The Legend of Spyro: Path of Delusions Book IV Chapter 5

Story by Everlast on SoFurry

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#61 of The Legend of Spyro: Path of Delusions

Chapter 5

"And they accused me of that!" Sparx blurt out with an arrogant laugh "Me! Can you believe it man?"

"Mhm" his purple brother muttered feeling his glowing brother thrashing in between his horns, his draconic orbs set of in the distance, his eyes sparkling with unspeakable lustful hunger, bliss and longing

The dragonfly sprawled himself flat on top of Spyro's head, staring at the floating clouds above while wrapping his arms around the two golden horns on both his sides so he won't fall.

"Of course I protested, fought for my good name you know!"


"You know me dude, I can be quite badass when I'm forced to throw punches"


He elbowed the breathing, purple, scaly pillow underneath him playfully with a grin.

"You know something about that"


Sparx' grin vanished as his face was grimaced by a frown. Something wasn't right here.

"Are you even listening to me bro?"


"You sure about that?"


"What did I just say?"


Sparx rolled on his belly and knocked on the draconic head as if was some kind of a door.

"Mhm?" he uttered

"Mhm" Spyro replied him with the same kind of murmur he was using for the past few...for as long as he remembered

"Mhm, mhm?"


"Mhm, mhm, mhm, mhm, mhm, mhm, mmm?"


"You forgot your tongue somewhere or what?" Sparx mumbled under his breath and slid forward, using his arms that were clutching his brother's horns as leverage, like a swimmer pushes his arms backwards when swimming underwater.

He leaned from the top of Spyro's head and with his one hand free from the rough surface of the golden horn he extended it down and began to wave it from side to side in front of the dragon's right eye.

His head appeared from the top of the purple eyebrow, following his arm, just to see that the drake didn't even blink, as if he was seeing right through the arm.

Sparx huffed thoughtfully and practically pressed his palm to his nose, examining it closely, as if trying to judge if it's transparent or not. Deciding that everything is alright with it, he pulled his hand back. Then using all of his strength he pushed his head down.

"Bro!" he shouted the moment his glowing, yellow head dangled upside down in front of the amethyst eye.

He could see his own reflection glimmering in that special, purple, round mirror.

Sparx frowned " Bro, seriously, that's creepy. What are you looking at I wonder" he tiled his head up, when he spotted a black tail dancing in the air ahead everything became clear. Just to be entire certain he once more looked at his brother's snout.

Yes, his eyes were definitely aimed at her.

"Oh right..." he huffed, remembering suddenly that Spyro acted strangely when he returned with Cynder. He didn't pay much attention to it back then, his brother isn't the brightest and typically normal dragon to begin with, he was used to his naivety and the inability to see the obvious that he ignored the odd omens of his strange behavior, simple as that.

However something has changed, he could read it from the drake's charmed eyes, did finally his nudge managed to work and Spyro heard the craving of his heart?

That would be a shocker. A pretty nice one to tell the truth, even former murderers and chubby lizards deserve some happiness.

He just has to know the truth, the image of his family finally united was exciting.

Yet that doesn't mean he can't have some fun when searching for it, with Spyro getting older and more intelligent it was hard to pull his paws. This situation is new for him, like everything was when they were young. The dragonfly could see a huge gate opening, behind it was the open field of sweet, thriving annoyance.

It's a wide, wide world out there and he's a choice millionaire.

With a sly grin Sparx pushed himself back up, rolled on his back again and locked his eyes on the moving clouds above.

"We're going home finally" he sighed longingly "Between you and me I just can't wait till we get there"


At hearing his brother's spellbound mutter the grin on his face only widened.

"it'll be nice to meet again our trio of grandpas, I wouldn't believe it but they seriously grow on you"


"I even miss Crouton, that guy always makes me laugh"


"if you would hear me right now you might be shocked. Flare really reminds me of you when we were young"


"It's easy to make fun of him, with you becoming more smart as time flows it's not so easy anymore to annoy you. Sis tries to keep up, but it's not the same you know?"


"it gets boring, I mean I know we got a world to save and all but I really miss the times when I taught my brother some new stuff. In my own special way"


"I miss the times when we spend days only on fooling around. Flare is a nice distraction, not to mention that I have some work to do in the city"


"I won't say anything since you might somehow overhear it and I want it to be a surprise"


Sparx shifted anxiously, his mouth hurt from the wide grin his lips created. It was a sign that the moment of the final showdown is approaching.

"it'll be good to see our friends again, right bro?"


"From what I see I'm not the only one who misses our friends. Just look how Cynder is speeding, she seems to need rest desperately"


This is it. Sparx inhaled deeply, his breath wavered from excitement.

"Or maybe there is someone there who she REALLY wants to see"


The dragonfly stifled down a chuckle, there is a way to wake up even the most charmed mind if you press the right buttons. The surprised notes and the obvious change of tone of his brother's muttering proved that.

"Remember how Cynder and Flare behaved in the lift in Munitions Forge?"

The shiver that ran through the draconic back, the overall shift and tensing of his muscles proved that Spyro did remember that moment.

Sparx narrowed the corners of his eyes meaningfully on the purple back.

"It looked like they were flirting. I think they are really into each other"

"WHAT?!" Spyro exclaimed at the top of his lungs, bucked and thrashed like a horse in a rodeo, forcing a startled gasp from the dragonfly who with all his might clenched the two golden horns so he won't fall down

Cynder ahead straightened up at the sound of the yell and instantly spun around.

"What happened?" she shouted from ahead, not really hearing what Spyro yelled since her mind was completely elsewhere as well.

Seeing his friend turning towards them Spyro momentarily ended his impulsive display of shock, worry and anger, replacing it with a forceful, calm and idiotic smile.

"Nothing, nothing" he replied hectically, not paying attention to the beads of sweat appearing on his forehead "Sparx is only fooling with me. It's a brothers thing"

She furrowed her brows "Oh?"

He waved his hand dismissively "Nothing to worry about, we'll sort it out. Just go, we will be right behind you"

His idiotic smile didn't escape her attention, he was lying, whatever happened was serious, but it might be really locked in the boundaries of brotherly relations.

Or not.

She wasn't sure about it but didn't want to dwell on it in this moment, there was no danger and her mind had other places to be right now.

With an indifferent shrug she turned around and continued her flight.

With his friend continuing on her way Spyro dropped the fake smile and frowned almost furiously. He started to thrash with his body, like a dog after a dive in the water and eventually shook off the dragonfly from his back. The moment he spotted his glowing body slipping from his back Spyro snatched him into his paw, ending Sparx' surprised yelp abruptly and moved his clenched fist with the dragonfly trapped inside in front of his nose.

"What did you say?" the dragon growled through clenched teeth

From all the things he expected, Sparx didn't expect THIS, his body was trapped in his brother's paw, only his arms and upper part of his body stood out from the purple cage. Out of impulse he pressed his hands to the scaly paw and tried to lift himself up, wanting to slip from the grasp.

To no avail.

Oh well, he at least got his attention.

"Bro ease the grip or my eyes will pop out" Sparx sighed as he slumped defeated, his arms dangling on both sides of the paw

Spyro ferociously shook his leg "What did you say?"

The world bounced in front of his eyes, he felt his head rocking back and forth like some kind of ball kicked by children, standing on opposite sides of the field. When the shaking finally stopped Sparx grabbed his head, forcing its wild bouncing to a stop.

"Nothing interesting" he mumbled with a shake off his head. The world stopped spinning "Only a loose observation"

The dragon pushed his closed paw closer to his mouth, the dragonfly could feel his breath "Why do you think they are into each other?"

"Did you ever bro thought about getting some mints?"

Spyro didn't answer, he was only glaring at him.

The dragonfly sighed "I only said that Flare and Cynder are leaning to be more than just friends. I'm the observant type, I see things"

"You don't know that!" the drake shouted, spitting drops of saliva everywhere

Some landed directly on Sparx' face, he wiped it off with his free arm.

"For one hundred percent? No, but Dude I can read the signs when I see them"

"it can't be true!"

"What is it to you anyway?" he smiled craftily and poked his purple nose "Someone has a soft spot for our black princess?"

Spyro shook the finger away "Of course not!"

If he could hear the tone in his voice, the drake would realize just how untrue that sounded.

Sparx decided to play along.

He spread his arms in confusion "Then why it bothers you?"

"Nothing bothers me!"

Yeah right.

"So come on and speed up this flight, make those two love birds sing together"

Sparx' cheeks flushed purple, the air from his lungs was forcefully squeezed through his nose when the dragon tightened his paw, probably not even realizing it.

"Dude...the grip" he gasped for air

"She wasn't flirting with him" Spyro growled, pronouncing each word slowly

The dragonfly pressed his hands once more to the purple paw and began to push, trying to slip away.

"The...grip" he muttered again

The drake shook his leg "You hear me? They can't be together!"


"Because she kissed ME!"

Sparx jerked his head back in surprise, the thin amount of air that he could gather in his lungs no longer bothered him. He was expecting something different to happen between the two, but not something like this. He just has to know more and his wide eyes which were fixed on the drake proved just that.

At first Spyro's eyes were burning with hateful jealously, like he didn't even realize what weight the shouted words carried. However the longer he stared into his brother's eyes the furious grimace was disappearing, making room for sheer terror and shame take its place and with it came a fierce red blush on his cheeks. He didn't even realize when his paw opened and released the dragonfly.

"She did WHAT?" Sparx exclaimed

"Nothing" the drake averted his gaze and rubbed at his cheeks, as if trying to wipe off the heat from them

The dragonfly dashed in front of his brother's eyes. He was in the offense now.

"What happened back there?"

Spyro turned his back to him with one swift spin "Nothing"

Once more the dragonfly appeared in front of Spyro's snout "Come on bro, tell me!"

"Nothing happened" the drake uttered with another turn

Sparx didn't give up, he kept on pestering the dragon "The why are you so red?"

Spyro jerked his head away again while pressing his paws to his cheeks "I don't know what are you talking about. Leave me alone"

The dragonfly spread his arms innocently as he once again appeared in front of the dragon. Clearly showing that he is powerless against his annoying inquisitiveness.

"I can't do that bro, you know me"

The drake bashfully protested again "Leave me alone"

The dragonfly shook his head disappointed "Bro, bro, bro" he clicked his tongue "I'm not going anywhere until you tell me what happened"

Spyro looked at the blurry ground below, knowing that he won't get away from his brother if he won't cooperate.

"Nothing happened, she just gave me a friendly kiss that's all. Happy now?"


"A friendly kiss made you almost choke me?"

The dragonfly noticed his brother wincing, if the drake was a boxer he dropped on the ring the moment he blurt out those words that made him so uncomfortable. Reminding him of the aggression that Sparx triggered in him was like a kick in the guts when he was still lying on the mat.

"Sorry about that, I don't know what got into me"

But I do.

"So you're saying that it was a friendly kiss and nothing else?"

Spyro nodded hectically like hundred times.

"Hmm, and your cheeks are still in one place?"

The drake threw the dragonfly a very brief glance, it lasted maybe a second, for a moment he spotted that triumphant glimmer within his amethyst eyes and it was enough to say that Spyro really wanted him to believe in what he just said.

The dragonfly wasn't fooled by this.

"Ha!" he shouted and pointed a finger at the drake "I knew it! You wouldn't be staring at her ass like that if she kissed you on the cheek!"

The drake threw his head up alarmed "I wasn't staring at her ass!" his cheeks were so red by now that everyone else would take him for a very strange fire dragon

"Dude, you were literally gaping at it"

"What?! No!"

"There's nothing wrong about this man. It means you're normal"

"I wasn't staring at anything! She's my friend!"

Sparx grinned "You won't fool me bro, I know what I saw"

"You're crazy! I'm telling you I wasn't doing any such thing! She's my friend!"

"Then why you are getting so defensive about it?"

"I'm not getting defensive about anything!"

The dragonfly folded his arms on his chest "if it weren't such a big deal you wouldn't be yelling at me right now"

"I'm not yelling!" Spyro blurt out and bit his lip "I'm just trying to put some sense into you"

Sparx poked his forehead "Bro this skull isn't here just for the kicks. I see what's going on"

"Nothing is going on! Stop being so damn annoying!"

"I'm being inquisitive, that's a difference"

"Leave me alone!"

The dragonfly shook his head "I thought we been through this already bro, I'm not going anywhere if you-"

"it was a friendly kiss!" Spyro growled, furiously, lustfully and longingly at the same time, cutting his brother off as a result "Nothing else! A friendly kiss on the lips as a thank you! Nothing ELSE!"

"Do I hear regret in your voice?"

" i...." the drake muttered incoherently, he was suddenly lost for words. It wasn't regret, he had no idea what Sparx is talking about. He feels something, ok but that's not regret, what is there to regret? It was a simple kiss, a normal, simple, friendly kiss.

ONLY a friendly kiss.

What if it's regret?

It can't be, there's no ground for it. They are friends, old and best friends, always together. He scratched his neck, trying to feel the non-existing chain around his neck, it was there, she is there and won't go anywhere.

Then why does his heart hurt so much? It yearns and cries. It told him that without her its life ain't nothing but a carnival of rust.

His eyes went up, spotted her flying in the distance, her black silhouette seemed to glimmer under the sun like the most beautiful of gems.

Beautiful and angelic.

A sudden bolt of realization ran through him.

Without your love my life ain't nothing but this carnival of rust.

I love her, Ancestors I always loved her.

I love her.

I love my best friend.

"You're intending on drifting away again? That's your plan to get rid of me?"

Sparx' words pulled him back from his trance.

There was something really strange about his brother's draconic snout when he looked at him, it was filled with a mix of everything, starting from anger, disappointment to joy and shock, and that wasn't all, there was still so much more cooking in that pot of emotions that it was impossible to find a name for everything.

"You're not about to faint are you?" the dragonfly asked calmly, his brother looked ill, very, very ill

"Dude you're sick or something?"

Spyro's eyes went up once more where they instantly spotted Cynder again.

Yes I am.

I got a bad case of lovin' you, no pill's gonna cure my ill, I've got a bad case of lovin' you.


He spent the last hours walking across the cold streets of Warfang, peeking in every window he could find on his way. The interior of every house was so flammable, the only thing holding him back from setting this district in flames was the intention of finding the ones responsible.

I can't regain control. I can't regain control.

People were gawking at him whenever he walked, they weren't used to his presence here, mistrusted him. He could see it in their eyes, their anger and blame, disgust even. Feelings that he was used to see, everyone looked at him this way, everyone.

Not her, not her.

One flick of his paw, one click of his tongue and those eyes would pop like bloody balloons, white of their eyes would sizzle and drip from their scorched eyelids like the white of a broken egg. Such a delicious sight that would be.

Do it for her, do it for her.

People shunned away from him, every interesting conversation he wanted to hear died in their throats the moment he approached. Worms all of them, slithering away, they feel their eradication, let them run, to their dens, to their holes. From there is no escape.

I can't, I can't.

There was a rat, another vermin sitting on the lowest stair of some building, it wasn't its den, it didn't have the same stench the rat did, it didn't reek of it. He approached the disgusting creature, it was playing with some kind of a small device that looked like a cart and a figurine of some sorts. Goggles were lying on the step next to its hip. All this equipment was as disgusting as the rat was.

I'm not strong enough, I'm not strong enough.

He stopped just inches away from the rat's ugly head, feeling the ugly scent emanating from its greyish coat. The creature dropped all of its devise on the marble street and let out a happy and startled yelp. A strong gust of air wafted from his nostrils, that bristled every strand of the creature's coat.

The small rat laughed happily and threw his arms up and using one of his tiny hands pinched his red nose happily. He jerked his head away and pushed it down, the mane dangling from the top of his head touched the rat's extended fingers. A pulse of heat jumped from his burning mane and onto the creature's small arm.

Momentarily its joyful expression turned to that of despair, hurt and agony when it pushed its hands back sharply and trapped them in between its legs. It began to rock back and forth and then erupted like a volcano, but instead of lava tears spilled from its eyes when a shrill cry burst from its throat.

You felt the pain didn't you? You felt the heat? Good.

Burn you little shit.

"Fodo?! What happened?!" a terrified female shout came from behind the building

I can't stop it, I can't stop it.

He raised his yellowish eyes and spotted one more of the rats running this way, it was bigger than the one crying on the stairs but stinks the same. It wasn't alone, two more of the rats appeared right behind it, all of them were running in the direction of the little shit.

"What did you do!" one of the male rats shouted his way, that worm demanded obedience, that worm demanded an answer from him

The little shit extended its arms in the air the moment the female rat reached it, it was crying at the top of its lungs as it wrapped its arms around the female's neck and pressed its sobbing, ugly nose to her chest. She cradled the little shit tightly as she turned towards him and fixed him with a cold, hateful stare.

The second female rat, older than the rest of the disgusting worms went towards the female with the little rat in her arms.

"He's afraid of you!" the male rat shouted angrily at him "What were you thinking pal?!"

He aimed his yellowish eyes at the shouting creature, he felt it shivering from here when he arrogantly met the rat's gaze. Being around females of your disgusting race makes you tough all of a sudden tiny worm? Show me your den, lead me to your leaders I'll show them a trick.

He shoved the dragon away, the moment he touched his red scales his hand was stung by invisible waves of heat.

The mole clenched his burnt hand with the other, not even for a bit dropping the mask of the strong, household protector.

"Get out of here!" he pointed at the street with his claw on his healthy hand "Stay away from our son!"

Not again. Not again.

You are should burn where you stand worm, but it would ruin the chance to toast the main heads of this conspiracy. Don't fret worm, I'll be watching you, and if I find you in your den, you'll see that the burns on yours and the little shit's hand are nothing compared to what I have in store for you.

He turned away from the group of stinking rats and made his way down the street.

"Freak" the male mole hissed in relief when the burning dragon left them alone. He looked at his burnt hand, his coat was fried and boils started to appear on the reddish flesh.

Not them, not them.

He ambled through the marble street, not even bothering to be inconspicuous, he feasted his mind on the thought that they were too afraid to approach him, too afraid to even speak loudly around him, too afraid to look into his eyes for more than three seconds. They hid in the shadows like the slithering worms they were, and when the moon above will cover the world in its silvery light the worms will hide in their holes, thinking the world is theirs since the shadows currently cover the planet.

They can't be more wrong.

The incoming night will be fiery and a bright one.

I'm gone, I'm gone.


"Something about that guy...I don't know. I have all those troubling feelings as of late. First that bird girl causes trouble and now we have a walking torch in our city. If what the Guardian said, regarding those holes in the world is really that serious I fear we might have more troubles brewing on our paws than we can handle. If they really want to get through those portals and enter our world, let them be the good guys, we had enough of the bad ones already"

A dragon belonging to the city guard who was currently off duty shared his worries with his fellow worker as they were sipping wine, sitting on a huge balcony of one of the draconic houses. Having a good view on one of the Warfang's main streets.

"I'll drink to that" the other male dragon emptied his wine with a single tilt of the mug

"What's your opinion? You're with Brill and his little crusade?"

"I can't stand the sight of blood any longer. I had enough of it for a lifetime..."he reached for the bottle and began filling his mug again, watching the reddish liquid flowing with uneasy fascination "...but if I would get the chance to rip that black bitch's throat apart I don't know if I could let such opportunity slide"

The first dragon's eyes kept following Flare constantly "I feel, of course if I'm not becoming paranoid, that you might have the opportunity sooner than you might think"

"What about you? Got any thirst for vengeance yourself?"

"Cynder took a father and a younger sister from me, whenever I see her she brings back the painful memories back. Still...I don't know if it's fair to hold it against her after all this time, she stopped Malefor after all"

The other dragon shrugged and empties his mug "I wouldn't be spreading that opinion if I were you"

The first drake turned his own mug bottoms up and filled it anew "I doubt that anyone would pay me any attention, not with Brill around anyway. One thing is certain, whatever happens, it won't be good, for any of us"

"How my father used to say: in the end, it's not the years in your life that count. It's the life in your years"

The observant guard raised his mug.

"I'll drink to that"


Night came quicker than he thought, spending time on stalking really takes a lot of hours of one's life. No matter. He didn't learn what he wanted to, the queen or king of the worms hasn't been found, the worms knew how to hide, yet the shadows had the power to shroud him as well.

He was the main treat of the many curious eyes in broad daylight already, during nighttime he was even more so. The burning parts of his body were emitting a light of the fiercest of lanterns, the reddish and yellow colors danced on the walls like they would make a keyhole through which the burning pits of hell could be seen, for anyone that dared to look.

However he was still convinced that the shadows work in his advantage.

He kept on ambling through the emptying streets, looking for something familiar, something out of place, SOMETHING that would push him in the right direction.

He heard laughter coming from one of the side alleyways.

He cocked his head and spun around swiftly towards the direction from which the sound came from, flaming droplets flown down from his burning mane like dandruff from an unwashed hair.

Another laughter.

His wings burst out scorching flames as he stretched them anxiously just to fold them on his back again. Worms are plotting, manipulating. Another conspiracy.

He made his way across the empty street and towards the wall on the opposite side, moving slowly alongside it he directed himself towards the opening which led to the alleyway.


He stepped from the wall and looked into the dark alleyway. It was filled with many doors, side entrances to the neighbouring houses or other establishments.

Another laugh.

It was coming from the throats of a pair of those furry worms, male and female. The male was pressing the female to the wall of a building, his face was on her shoulder, buried in the fur on her neck. The female had her head tilted upwards, laughing every time the male moved his head, even an inch, one of her hands was wrapped around the male's neck while the other was pulling one of his pointy ears playfully. One of the female's leg's was placed firmly on the ground while the other was draped over his waist.

He snorted, tendrils of fire wafted from his nose.

It was that intimidating sound or the fiery light that filled the alleyway the moment he stepped into it, almost like Satan himself would take a walk across the earth that ended their merry affair. The male pushed away from the female and they both gasped and began to scan their surroundings in horror, they were looking around the dancing fiery light on the walls, thinking most likely that a fire has started nearby.

When they laid their eyes on him the fear from their eyes was gone, replaced by a woozy joy.

"Oh man!" the male shouted a pair of slurry words and staggered on his feet drunkenly "You scared me so much that I almost shit myself!" he slurred and laughed, hiccupping practically every second "Now that would surely ruin the moment!"

Both of them exploded with deafening laughter, the male bend forward, clutching his belly like he would receive a kick in the gut and hiccupping every second while the laughing female dropped her hands on his back and pressed her forehead to his cloth.

It was too much for the furry worm, his intoxicated legs weren't strong enough to hold the weight and both of them toppled on the street. He bumped off from something metallic and dropped on his back with a thud, the female fell down right behind him, with her body sprawled across his lap, right behind his bent knees.

The fall only made them laugh even harder.

He moved forward, towards the toppled pair and stopped right in front of the male's bent knees, with his furry tail merrily slapping both his hind paws. He closely observed his crying, happy, hiccupping, furry, disgusting, wormy face. It reeked of alcohol.

And then he put his paw on the worm's face, his claws touching the top of the male's head, resting right between his ears.

"Dude!" the worm shouted, spitting on the bottom side of his paw that was pressed to his face during this muffled yell "Wait your turn! Be a gentlemen! Ladies COME first!"

He started to laugh hysterically again.

His claws heated to an immense temperature in seconds as he began to rake them down the worm's furry face. The buried deep within the flesh, the heat sizzled fur, bone and muscle in a moment's notice, leaving three deep, scorched gashes in their wake.

The moment the drunk cheetah realized what is happening his eyes shot wide open, the merry laugher was replaced by screams of anguish. In that moment the dragon's claws reached his eyes which exploded like eggs that collapsed on the floor. His screaming ended as soon as it started, seconds later as the drake's claws went past his eyeballs the cheetah was gone.

His female partner seeing his agony screamed in horror, the sight forced the alcohol out of her system momentarily. She tried to scramble up from her vulnerable position, thrashing with every limb and tail at her disposal. The image of her partner's limp knees dropping on the ground as she accidently punched them made her scream even harder.

She never got the chance to get up, the drake's claws reached her back sooner than her panicked mind expected. She started to scream in agony and cry at the same time as the claws raked across her back, turning her soft flesh into a burnt, furry rag.

They didn't move across her whole back, the drake withdrew them the moment he reached the middle, yet it was enough. By now her insides were devastated, organs that sustained every living organism were destroyed, her soul was clutching to the last strands of her fading life.

"W...w...wh...y?" she managed to rasp with the last ounces of strength

He didn't answer the worm, he moved past the mutilated bodies, and as his tail danced parallel to them he patted the now dead pair of furry worms with his burning tail tip. The corpses flared up with bright flames in seconds, the temperature was so high that the corpses melted even faster. In the end nothing remained of the furry worms but a pile of ash that was soon scattered by the wind.

He left the alleyway through the opening on its other end and inhaled deeply. Besides the sweet scent of flames his sensitive nostrils caught something else in their net. A very familiar scent, one he encountered today already.

Little shit.

And it wasn't alone.

Worms in their den.

He ambled through one of Warfang's main streets, driven by an invisible mist of a familiar scent that caressed his nose. He didn't run, he calmly walked forward, he knew that the worms feel safe, it was night after all, they feel safe and crawl out only when you are defenseless and terrified. Begging for help and they only torment you further.

Eventually he caught the sight of a light coming through one of the windows that belonged to a small house. He inhaled deeply once more.

He located the den.

Avoiding the light that shone through the window just next to the main door he moved behind the house, making sure early to press his body to its cold wall and move alongside it with his body squeezed to its limits as to make it as small as possible.

He moved to the back of the house, the joyful chatter and laughs were quieter here. Stopping right below the window he craned his neck upwards and peeked through the glass.

He was looking through the kitchen's window, his yellowish eyes caught the silhouettes of some other rats sitting around the table. Three of them to be exact, little shit and the other three rats that he met earlier were nowhere to be seen. He punched the window and the glass shattered, during the startled yelps that echoed within the house he inhaled deeply.

There was the familiar scent, all of them were there.

"What was that?" someone from the house shouted shocked

"Did a window just broke in the kitchen?" a male voice was heard

All of the inhabitants curiously made their way to the kitchen.

"What happened mom?" a child asked worryingly

A male mole entered the kitchen confidently and looked around the room, spotting nothing out of place. Then he made his way towards the window, pressed his claws to its frame and extended his head through the opening.

He looked right, he looked left, up and down.


"Could it be a bird?" one of the older moles asked

"I doubt a bird could-"

"Who are you?!" a feminine shocked scream came from the living room

All of the inhabitants of the house ran back from where they came from.

"What are you doing in this house?!"


The female mole shouted when she spotted the familiar burning drake sitting at their table, the one that scared her son today.

Cold shiver of fear ran through her spine.

"Get out!"

The worms kept on screaming and shouting, but he didn't listen, didn't care what they had to say. He could smell their fear and deep down he believed that they knew what is coming. At least the female rat knew, he read that from the way she wrapped her arms defensively around the Little shit.

Someone shoved him.

Instantly that someone burst in flames.

It was then when the chaotic screaming started, however it didn't last long. His body was instantly wrapped in a sheer, fiery orb of flames which seconds later exploded and sent walls of fire through the whole house, melting everything in its path.

He left through the same way he came, through the main door which he opened by melting its lock. He walked casually through the street, leaving the burning building behind him.

The drake however didn't knew that the moles were enthusiastic engineers, like practically every one of their kind and had a basement tightly locked by immense, thick metallic doors which held all kinds of materials and devices inside them, like in some sort of a vault. Explosives included.

Eventually every wall of flame that wrecked the house met in front of the door, wanting desperately to get through it. The steel from which the door were made from were unable to hold back so much heat and melted just like anything else in the house. The flames entered the vault, devastating everything in their path, making short work of the protective trunk that held the more dangerous materials as well.

The house exploded.

The roar of the explosion was so loud that it seemed like some sort of a nuke hit the ground. The house was turned to bits in seconds, flinging bricks in every direction. The shockwave of the explosion threw the drake of his paws and forced him to slide directly into the alleyway from which he came from with his back turned towards the destruction.

Indifferently he began to push himself up, when he moved his head to its natural position something heavy hit the back of his head. It was the door he so ingeniously opened moments ago, the explosion broke them from its hinges and sent them flying through the air. The fling eventually stopped on a reddish draconic head.

Flare dropped on the ground with a grunt, blood trickled from the back of his head and the world swirled in front of his eyes. He felt pain, regret and disgust for himself.

It happened again.

He turned around, knowing what he will see there, but not able to ignore it.

People were screaming, gathered where the destruction happened, it was like all of Warfang was awaken from its slumber.

He couldn't shake off the feeling that he just sent some wicked play in motion.

"Oh no" he muttered devastated, pushed up on his paws and ran.

Ran as fast as his legs could carry him.

The Legend of Spyro: Path of Delusions Book IV Chapter 6

Chapter 6 Their way back was happening in complete silence, even more profound than when she followed Kit around to that stupid place. The commanding tone of her uncle and now this, three people traveling together and nobody says a word. It was...

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The Legend of Spyro: Path of Delusions Book IV Chapter 4

Chapter 4 "Why did you do this?!" Terrador roared as he slammed his powerful paw on the wooden table. The walls of the City Hall echoed with the noise of scattering papers and creaking wood. "I did what I was asked of" Cyril responded calmly, the...

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The Legend of Spyro: Path of Delusions Book IV Chapter 3

Chapter 3 He worked restlessly for the next many hours. It wasn't like this at the beginning, at first this whole scenery, the pounding details in his head, the screams filling his was a horror. He was used to death, he was used to the...

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