A Late Night Swim Part 1 - The Fantasy

Story by Naia on SoFurry

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Ka Nai`a gets the keys to the public pool to go for a late night swim, but gets a surprise as hir fantasy is interrupted by the object of hir fantasy.

I walked into the pool's clubhouse and made my way to the locker rooms. I had my locker in the men's area. Being a dolphin, it is easy to hide the fact I have both male and female reproductive organs. As I made my way to my locker I smelled the lingering musk of all the guys who were in here a few hours ago. Normally this place would be a beehive of activity, but by special arrangement I was able to get keys to the place to go for a late night swim.

I opened up my locker and inside is my single Speedo I usually wear when I go for a swim, but this time I opted to go natural. I stripped off my clothes and put them away, closed the locker door, and gave the dial a quick spin. I thought for a second that I really didn't need to do that, habit I suppose.

I walked to the back of the locker room and made my way to the corridor that lead to the pool. All the usual warning signs were posted about being no lifeguard on duty, not to swim with an upset stomach, and so on.

I turned the corner and saw the pool. The waters completely still since there is no one in there. I heard the hum of the pool equipment making sure the water is clean and warm.

I dove into the deep end of the pool and floated there for a bit watching the waves I created ripple around and lap the edges. Usually I would start swimming laps immediately, but it felt so good to be in the water naked and to feel the warmth over my slit. I raised my hips a bit so my slit was just above the water line making the water rise up and crash over.

I reached a hand down and started to caress the outer edges of my slit. A blush of pink started to radiate outwards and over my belly. I squeezed the nipples just hidden in the mammary slits making them hard. My mind started to think of this tall bull orca I saw swimming in the pool yesterday. His strong muscular legs and a perfect fluke jutting out from his butt and tail. A tall proud dorsal fin cutting perfectly through the water. Those big white eye patches just behind his eyes. The white underbelly and perfectly sculpted chest. I imagined how impressive his cock must be. Even in his tight Speedo I could see his slit bulge. My fingers started to probe my genital slit and the tip of my cock started to push out, but I was more interested in my pussy. I slipped one finger into my depths and slowly rubbed it around as I continued to think about this orca.

I felt around my insides seeking out those most sensitive spots and imagined the orca wrapping his arms around me to lift me up and lower me onto his massive cock. He would slowly push me down and I would squeak with a bit of pain, but mostly pleasure. Slowly he would pull me down until he was hilted deep inside and we were slit to slit and I could see the bulge of his cock on my stomach.

I was so deep into my fantasy and edging myself closer and closer I didn't hear someone approaching. Just as I was about to orgasm I head a splash and felt the waves in the water. My heart stopped. I looked around, but couldn't see anyone. There I was, fully erect and my juices dripping from both organs. I turned over and swim towards the edge of the pool and just when I put my hands on the deck to pull myself out, I felt a smooth hand on my cock.

I immediately froze waiting to see what would happen next. My eyes closed and I let out a low trill when a warm mouth wrapped itself around my maleness. Whoever this is was an expert at sucking. I held on tight to the edge of the pool and started bucking into this warm mouth. The sucking got harder and I felt a finger begin to probe my lower slit and anus. I was getting close and whoever was sucking knew this too. Just as I was about to go over the edge, the finger pushed into my ass sending me over the edge. I reached over this smooth head and pushed myself deep into the maw drinking down my cum. My eyes screwed shut as they continued to suck hard at my maleness and finger the inside of my ass.

As I came down from my orgasm, panic began to set in. I started to kick and reach for the pool deck to try and escape but I was held fast. I calmed down and turned around to see my assailant and there before me was the same orca I had just been fantasizing about. He was looking at me with his mouth open and licking the last of my cum off of the edge of his mouth. "Very sweet" he said and smiled at me and added "the name is Oku." "Nai`a" I said nervously and asked "What are you doing here?"

"Well, I have seen you around and I was attracted to you. I would watch you swim laps in the pool and then follow you into the locker room. I also noticed you checking me out."

I blushed as he said this and nodded.

"I also have heard rumors about how you are different and I wanted to get an opportunity to find out for myself. So my friend, the owner of this pool, told me your plans for an after hours swim I decided to join you."

I felt something started to probe around my genital slit as he said this and realized it was his manhood. I moved closer to give him better access and asked him how long he knew.

"I have always had my suspicions. People talked about it, but it was just rumors. Then I swam behind you once and I could taste your feminine juices in the water... just like now."

I just nodded and my eyes started to close. I felt myself becoming more aroused by his prodding and my own slit was swollen. My own maleness was hard again and I started to really want this to happen.

"Tell me, were you thinking of me in the water when I caught you fingering yourself?"

I nodded

"Do you want me to fulfill those desires?"

I nodded again

"I need to hear your say it."

"Yes" I replied.

"Do you want me inside you?"

"Yes" I said again and pushed against his hard cock.

He didn't say anything but held my hips and began to push into me. He stopped after a few inches and using his prehensile tip began to feel my insides. Each time he found a spot I would shiver and squeeze onto his member. "Oh, you're tight" he said and asked "am I your first?" I nodded and he let out a moan of approval and pushed deeper into me.

He started to pull back and push forward a bit more trying to get deeper into my depths. I held him close and shivered every time he would push in more. Every time he pushed, my insides would squeeze around him causing him to shiver. I started to squeak and trill at the feeling of being stretched open. I have never been taken and the only thing I have felt down there are my own fingers. I opened my eyes and looked down to see that we are close to hilting and I felt his tip bump against something deep inside me and he stopped. He held me there for a moment and felt around my insides with his tip.

He pulled almost all the way out and pushed in just as deep causing me to shiver and moan. Every time he would pull almost all out and held there for a bit and pushed in just as deep. He pinned me against the pool wall and started to thrust faster. Water sloshed around us and lept out of the pool each time he thrusted into me. My own member was starting to leak pre into the pool and a mixture of his pre and my own juices flowed out from my depths. He started to huff and moan and he asked me "do you want me to breed you?"

I nodded and said "yes."

"Do you want to have my calf?"

"Yes" I said again

"Say it. Say you want to be bred by me and have my calf."

"P-please... I want you to breed me. I want to have your calf." I managed to say in between moans.

"Say it louder."

"PLEASE BREED ME. I WANT YOUR CALF INSIDE ME" I screamed and it echoed in the room

Oku started to grunt and push even harder into me with short strokes. Every time I felt his tip push into my cervix more. It was letting him enter and my womb and I was ready to receive him. He gave a quick thrust a few more times and pulled all the way out and pushed hard all the way back in and past my cervix. He held me tight and let out some low trills and our slits were touching. He was unloading his seed deep into my womb and I felt its warmth spread throughout. This sent me over the edge and my own maleness started shooting my own seed into the warm waters of the pool and my depths squeezed tight around his cock rhythmically milking every last drop of his cum.

He held me there as we came down. His own cock slowly retreating back into his slit causing me to shiver as it was pulled past my most sensitive spots. My own maleness began to retreat as well. We looked into each others eyes and shared a kiss as he placed a hand on my belly knowing soon I will be carrying his young.