Angela Thomas 4

Story by MStover on SoFurry

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#4 of Angela Thomas

Story about a blind genetically engineered wolverine going through life in society. Trying to become a citizen the world she's been thrust into. Well, so what others tell her. She just wants to be happy, live, and maybe find love.

Angela Thomas 4

By : John Hartman

It had been almost a week since the commotion with a wild intruder at the school had happened. Angela sits at her normal lunch table near the administration wing during her lunch period. Every now and then the large wolverine pauses to lightly touch the flower in her head fur, smiling a little as she thinks about a man that still occupies her heart. After a moment she pauses as she senses someone coming towards her, nose flaring up as she tries to get the scent. She then smiles warmly at the person as she says, "I was wondering when you would show up Eric, have a seat."

"Thanks Fluffy," Eric chuckles as he takes a seat. Only to freeze when he noticed her features went cold toward him. He then says in defense, "I...thought I give own...well...nickname...your guardians call you puppy. I figured I could at least give you something out of endearment."

"Fluffy was the best you could think of?" the wolverine snarls under her breath. Eric sighs as he cautiously sits his tray on the table. Angela then sighs as she calms down, "I guess you could have called me worse. Like giant rat. Or puppy lover. Or giant fluffy tits."

Eric looked like he's going to faint as he quickly looks around to make sure no one was listening. He then says in a whisper, "I thought that would be the least offensive. You are very fluffy, and I actually love how fluffy you feel in my hands..."

"Really?" Angela gushed at the human male, giving a wide smile. She then wag her tail as she whispers, "Okay, as long you don't explain the context to why you feel Fluffy works, I'll go with it. Though do realize people will make fun of you for it. So...just between us, okay?"

Eric sighs in relief, then says under his breath, "Thank you."

"I got you scared, didn't I?" Angela sound amused as she picked up her burrito again.

Eric watched her eat as he says honestly, "Yes, I didn't want to fight with you today."

"As if we always fight," Angela teases, though knows they rarely get along, even after their truce earlier in the week.

"Angela," Eric sounds exasperated. He then decides to just eat his food while they still have time to eat.

After they finished their meals, Eric look at his watch, grinning a little bit as he then says quietly, "So Angela?"

"Yes?" The wolverine asked, noticing the tone of his voice. He got up and as she asked again, "What is it Eric?"

Eric got close to her as she carefully got on her feet. She then blushes as she can tell he was excited, like he was when they were fooling around in the nurse's office. She start to get a bit excited herself as he says, "We got some time to kill and I think I found a perfect location for us to waste the minutes away."

"Lead the way," Angela says softly, her tail wagging. He takes her large hand and lead them toward the gym not too far from where they had their lunch. He leads her into the men's locker room. He looked both ways to make sure it was empty. Then he led her in and walked toward a large shower area.

Angela sniffed the room, nose flaring up from all the scents. She started to resist as she says nervously, "Whoa, no, no Eric. We'll get caught."

"Where do you think we are?" Eric asked nicely as he stop to chat with her.

"We are in the men's locker room," Angela responds nervously. She start to sniff the area a bit more, actually getting a thrill out of it despite having the urge to bolt.

"What do you smell?" Eric asked gently as he decides to sit on a bench and pull her with him.

The wolverine sat down with him, continuing to sniff the scents in the room. She can't help but blush as she says, "More than I should say. Wow, I even smell Mr.Malkovich in here. Very strong scents."

"Oh?" Eric smirks as he shifts her so her back is facing him. He then wrapped his arms around her, putting his head under her right shoulder, which made her whimper. She then gasps as he lifts her shirt up and suckles her right breast. She closes her eyes as she smiles widely as he holds her in his arms.

The wolverine tenderly held him in her right arm, melting in his arms from his oral attention to her right nipple that she just makes quiet, pleasant, yet needy whines of pleasure. She then whimpers, "We'll...we'll get caught."

"Not if we make this quick," Eric pants between wet smacks on her nipple.

"Eric, I, I," Angela whimpers quietly, "I won't cum like this."

Eric stops, then press his face over her fuzzy right breast and rock hard nipple as he says softly, "Oh. I thought you are enjoying it."

"OH I am," Angela says firmly, "I certainly am."

Eric blushes as he gets an idea. He pulls out his cell phone and asks nicely, "May I take a picture of your boobs?" Angela looked uneasy, but nods silently. He gently removes her shirt, making her feel exposed. She fold her arms under her breast, trying to feel comfortable. He blushes as he says, "You look cute like that."

"Cute?" Angela asked as he takes a picture of her upper body. He then asks her to lift her arms up, which she does so and he takes a picture of her from the side.

"The flower and goggles gives you a cute yet cutting edge in this photo with your bare chest, Angela," Eric says softly. He then took a very close up picture of her nipples; each one he took by itself, then took shots of him placing them between his fingers. After that, he helped Angela put her shirt back on.

"Are you...are you..," Angela looked nervously as she tried to ask her question.

"I am what?" Eric asked nicely as he put his phone away.

Angela decides to pull him onto her lap, hugging him with her chin over his head as she whispers, "Are you going to masturbate to my breast?" Eric look uneasy, which Angela can tell from the way he changed his breathing and how his body stiffened. She chuckles and says in his ear gently, "Be honest. I don't mind." She then got a little gutsy and gently undid his pants, "I masturbate thinking of what it maybe like to be pinned under you, my hands feeling that firm ass of yours working your dick in me." Eric was nervous, yet his dick was rock hard as she gently got his penis out of his fly, "And you go commando like me. Wow, this is what a cock feels like?"

Eric grunts as he does his best to relax as his above average penis is being stroked by a giant hand with sharp claws. He could not help but feel tiny since her hands were almost as big as his back. She chuckles as she put his penis between her fingers, "Mmm, you are larger than my clit." The male was lost for words, actually afraid now to see what's between her legs if compares to her clitoris. He then looked shocked as she lifted him off her lap and held him up by his butt as she pressed her nose on his pubic area, his penis in her large, sharp muzzle. He was going limp fast till he noticed she closed her eyes and breathed heavily as her large tongue was lapping his dick. His eyes pop wide open as he put both hands onto the back of her head as he never felt anything like it. The lapping and licking noises continued on for a long time till he started to grunt and move his hips a little as he felt himself get near. She recall the 'tricks' she was told by her morph friends on giving their human lovers head that she did her best to gently press her tongue under his shaft as she breathed hot air over it with her thin lips as close to his skin without risking the teeth scratching the surface. He grunts a few times, then collapses onto her face as his dick spurts his seed into her muzzle. She does her best to wait it out as she lapped up his seed. Once done, she gently placed him back onto the bench, where he just leans on her. She cuddles him in her arms as she asks softly, "How was it?"

Eric just says weakly, "Great." He then snapped out of it and quickly got his pants back on, "Shit, we gone longer than I planned. Quick, follow me before the locker room gets loaded from the class in the gym." Angela followed behind Eric as they reach the exit. Eric peeked outside of the locker room, finding the area is clear, so he guides the wolverine outside with him. He then holds her hand and guides her out of the area, feeling confident they made it out. Only to have Mr. Malkovich, a strong looking white rat morph in a t-shirt and shorts come out of a corner and stand in front of them.

Eric actually gahs from surprise, which made Angela react the same way. The rat morph smirks as he folds his arms, "Tsk, tsk, tsk, Eric. I would figure that since you been hanging out with Ms. Thomas here that you would realize that most of us morphs do have a few heightened senses like her. You are lucky nobody else caught you two."

Angela actually very frightened as Eric did his best to be calm, "Lucky...that....uh...why? What do you have in mind?"

Mr. Malkovich smiles as he tilts his head, "I have no blackmail in mind." He then smirks, "But take this as a warning. If you two sneak into my gym again for some hanky panky, you two WILL be in trouble, okay? Keep the exploration at home. We are in school here to learn whatever is considered needed for adulthood. Hands on sex is not one of them." He then walk away, "Lunch is over." After he said that, the bell rang as he walked away, leaving the two catching their breath after a moment of sheer terror of being caught.

"So here we are again," Jessica smiles as the remaining four of them sit at a table in class as the others got into their own respective groups. Eric and Angela sat next to each other as the other two sat across from each other. Jessica brings out some notes and paperwork from her bag, "Okay, been a while. But we need to continue this, despite Adam is still out."

Eric sighs and takes the paperwork from Jessica, "And this is Adam's work." He went over it quickly as he says, "He really wanted to go on the negatives of allowing interspecies relationships from passing." Angela just looks annoyed as Eric continues, "Still though, good to know the arguments in order to counter them. Though it is disturbing how there is way more cases of unwanted advances and rape cases from interspecies breeding than cases of those trying to win the right to court an 'other.'"

The wolverine growls quietly, not angry, but it's just how she talks, "But it's hard to find more cases for the positive since it's something that is either covered up or never reported."

Jessica sighs, then shrugs, "I still find it weird that a man wants to settle down with a raccoon."

"And I find it weird no one seems to comprehend love," Angela says seriously.

Jessica glares at the wolverine, "You do realize you coming off as perfectly fine with having sex with a human."

Angela snarls under her breath, "If it's under the context of trust and possibly love, yes, I am for it."

"Trust and love are separate things like love and sex," Jessica says seriously, "You are not denying you would have sex with anyone regardless of species, or context of the affair."

"Correct," Angela growls at Jessica, "As long me and my partner are consenting and fully understand what we are aiming for, I don't see why it's a problem. Those rape cases and cases on where the law against equality to find love are only fodder to protect those who want to be bigoted and discriminate."

"I don't want some mutt trying to court me," Jessica says angrily at the wolverine.

Angela snarls, "And you have that right to reject him. Just because the law says "I" have the right to pursue anyone I please don't mean YOU must accept a person pursuing you. You just no longer have the right to murder them."

"There's no law stating that," Jessica responds angrily.

"In some states, the animal gets euthanized if a man is caught fucking it," Angela says angrily, "And those laws oddly enough got carried over to morphs till not too long ago. Nowadays if it's a morph, like you seen in this case. She had no say on the matter, just forced to separate while that man had to take the full brunt of the charges. Is that fucking fair? I feel for her in many ways."

"Why? She knew what she got into, they both did, what's so fucking sad about it?" Jessica asked angrily.

Angela snarled back, "She was treated like some dumb animal who wouldn't know better. Read the damn report, she even says she would have gladly took the brunt of it, but that was never even offered on the table. He was ruined, she, just pushed aside like a dumb animal. Think about it? If you had a pet you loved so much, and you caught doing something you didn't like, but you don't want to be mean to it. Or worst yet, the world is watching you. You just scold her, and keep her away from whatever she was caught with. And you do it over and over again, but not once explain why or expect much from her since as far as you know, she won't understand, she's not human."

The two boys were starting to get uncomfortable, despite agreeing with the points the two girls were debating about. Jessica clinches her fist, "Don't get me started, I brought this stuff with me incase you and I had this argument." Jessica pulled out her notes and showed it to the boy next to him, then says angrily at Angela, "I found a lot of stuff about animal not knowing any better and would breed their own siblings, other animals, and even commit gay acts."

Angela growls louder at Jessica, then snarls, "You are comparing us to animals again. Stop that fucking shit. If you humans are so fucking great, then why do you humans get caught fucking animals anyways?"

"Says the one promoting it," Jessica taunts.

Angela slams her hand onto the table; her claws sliced through some of the papers and made slash marks on the table, which made the others but Eric jump away. Everyone in class stopped and stared at the wolverine as she breathed heavily in anger. She then put her hand back onto her lap as she snarls sharpy at Jessica, "I am promoting between all sapient beings who can function outside of natural instincts." She then got up and stormed out of the room, snarling loudly, "But then again, I am starting to wonder if Humans are no better since they gleefully jump back onto instinct instead of willingly use their fucking brains." She then left the classroom and slammed the door behind her.

"What the fuck is her problem?" Jessica asked angrily at the boys, "This stuff I got shows animals are not that perfect."

"This is not a debate about how good or bad the animal kingdom is," Eric says seriously, "This is about accepting morphs as fully human that they can mingle with us and other morphs instead of being restricted to just their own kind."

"Oh fuck off, look at how she acts!" Jessica snaps at Eric, "She's in your face snarly all the time, just like a wolverine would be. She is easily agitated..."

"She is like that because we keep jumping back onto what we see and what we are told she would do instead of just giving her a chance to just be herself," Eric angrily responds back.

"Since when did you defend her anyways?" Jessica asked quickly, "Since last week you two have been so buddy buddy that even when she clawed this table, you not once flinched."

Eric says harshly, "Cause I know she's angry at you, and not me and Daniel here. If you guys got a chance to know her, you would start to understand how she functions. Think about it, if she was like a typical morph, her hand would be like our hands. And her hand slamming the table was just her desperately wanting to get your attention. Unfortunately, it gave her the wrong attention."

Jessica just glares at Eric, then says in a flat tone, "Go get Angela and bring her back."

Eric glares at Jessica, then got up and left the room. Daniel watched, then asked, "Why make him go get her?"

Jessica just smirks, "Don't you see with how comfortable he is with her?"

"No, I don't," Daniel shakes his head, wondering where she is going with this.

"You'll see in due time," Jessica just smirks, "You'll see. I think he's recently invested in this project as much as she is."

"That's not a bad thing," Daniel just says quietly.

Jessica glares at him, then says, "It is as if he too is under her bandwagon. Matter of fact, I think they are fucking each other."

"No way," Daniel says in disbelief.

"Oh, I may be wrong," Jessica chuckles, "But it all depends on how long it takes for him to come back, with or without her, and how messed up he looks."

Eric followed the path of objects that got knocked out of way since Angela was blindly running away from the class. He eventually found the trail ended at a Ladies' room far from the classroom, near the administration wing. He chuckles, wondering why she feels so safe near the administration offices as he knocked on the bathroom door, "Angela?"

"Go away," the wolverine snarled loudly behind the door.

Eric chuckles, then cracks the door open so he can be heard clearly, "Come one Angela, you are letting Jessica get under your skin."

"She keeps talking to me like I am some sort of animal. And refuses to see I am anything but an animal," Angela snarls, "I am sick of her shit."

"You are only making her day if you keep storming out like this," Eric says nicely, "Think about it, she doesn't want to do this project. If you storm out, she'll get to tailor the message to what she finds fitting instead of what you would agree too."

After a moment, he heard some movement, then see Angela come around the corner toward the door. She look like she was crying as she came up to him, "Oooooh, that cunning bitch." He moved out of the way as she storms back toward the classroom, "Oh no, she's not going to fuck this up."

Eric grab her by the tail, saying, "Gah, wait, don't go storming back in there looking for a fight."

"And why the fuck not?" Angela snarls as she turn to face him.

"You'll end up fighting her in your current state of mind," Eric says seriously.

"Why? Cause I am a fucking wolverine, therefore it's prudent that I get violent?" Angela asked.

"No," Eric says seriously, "Cause anyone who is as angry and upset as you will throw a punch if pushed enough to. And you are pushed right now. The fact you left to clear your head is a good thing."

Angela sighs, then removes her goggles as she lowered herself so she can be face to face with him. Eric could not help but stare into her foggy eyes as she snarls softly, "Why are you able to understand now that I am just like everyone else? What did I do that got you to start trying to understand me?"

Eric look uneasy, then shrugs, "Heh, I don't know. I guess it helps we are...both...trying to get along?"

Angela chuckles with a huge grin on her face. The lighting in the room blinds her, though all the fuzzy shadows around her make up dark shapes. She moved her head from side to side as she focuses her sight on the dark fuzzy shadow that is Eric's face as she says, "If you all could only see what I see, you would understand how I see the world." She then laughs as she put her dark goggles back on, "Then again, if you had my vision, you would wonder how in the hell I am able to see beauty." She then smiles as she walks calmly back to their classroom, "Come, let's go back to class Eric. Though this time, be less obvious."

Eric blinks, wondering what she meant as they silently went back to class. Though before they got far, he asked, "So why do you always go near the admin wing?"

"No one wants to bother me there," Angela responds, "Jocks leave me alone, the rest flock to the cafeteria area. I am near 4 major exits. And the restrooms have privacy doors at the stalls."

"Wait," Eric get's a big smile on his face, "There's privacy doors on the stalls?"

"Yeah," Angela responds, "Not sure why only at the admin wing. Cause the other restrooms are embarrassing. Last time I had to go in one, a bunch of girls came in and made fun of"

Eric smirks, then takes her hand and lead her along, "Angela noticed his arousal again and blushes, "Hey, we got class."

"Shh," Eric says quickly as he leads her back to the ladies room she was in. Angela got the idea and snarls softly, "Are you sure? We may get caught."

"I am sure, we'll make this quick," Eric chuckles. Angela went in and checked around. She then says, "Clear." Eric came in and lead her to the farthest stall in the back. He closes the door, saying, "Kinda tight in here, but that's okay." She was about to turn around, only to have him hold her in place so her back was facing him.

Eric then undid her pants over her tail, making her whimper in anticipation, "Eric." He put his face on her tail as he reached around her and undid her fly till it was loose, then lowered her pants down. Angela sound embarrassed as she can feel his breathing over her large, dark pink canine-looking cunny. She whimpers, "Don't stare at it."

"But it's sexy," Eric says as he put his right hand onto her left big hip, making her close her eyes, whimpering in anticipation. She then heard him being out his phone and took pictures, making her close her legs, "Hey, not that."

"Aww, but I want to remember everything about you," Eric says softly. He then put his phone to the side, freeing up his right hand. He then traced his fingers over long slit, making her whimper in pleasure. Her sex starts to get very wet as he continues to tease her sex. She does her best to keep quiet as he grab his phone with his left hand and started to take pictures of her aroused sex and him fingering it.

"Eric," she whimpers quietly as she lean her face up against the wall, lost to the pleasures he is giving her.

"Like it?" Eric asked softly.

"Yes," Angela whimpers, "But we'll get caught...AH!"

"Is this your clit?" Eric asked softly as his hands slip in near the tear drop of her sex, finding the nub easily. He put it between his fingers, rubbing it and making her whimper in both fear and pleasure as he says, "Wow, you made it sound like this was huge. This's big, but not as big as me."

"Gonna cum, gonna cum, gonna cum," Angela whimpers repeatedly. She then whimpers quietly, "Oh Eric..." He then gahs as he got splattered with her bodily fluids as she shudders in front of him. He then continues to rub her clit, thinking maybe she'll like it like he likes rubbing his penis. So far it seems to work. Eventually she pants, fighting to get away, "No more, no more." He chuckles as he moves with her and shove his fingers into her sex, making her freeze as she yips." She holds still as he fingers her a few times, wanting to feel her insides. The door to the restroom opened, making her freak out and lower herself. She then grunts in pain as she ended up getting his fist into her love canal. Eric got an idea and wrap his left arm around her waist as he starts to slowly fist her sex. She closes her eyes as she put both hands over muzzle, doing her best not to let a sound escape. Eric carefully makes sure her wet sex won't make much noise. Little noises did come out, but not enough to let the occupant far from them to noticed. They hear the stall door closes, shuffling of clothing. Then the sound of urine pouring into the toilet. From there, the sound of toilet paper being used, clothing shuffling once more, toilet flushing, person leaving stall, washing hands, then leaving through the door. Once the person was gone, Eric fisted Angela fast and quickly, making loud lewd noises as Angela mumbled loudly in her hands. She then whimpers, almost like she's crying when she once again climaxed, spilling more bodily fluids out of her sex.

"Wow, you are so sexy when you cum Angela," Eric tickles a leathery spot in her sex, making her whimper in both pleasure and pain. Once he pulled his hand out, she pushed him so hard against the stall door that they broke the stall lock, sending him flying out. She then quickly cleaned up her sex with toilet paper while getting dressed and ran out of the bathroom, not once saying a word to him. He was knocked unconscious from the throw as she returned to the classroom, looking disturbed.

Angela returns to class, taking her seat at the table. Jessica gave a knowing smile as she whispers to Daniel, "Just as I thought."

The wolverine looked uneasy as she continues to straighten herself out, not saying a word as Daniel asked, "Where's Eric?"

"I don't know, don't care," Angela growls in an angry tone, "He never fucking listens to me."

"What'd he do now?" Jessica asked nicely as she rest her chin on her hands.

Angela just growls, "He just never listens. That's all." The wolverine growls back. She then asks angrily, "What?"

"There's more to this than you are letting on," Jessica says in a sing song way. Before Angela could respond, she says seriously, "Take this or leave it, but I'll give you advice. You are nobody to him if you lock him out."

Angela just glares at Jessica, though doesn't ask what she means. Which makes the girl grin even wider as it confirmed her suspicion. The wolverine snarls under her breath, "What ever. I have no time for stupidity."

"You and me both," Jessica smirks, "You and me both."

"I guess we agree on something," Angela snarls, then got up as the bell rang, "I am going home." She then storms out of the classroom.

Angela ignored the others as she used her cane to help seek her surrounding as she walked toward the normal waiting area for the van. Instead, she smelled two adults rushing straight toward her. "No, this isn't right," Angela growls under her breath as the two got closer, yelling obscenities at her and 'get her' randomly. The wolverine whimpers as she decides to turn around and run back to the building. But with everyone rushing out of the building to catch their bus, she ended up blindly running into people as the crowd around her was either cursing her for running into them. Or asking one another on what's going on as the two adults tackled her. They both then started to proceed to beat her with weapons in their hands, yelling obscenities at her. One man was using a bottle while a lady was beating her with a bat. The students were all in shock as some of the staff came out to remove the two angry adults away from her. Angela just laid on the frozen ground, covering her head as she cried from the beating.

"Okay, okay, break it up," one of the staff said to the the man he held. He was their only morph staff, Mr. Malkovich. The rat then yelled at another staff member, "Someone check to see if she's alright."

"Sure, care about your own kind you fucking mouse," the man yelled as he tries to fight a well fit white rat morph to no avail.

"Don't try it, I am the weightlifting and wrestling coach, don't even try it," Mr. Malkovich demands. He then says, "And I am a rat. If you want to be bigoted, get it right."

The woman who was held down by another staffer yells, "Let me go you jack ass."

The man holding her says, "Only if you stop trying to cause anyone harm."

"Fine," the woman says angrily. The man let go, only to have her turn around and knock him off his feet with her fists held together like in volleyball. By that time, a bunch of soldiers arrived and immediately went in to defuse the situation. The woman tries to swing a punch at one, only to have one warn her that if she continues to fight, they'll be forced to draw their weapons. She then raises her arms, yelling, "What kind of world we live in where the military shows up to a high school?"

Mr. Malkovich lets go of the man he was holding, responding, "Since you and your colleagues demanded there to be a military force ready to handle a threat IF we let Angela there into our school."

"They are supposed to be watching her, not after us," the man yells.

"They are not supposed to get involved unless needed," the rat morph yelled at the man, "That was the agreement. It's bad enough we have these guys hiding nearby with semi-automatics as is. This is YOUR demands, not our requests."

At this point some of the staff including the nurse went up to the crying wolverine to check on her as the school Principal approached the angry mob, "Okay folks, what's the problem...oh, it's you two."

The man angrily responded, "Why is that animal still here? Cause of her our son is dead!" The rest of the students gave a shocked response as Angela started to cry some more as her fears came true once more.

"And once again she was not the one who mauled him," the old man responded, "Those two may have had a spat prior to this..."

"Exactly," the man yells at the principal, "If it wasn't for that monster, he'll be alive now...." The man pulls out a gun, quickly aiming it at where Angela lay, only to have all the soldiers quickly draw out their rifles and aim it at the man. A lot of the students ran from the scene while most of the adults froze. The man yells, "WHY ARE YOU POINTING AT ME? THAT'S THE MONSTER DOWN THERE!"

One of the soldiers, a woman with the name "McCoy" over her breast pocket, responded, "Sir, drop the weapon. The only threat we see right now is you. I repeat, drop the weapon."

"I have the right to defend myself," the man yells at the soldiers.

"There was no threat warranted for you to pull that gun out," McCoy responds firmly, "Put the gun down now!" The man eyes the area and realizes he's got 10 soldiers in the area, all pointing their rifles at him. The soldier then says firmly, "Sir, drop the weapon. I understand you are in grief and are looking for someone to blame. This is not how to solve it. Don't make this worse than it already is now. You surrender your gun and come peacefully now, your charges will be much less than having us force it out of you."

The area was deadly quiet except for Angela who was extremely frightened and scared, uncontrollably crying as she recognized the sounds and smells of the weapons around her. The staff who were near her actually kept close to her, the nurse actually gently petting her head, trying to calm her. The man eyed the area, noticing there's an opening to get a clear shot at Angela. He swings his arm to take aim, only to have McCoy take advantage of him not paying attention to her to tackle him. She quickly put her rifle back behind her as she rushes towards him. She quickly grabbed his gun while using an elbow to jab him in the gut. She then disarmed him as she tripped him onto his back, making him lay there in a daze since it happened too fast. The other soldiers quickly put their rifles away as those who were close rushed up to apprehend the irate parents.

The two parents were escorted away as everyone started to calm down and head back to their daily routines. Though Angela just laid there, crying as the adults around her tried to comfort her. McCoy went up to her, asking gently, "Hey Puppy, you going to be okay?"

"Jenny," Angela sobs as she faces her. Jenny sighs and got on her knees to give a motherly like hug, comforting her and letting her know everything will be alright.

The wolverine sat there in her unit; she hadn't bothered undressing since she got home. She requested to be alone hours ago as she just sat blankly on her office chair. Her whole day was another roller coaster, and she was getting sick of it. She start to growl at nothing as her temper start to get the best of her as she started to yell out, "This is not fair! I am so fucking sick of this!" She got off of her chair and stormed out of her unit, slamming the door behind her. Everyone who was used to never seeing her lose her temper was frozen out of fear as she snarls past everyone, "Out of my fucking way!"

The wolverine started to walk into areas she was not familiar with, which got the attention of a lot of people, "What are you doing here?" One tried to get in her way, only to have her put her large hand gently on his shoulder, tapping her claws over his back and her thumb pressing his chest.

"I want to speak to the heads here. The ones who call themselves my owners," Angela snarls at the guy, "I am tired of this bullshit. I've been nearly killed twice in a week. I am constantly reminded I am nothing more than a monster. I want to just talk. I want to understand why I am being put through all this."

The guys looked uneasy as he brings out a tazer. All the sudden someone came quickly down the hall whose scent Angela recognized. "Don't you dare," the woman yells as she knocks the device out of his hand.

"How dare you?!" The man yells at the soldier, only to have Angela's hand grip the man till he was yelling in pain.

"Angela, let him go," the woman says softly.

"I want fucking answers," Angela snarls loudly in the man's face, "I don't want to hurt any body, I just want to be like you. But I feel the disgust oozing out of you towards me."

"Let go of him," the woman demanded, which Angela did. She then starts to cry, "I am sick of this Jenny."

The man backed away, trying to ignore the pain as Jenny coaxes the wolverine to follow her, "I understand. But you are in no positions to barge into certain places without risks of harm to yourself. They are not going to answer your question, just be thankful you are alive and chalk up another day."

The man just watched as the two walk away, then storms toward a meeting room, looking very angry. The others noticed and asked him what's up, only to have him say angrily, "That soldier who was in here earlier about Subject 1508 is correct." The others were going to argue, only to have him say, "Shut up, that monster almost killed me if it wasn't for Ms. McCoy. It seems to be able to read my thoughts and emotions. It's un-nerving." One asked for him to explain, which he responds, "The creature claims it doesn't want to harm anyone, but just like any human being who had been cornered, it is starting to lash out for any form of answers to comfort its mind. I never seen our subject get mad like that. Nor break out in tears in split seconds. It's been attacked twice in a week, and I don't know what are its demands, other than it wants to talk."

"Okay, so it wants to talk, so what? We have no time for frivolous things," one responded.

Another one says, "If it seeks answers from us, then it knows more about its surroundings than we give it credit for. Blind or not, sapient or not."

The man who started the debate says flatly, "That's it, I don't want to take any more chances of it going mad in our halls. We've already got the nation watching us with this project, it's made alliances with the school we fought to get it into. We can't just terminate the subject now despite it is starting to get out of control. I notion--no--insist we grant McCoy custody of the subject."

"We've gone over this...," one of the men grumbles, only to be cut off.

"We are out of time," the man yelled, "I guarantee you if that creature gets into harm's way again outside of this lab, it will not hesitate to hunt us down this time."

"So we'll terminate it, simple," one man grumbled.

"I just told you, we can't just terminate it without risking some sort of backlash somewhere," the man responded. He then says, "You were not out there, that creature had me held in its hands. And it was crushing me the moment it realized I tried to stun it. While this was happening, the soldiers were eyeing ME. ME I tell you, not the creature, ME. They watched her, but they responded to ME. I am telling you, they may be under our command, but they are obviously sympathetic towards it."

"Most of them are all morphs," one responded, "Hence why we assign humans to 1508's unit."

"Yes, see the problem?" the man says angrily.

The others start to go silent as one says, "Okay, fine, let's do this now. All to give custody of Subject 1508 to Private First Class Jenny McCoy, yay or nay?" Everyone responded yes. He then sighs and angrily got on his laptop, "Okay, fine, we'll type it up, notarize it, and get the process going ASAP. May the Lord have mercy on that woman's soul."

"Finally, we can wash our hands off of this mess that brat got us into," the man grumbles.

Angela lay in her bed, not able to sleep as her unit's door opened up. The wolverine sniffs the air, wondering who it is. She then jumps out of bed as she realized who it was. The man who came in jumped back in fright as Angela got right in front of him, snarling, "Coming back to collect, Jeremiah?"

"NO!" The man says in fright.

The wolverine laughs at him as she finds his reaction funny, making him stutter a little. He was about to point his finger at her when she snarls under her breath, "You are pathetic. You are not on the schedule, so don't try to blackmail me. A month ago would have been very easy to push me into a corner, but you know, it's funny how nearly being killed twice made me realize there's things much more scarier than having people find out I have a nasty, kinky side."

"No one respects an animal on instinct," Jeremiah retorts.

"No one likes to have anyone come into their unit while they are asleep, you sexual predator you," Angela growled in a sing song way. She then smirks as she snarls, "You made a big mistake. You are trespassing, and I hate myself."

"What does loving yourself have to do...GAH," Jeremiah asked, only to get thrown at the door, making the door break in two as he flies through it.

Security quickly ran up to the door to grab him and check on her. One of them asked her if she was alright, she responded, "This creep snuck in my room while I was asleep." As they take him away, she just crawls back into her bed, not caring she's nude or her door broken. As far as she's concerned, she's just an animal, nothing more. Despite it's obvious they are taking her side for throwing Jeremiah out of her unit, she wants to be asleep in case they do harm her for protecting herself.