A New Dawn - Malakye & Laguna (Malakye's Bedroom)

Story by Malakye on SoFurry

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#28 of Malakye's Story - Part 2 (A New Dawn)

Here is a quick side chapter for you, following the events of chapter 24. I know I promised you another chapter this week, and I can tell you right now that this is not the promised chapter. This is a very short side story, and you will get at least one more chapter of the main story before the week is up! Enjoy.

A New Dawn is the sequel to my story 'A Place to Belong'. I hope you enjoy this part as much as the last (if not even more! :-)) and those of you who are late to the party, I recommend that you follow the link above and read the first part. Or don't, it's up to you.

The Encyclopedia I have written detailing places, races and various parts of history will come in handy if you come across a word or phrase with a * at the end of it. This symbol (*) depicts that there is an entry in the Encyclopedia so you can have a more indepth knowledge on the subject at a moments notice.

This story will have mature and adult rated chapters along the way, if you find yourself unable to find missing chapters please check that your age-rating (or your SFW settings) are set appropriately so you can view them before notifying me. This happens a lot more than you'd think!

This time round I do not have a proof reader so please let me know via note if there are any glaring (or small) mistakes so that I can fix them. And as always, constructive critisim is welcome!*****************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************

"I shall prepare a room for you then." Jovani said.

I didn't fail to notice the look of disappointment at Jovani's words when Laguna looked at me. I knew immediately what he had hoped for, he wanted to stay the night with me. I knew that our time together at the festival wouldn't be enough to satisfy him. I still felt a little guilty about that night, but I don't know why. Sure he was bit younger than myself but was old enough to be married and have kids, and it's not like I forced him.

The look in his eyes made me feel bad for the kid. I looked at Aceh and saw him give me a stern glare, not his usual stern glare, one that implied that I was being an idiot. Jovani was already heading out of the doorway when I looked back.

"Jovani!" I called, catching his attention just before he went out of sight. "Don't worry about preparing a bed, Laguna will..." I cleared my throat and felt myself blush slightly. "He will be staying in my room tonight."

Jovani paused for a second before nodding his head a sly grin gracing his muzzle.

"Very well young master. I shall send a messenger to inform his family of his where abouts."

Once Jovani left I was assaulted by two scaly arms wrapping themselves round my ribs as Laguna hugged me from behind. He quickly stopped when he realised that Aceh was still in the room. Aceh nodded to us and then left, leaving the two of us alone.

"Thank you so much!" Laguna practically squealed excitedly.

"Don't worry about it." I grinned. "A beds always better when you have company." I grinned, quoting one of Cody's favourite phrases.*****************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************

Laguna slowly, but obviously excited, walked into the room as I held the door open for him. I closed the door and made my way towards him, he was staring at the bed, the warm light from the fire casting a pleasant glow over his black scales.

I walked up behind him wrapping my arms round him, he practically melted into the embrace and let out a content sigh. I murred and rest my head on his shoulder, just enjoying the feeling and warmth of him against my body. His scent was also relaxing, it was like the out doors, crisp fresh air with the scent of fresh earth and that of the farm, the scent of the animals a adding a subtle sourness to his scent, but far from unpleasant.

"Your bed is amazing!" He whispered as he looked upon the four poster bed. "You're amazing!" He cooed.

Now that I thought about it, it was entirely possible that he had never seen a real bed before. Sure they were common place in the inns I had travelled to with Eric and the others, but they were expensive and most families would simply have piles of furs to sleep on, never mind a bed with a mattress. And the bed was quite extravagant compared to the simple beds you would get at inns.

"You're amazing yourself." I said with a giant grin, letting my paws roam over his body, enjoying the feel of his muscles.

He was far from the most buff or muscular dragons, on the smaller side to be truthful, but he definitely had nothing to be ashamed of. The outline of his developing six pack was more than apparent under my touch. He murred and was obviously enjoying the moment, if the tent in his loin cloth was anything to go by, I nibbled on his neck and he murred a little louder. The heat of the nearby fire warmed our scales and I found myself forgetting about all the aches and pains I was feeling, my attention focused on the dragon in my arms.

"Why don't you get on your knees and remind me how that muzzle of yours feels?" I whispered.

He giggled but complied almost immediately, crouching on the ground in front of me and slowly, almost nervously, he pulled the loin cloth and my underwear down around my knees to reveal my throbbing erection. My knot was almost fully formed and Laguna took a moment to stare at my throbbing arousal before taking it in his paw and giving it a few strokes.

I couldn't help but groan my approval at his touch. Seemingly encouraged by the noise he licked the tip of my cock, earning yet another groan of pleasure from me. After a few more experimental licks he finally took me into his maw, I closed my eyes and groaned loudly, not caring about anything else in the world other than the maw wrapped around me.

My first thought was how much better he had gotten since our time at the festival, it felt like he really knew what he was doing now. I mumbled a few words of encouragement and felt him take more and more of my into his maw, bobbing his head up and down my shaft.

Looking down at him, watching my length slip in and out of his muzzle, I felt my arousal grow. I really wanted to fuck him, and if I simply said as such I knew he'd be on his knees before I could blink. He was so submissive I almost felt bad telling him what to do, so for now I'd just let him have his way, but the way things were going I'd be spilling my seed into his maw sooner rather than later.

I was surprised when he pulled off my erection and stood back up to kiss me. I welcomed the kiss and clumsily, not breaking the kiss, I managed to guide him to the bed and fell on top of him, the soft mattress breaking our fall. As we lay there kissing I felt his tail wrap around my own, it filled me with a deep love I'd not felt before, and so returned the gesture.

Our tails entwined, just as our tongues were, our paws over each others bodies. It didn't take long for us to discard the little clothing we had on, our naked bodies pressed against one another, I was quickly lost in the scents and sensations caused by the dragon beneath me,

I pulled away from our hot make out session, working my way down to his neck where he groaned and squirmed beneath me more than he already had been. Slowly I made my way down his body, stopping at his nipples and then his navel, before moving further down. The scent of his musk made me a little dizzy, but that didn't stop me from licking him from the base to the tip of his ridged cock. He grabbed my horns, but in no way forced me to do anything, I think it was just a reflex.

I smiled and licked him up and down a few more times, but his cock was not my main target, it was his tight hole, and as he felt me move lower towards it I didn't miss how he spread his legs to give me unrestricted access to his tight pucker, which was already twitching in anticipation. I buried my snout between his cheeks and attacked his pucker with my tongue.

His scent and taste were undeniably him, only far more intense, that subtle sourness on my tongue, mixed with the salty sweat made his taste almost addictive. I ate him out with gutso, his cries of pleasure only driving me further.

I couldn't miss the unrestrained gasps and groans, anyone in a nearby room could probably hear him his cries were so unrestrained, of Laguna as I assaulted his tail-hole with my tongue; his legs lifting into the air as if begging me to go further than just using my tongue.

My own arousal was spurting copious amount of pre-cum as I was buried in his scent. I would need to bury myself in him soon or I'd just cum on my bedsheets the way things were going, but I wanted to tease him just a little longer. Soon I was unable to resist the temptation of burying myself in him, and stood up, grabbed him by the hips and dragged him to the very edge of the bed as he giggled, his legs still held up in the air. He looked up at me expectantly, his eyes filled with lust and anticipation of what was about to come.

I wasted little time in aiming the tip of my cock against his pucker and with a gentle thrust buried the first couple of inches into him with little resistance. He bit down on his wrist and groaned loudly, his foot-paws curling and uncurling in unrestrained pleasure. I pushed further and further into him and in a matter of moments was buried up to my knot his his hot tight ass.

"Oh fuck..." He muttered, over and over again, almost silently between gasps.

His cock was spurting pre-cum, he was already at his limit and I hadn't even begun to have my way with him yet. I began to move inside him, long slow thrusts, enjoying his tightness, loving how he moaned and squirmed below me, how it his tail-hole gripped and squeezed my cock. After but a pawful of thrusts he came. Loudly. He cried out, his seed spurting high into the air and landing all over his chest and muzzle. I didn't relent in my thrusts, his hole becoming even more deliciously tight now.

I continued to fuck him, long after his own orgasm had stopped, he just lay there in the blissful after glow of his own orgasm. But his cock never softened. I had been close enough to cumming when I first slid inside him, but carefully slowed my thrusts when I came close to the point of no return. I wanted this moment to last, to keep watching the smaller dragon below me squirm with pleasure, the warming heat of the fire on my back and ass as his hot tightness warmed my arousal. The moment was almost perfect, I didn't want it to stop. I knew that once I came, the fatigue would hit me and I would pass out.

It took every ounce of will power I had not to ravage him and fill him with my seed, but somehow I managed, slowing and stopping every time I got close. Laguna just gazed up at me, with a vacant lust filled gaze, I'm not sure he was even looking at me or just through me, but his groans of pleasure assured me that he was enjoying this as much as I was.

I don't know how much time had passed as I continued to thrust in and out of him, but eventually I felt my stamina begin to fade, the muscles in my legs begin to burn from exhaustion and I knew I had to end it now. I leant down over him, resting my weight on my arms and began to thrust into him with shorter, more powerful thrusts, trying to force my knot into him. He cried out in a pleasured pain, I silenced his cries with my maw, forcing my tongue into his. He quickly returned the kiss, his arms wrapping round my neck and he pulled me down into him.

My hips moving as fast as I could make them, my knot hammering on his tight pucker, I could feel my orgasm building, there was a chance I wouldn't tie him before I came. I wanted to tie him, to feel that much closer to him, I thrust my hips forward with as much force as I could muster, desperately trying to hold back the intense orgasm that was already at it's peak. If I could just hold it... just a little more...

When I felt my knot force it's way inside of him, his pucker clenching down tight around its base, I howled and came inside of him. I came so hard stars exploded in my vision, my entire body tensed and could feel each and every spurt of cum send a ripple through my body, I had forgotten to breath it was that intense.

Just before I collapsed , gasping for air, falling onto of Laguna I felt the cooling sticky seed of his second orgasm on my stomach and chest, I smiled and fell into him, his arms, legs, tails and wings wrapping round me like my own personal cocoon. I couldn't remember feeling more content than I had right then. Laguna kissed me gently on my neck, I rolled onto my side and kissed him back, our kiss slower, gentler but no less passionate than before.

It didn't take long for me drift off into a deep slumber, wrapped safely in Laguna's embrace, I heard him mutter something quietly in my ear but I was too far gone to make it out.