Marshall's Love Adventure - Ch 4

Story by BlaykeWinterwolf on SoFurry

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#4 of Paw Patrol Love Tales

The quiet sad sunrise from the morning had turned into a cheerful and playful sunset. The sky had a nice orange tint to it, like someone had spilled orange juice in the atmosphere. A nice breeze had rolled in. The pups were as happy as could be. Chase, Rocky, and Skye were all playing hide and seek. Laughter could be heard from each of them after they were found. Rubble was napping under the tree that Marshall had been at this morning, laying on his back with his tongue sticking out as he dreamed about food. The other two pups were off on their own, playing a game of tag. Marshall was running away from Zuma, trying his best not to be tagged by the water-loving pup.

"You'll never catch up to me!" Shouted Marshall. "I'm the fastest pup alive!"

"Oh I don't think so, dude! That's me!" A proud statement that came from the Chocolate Lab.

That didn't last too long because before he knew it, the Dalmatian had tripped over a tree root, causing him to stumble and roll around.

"Woah!!! Ow! Eep! Ah!" Cried the Dalmatian before coming to a stop, face first on the ground.

Zuma, worried that Marshall would be injured, came running to his side.

"Hey, Marshall! Are you okay?!"

Marshall looked up at the worried pup before shaking his whole body.

"Yeah, I think I'm oka-... Ow!" The spotted pup raised his left paw and whimpered in pain.

"Oh no! I think we better let Ryder check on your paw. Hopefully it's not broken..."

The Chocolate Lab looked at the pup. Despite how severe the situation might be, he noticed something. Marshall's fur. He had never noticed how shiny the spotted pup's fur was. It was as if the bright rays from the sun and the twilight colors of the sky made his fur vibrant. Marshall was a rainbow in a field of a grey background. Lost in thought, it wasn't until Marshall called out to him that he came back to reality.

"Zuma? You okay?"

"Oh sorry, Marshall! Yeah, I'm fine. Besides, we are supposed to be saving you here. Can you get on my back so I can carry you back?"

"I'll try..."

Marshall slowly but surely climbed onto Zuma's back.

"Now let's get you to Ryder and all fixed up!"

Zuma took off faster than a lightning bolt. Although the pup was injured, Marshall couldn't help but blush. It was as if his true love was his hero, here to save the day. The brown pup showed determination and compassion. Marshallfelt the urge to say something.

"Hey, Zuma..."

"Yeah, dude?" Zuma asked, not even turning his head or stopping for a moment.

"Thanks for helping me."

"Of course silly! It wouldn't be the first time. Remember when I saved you while you were sleepwalking?"

"Oh yeah..."

Marshall had wanted to say more. To tell his crush, his love, that he loved him, and that be was beyond grateful for helping him. But he couldn't bring himself to it. The blushing had ended with a sigh.

"Don't worry, Marshall. It's just sprained. Nothing major, but you will have to make sure not to apply much pressure on it." Katie informed Marshall. She had arrived after Ryder asked her if she could check on the spotted pup.

"That means no running, and more importantly, no missions for a couple of days." Added Ryder.

"But! But!--"

"No buts Marshall. You have to focus on getting that paw better." Ryder told the pup. "Hey, Zuma. Can you help take Marshall to his pup house?

"Sure thing, Ryder! Come on, Marshall!" Zuma carried the pup back to his pup house. Once they arrived, Marshall was already half asleep, his arms wrapped around the Chocolate Lab pup's neck. He laid the Dalmatian gently on his pup house.

"Goodnight, Zuma..."

"Goodnight dude. See you in the morning"

Although Marshall was almost fully asleep, he smiled and blushed. He was saved by a hero, his hero.

Marshall's Love Adventure - Ch 5

Zuma had trouble sleeping that night. A thought was persistent in his mind, causing him to toss and turn. When he closed his eyes, all he could picture was Marshall. Those big beautiful blue eyes that would even make the ocean jealous. The Dalmatian's...

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Marshall's Love Adventure - Ch 3

"Paw Patrol ready for action, Ryder, sir!" Shouted Chase. Ryder informed the pups of the situation. "Okay pups. Cap'n Turbot needs our help. His boat has caught on fire!" The pups all started to worry, filling the room with questions. "Is he...

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Marshall's Love Adventure - Ch 2

Marshall, distracted by the thoughts that filled his head about Zuma, tripped on a chew bone that someone had left out. "Whoa!!" Marshall exclaimed. Before he knew it, he stumbled onto Rubble's skateboard on his way to the elevator in the lookout....

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