bridge that crossed over a river that was between me and my place of residence, I could see the outside light from here, just another 50 yards and I would be out of this pissing rain. Any other day I would have sped up to get out of the rain which had already soaked though all my clothes but this time I stopped. I stopped halfway across the bridge, walked up to wall at the side of bridge and looked down into the crashing torrents below. I remember thinking how easy it would be to end it all, all I had to do was jump over this wall and fall the 15 feet into the water below and let the currents do the rest it would be that damn easy! I climbed up onto the wall and stood their looking down as I remembered everything I had lost.

"That bitch! Why did she have to do that to me?" I shouted out not caring if anyone could hear me or not and proceeded to break down into tears, only obvious as to the sounds I was making as the rain masked any tears that I shed. I don't know how long I stood there and I don't really care, I closed my eyes and as I put one leg up getting ready to step off the edge when I heard a voice.

"Don't do it"

I opened my eyes to find a fox standing nearby coming from the same direction I had. His head fur was plastered to his head from the relentless rain, his jacket was soaked through and I doubted as to whether or not it kept him dry underneath it, but those eyes of his. God they were so full of life, those ice blue eyes of his were beautiful, they expressed his emotions to the world.

"Why the fuck not?" I sobbed barely able to keep my voice from cracking up.

"Nothing is worth killing yourself over. Please come down off the edge, please." The desperation in his voice was easily audible as it was easy to see in his eyes, he stretched out a paw to me his eyes begging me to take it as he slowly walked towards me.

"STAY THE FUCK BACK!" I shouted. He flinched, the desperation in his eyes changed to that of pain.

"Please let me help you. I know what it's like..."

"HOW THE FUCK WOULD YOU KNOW WHATS ITS LIKE, HUH? HOW THE HELL DO YOU KNOW WHAT I'M GOING THROUGH?" I sobbed, my voice barely holding out, but that's when it happened, his eyes changed again and his visibly became stiff and he shouted,

"BECAUSE I'VE TIRED TO KILL MYSELF!!!" The tears began to form in his eyes; even I could see that in the pouring rain. I couldn't bring myself to say or do anything, I had even stopped crying I was in so much shock from the pain his eyes conveyed, but during that time I had finally taken the time to see that this fox couldn't even have been any older than 16. ‘why' I thought to myself, my rational mind starting to take hold again. ‘Why would someone so young even think about killing themselves?'

We stood there for minutes but it could easily have been hours to me before he finally asked,

"Will...will you please come down off that wall?" He was obviously trying to hold back the tears from a painful memory that I had forced him to relive. I felt bad so I decided to comply with the young fox's request, but as I turned round I lost my balance and began to fall backwards into the river. As I fell I closed my eyes accepting my fate my arms still flailing about trying to regain my balance, but after a few moments I opened my eyes and found the fox had grabbed my wrist and was holding me in place by bracing his feet against the wall. We stared at each other for a few moments before he spoke,

"Err could you help a little bit? My grip is slipping." I nodded and swung my body upwards, our bodies landing hard on the wet ground. I opened my eyes and found I had landed on all fours above the fox, who looked up at me sheepishly, even in the faint light of the lamppost at the end of the bridge I could swear I saw him blush. I immediately brushed that out of my mind and scrambled to my feet before offering him a hand up. He took my hand and I pulled him to his feet. Once he was on his own two feet our eyes connected and I felt myself blush, I looked at the ground.


"Not a problem, my pleasure." He replied. "Are you going to be okay?"

"I guess," I sniffled.

"Alright then, if you'd let go of my paw I'll be on my way." My vision shot round to see that I still had a firm grip on his paw.

"Oh shit! Sorry." I released his paw and he smiled at me.

"It's okay, really" he smiled "Alright then, since you're okay now I'd best be on my way home." He turned to walk away but I stopped him by grabbing his shoulder. "Yes?" he asked.

I was dumbfounded as to why I did that but after a few seconds I managed to splutter, "Look, I'm sorry but I want to thank you again for stopping me. My home is just down the road here, if you want you can come and dry off a bit and wait for the rain to stop...and I wouldn't mind...the company." I felt stupid for saying that and cursed myself for sounding so weak but my heart skipped a beat when he said,

"Thanks, I'd love to."

Yet again I was dumbfounded but managed to get my wits about me a bit quicker this time.

"Uh...yeah. Great this way." I lead the way through the pouring rain and soon enough we were at mine. I unlocked the door and we hung up our jackets to dry and I lead the way through the house to the bathroom. I could see him better now we had some proper light, he was your typical fox, red fur with his paws, ear-tips and the tip of his tail coloured white.

"You can dry off in here. Feel free to use the shower and I'll go see if I can find some clothes that will fit you." I immediately went to my bedroom and rummaged about finding some clothes that could fit him, they were still going to be too big since I was 6"4 and he was 5"6 but they would have to do. I changed and put the clothes outside the bathroom door and proceeded to the kitchen to put the kettle on and make some hot drinks for the two of us. As I entered the living room with the drinks of hot chocolate for us I heard the bathroom door open and he appeared soon after in the clothes I gave him, he had the trouser legs rolled up so he didn't trip on them and the t-shirt hung down near his knees.

"Thanks for the clothes."

"No problem. It's the least I could do." I offered him the mug of hot chocolate, "Here, sorry it's only hot chocolate I don't drink tea or coffee and I don't entertain much."

"He-he, it's alright I'm not a big fan of tea and coffee either, thanks" We sat drinking our hot chocolate for a few minutes in silence before he spoke, "so what drove a cute wolf such as yourself to kill himself?"

I choked a bit as I was in the middle of swallowing a mouthful of hot chocolate, once I had regained my composer looked at him. His eyes were full of concern and worry.

"I...my wife left me, I found her fucking another man and took she my cubs halfway round the world with her so I can't see them just so she can be with that FUCKING TIGER!" I threw my mug across the room smash it against the wall its contents staining the white wall. I looked over to the fox and saw that he was a little afraid; he had pulled his legs up to his chest and was staring at me. I sat down and began to cry.

"I'm sorry." He stood up and sat down next to me and put a reassuring hand on my shoulder.

"Shh, it's okay. You have every right to be angry and upset."

"Thanks" I sniffled, "so what about you?"


"Why'd you try to kill yourself?" The look on his face change to one of depression, it almost broke

my heart again. "Shit sorry! You don't have to tell me."

"No it's okay. You told me yours; I think you deserve to know mine." He visible braced himself

before continuing. "When I was 14...I was raped...by my Master."

"Your, Master?"

"Yes. My Master. I loved him, I would have done anything for him but one night he came home drunk with his drinking buddies and he got mad at me for spilling some drinks and raped me in front of his friends and then let them rape me as well." He broke down into an uncontrollable state of crying. I held him for a good hour saying comforting things like,

"It's okay, it's over now and I won't let anyone hurt you I promise." Once he calmed down he started apologizing.

"I'm sorry, didn't want you to see me like this."

"Its okay, it's okay shh." We lay there comforting each other for hours until the first beams of light

from the morning sun could be seen coming through the windows. The fox was the first to wake up.

"Wow, its morning."

"Mmm?" I opened my eyes to find that I was hugging the fox From behind. I took my arms from around him and apologized. "Sorry about that."

"Don't worry about it. I enjoyed it." He snuggled back into my chest. "It was the best night's sleep I've gotten for a while now."

"We were only asleep for a few hours."

"I know but I still have nightmares about that night and I don't sleep well because of them. I felt safe in your arms."

"Uh...thanks I guess." I wrap my arms back around the fox and he began to murr as I held him and I can't deny that I didn't enjoy it either. After a while of lying there dozing, enjoying having the foxes warm body up against mine I had to get up to pee, and as much as I didn't want to disturb the fox I couldn't hold it anymore. "Sorry but I really got to take a leak."

"Oh, okay." We both got up off the couch and I literally ran to the bathroom to relieve myself. I came back to the living room and couldn't see the fox but then there was a noise from the kitchen so I went to investigate and found the fox bent over looking in the fridge, his tail and rump swaying as he rummaged about in the fridge. I was mesmerised, I couldn't help but to stare at that foxes rump. I keep on staring until he turned round seeing me staring at him.

"See anything you like?" he giggled.

I blushed, looking anywhere but at the fox trying to think of something to say.

"Hope you don't mind me looking in the fridge but I thought I'd make us breakfast."

"Uh no, no, that's fine but let me make breakfast." I moved over to take the eggs and bacon out of his hands but he was having none of it.

"No really it's fine." He assured me placing the products on the counter next to the fridge before walking up to me and pushing me into one of the chairs at the table next to me.

"I want to thank you for letting me stay the night."


"No buts. Now sit there like a good wolf and let me work my magic." Soon after he had found all the rest of ingredients and utensils that he would need to work his so called ‘magic' the kitchen was filled with mouth watering smells that made my mouth water especially since I hadn't eaten in two days due to the fact I had tried to drink away the painful memory of my wife and the loss of my cubs.

The fox was truly a wonder to behold in the kitchen. The way he moved across the kitchen was so graceful that would make most dancers envious. After about 20 minutes he had finished up and had made a breakfast fit for a king. Eggs, bacon, sausages, hash browns, pancakes, you name it and he had and god did it smell good I was drooling by the time he had finished setting the table. I had offered to set it but he insisted that he do it.

"This looks amazing uh..."

"What?" He asked cocking his head to the side.

"I just realized I don't even know your name."

"Ha-ha, I guess you're right." He offered me his paw which I shook. "The name's Dean. It's a

pleasure to meet you."

"Douglas" I responded.

"Well then Douglas why don't we dig in before the food gets cold."

I smiled at him. "Lets"

We devoured the food as we were both famished. When we were about half way through our meal I realized that I was staring at him. I forced my attention else were when I saw him look at up at me.

"So Dean, where do you stay?"

"I actually live only a mile up the road at the Red-tail Housing Estate."

"Really? I haven't seen you in the area before, are you new to the area?"

"Yup, I only moved in last week."

"Well I'm grateful that you did or I probably wouldn't be here right now."

"Hey! No more of that talk."

"Sorry" I shrunk back into my chair trying to disappear.

"Don't be." He walks round the table and kneels on the floor next to me and places a hand on my lap. His touch sends shivers of excitement through me.

"You have nothing to be sorry about. You were hurting and thought about ending the pain, trust me I understand what that's like but you can't let the pain ruin your life." I looked into his eyes, god those eyes were so beautiful. I could lose myself in them for hours if I was given the chance.

"Are you listening to me Douglas?"

I began to cry, I could feel the tears running down my face. "So what if I killed myself? My life is already ruined. There is no-one here that cares about me, I have no job, no family, no friends I'm just a worthless loser and the world would be a better place if I was gone."


"Anymore of that and I will hit you again understand!" I nodded my head, the left side of my muzzle was stinging from the slap Dean had just given me.

"You're not worthless and you're not a loser. People do care about you and would miss you if you were gone." I just sat there in shock as Dean lectured me.

"You don't have a job then go and get one! You have a family and if you ever want to see your cubs again you're going to have to get over this self-pity you're going through right now!" Tears start to roll down his face.

"I'm not going to be the one who has to tell them that their father was too much of a coward to save himself, and I...I...would miss you. I love you god damn it." His tears were just a constant river falling down his muzzle as they hit the floor. I don't remember moving but the next thing I know I'm kneeling on the floor in a full blown kiss with Dean. Our tongues were wrestling as we fought for dominance over the other. After a minute we broke the kiss trying to catch our breath.

"Did...did you really mean what you said? Do you love me?" I asked.

"Yes I do." He whispered.

That was all I needed, I pulled his t-shirt off and we locked lips again as fu with his belt. Once I got it undone and had slide them down to his knees he began to undo my own belt and made quick work of it and hade my button and fly undone. We broke the kiss so we could discard our remaining garments of clothing. After we were completely naked he jumped into my arms and wrapped his legs around my waist and his arms around my neck and we began our passionate kissing again.

"Take me. Take me now." Dean begged

I didn't need any more prompting. With one hand I knocked all the dishes of the table before laying him across it. I guided my throbbing 8 inches of wolf-hood to his tail hole, rubbing the tip across it smearing it with my pre to ease my entry. I forced half my cock into him on the first thrust, Dean moaned in both pleasure and pain as I moaned at pressure and warmth that his tail-hole was giving off. I kissed and nipped at Deans exposed throat as I pulled out my cock to the head only to force it in to the hilt with one swift thrust if my hips. We moaned in unison, Deans tail-hole down clamped down around my cock as I waited for him to become accustomed to my girth.

I nipped at his neck and he murred in response Once he had relaxed I began to use long slow thrusts to drag out the experience of our love making, but after a few minutes of our mating my instincts took hold, forcing me to drive my cock in and out of Deans ass as fast and as powerfully as possible. I bit down into his shoulder locking him in place with a mating bite. Dean went limp as I locked in the mating bite; his submissive instincts took hold as I made him my bitch.

All too soon I could feel my knot now fully formed pounding against Deans tail-hole with each thrust. I growled into Deans shoulder and bit down harder breaking the skin as I forced my knot into his ass locking us together. I came hard into Deans ass, howling into his shoulder as I did so and soon after Dean followed suit moaning in bliss as he came all over our stomachs, I could feel the sticky warmth spread over my stomach as I continued to hump into him as I rode out my orgasm.

Once I was spent I released my hold on Deans shoulder and began to lick off the small dots of blood that had formed from where I had broken the skin.

"You alright Dean?"

No response Dean remained motionless. Panicking now I began to shake him.

"DEAN! DEAN! Please wake up."

"Wha...oh Douglas, what's the matter?" I breathe a sigh of relief and rest my head on his chest.

"I thought I had hurt you for a second there. Don't do that to me."

"Sorry, I must have passed out for a second there. That was amazing Douglas, thank you."

"No thank you. Thanks to you I feel happy again. I...I think I love you Dean."


That was when it happened, our love took root and neither of us wanted to let the other go. He moved into my place a month later and soon after that he asked if I could become his Master. I asked why he wanted me to be his Master and not his mate but all he told me was that it was his way of showing me how much he trusts me and that it would help him get over the incident with his former Master. I was more than happy to oblige him, anything for us to be together.

I got the job in the bank shortly after he moved in after he nagged me constantly for days about it, insisting that I'd do great. I also got in contact with my wife the other week and she agreed to let the kids stay with me over the summer. I couldn't be happier.

"Pet, I'm home!"

"Master!" he shouted as he came running from the kitchen to greet me. He jumped up into my arms wrapping his legs round my waist as he showered me in kisses.

"Okay, okay pet enough." I giggled lowering back down to his foot paws. "Mmm smells good. What's for dinner?"

"Roast beef and it's almost ready."

"Well then lets eat!"

We ate our meal exchanging our stories of the day and retired to bed early that night after clearing away the dishes. We lay in bed making out and Dean made his way down my chest and began to suckle on my nipples which he knew all too well got me worked up.

"Oh yes pet. That's it."

"Grr." Dean growled and bit down on my nipple.

"Oww! Hey go easy there." Dean had his rump raised and his tail was wagging and he had a playful glint in those beautiful eyes of his.

"Grr." He bit down harder on my nipple.

"My, my someone's playful tonight. You best be careful pet or I'm going to have to teach you your place." I said with a playful tone.


"That's it!" I moved to grab Dean but he was too fast for me, he leapt to the end of the bed where

he went on all fours as if getting ready to pounce. I took up the same position at head of the bed; we stayed there motionless growling at each other waiting for the other to make a move. He knows how much I loved to play this way; it makes me feel so feral and excites me to no end. I launched myself through the air towards him shouting,

"Gotcha!" But unfortunately he was again too quick and rolled off the bed as I over shot the end of the bed landing on the floor hard. As I was getting off he jumped onto my back biting at my ear and as I went to grab him he jump off back onto the bed, but this I was too quick for him. I pounced on him pinning him to the bed my instincts were kicked into overdrive and demanding me to show my dominance over him.

"Your mine!" He was wriggling trying to get free but I clamped my jaws around his throat and he immediately went limp as I squeezed a little showing him the futility in his attempts. I spread open his legs and forced my cock into his tail hole, after the third stroke I hilted myself inside him and proceeded to fuck him hard and fast as my instincts demanded me to show him his place as my bitch. We went at it for a few minutes before I heard Dean whimper, this brought me out of instinctual frenzy as this was not a whimper of submission but one of pain. I released my hold on his throat and looked at him and what I saw hurt me to my very core. He was crying. I wasn't making love to him I was raping him.

"Oh my god. I'm so sorry pet." I crawled off of him and retreated to the foot of the bed. He lay there motionless. I reached out towards him and he scrambled off the bed and hid under it. My heart broke at this and I began to cry.

"Dean I'm sorry." I sobbed. I got off the bed and looked under the darkness of the bed.

"Dean?" I could hear his cries but I couldn't see him. "Dean please." I begged, "I didn't mean it. I'm sorry." That's when I saw his eyes. Those eyes which were always my inspiration were now full of pain and anger and it was directed towards me. It pushed me over the edge, if I wasn't already on the floor I would have collapsed. My tears were streaming down my face and falling to wooden floor below.

"Dean." I croaked, "Please forgive me." I begged as I reach out a paw in desperation. The look he gave me was more than enough to give the message that he didn't want me anywhere near him. I shakily picked myself off the floor and walked to the door and opened it.

"I'm so sorry Dean." I whispered as I closed the door to the room and made my way to the couch and collapsed on it and curled into the featal position. I could hear Deans cries from the bedroom and its then that it hit me in full force that I had broken the trust he had given to me and the promise I had made to him all those months ago on this very couch that I would never let anyone hurt him again.

"What have I done?"