Marshall's Love Adventure - Ch 5

Story by BlaykeWinterwolf on SoFurry

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#5 of Paw Patrol Love Tales

Zuma had trouble sleeping that night. A thought was persistent in his mind, causing him to toss and turn. When he closed his eyes, all he could picture was Marshall. Those big beautiful blue eyes that would even make the ocean jealous. The Dalmatian's fur glistening in the sun, making his white fur as white as an angle. The contrast between his white fur and his dark black spots couldn't be any more perfect. Unable to sleep, Zuma shrugged off the thoughts of Marshall as concern.

"I wonder how Marshall is doing...I better make sure he's not in pain from the sprain he got earlier, or sleepwalking again."

The Chocolate Lab slowly got up, stretching and yawning as he did, then headed over to Marshall's pup house. When he got there what he saw just made his heart melt. The Dalmatian was sleeping soundly all snuggled up with the teddy bear that he always sleeps with. As far back as Zuma could remember, Marshall had always slept with his teddy bear.

Zuma had just joined the Paw Patrol a few hours earlier and was still getting to know the other 3 pups on the team. He introduced himself to Rocky first. The grey sleepy pup had just woken up from his nap. The two talked for a bit, which allowed Rocky to get used to the way Zuma talked. Rocky thought it was interesting to hear someone talk like that, but he was happy that they had someone new on the team. Zuma then spotted Chase playing a game of tug-of-war with Marshall and ran over to say hi and join in on the fun.

"Hi dudes! My name is Zuma!"

"Oh hey Zuma!" Greeted Chase. "I'm Chase! And this pup next to me is my best friend, Marshall!" Chase pointed over to Marshall, who was being quiet and shy.

"H-hi Zuma. I-I'm Marshall!" The Dalmatian said. The pup had always been a shy one, but that never seemed to bother anyone.

"Hey, can I play tug-of-war with you guys? That looks like fun!" The Chocolate Lab wagged his tail eagerly.

"Sure! The more the merrier!" Chase and Marshall shouted.

They soon even got Rocky to join in on the fun.

After all the pups were tired out from playing all day, it was time for them to go to bed. The sun was starting to set. A purple sky rolled in just as the blue started to fade. Marshall had been kind enough to volunteer to show the new pup to his pup house. On their way there, they passed by the spotted pup's house.

"Hey, Marshall, is that yours dude?"

Zuma saw the teddy bear, half sticking out from the house.

Marshall blushed as he went to pick up his teddy and gave him a kiss on the head.

"Yup! He's my favorite teddy bear! And I can never sleep without him."

The two continued to walk, as the pup carried the teddy bear on his back.

"And here is your house Zuma!" Marshall showed Zuma his house.

Zuma was totally excited and got inside, letting out a tired yawn.

"Thanks so much for showing me to my house dude! But now it's bedtime for me. Maybe tomorrow you and teddy can show me around some more!"

Marshall blushed more at the mention of his teddy.

"Sure thing! Goodnight Zuma! You know where to find me if you need anything!"

And with that, the happy blushing, tail-wagging pup made the way to his own pup house.

That had been the very beginning of it all. Zuma smiled as he remembered the first day he and Marshall had shared together. Watching the pup sleep with his teddy bear now was beyond adorable. The urge to go in and snuggle with both of them was becoming intense.

"Wait...what?!" Zuma thought. The smile had disappeared from his mouth. "Why?... Why do I feel... like I should snuggle with Marshall? He's... just a friend. Friends don't snuggle with each other... "

The tired brown pup backed away and ran to a nearby tree. He laid down and looked up at the stars, thinking. "Marshall is just my friend... two boys can't have feelings, special feelings, for each other. It's not right!" Zuma put his head down, both from exhaustion and shame. "I just need to clear my head from Marshall." Before he knew it, he had fallen asleep.

Marshall's Love Adventure - Ch 6

Marshall gave a loud and long yawn, stretching his body in the process. He gently walked out of his pup house and looked up at the bright blue sky, the sun just barely over the horizon. It was a beautiful morning, one that matched his beautiful dream....

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Marshall's Love Adventure - Ch 4

The quiet sad sunrise from the morning had turned into a cheerful and playful sunset. The sky had a nice orange tint to it, like someone had spilled orange juice in the atmosphere. A nice breeze had rolled in. The pups were as happy as could be. Chase,...

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Marshall's Love Adventure - Ch 3

"Paw Patrol ready for action, Ryder, sir!" Shouted Chase. Ryder informed the pups of the situation. "Okay pups. Cap'n Turbot needs our help. His boat has caught on fire!" The pups all started to worry, filling the room with questions. "Is he...

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