Marshall's Love Adventure - Ch 7

Story by BlaykeWinterwolf on SoFurry

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#7 of Paw Patrol Love Tales

Zuma was avoiding the Dalmatian at all costs. After everyone had eaten their breakfast, all the pups went to play. Since Marshall couldn't really move around much, he just laid down for most of the day, watching the others play. Whenever Zuma realized that Marshall was getting closer to him, Zuma would run off and go somewhere else. Marshall was more confused than ever. He felt the urge to tell the Chocolate Lab how he had really felt about him all this time. On the other hand, why was Zuma avoiding him? Was it something that he said or that he did? He needed answers to get things straight. As he stood up to look for the brown pup, he saw his best friend Chase walking by.

"Hey, Chase!"

"Hey, Marshall! What's up?" The German Shepherd wagged his tail as he walked over to where the Dalmatian was standing.

"Have you seen Zuma?"

"I think he's down by the beach. How come?"

Marshall sighed as he went back to laying down.

"Hey, Marshall? What's wrong buddy?" The worried pup laid down next to the spotted pup's side.

"I just think that Zuma has been avoiding me...all since this morning..."

"Why would he be doing that?" Chase tilted his head to the side in confusion.

"I don't know...I found him this morning sleeping next to a tree and when I woke him up, he was acting all weird. We haven't spoken since, and there is something I really need to tell him..."

"What do you need to tell him?" Chase was still confused about the whole thing.

"I...I can't tell you...I'm sorry Chase, but I just can't.."

"Marshall, you know you can tell me anything right? I mean, I've known you since Paw Patrol started! We were the very first two pups along with Ryder!"

Just then, their collars lit up. "Paw Patrol, to the lookout!" Called out Ryder.

"I gotta go, Marshall. But please, let me know what's going on."

And with that, Chase rushed to the lookout. Marshall stayed behind, for obvious reasons. As he turned around, he saw Zuma leave along with Ryder and Skye.

"That's it!" Marshall thought to himself. "This needs to end now. When Zuma gets back from the mission, we are going to talk."

Marshall's Love Adventure - Ch 8

The pups arrived back from their mission, a job well done as anyone would've suspected. It was starting to get pretty late in the day. Clouds had rolled in, filling the sky as the wind started to pick up. Despite the wind and the clouds, Rocky and...

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Marshall's Love Adventure - Ch 6

Marshall gave a loud and long yawn, stretching his body in the process. He gently walked out of his pup house and looked up at the bright blue sky, the sun just barely over the horizon. It was a beautiful morning, one that matched his beautiful dream....

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Marshall's Love Adventure - Ch 5

Zuma had trouble sleeping that night. A thought was persistent in his mind, causing him to toss and turn. When he closed his eyes, all he could picture was Marshall. Those big beautiful blue eyes that would even make the ocean jealous. The Dalmatian's...

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