a drop of kindness, a Spyro fanfic

Story by dracilius on SoFurry

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#1 of the closest of friends

Sup, heres the beginning of a new short series, may only be a few chapters or maybe it will just be this one, who knows? This takes place as if Spyro, Cynder and all the rest had grown up in a place called Avalar, it's a dragon/Cheetah city and Spyro and Cynder would be about 16 and a bit bigger than in DOTD, enjoy NOTE: none of the characters in this story are in any relation to the stories I have previously written. And all names are coincidental of all Spyro series or anyone else's stories you may have read. Under 18's are not welcome, get out ____________________________________________________________________________ Chapter one- a drop of kindness The bell rang and Ignitus dismissed the class, it was the last lesson of the day everyone was eager for the end of class, they had all left the class about 10 seconds after Ignitus had dismissed them, everyone except Spyro. It was the same routine every day, the class would leave and Spyro would try to delay his departure, though the teachers usually didn't mind as he would often help to clean up, he didn't tell his mentors why but if he ran into either one of two groups he would end up at home either bleeding or crying. He never really had any friends and the other dragons all made fun of him, after all, he was the only purple dragon in the city, and the fact that he was an orphan didn't help either. He lived in a nearby building provided by the school that was occupied by four of his teachers, all of which he shared a special bond with, they were all like family to him but his favourite was Ignitus, whom he looked to as a father figure, there was also Terrador, Cyril and Volteer. The building was a relatively large 3 story house with three bedrooms on the top story, Spyro lived in the attic that they had added a bathroom to, and even with it their was easily three times the room that he needed. "So Spyro" said Ignitus with a slight frown as Spyro finished putting all the chairs away neatly, "you're still trying to avoid someone but you won't tell us who, why?" Spyro looked up at Ignitus sadly and sighed, they'd had this conversation many times before. "Can we not go over this again? If I tell you they'll beat me up worse" he answered despondently, "or I would never hear the end of it" Ignitus felt horrible for what Spyro had to go through on this day to day basis, he may have been in wars but he had always had a smile on his face in between fights. Whenever he looked at Spyro he felt like he was looking at a delicate flower that had been deprived of light and crushed under the weeds that were his peers, given the right nurturing he could blossom into something more spectacular than anyone else, he was a purple dragon after all, but he could still breath only fire, and he could count the number of times he had seen Spyro smile publicly in 17 years on two hands. The other thing that made it hard for him was being reasonably smart, he was almost head of the class in every theory subject and near the front of all the others, though there were two areas in which he failed, elemental attacks and physical attacks training. He was near the bottom of the classes in these and not being cool or ‘hot', as some of the female dragons would say, he had no way to make up for it other than some smarts, which would make it hard for him to find a mate, already the girls would give sly looks to the boys and they would return them, but none looked at Spyro, the girls cared not for what was on the inside but how handsome the men were. "Alright Spyro, that's enough cleaning" said Ignitus forcefully, "I have some errands to run after my trip last week, and I need to lock up the classroom" Spyro sighed quietly and nodded, he collected his things and headed to the door, he poked his head out and looked around, he could see them nowhere. Ignitus smiled to himself, he had a surprise planned for him tonight. Spyro walked through the almost deserted corridors and placed his belongs in his locker before heading home, as he reached the exit saw what he had dreaded, the girls were hanging out near the front of the school again, Spyro tried to slip past them but was spotted before he was half way to the gates. The girls stepped in front of them, it was the usual group of 5 girls, they were all quite attractive and they knew it, Spyro never was much good at talking with his peers but when it came to most girls he was a downright mess, though he hadn't yet began to grow as the other boys he was still drawn to females even though they would never talk to him unless they were tormenting him. "hey Shorty, finished being a teachers pet?" asked Shelly mockingly, she was a frost dragon with a heart as cold as her breath, she was snow white with a heavy tint of sky blue while her under belly and horns were purely white, Spyro kept his head down and tried to walk around them but Inferna, a ruby red dragoness with orange underbelly and horns, tripped him. As he sprawled onto the ground all the girls laughed at him, he blushed slightly and attempted to get back up, unfortunately for him Shelly decided to freeze his arms and legs to the ground, then she froze shut his jaws and grabbed his head, forcing him to look up at the rest of the group, he noticed that their was a new girl there. She was a small dragon with scales that were as black as night but her eyes were an emerald green, she seemed to be the same age as Spyro, now that he thought about it, he had seen her today, but what really surprised him was the fact that she wasn't laughing at him, instead she seemed almost unhappy at seeing such a sight, Shelly followed his gaze and sniggered. "Ah yes, this is Cynder, she's new here and we figured that we may as well show her the ropes, Cynder, this here is the resident freak show, orphan and teachers pet Spyro" Shelly almost Spat his name, as if it tasted vile in her mouth, but Spyro hardly noticed, he was too busy staring at Cynder, she was the most beautiful thing he had ever seen. But this didn't go unnoticed. "it would seem someone here likes the new girl" laughed Inferno, all the girls laughed at him, Cynder laughed to, though it was forced, Shelly released his head and slapped him with her tail as the group walked off, Spyro put his head on the ground and cried silently. Cynder glanced back at him and felt a deep sense of pity for him, she separated from the other girls saying ‘I have something that I need to do', before going off to her left while they continued on to the right. As soon as she was out of sight she ran at full speed around the block back to the school entrance were Spyro was still stuck to the floor and crying, she walked up gingerly to him and sat down in front of him. "a-are you okay?" asked Cynder gently, Spyro jumped at the sound of her voice and lifted his head quickly, almost head butting her chin, when he realised who it was he growled fiercely as a strange anger bubbled up in him, she stepped back as he bashed his head against the ground, shattering the icy that bound his mouth before glaring at her hatefully. "WHAT?" roared Spyro, he didn't know where this anger came from but it filled every ounce of his being, "EVERY DAY THOSE GOD DAMN WOMEN TORMENT ME, EVERY DAY THEIR BOYFRIENDS BEAT ME UP! NOW YOU MAKE FUN OF ME AND HAVE THE NERVE TO ASK IF I'M OKAY? WHAT DO YOU THINK? OF COURSE I'M NOT FUCKING O-"his voice cracked and he collapsed onto the ground, tears flood from his eyes and his body trembled. Cynder was shocked, she was in most of his classes, he was always good to the teachers, he had always tried to be kind to everyone but no one but the teacher ever payed him any attention, she started to cry. He had seemed like such a good person, to have such an outburst they must have destroyed every stable fibre in his being, and yet he was still so nice to everyone, she wondered if he even had any friends. "I'm sorry" said Cynder quietly as her tears fell to the earth, she walked over to Spyro breathed her fire lightly onto the ice binding him to the ground, releasing him. He looked up at her and was confused when he saw tears on her own face, he stood up cautiously and studied Cynders face for a second, she seemed to be genuinely crying. Spyro sighed sadly and turned away from her as he started to head home. "Sorry for yelling" he said quietly, Cynder ran after him and matched his pace, Spyro looked at her curiously, "why are you walking with me? Aren't you afraid your friends will see us?" Cynder giggled slightly to herself, the sound washed over Spyro, to him the sound was sweeter then honey to his ears. "After seeing what they did to you I don't care what they think of you and me together" she said confidently, making Spyros cheeks turn a very light red "and besides, I'm moving into a new place today that's this way, and I thought that I might as well walk home with you" she smiled kindly to Spyro, who smiled back. "So" said Spyro nervously "do you live with your parents?", Cynder looked down slightly and sighed, Spyro thought he had said something wrong and was about to change the subject when she looked back at him and smiled, weakly this time, they decided to sit down in a park that was nearby, Spyro sat down a few feet back from Cynder but she moved over to him and sat by his side. "actually I'm an orphan, I never really lived anywhere but awhile back I met a dragon and he invited me to stay with him here, he even got me funding from the council and a place to stay", she took a deep breath, this was obviously something hard for her to talk about. "But I did have parents once, they were killed when a rouge band of apes that attacked our cave, I was only 4 but I still remember seeing my parents die". Cynder shook slightly as she started to cry, Spyro couldn't stand to see her cry and, before he realised it, he'd covered her with his wings and hugged her tight, after her initial shock she relaxed slightly and put her head on his chest as she continued to cry quietly. "shhhhh, calm down, it's okay, it's all in the past, it's okay" said Spyro, trying to calm her down, she soon stopped crying and they sat together for almost an hour, for some reason he felt very protective of her, he was so concerned for her well being that it took the full hour for him to remember that he was cuddled up next to an extremely attractive dragoness, he felt all her scales pressed up against him and he blushed slightly and pulled away quickly. Cynder frowned inwardly, she didn't know why but she enjoyed having Spyro near, he may not be as big or as well built as other dragons but she felt safe around him, she looked at him and grinned. "Ya know, you're only the second person I've told that too" , he smiled at her and stood up slowly, swiftly followed by Cynder before she looked at him side long "hey Spyro, can you walk me home? I have to share a place with 5 other guys and I'd prefer if you were there when I met them, I'll also introduce you to that nice dragon that brought me here". "Sure, which street do you live on?" asked Spyro wonderingly, his street was coming up and he wondered if he should tell the elders he'd be late for dinner. "just on the left here, Drake Street" she thought nothing of it but Spyro stopped dead as his jaw hit the ground, "what is it, Spyro?" asked Cynder. "I live on drake Street to!" he said excitedly, he and her rushed into their street and Spyro saw Ignitus sitting out the front of their building, Cynder rushed up to him and jumped into his outstretched arms, Spyro sat in front of Ignitus as he put Cynder down and looked at them both. "Well you might have figured this out already but Cynder here is going to be living with us" said Ignitus with a grin, Spyros face lit up and he gave the happiest smile that Ignitus had ever seenon his face, they walked inside and showed her around before a thought struck Spyro. "Where is she going to sleep?" asked Spyro, "we only have three bedrooms" "If you don't mind I think she could stay in the attic" said Ignitus as he opened the entrance to the fold down stairs that lead to the attic, Spyro shook is head at the thought, which Cynder thought meant that he did mind, she was looking forward to being his friend but maybe he wasn't. "But how could she stay in the attic? There's only one bed, I don't mind sleeping on the floor but I really don't think Cynder would like it up there, she deserves more than a dusty old attic with no privacy", as Spyro said this Cynder felt a warm glow spread through her, he was thinking of her! He would give up his bed but he thinks I deserve to have more than that, Cynder stood next to Spyro and nuzzled his cheek affectionately, making him blush. "Thanks, but don't worry, I can sleep anywhere and I'm sure this will feel like heaven compared to a cave" said Cynder as she stepped onto the stairs, closely followed by Spyro. Ignitus chuckled to himself, he could tell Spyro was smitten, and Cynder seemed to quite like him too, perhaps they would be more than the friends he thought they would be, he decided to let them adjust to their new surroundings alone. Spyros jaw dropped as he stepped into what used to be his room, now it was a thin corridor that separated the attic into two rooms with the bathroom at the end. "I thought you said it was a dusty old attic" said Cynder as she entered through a pink door that had her name on it in black letters, followed by Spyro. It contained a soft bed in the back left and a desk for her to work at was stationed opposite, a book case sat on the right wall and it held several books that would be useful for her studies, their was another door that had been added opposite to the door Spyro used, it would be in the other room Spyro exited the room and entered the one that had SPYRO in purple on a blue door, it was laid out as a replica to hers but he also had a small chest containing the few valuables he had collected over the years. He closed the door behind him before going over to a certain plank in the wall, he gripped the edges of it and gave it a light tug, it came out without a sound and he removed a large bag from it. After replacing the wood he slowly opened the bag, it was filled with thousands of gold coins, and he heard a gasp from behind him and turned quickly to find Cynder staring at the bag. "How long have you been there?" asked Spyro worridly. "Just before you put the cover on your hiding spot" she replied, felling very bad for spying on him, but curious none the less, "how much is there?" Spyro sighed and looked up at her, he invited her over and she sat down next to him. "I guess I couldn't hide it from everyone, but you have to promise that you won't tell a soul about this" said Spyro firmly, she nodded her head and he continued, "no one else knows of this money I've saved, not even Ignitus, I took a job at the library about 4 years cataloguing and replacing books, the pay is great because no one else would do it, about $20 an hour and I usually go in for two hours a day, but it's an easy job, an upside is once I'd got it clean all I do is catalogue everything now and then before I waste time reading. All up I've got about $58,000 here." Cynder gasped at the figure, how could he have so much? (Authours note: the money rate is different to ours, think of a mid-big house as $40,000) "That's, wow, and you saved that much?" asked Cynder, Spyro just sighed to himself and looked at her sadly. "When you don't have any friends to spend it with it's easy to save", he looked down at it then back to Cynder, and whispered softly, "close your eyes", she closed her eyes and heard Spyro moving around a bit before something heavy dropped into her hand. She opened her eyes to see a bulging sack in her hand, she opened it and gasped to see it full of gold, Cynder looked up at Spyro, who had a huge grin on his face, "I thought maybe you might want something to brighten up your room, I thought $1000 should be a good start", he frowned when Cynder shook her head, he saw tears falling from her face as she looked up at him. "I can't take this, it's too much" said Cynder sadly as she put the bag in front of Spyro, "I don't deserve it" she closed her eyes, trying to hold back the tears when she felt Spyros arms wrap around her, his wings stretched around her and separated them from the world, she looked up into Spyros eyes and he smiled gently to her. "You do deserve it; if anything I don't deserve your friendship, I'm a loser, but your kind, caring and beautiful" Spyro had said it before he had thought about it, he blush slightly and looked away, as did Cynder. They sat there awkwardly for awhile before Cynder worked up the courage to speak again. "yo-you think I'm beautiful?" she asked quietly, he nodded slightly and looked away, she hesitated before she reached up and pecked him on the check before pulling out of the hug, she picked up the small bag of gold and looked up at him, she giggled to herself and, as she turned to leave, slid her tail blade lightly across his cheek right up to the tip of his snout and lingered for a second, then continued on the way to her room. Spyro felt her lips touch his cheek and he flew sky high, he sat in a daze as she walked away from him, her tail sliding gently across his face, he shivered slightly from the contact as he stared at her shapely hips, she closed the door behind her and he finally snapped out of his daze as he felt blood rush into a certain area, he rushed to the door and locked it as his member peeked out of his sheath, though the rest of his body hadn't yet grown like the other boys, it had grown ‘abnormally large' as one of the anatomy books said, roughly 10 inches. He had come across them one day in the library and had read them quickly, he had studied small/average and large measurements and had discovered his to be in the latter region. He usually was able to control it with relative ease but at the moment it seemed like nothing could stop it as it emerged, Spyro smiled to himself. "Good thing that didn't happen about ten seconds earlier" said Spyro as he walked into the bathroom, he closed and locked his door and then moved across to the one that entered Cynders room. They were the type of doors that could lock on both sides but only unlocked from the side it was locked on, clearly Ignitus didn't trust either of them. Spyro chuckled to himself, probably a wise course of action, he didn't even think he would be able to trust himself not to peek. He looked down at his hard shaft, he stood on his hind legs and braced himself against the sink and grasped his member tightly, he started to pump himself and his excitement started to grow. With some surprise he found himself thinking of Cynder, this only made him all the more excited. For almost a minute he stood their, jacking himself off before, with a stifled groan, he shot his seed into the sink basin. Panting slightly, he ran the water and watched as it carried the sticky, white substance away and out of sight, he had gone through this routine a lot lately as mating season approached, roughly two weeks till It began. He was now old enough to mate and, when the females were in heat, have children, though it was not recommended as it was a great responsibility to look after a child. As he went to unlock Cynders door so she could use the bathroom he could swear he heard something just behind the door, he dismissed it as Cynder examining her room and walked back into his room and lay on his bed, thinking about the afternoons events. Cynder closed the door behind her and locked it, the click made her shiver in delight at the thought that it was hers she looked around her new room and sighed happily. She had never had a home before and now she even had a best friend, or more. Her heart thumped in her chest as she remembered the embrace they had shared, he may not be the biggest, handsomest or the most muscular dragon, but he has a heart of gold thought Cynder with a slight smile on her face. Her day dreaming was interrupted by a soft click from the bathroom, she walked curiously over to the door and tried to turn the handle, locked. She new that she shouldn't but her curiosity got the better of her, she put her eye up against the thin crack between door and frame to peer into the bathroom, she couldn't see much but what she did took her breath away. It was a perfect view of Spyro as he stood at the sink, he groaned quietly and Cynder saw him ejaculate into the sink, Cynder couldn't take her eyes off ‘him' and marvelled at the size, she had seen a few in her life but none so big. She remembered he many times she had hidden in the shadows of a cave she had chosen to sleep in as two dragons would land and, shortly after, begin to mate. She was snapped out of her memories as Spyro walked to the door Cynder was at, she held her breath and tried not to make a sound as Spyro unlocked her door and turned to leave, she released her breath as he made his way back to his room. She was lucky he hadn't decided to open the door, what would he think of her if he found out? She shook her head and sighed, I've known him for less than a day, I've already see ‘ It' and I already like him. The thought came to her unexpectedly, now that she thought about it, she did like him, she was about to sit on her bed when she heard a muffled yell from Ignitus downstairs. "Dinners ready!", she opened her door and headed downstairs, soon followed by Spyro, they had a great dinner and the rest of the evening went past uneventfully. As Spyro lay in bed he looked up at the ceiling and smiled, he had a friend, tonight was definitely the best of his life, little did he know that next door Cynder was thinking the exact same thing.

I've decided that I'm gonna do another chapter to this ïŠ.