Is it getting better?

Story by Chaotikat on SoFurry

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#2 of Kayaa's story

Part 6

The sound of water rushing awoke Kayaa. Quickly she jumped out of the bed, only to trip over items not hers. Finally it dawned on her.. the events of the previous day.

She yawned and rubbed her sleepy eyes, stumbling slowly toward the window. Pushing the tatty 'curtain' out of the way, it revealed simply another brick wall. With a sigh the young vixen closed it again. She shook her head and found herself a place to sit, a dirty looking dark blue plush sofa chair. With her knees pulled up to her chest and her arms wrapped tightly around them, she sat and relived the previous events. As her mind was plotting how to go on now, she dozed off.

Joe had heard the noise of her tripping over his shoes, clothes and other items that were less easy to define. The shepherd yelled from the shower, "Are you okay, babe? That sounded like you broke your neck.. Best not do anything foolish." He chuckled, still amused by his newest toy. Wearing little more than a small white towel he walked from the shower to Kayaa, curled up once more in a chair. He brushed his paw over her head, dripping a little onto her nose. The fox jumped up in surprise, "Wha? What? Joe! I didn't hear you coming..." She gathered her nerves and sat back into the seat.

"Calm down, babe, it's only me.." Joe grinned charmingly, reassuring his little treasure. Kayaa simply smiled, as girls in love tend to do. The shepherd seemed to have that effect on girls. With big, adorable eyes the young fox followed Joe's every move. She stared in awe at the towel clad male while he fixed them up some coffee. She stared as he gathered himself some clothes. She stared even more when he meticulously dried his fur, especially when his big hands ran over his sheath and when he bent to dry his lower legs. She stared so hard at his firm, shapely ass, she forgot the world around her.

The shepherd turned at her and laughed as he saw her face. "Baby, baby, you little horn dog..." Slowly he walked up to her, wearing not a damn thing. He grabbed her hands and placed them on his lower abdomen. "Is this what you were looking at, baby?" He held her hands and guided them over to his ass and laughed, "Or was it this, my little Kayaa?" The young fox couldn't bring out a word, she never had seen a man around her in such a state.. Fully naked, all hers.. and no one to do a thing about it.

Part 7

Joe bends over and kisses the flustered Kayaa, slipping a little tongue into her mouth. It doesn't take long for the fox to get the idea and she leans into his kiss, touching her tongue to his. As their tongues play, Joe takes the small fox out the chair and lifts her up. Kayaa's legs wrap around his waist, their kissing doesn't slow for even a moment. His hands rest on her trained ass, kneading them gently. The big shepherd's fingers slide between her cheeks, to her still swollen vulva. He slides her panties away and slowly slips a finger into her moist vagina. The fox lets out a soft moan as he penetrates her so gently. She coos happily, "Joe, you're so good to me.. mmm you're just wonderful."

Joe holds his prized toy close to his body, the little fox' nipples are firm and pressing against his chest. His erection grows rapidly, the slick head peeping from it's sheath. His finger thrusts faster and faster into Kayaa's cunt, loosening her up quite nicely. He pants into her ear, "You're a very good girl to me too Kayaa, you'll make me very happy. Promise me you'll do anything for me." As soon as the canine feels she's ready he lowers her a few inches, his head ready to enter her. "Promise, Kayaa, promise and I'll make you happy forever." Before she answers he grabs her waist with both hands and slams her down onto his now fully erect dick. The canine howls in delight, the fox cries in agony. "Answer me Kayaa, answer me or else.."

With swift moves Joe fucks his little prize, simply shoving her up and down his long, hard shaft. Kayaa is probably two to three feet shorter and much lighter.. it allows the canine to forcefully use her so easily. The young fox cries, "Joe, please no, it hurts, it hurts so bad." The shepherd only seems more aroused by her pleas and drops her onto the bed, with him on top. His huge cock slams into the young vixen, thrust by thrust. He growls in her face, "Promise you will obey me, Kayaa, and I will make you happy forever." Kayaa sobs silently, she has given up on stopping the male and realizes she best cooperates fully. With jerks and twitches Joe erupts into the vixen, coating her womb and vagina walls with his seed, the rest gushes out her cunt. He pulls out and walks towards the bathroom, leaving the fox all alone. From the bathroom he yells, "This is what happens when you don't obey, Kayaa. I will make your life a living hell. Be good and do as I say, and I will make you happy. The choice is up to you."

Part 8

In a puddle of semen and blood lays the young vixen. A sobbing mess of red hair and stained white fur. Joe tosses a towel at the pile of misery, "Oh shut up, it wasn't that bad, you love a good fuck. Trust me, you'll learn to like it rough. Now clean up that mess, you look like a slob."

The canine digs into the vixen's bags, trying to find her a decent outfit. All he seems to find is leotards, leggings and other dance gear. "Jesus girl, do you own ANYTHING besides this stretchy stuff?" His reply is simply sobbing. The male shakes his head and takes it as a 'No'. He turns his attention to his jam-packed closet. On the top shelf sits a dusty box marked 'Carolyn', filled with slinky women's outfits. Joe opens the box and tosses some black lace lingerie at Kayaa, "See if you fit it, Carry was about your size I think.. Busty tramp." He grumbles some about the female who he obviously doesn't seem to like much anymore.

Kayaa cleans herself a little, washing her face from tears and her lower body from Joe's and her fluids. She scrubs the fur as good as she can, but it stays stained pink. Like a zombie she puts on the trashy lace, it doesn't make too much a difference between being nude or not. The canine whistles as he manages to get a decent look at it. "My, my, you almost look twenty now, baby. I could have you working the clubs for me like that." He found some clothing in the box as well and he hands her a black velvet dress, barely long enough to cover anything. "Carolyn had less ass than you, so you'll just have to live with the draft.. so to say. It may actually sell you better though."

The vixen stared in confusion, what did he mean with sell.. After plenty of hurt from Joe, she decided not to ask just yet, and simply do as he said.

"Oh yea, babe, I think I got some kinky boots as well." From the corner of the room, underneath a mot eaten coat, the canine pulls a few pair of boots and shoes. He hands a pair of thigh high PVC boots with stiletto heels to Kayaa. She tries to hold her laughing and mutters,"Am I supposed to WEAR these?" Joe just nods and signals her to go try it on.

Kayaa stumbles around on the ridiculously high heels, nearly falling several times. The canine shakes his head and grunts at her, "You best start practicing walking on those, it will be all you'll be wearing for a long time, sweetie. Just think about all that dancing grace and balance stuff.. I've watched you girls practice walking on your freaking toes, you can walk on those too."

The vixen nods obediently, though in spirit not entirely agreeing. She simply has to wait for an opportunity to get away from this all...

To be continued