I lied, a little.

Story by Teslare on SoFurry

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Tragic ain't it. Tragedy bound they say. Probably saw it coming, I know I sure did.

I'm going on more than one final adventure. I've learned from some of the Freljord summoners here that Ashe and her people are going to venture further north to try and shove Lissandra from power there. That means I may be able to go and find my people... Even rescue them if possible. If I can sneak along side Ashe, I'll be able to easily get to my tribe. Even if it takes days or weeks I will get to them, and I will save them. I'll write again when I've joined up, or at least attempted to, with Ashe's forces.

I'm here. There was a small complication on my way here. A group of bandits attacked the caravan I had joined that was on there way north. They... Well.. They're dead bodies now... Apparently my ice magic isn't just... regular magic. It sought to protect me... Kinda... I don't understand fully. And I'm glad I'm at the back of the caravan. I hope I can control this. I've never felt this much power before. Maybe it's because I'm getting closer to the Freljord, closer to more ice and snow. The glowing... It's back. It's faint but it's back. I'm worried, maybe I should go back... No... I can't go back now. I've come too far and I will save my people.

I've made it. I've caught up to the army and I'm heading even more north now. They welcomed a pair of hands it seems. Woah. I've never seen this guy before, he has a gigantic shield... No its a... Door? Well I'm glad he's on our side none the less. If he can carry a thing that big with no... Is that a poro? That's a poro. They're following the big guy. He's a poro herder! I didn't know those existed. That's pretty awesome.

We started moving almost instantly. I remember these surroundings we're getting close to my tribe we're almost there. We'll... I'll be there with my friends and family again soon. I hope they're okay. This will be quite the reunion. After so long I'll be able to see my mom and dad again. This will be great. And even if they're not freed. At least I can see them again. Before being chased out like a plague.

I split off the main group. They wont notice me missing. I've arrived at the outskirts of my village already and I can see bustle about.

I walked in and received a greeting I didn't expect my mother and father came running up to me, hugging me and kissing me, I didn't expect it. Then thy saw my paw and they knew they had to show me to the Elder. I hope everything is alright. I'm so happy to be back. It's... Awesome... To be here... I can't believe I'm back... I can't believe everything is alright...

I just talked with the Elder of our village. I learned a lot.. I learned... a lot... There's... Something I've forgot to mention. I happen to be the runt of the litter. Yeah Six foot runt. When I was a little pup, I had a shard of True Ice placed in my paw, and it melded with me. They did it so I could survive the winters without needing so much extra care. But it had the unprecedented side effect of turning me into a Frost Wolf. Heh quite a coincidence isn't it? I called myself a Frost Wolf before I knew I was one. The magic it's like Lissandra's apparently which is why I was able to break free once it started manifesting itself. I'm allowed back into the village and we're going to join the Avarosan's. My life is really taking a huge turn around. I'll write more tomorrow. I'm sleepy and it's been an exciting day.

... Everyone's....Everyone's dead... The Frostguard attacked... They... They killed my pack... After I had been reunited...

I... Don't understand... I'm back with the Avarosan's... They... Said they'd found me surrounded in bodies of soldiers... Frostguard they said... Filled with spikes of ice and even I was covered in some strange ice crystals... I don't know... If I should go back to the Institute of War... Or head to Piltover in the first place... If I can just lose control like this... I'm... I'm going to head back to the Institute of War and rest and recover... Maybe I'll... I don't know... Lock myself away... Like Nocturne or Fiddlesticks...