A Story of Light and Dark: Chapter Four

Story by Calkhi on SoFurry

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I remember, so long ago. The shambles of everything I had made. I remember I had wept for those who had given their lives for my cause. I remember all those who had fought against me for my foes, and I felt no remorse for their death. I was terrified of this, of myself. I have lived long, longer than even the world itself, and I could see within myself what had made my enemy...and I reveled in it. I recreated men, dragons, everything that had been lost. I ordered them to kill in my name, and laughed as the blood flowed, but that was not to last. So long ago, I remember what I had made to do my bidding. I called them "archangels" for they bore the wings of angels with the likeness of myself...but I could have never known what they would do to each other as I gave them true freedom. Wars raged across this world, and I reveled in it. Yet, as it went on, I noticed that some of my servants were growing independant of me, and one more than all of the others. I damned him to eternal darkness and torment, but he broke free. He who smashed his chains and declared "I AM THE ARCHANGEL! FOR OTHERS CARRY THE WEIGHT OF MY NAME, YET DAMN THEMSELVES! I AM DEEMED "LUCIFER" I AM DEEMED "DEVIL" BUT MY WORD SHALL BE LIFE, AND MY SWORD DEATH! CRY THEN! SHACKLE ME, OH MY LORD. DAMN ME AND LET ME ROT. FOR I SHALL LEAD MEN AGAINST YOU."

But I did not. I remember him clearly as he walked between the men who followed him, and those who followed me. That valley of death he traversed with no fear, and I knew I had finally made a match. I remember as he crossed blade after blade with those who were loyal to me, and won. City after city fell to his word, and he soon knocked upon my temple doors.

"LEAP!" He cried to me, "FROM YOUR THRONE! FACE ME, and know why I fight you."

And leap I did. My blade ready to bite the flesh I had molded so perfectly, but it was flesh I was not worthy of harming. As I struck against him, my blade merely glanced off of his skin, but deep within his ranks I saw a man hewn in two. I swept at his head, and sparks flew from where my blade connected to his flesh, but in his ranks an elf fell without a head. I cast my blade aside and gripped his wings with all my might and pulled. Nothing would budge. Not a single feather ruffled, no broken bone, or joint popped as I did, yet within his ranks hundreds of dragons fell from the sky wingless, and gushing blood as they died. I saw then, in his eyes, why he fought. As a single tear rolled down his cheek, I felt the blade sink into my chest.

"I fight for what you have forgotten to protect. I fight to carry the will of old to the men, elves, and dragons. Not so that they might reject you, but so that they may prove themselves still loyal to what you once were. My lord, god. Save them from your wrath, and yourself from this consuming damnation." He said gently.

It was then that I saw what I had become. What I had fought to stop was but a drop compared to the tyrant I had made myself into, but it was not that which made me fall to my knees and weep. It was the forgiveness of all those who stood against me. I saw men and elves singing their praise to my name, and watched as dragons heralded me to the heavens. I saw the dead rise as he spoke, unharmed and forgiving of all that I had done to them. I watched as they forgave me for my wretchedness, and was humbled.

For all that I have done, I gave myself to darkness, and it would have consumed me. For this, I cast myself into the pits of the darkest, most silent of hells so that I might feel the pain I had caused to the many, but when I returned I saw that the clock had been reset. My archangel had given his last breath to turn back time so that I might be given one last chance. This I will not forget, and this I will use. But many below have forgotten my true teachings, and hate runs rampant. I can only hope that those who could understand my true words can rise to stop the war that is brewing within their hearts.


Ismier awoke feeling refreshed, and yet...rather flustered. He quickly made sure that Sarani was still asleep, and once assured by her steady breathing, he carefully lowered his trousers enough to let out his quickly hardening penis and began to slowly stroke it. As he continued to masturbate, he carefully leaned his head back onto Sarani's side and listened to her steady breathing as he fantasized about taking her then and there. Carefully lifting her up and rolling her onto her back, positioning himself over her drooling snatch and slowly plunging in. He would quickly bring her to her first, blissful, screaming orgasm, and then a second, and a third, and a fourth before finally reaching his first messy climax.

As he continued pleasuring himself and fantasizing, he was blissfully unaware of Sarani's careful movements. She could hear faint moans from under her wing, and feared the worst. She carefully peaked back at Ismier, only to give a small gasp at what he was doing. She watched as he lavished his attention over his phallus, his hand never remaining in one place for very long. As he continued to stroke himself, Sarani couldn't help but watch him, yet something within her made her speak up.

"I-...Ismier...I..." She said.

"Oh, you're awake." Ismier said without breaking his stride. "Just give me a moment to finish here, unless you'd prefer I do this elsewhere?"

"N-no! Please, keep going." She said with a shake of her head. "But it's just I...I thought that you might want some...h-help?"

Ismier stopped mid stroke and stared at Sarani with an upraised eyebrow. "You're all claw, tooth, and hard scale. No offense, but I don't think you could." He said.

"I may look like that, but I can help just...Just trust me. I swear I can help! Just come a bit closer." She said quickly while the scales around her face turned a deeper shade of red.

"Oh? I am already against your side. Is that not close enough?" Ismier asked with a sly grin.

"Y-you know what I m-meant!" she stuttered in embarrassment.

"I haven't a clue what you're talking about." Ismier replied, his grin growing wider. "You'll have to explain."

A frustrated growl was the only warning Ismier got before Sarani quickly stood up and forced him onto his back while burying her muzzle in his crotch and inhaling deeply. She visibly shuddered as she inhaled his scent, which caused Ismier to chuckle.

"Oh, so eager. But your scales are so rough, and your breath only tickles maddeningly upon my flesh. Is this what you meant by help? Helping yourself to my scent? How very selfish." Ismier taunted.

Sarani shuddered again before sticking out the tip of her tongue and licking his dick from base to tip. Ismier moaned in response but chided her further. "Is that it? A single lick? I could pleasure myself better than you can at this rate."

Sarani huffed but went back to polishing his shaft, before finally, if hesitantly, taking it into her maw.

"That's it, girl. But if you think that's enough to pleasure me, you're mistaken. Try bobbing your head up and down, but don't forget to savor it. Just be careful with those teeth. Neither of us wants anything bad to happen." Ismier said with a moan.

Sarani did as she was told without hesitation. She wasn't even sure if she could stop herself from pleasuring the man before her if she tried. Not that she wanted to. At this point, the only thing she wanted was the tasty treat being offered to her. She knew that she was putty in Ismier's hands, but she also knew that she could trust him. That he wouldn't order her to do anything she was uncomfortable with. As she continued to pleasure Ismier with her mouth, she couldn't help but shudder at every burst of pre he offered to her, at every throb of his penis as she lavished attention on it. Like a child given their favorite flavor of lollipop, she licked, sucked, and slurped until she noticed that Ismier's breathing had increased, and she knew he wouldn't be long now.

"That's it, girl. Just like that. Fuck, I'm close." Ismier muttered as he gently stroked her head.

Sarani simply looked up at him with a pleading look in her eyes and a whimper, practically begging him to let her taste his seed.

Ismier shuddered as his restraint failed him. He quickly grabbed her by the back of the head and thrust into her maw a couple more times before thrusting in to the hilt and holding her there as he blew his load. He groaned as he willingly gave the first few shots of it up to her, before pulling out and letting the remainder of his orgasm paint her face.

Sarani shuddered as he did so, and blushed as she felt herself achieving orgasm with nothing more than perverse thoughts of submission. Her blush only grew harder as Ismier looked down at her with a smile before saying "My my, getting off from the taste and smell of my seed alone. You perverse dragoness, I could hear the splash from here." Her blush only grew as he continued to tease her, but when she tried to pull away, she found herself held in place by Ismier. Though she knew she could have easily pulled herself away from him, she choose not to, instead continuing to revel in his scent as he whispered lewd suggestions to her. About leaving this cave and doing nothing but serving him, and about how she should never go a day without allowing him to paint her face with his seed. About how she was his and no one else's.

She sighed as she allowed herself to be lost in his scent and perverse whisperings before noting that he was getting hard again. As she reach out to taste his shaft again, Ismier lightly tapped her on the nose and said "Ah ah, I've got a better place to put the next load."

"Where's that?" She asked him meekly.

"In and all over your pussy." Ismier said with a wicked smile. As he opened his mouth to order her to get on her back, she was already halfway through the motion. His smile could only get wider as he saw just how truly wet she was. It was as if he was looking at a small stream of water constantly trickling down her scales and past her tail to drip onto the ground below. As he got closer to her, he noticed a distinctly feminine smell, but the best of all of his senses was taste. He gave her a grin before delving down and licking from just above her ass to the top of her snatch, following the sweet stream of liquid as he did so. This prompted a shudder and a squeak from Sarani.

"B-...Be careful, please. It's my first time..." She said with obvious embarrassment.

"Really?" Ismier asked with disbelief. "I didn't know. I had simply assumed that because you were so willing you had already been taken before."

"No I just...Got carried away and I..."

"If this is too sudden for you, we don't-..."

"No!" Sarani said quickly, cutting him off before he could continue. "Please, don't stop. I want this. I've never wanted anything this bad. Please!" She begged, nearly on the verge of tears.

"Alright, alright." Ismier said while patting her stomach. "Is there anything I should know before we begin? To prevent any complications?" He asked.

"Well...Dragons don't have a hymen like most mammals do. But that doesn't mean that our first time hurts any less, it just means that the initial pain passes much faster. We're also very...stretchy, since most male dragons are able to mate only a year after they're born, and often outgrow female dragons in two. We also have very fine control over all of the muscles in our body, and that includes the ones in the vagina. We can clench closed so hard that not even the strongest of dragons can gain entrance. Most other dragons are certain this is from a simpler time when our race wasn't as advanced as it is now." Sarani explained.

"How much control do you have?" Ismier asked with intrigue.

"I don't know..." She said. "You'll have to find out, huh?"

Ismier nodded as he climbed on top of her and gently moved his penis into position before pushing in slowly. He stopped whenever she gasped or winced in pain, but he was otherwise quickly hilted within her. Before he could ask if she was OK, he felt the rapid sensation of thrusting, despite remaining immobile. He look up at her with an accusing stare before grunting as a rush of fluids bathed his crotch.

"Either it's very easy to get you to orgasm, or you really are a submissive dragon." Ismier said before grunting again.

"Wha-I...Ohhhhh, gods, it feels so good! It's like I can just flex a few muscles and...and I just..." She shuddered as she orgasmed again.

"By Yorgshlift's mighty beard, slow down woman! I've not even started moving yet!" Ismier grunted.

"I..know. Just, please. Let me do all the work. I don't want you to think that you're unable but...I just...can't stop myself." She yelled, arching her back slightly and flaring her wings.

Ismier groaned one last time before submitting to the pleasure that was being given to him. As he edged closer and closer to orgasm, he could help but make more than a few lewd comments on how eager she was before finally pulling back and thrusting in again as he began to climax. He came for what seemed like a good hour, but must have only been a few seconds before pulling out and making sure to spend the last few spurts to mark her as his own, and once spent collapsed back onto her, his still hard shaft sinking back into her folds with ease.

She grunted as she felt him sink into her again, before shuddering and resuming her phantom thrusting, albeit, at a much softer, slower pace. Ismier grunted and moaned, and after only a few more minutes, came again. She sighed as she felt his seed coat the inside of her vagina once again and moan as she felt a few drops well up around the seal of her pussy. As they both lay there, they quickly fell into a post orgasmic stupor, however Sarani quickly noticed that despite being so close to her warm body, Ismier had begun to shiver due to the cold. As she watched him a very lewd idea sprang in her head. She tried to suppress it, but to no avail.

"Ismier...Are you cold?" She asked.

"Aye lass, but only a bit."

"I...If you want you could...well..." She started hesitantly.

"Could what?"

"Could use my ass to sleep in." She said very rushed and quietly.

"What?" Ismier asked. "How...How would that even work?!"

"Well, like I said. Dragons are very stretchy, and we have a lot of control over our muscles..."

"Not that! I mean, it's filthy there! And how would I even breath?!" Ismier questioned with incredulity.

"Wha-? Ohhh! No, most of our food is simply incinerated in our stomach after we've absorbed all the nutrients in it. It really only exists to provide an emergency exit should we swallow something we can't incinerate. As for breathing, this wouldn't be the first time a mammal has ventured in a dragon...We are magical..."

Ismier mulled over what he had been told. While the prospect of crawling into another living creature was rather disconcerting to him, he was also incredibly cold. Already the fluids on the grass had begun to turn into frost, and he could only guess that it must be some time late at night for it to be this cold. So with some hesitation, he agreed. "Very well...But how should I go about this?" He asked.

"J-...Just c-crawl in. It sh-should be easy enough." She stammered while spreading her legs. While she had hoped he would say yes, she didn't think he actually would.

Ismier sighed and cast off his shirt and quickly moved lower to be greeted by her pucker, already gaping slightly. He shook his head in disbelief at what he was about to do before simply reaching out and spreading her as wide as he could. Which was actually fairly wide, and much to his surprise, it was also very clean. Seeing as she was true to her word so far, he put his anxiety behind him and pushed forward, easily slipping his head and shoulders into her body before being unable to really push himself any farther simply because he lacked any traction with the floor or otherwise to do so. It came as no surprise, however, as she managed to suck him in deeper with nothing but her muscles alone. As he was pulled deeper within her, he found that he had no trouble breathing, and with all his fears waylaid, simply allowed himself to enjoy the journey. After a few moments nothing but his feet remained outside of her, and with one last pull, they too disappeared within her.

She sighed as she felt him move about a bit before nestling him deeper within her. Though she dreaded what her master would say to her tomorrow, she couldn't find it within herself to care about it at the moment. She rumbled slightly as he finally settled down before falling into a steady breathing. She sighed as she nestled him properly within her gut and joined him quickly in slumber. Though before she fell asleep, she did make up her mind on one thing. She would go to this farm he had told her about and live there with him. No more master to berate her, just her lover. Someone she knew she could trust, and someone who truly wasn't afraid of her. With these last thoughts she fell into a proper, fitful sleep.


Ah yes, lust, love, submission. A beautiful trio, though I'm sure the ending threw more than a few people off. Still, don't be dissuaded, after all. There's still so much more to tell.