2. Resonance

Story by NiceSand on SoFurry

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#2 of The Smallest Witch

Ethyl giggled mischeviously to herself. The clit-trap was devious, even for her. An attractive "branch", just the right size and completely smooth. When Crystal slid herself all the way down, she was, in a sense, betrayed by her own arousal. The wood grew tightly around her clit, squeezing just enough to keep it plump and hold it firmly in place. Oh, Crystal could escape it if she had to, but it would hurt like crazy. Besides, despite her protests, she was still desperately in need of an orgasm. And that suited Ethyl just fine. * * * "Hello? Ethyl?" Crystal was frantic, twisting her body this way and that, trying to spot the mosquito-witch. "Come on, Ethyl, this isn't funny. Where are you? Don't leave me like this!" She knew that her panic was creeping into her voice. Actually, a wry part of her mind reflected, it had already crept in, settled down, built a house, and would soon be having several panic-children. Caught up in her fear, the cat didn't notice what was happening at first. Every turn and shift made the branch rub slightly on her insides. Her trapped clit was stretched and kneaded by her motions, creating, in effect, a wooden massage. Even her pussy lips slid slightly on the smooth trunk, adding incrementally to the sensation. A slight shudder of the trunk caused a matching tremble in Crystal, pleasure slicing through her mental disorder like a knife. She blinked. "Ethyl?" she asked again, abruptly remembering the circumstances and manner of her entrapment... and Ethyl's promise. The shudder came again, and the bound feline's fur stood on end with goosebumps. Her mind cleared, simple confusion shoving the panic out of the way. Ethyl said she was going to help me get off. She didn't mean, she couldn't have meantâ€" Another tremble went through wood and flesh, noticeably stronger this time. Without meaning to, she found herself pressing down onto the trunk, eyes narrowing. Maybe, she thought, maybe this won't be so bad after all. * * * On one end of the trunk, Ethyl had seated herself on her own miniature wooden dildo. Technically speaking, Ethyl wasn't precisely a mosquito, but rather a tiny, mosquito-like humanoid. At the moment, though, her impossibly small mind was not pondering such mundane details. Instead, she was rhythmically humping the dildo inside her, carefully timing her thrusts but with no less passion than the fur above. With every stroke, she pumped a little of her magic into the tree, reinforcing and strengthening the growing vibration. In her mind, Ethyl could see magic and physics at work, sweeping across the log and back like water sloshing in a tub. She rode the waves like a bit of wood floating on the surface, rising up as it came close, and then shoving herself back down and grinding on the delightful surface as she helped it move away just a little faster. Back and forth flowed the tremor in the tree, and each stroke of Ethyl's tiny pussy on the almost-invisible dildo sent it just a bit higher. Ethyl's own, purely internal tide was getting closer to overflowing as well, and Crystal's moans confirmed her own state. * * * Crystal moaned louder as the wooden dildo and clit holder shook once more. Granted, this wasn't exactly what she'd expected when she sat down, but after neglecting her body for months, she wasn't complaining! Another vibration passed through the log and her tender flesh, and Crystal humped the wood without restraint, adding what little she could to the already exquisite tingles running through her nether regions. Shake, pause. Shake, pause. Again and again the not-quite-impromptu sex toy shook, sending a shiver of pleasure through Crystal. Already, she could feel her climax rising, and she welcomed it with open arms as a friend too long away. A small, almost inaudible gasp was her only warning of the change. In an instant, the wave that had been washing over Crystal and the log broke, spending all of its accumulated energy in one grand finale, at the same time stronger, gentler, and more personal than any vibrator Crystal had ever had. Just as suddenly, the dam within Crystal collapsed, and her orgasm rose into being. It was like a phoenix rising from the ashes of the last six months. The overwhelming perfection of it was too much for Crystal to bear, and she opened her mouth, releasing her passions to the wind in a high, keening wail. Crystal's pussy gripped the tree rhythmically, as if trying to give back the glorious percussion it had received. Her clit tried to pulse inwards as well, but was was held back by the surrounding wood, the unfamiliar but quite welcome feeling sending Crystal's pleasure even higher. At the end of the tree, Ethyl moaned, feeling Crystal's orgasm wash over her while her own was still in full bloom. Despite the ecstasy dominating her thoughts, Ethyl managed to reach for her magic and redirect some of her own peak back at Crystal, causing the two climaxes to feed off of one another and resonate even higher, much like the tree had moments before. Before Crystal had a chance to recover her breath, it was forced out of her again, as a completely foreign yet exciting climax joined hers, the two seeming to compete in a pleasure-filled Battle of the Bands, each trying to top the other. She ground herself against the wood, gripping it tightly and feeling as though she could identify every last molecule of it from touch alone. Crystal's time with Beth had not begone to prepare her for this. There was almost no emotion to it, just pure, unadulterated, unfiltered, and undiluted pleasure. Every aspect of it seemed tailor-made to send her own enjoyment higher and deeper. Her entire being was reduced to her pussy and clit, and she revelled in it. This was surely what sex was made for. At long last, when Crystal and Ethyl both thought they could surely take no more, their shared orgasm reached its end. With continuing spasms and twinges of joy, the two women returned to themselves, both feeling nothing but pleasure, contentment, and a sense that if anything was wrong with the world, it could damn well wait for a bit. Panting, Crystal was both pleased and slightly disappointed to discover that the insidious but wonderful tree had released her clit. She tried to slide herself off of the phallic branch, but found her muscles too weak to lift even her light frame. Instead, she settled for cupping her mound and the poor, neglected clit that was, just now, feeling both worn out and completely satisfied. Rather like the rest of her. * * * For a few minutes, Ethyl just smiled to herself, enjoying the afterglow and pleased that her magic had released Crystal before she even consciously thought of it. In the end, though, even she was forced to admit that she'd rested more than long enough, so with a stretch, she spread her wings and flew upward, moaning lightly as the somewhat-forgotten dildo slipped out of her. After taking a moment to collect herself again, she flew up in front of Crystal and said, "Enjoy that?" Startled out of her reverie, Crystal looked up and struggled to focus on the tiny black spot hovering in front of her. "Yes, that was amazing. I wish you'd asked first, though." "Heh, I had to beat you over the crotch with a stick before you were ready to believe I existed, and now you're telling me I should have asked first? Come on, do you honestly think you were in any state to listen to me, even before I showed you my log?" Crystal frowned. "Well, when you put it that way, maybe not. Ask next time, though, okay?" The little speck seemed to dance around a bit. "You got it." Crystal narrowed her eyes and said, "What are you, anyway?" The question could have been an insult, but Crystal pitched it as simple curiosity and confusion. A tiny giggle rang out. "I just told you a few minutes ago, silly. I'm a mosquito, and a witch." "A witch?" "A sex witch, to be precise. That was an excellent orgasm, by the way, I haven't had this much magic to work with in years, maybe even decades." Crystal flushed. "Thanks, I guess. I would have said it was more your work, though. Was that your orgasm I felt in the middle?" "Uh-huh. I was already feeling yours, so it only seemed fair to share mine. I do that with the birds sometimes, but they don't seem to appreciate it very much. You were much more fun." "Huh. So, you're a sex witch? How does that work? Do you get your powers from sex, or use them for sex?" Ethyl's tiny form flew around again, a sign Crystal was beginning to read as happiness. "A bit of both. I produce a little power on my own, but someone else's orgasms really charge me up, and you're really good for that. And you've seen, or rather felt, some of what I can do. But I can do other stuff, too, if I've got enough magic." "Interesting. So you could, for instance, teleport yourself to somewhere else?" "Well, I can now. I didn't have enough energy to get out of this swamp before, and now, I've found you." She giggled. "I like you, you're hot. I bet I could do anything if I stayed with you for a while!" Crystal smiled. "I think I'd like that." * * *

A bit shorter than I'd like, but this is where the chapter break fell. And, hey, two stories in a day (by my sleep clock, at least) is pretty darn good. I don't think I'll keep up a rate like that, but we'll see, won't we? Not sure yet just what I'll do in chapter 3, but Crystal should reach the next village, which opens up all sorts of interesting possibilities. I think I'll keep it female-only, at least for now. I just don't think that either of them is particularly interested in men.