A Masters Betrayal - Part 2

Story by Malakye on SoFurry

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#2 of A Masters Betrayal

This story contains scenes and/or references of M/M sex and should not be read by anyone under the age of 18. (21 in certain countries and states) Also if M/M sex offends you please turn back now, I will not be responsible for any repercussions you face by reading this.

You have been warned.


This is my second story and I hope you enjoy it as much as the first if not more so. Thanks to all of you for your kind words, encouragement and advice. Enjoy.


A Masters Betrayal

Part 2

I don't know how long I lay there, but I didn't sleep. I had lain there all night listening to Dean crying. The fur under my eyes was matted from my own tears which I had shed listening to the one fur that made my life happy crying his heart out, and I had caused that. How could I have been so stupid? I had pondered that all night but still had nothing to say for myself.

The darkness fled as the sun rose, its light shining in through the cracks in the curtains. The morning sun even as obscured as it was by the curtains illuminated the room giving it a yellowish tint as it tried to penetrate them. The light brought me out of my daze, bringing me crashing back to reality. Even then as I became aware of where I was and why I was here and not in my bed I just lay there, saying nothing, doing nothing with fresh tears flowing from my eyes as I went through what happened last night in mind for god knows how many times. I just lay there as the morning sun continued to rise illuminating the room even further.

I was cold. I had lain on the couch all night curled up and naked. ‘I deserve to be cold.' I thought to myself, ‘I deserve a lot worse too after what I did to him. I should die right here if it would ease his suffering.' That's when I realised I couldn't hear Dean crying anymore. ‘Good, he's asleep. Maybe when he wakes up he'll feel better but I doubt that. I hope he forgives me, I don't know what I would do if he left me. I don't think I could cope without seeing his smile every day. Why would he forgive me? It took him a lot to ask me to be his Master, his protector. I even swore to him here, right here where I'm laying, that I would never let anyone hurt him. God, I'm such a fucking asshole, I'm as much of an asshole as Deans last Master. No I'm worse than that, I not only raped Dean but I promised him that I would never let it happen again and then and went and did it to him myself.'

I continued to lay there crying as I beat myself up, my tears soaking into the already tear soaked fabric of the couch turning it a darker shade of brown. That's when I heard the screaming. I sat bolt upright in fright as I heard it. The screaming was coming from the bedroom.

"Dean!" I said aloud.

I scrambled off the couch, leapt over the glass coffee table and ran down the hall towards the screaming. It only took seconds to get to the bedroom door but each one seemed like an eternity, my heart was pounding so hard I felt like it was going to burst right through my chest, and that scream, god I felt a piece of me die, it was a scream of absolute terror.

I grabbed the door handle and pushed. The door didn't budge. I shook the handle and bashed my shoulder against the door trying to get it to open, and then it dawned on me,

"He locked it."

The screaming continued and wasn't letting up, god what was happening to him in there? I hammered on the door with my fist.

"Dean! Dean, open up. DEAN!!!" I shouted as I hammered on the solid oak door. The screaming stopped suddenly leaving a deafening silence which froze me to the spot. I heard sobbing from the other side of the door.

"DEAN, are you alright? Please answer me Dean." The panic in voice was plainly obious. "Please Dean. Answer me." I sobbed.

"LEAVE ME ALONE!!!" Dean's voice was cracking under the stress.

"Please Dean I'm sorry. Let me in I just want to make sure you're ok." The tears started flowing from my eyes again down my muzzle and onto the wooden floor below.

"Just go away. I don't want you anywhere near me."

Those words stung me to the core. My eyes wide in shock as I just stood there listening to Dean cry. My legs started to give way as I slumped against the wall opposite the door and slid down until I was sitting on the cold wooden floor. ‘He hates me, he really hates me.' I thought as I sat there on floor. ‘I can't blame him though, I hate myself as well.' I lay down on my side and curled up into myself making myself as small as possible trying to disappear. I wished that the ground would open up and swallow me whole. I lay there for hours on that freezing cold floor wishing for it to happen, just wishing for it to end until I eventually passed out.

I awoke curled up in a ball on the hall floor and lay there contemplating everything that had happened since last night. There were no noises coming from the bedroom at least none that I could hear anyway. I decided to get up and relive myself; I got up my right side numb from laying on the cold floor and my arms and legs voicing their complaint of having been stuck in the same position for hours. After a few popping joints and a groan I had managed to bring myself to my feet. Using the wall for support I limped my way down the few feet to the bathroom door and leaving the door open so I could hear Dean if he made any noise hoping deep down he would call for me but knowing deep down that it would never happen. After relieving myself I decided to take a shower hoping it would make me feel a little better. I turned on the shower leaving it to warm up before getting in. I catch a glimpse of myself in the mirror. I look terrible. My fur on my face is matted and crusty from the dried tears, I have bags under my eyes from the lack of sleep and my fur is flat and lifeless from lying on the floor. I don't recognise the image that stares back at me from the mirror. Staring at the mirror I give a weak laugh and say,

"What's happened to you? Why do you need to rely on others to get by? Look at yourself, you're a wreck. If it wasn't for Dean you'd be in gutter that is if you hadn't killed yourself first." I clench my jaw and ball my fist so tight that my claws pierce the skin drawing blood. "You're a weak, poor excuse of a wolf that can't even save himself" I scream throwing my right fist into the mirror shattering it. I stand there panting, my fist still stuck in the shattered remnants of the mirror. I stare down into the sink, a hundred reflections a wolf staring back at me from the shards of glass that landed in the sink. The stinging sensation in my hand draws my attention from the reflections; I pull my hand from the mirror more shards falling into the sink below. My hand is a mess, there are shards of glass sticking out of it and blood everywhere, there's even a trail of blood flowing down the remains of the mirror. My blood runs down my arm as I stare at my ruined hand.

"Dean would have been happier if I had killed myself." I look into the sink and pick up a large shard of the shattered mirror, its five inches long and three inches wide tapering off to sharp point. I stand there looking at the shard for a few moments before making my way to the shower. I get in and stand under the nearly scalding hot water closing the door behind me. I place the shard on the shelf that holds the bottles of shampoo and pick up a bottle of my favourite shampoo, ‘Wolves Bain all purpose shampoo'. I pour it into my hand and begin rubbing it into my fur, lathering up first my head fur then my chest and all the way down to my feet making sure to remove every piece of dirt that could be in my fur. I put the bottle back on the shelf and stand there under the scalding water letting it run down my entire body, my hands pressed against the wall as I stare at the shard. After a couple of minutes I pick up the shard and hold it against my wrist. I hold it there, unable to move, unable to make the cut. My breathing becomes heavy and erratic; I press the glass harder into my wrist breaking the skin slightly drawing a small drop of blood which gets washed away in the heavy stream of water from the shower. I clench my jaw and force my eyes shut, and hold my breath as my whole body tenses as I prepare to slash.

I froze. I didn't move, think or even breathe. I stood their stock still with the shard of glass pressed tightly into my wrist before collapsing into the corner or the shower. I dropped the shard of broken mirror and it hit the floor with a chink and skated across to the other side of the shower as I sat there under the beating water of the shower, watching my blood mix with the water and make its way down the plug hole.

"I'm such a coward."

I had broken the skin on my wrist but hadn't pressed hard enough to catch any of the arteries. I sat there looking at the cut for long time, so long in fact that the water had long gone cold but yet I still sat there under the freezing cold water, thinking about my Dean, my cubs, my wife and all the moments that had occurred since that night 6 months ago. That was until the shrill ringing of the phone brought me out of my self induced daze. I let it ring for a couple of minutes before getting up to answer it, whoever was phoning was not going to give up. I stood up and turned off the shower and walked down the hall naked, leaving a trail of water behind me to the living room. I picked up the phone from its cradle and pressed the answer button.

"Hello?" I croaked.

"Ahh Douglas you finally answered. It's Gabriel here." Came the all too cheery voice of my boss and good friend Gabriel Hammersmith.

"Oh! Hey Gabriel what's up?"

"I called to see why you aren't at work. I was worried it's not like you not to come in without calling."

"Oh crap! I'm really sorry Gabriel I had a bad night last night. I'll get ready and be in as soon as I can."

"Don't bother it's already 3:30 it hardly worth your while. Look is it alright if I pop by and see you after work? I'm worried about you. You don't sound like yourself." Gabriel's voice was full of concern.

"NO! I mean if it's all the same with you I'd rather if you didn't."

"That's it now I'm definitely worried. I'm coming round! I'm going to find out what's bothering you." Once Gabriel set himself a goal he is relentless, he will do anything in order to achieve it.

"Please Gabriel..." He hung up. "Shit! That's all I need." I looked round the room with the phone still in my hand. ‘At least the place is tidy, that should help ease his mind. I need to get rid of him so I can figure out what to do about Dean.' I thought to myself. Then I realised that not only was I naked but I was still soaking wet and all my clothes were still in the bedroom. ‘Crap! If he sees me like this I'll never get rid of him. I need to get some clothes but I can't go into the bedroom and even if I could get in I don't think I could bring myself to go in there.' Then I had an idea. ‘He finishes work at 5 so he won't be here for another 2 hours easy, so I can see if there are any clothes in the utility room I can wash and dry before he gets here.' I dash through to the utility room which was on the opposite side of the kitchen.

As I opened the door my nose was assaulted by the strong smell of washing powder and the musty smell of wet clothes. It is a small room at the back of the house with a door leading to the back garden with a washing machine and dryer sitting atop each other at the end of the room by the backdoor and a large chest freezer at the end of the room by the door to the kitchen with 5 feet of counter top between them. The room was just wide enough for two people to move past each other without too much difficulty. I opened the door of the washing machine to find Dean and I's workout clothes. They were clean but still wet so I bung them into the dryer above and turn it on for about 80 minutes. Then I notice the large cut on my wrist as well as the cuts on my knuckles and fingers.

"Shit if he sees that I'll never get rid of him."

I go back into the kitchen and pull out the first aid kit and sit it on the table before making my way back through to the bathroom to grab a towel to dry my matting fur. As I reach the bathroom door I pause and look up the hall towards the bedroom. My ears flatten to my head and I enter the bathroom to see the devastation that I had made. The mirror was completely shattered, the frame sat lopsided on the wall above the sink and there was glass everywhere and a trail of blood flowing from the centre of the mirror and down the wall to the sink below. There was also a trail of blood on the floor leading to the shower.

"I'd better get this cleaned up before Gabriel gets here or god knows what he'll do."

I dry myself off and headed back through to the kitchen to treat my wounds before cleaning up the mess in the bathroom. I cleaned and dressed my wounds in a bandage. As I put away the first aid kit I heard the front door open and someone shout.


My eyes went wide, I stood there in the middle of the kitchen in my naked glory frozen to the spot like a deer caught in the headlights as he walked into the living room and saw me through the open door.

"Oh shit! Sorry." He said covering his eyes and looking away. "Sorry but I let myself in." He explained waving the spare key I keep under a plant pot outside. Gabriel is a black panther; He's about 6"2 and has a slim muscular build due to the amount of running he did in school and the years after where still he constantly takes part in competitions. He has dark green eyes with slits as most felines do; he was wearing his usual grey work suit with a white shirt and a blue tie with small pictures of fish skeletons on it.

"What are you doing here Gabriel?"

"I told you I was coming." He explained.

"You said you were coming after work, it's just after 4 and the bank shuts at 5."

"Yeah well I was worried about you so I took an early day." He peeked round his hand and shifted nervously. "Look I don't really have a problem with being in the same room as other naked males but I find it uncomfortable talking to you like this. Can you put some clothes on?"

"Uh...I kind of don't have any to put on. The clothes in the dryer are still wet."

"Okay..." he said with a hint of curiosity, "What about the rest of your clothes, surely you have some clothes in the bed room?"

My ear flattened to my head and I look away from him, "I can't go in there."

"Why not?"

"Dean's in there."I whispered just loud enough for him to hear me, my shoulders slumping in depression at the very thought of him.

"Why does...oh!" He walked over to me forgetting about the naked issue for the moment and gave me a hug.

"So you and Dean have had a spat huh?" He said breaking the hug holding me by the shoulders and looking me in the eyes.

"Look whatever it is I'm sure you two will work it out. I've seen you two together; you're perfect for each other."

"I don't think so..." I trailed off tears forming in my eyes.

"Why? What happened between you two? What could have possibly happened that the two of you that you couldn't work things out..."

"BECAUSE I FUCKING RAPED HIM!!!" I screamed as I collapsed to my knees sobbing. I held my head in my hands as I sat there crying. Gabriel backed away as I screamed at him letting go of me. He stood there for a few moments before he was able to speak.

"You did what???"

"I ra...raped him." I managed to splutter between my choked sobs.

Gabriel removed his suit jacket and put it round my shoulders and helped me to my feet and escorted me from the kitchen to the living room and lay me on the couch where I had spent the night. He kneeled on the floor next to me and patted me on the shoulder in a vain attempt to comfort me.

"I'm going to make you a drink ok?"

I nodded and he went over to the dresser which sat against the wall next to the hall doorway. He grabbed two tumblers and a bottle of whisky and returned to his position on the floor next to the couch; he placed the glasses on the coffee table and poured out two drinks for us. He sat me up and placed the glass in my hand.

"Drink it; it'll make you feel better."

I nodded and downed it in one gulp. I felt the liquid coat my gullet as it slid down my throat giving a slight burning sensation that warmed me to my core. After finishing his own he sat on the edge of the coffee table and he asked,

"Feel better?" I nodded in response. He took the whisky bottle and refilled both our glasses. "Good, now tell me everything that happened."

I told him everything. All the gory details that happened between me and Dean last night, the screaming, about how Deans former Master had raped him and the events that had transpired in the bathroom before he arrived. By the time I was done we had finished half the bottle and I was a wreck. I was visibly shaking. He went to see the carnage that was left of the bathroom to see it for him-self. He had known about how Dean and I had met and my first attempt at taking my life and how Dean had stopped me but I had never told him about Deans previous Master and he just sat there, letting me tell him all of it. If he had asked anything at the time I would have told him, he has this effect on me where I lose my guard around him, I think that's why I became such close friends with him; the only other person that had that effect on me was Dean. He returned from the bathroom with a very concerned look on his face and even though he had black fur he seemed a little ‘whiter' than normal.

"You really were going to kill yourself weren't you?" I nodded my head. "What stopped you?" I looked at him with pain in my eyes. "I mean there was no-one here to stop you, so what made you stop?" The look he gave me was one of sheer pain, he knew it hurt me but needed to know.

"I...I was thinking about my cubs. It was something Dean had told me when we first met. What would they think of me if I did that to myself? What would it do to them? I couldn't put them through that, I couldn't bear knowing that they were upset, especially if I was the one who caused them that pain, but I can't live with myself knowing what I've done to Dean."

He sat down next to me and embraced me and for the first time today even though it was only for a moment, I felt safe and comfortable, even a little happy as I breathed in Gabriel's scent. He smelt like fresh pine and earth. As soon as he broke the hold I felt guilty about it though. ‘How can I be happy when Dean isn't? I'm not worthy of feeling such thing, not after all the pain I've caused.'

"I'm going to check on Dean, just wait here a bit."

With that he made his way down the hall to the bedroom, I watched him from the couch. He gently knocked on the door and said something, what he said I couldn't hear but it seemed like he asking Dean to open the door. It was obvious from where I was sitting that things weren't going well, I couldn't tell whether Dean was talking to Gabriel or not or if Gabriel was trying to get Dean to talk to him and not succeeding but after about ten minutes he made his way back to where I was sitting waiting with much anxiety to hear what was said.

"Well?" I asked not succeeding in trying to hide my desperation.

"All I got was a load of growls and grunts out of him I don't know what to make of it and he's also locked the door. I could open it but I don't think that will help matters."

"Sigh...I wish I could take it back, I didn't mean to hurt him."

"I know buddy, I know. Let's get some food in you I'm sure you haven't eaten." My stomach gave a loud noise of agreement causing me to blush.

"I'll take that as a yes then shall I?" he snickered.

I made a slight smile and followed him to the kitchen and helped him make some food. We made chicken noodle soup from scratch, it smelt delicious, and I could hardly wait for it to be ready. I was dressed now as the clothes were now dry; I was dressed in some loose black jogging bottoms and a tight black tank top. Once the soup was ready Gabriel ladled out three bowls of soup and gave one to me and placed the other on the table at the place opposite me. He placed the third on a tray with a couple of slices of bread and made his way to the bedroom with it. I waited for him to return before eating. He came back a couple of very long minutes later and sat down and began tearing a piece of bread apart to dip into his soup.

"I left the food outside the door, we'll see if he eats it. If he doesn't I'm going to unlock the door and check on him just to make sure there's nothing seriously wrong with him. It's a bad idea to force him out of the room but we may need to."

I nodded my head hoping that Dean would eat the food then at least I'd know he was alright, well as alright as he can be anyway. We ate in relative silence and sat there for a while afterwards postponing what could be a very unpleasant experience for all parties.

"Maybe we should leave him till tomorrow morning." I said breaking the heavy silence. Gabriel looked at me curiously.

"It hasn't been a day yet and I know for a fact he didn't get any sleep last night so maybe its best we let him sleep tonight."

"Maybe your right, you don't mind if I stay do you?"

"No I'd be glad if you did. I would only dwell on what had happened and probably try to...well you know."

"I understand. So where will we sleep? You only have one couch."

"Well there's the kids room, there are two single beds in there."

"That'll do nicely. Thank god it's Saturday tomorrow, I wouldn't want to go in and leave either of you alone." I smiled and nodded in agreement.

"Thank you Gabriel, for everything."

"What're friends for if they can't help you in your hour of need? Now then let's get this place tided up and go to bed; you look like you need the sleep."

We cleaned the room and made our way out of the kitchen and living room and up the hall past the bathroom and the tray of uneaten food outside the master-bedroom to the door at the end of the hall. I paused at the door and took a deep breath.

"Something the matter?"

"No, it's just that I haven't been in here since Dean and I got together. When Sarah left me I pretty much spent my entire time in here just so I could smell my kid's scents, just so I could imagine that they were still there." Gabriel placed a comforting hand on my shoulder.

"I understand, take your time."

I opened the door slowly and walked in, the room had a warm glow from the setting suns light beaming in the window but still had that cold air about it from being unused for so long. Opposite the door against the wall were two single beds both matching dark blue bed sheets; a window was set in the wall which had Blue and white striped curtains set between them with a bedside cabinet with a lamp and clock on it along with numerous small action figures littering its surface underneath the window. Toys still littered the floor, almost like the kids had just left it. Placed at the head of each bed sitting on the pillows were the kid's favourite soft toys that I had gotten them the previous Christmas. I stood there in the doorway taking in the room.

"Are you sure it's okay if we sleep in here? If it makes you more comfortable I'll sleep on the couch." I turned to speak to him,

"Seriously it's okay, really." I beckoned him into the room.

We got undressed and I stole a peek or two of his slender well toned body while he had his back turned. We climbed into bed and I lay there in the encroaching darkness with the scent of my cubs still lingering in the air and mixing with Gabriel's scent, relaxing and comforting me and soon enough sleep took hold of my tired and emotionally weary mind.


I awoke with a wonderful feeling of comfort, and someone hugging me from behind. I didn't even think about it and lay there for a while dreaming about happy memories of Dean until I realised that it wasn't Dean's arms around me. My eyes jolted open and I turned to find Gabriel under the covers with me sleeping soundly and purring in his sleep with arms wrapped tightly around me. My mind was racing.

‘What the hell!?! Why is Gabriel in bed with me? Did we do anything? No we didn't, but then why the hell is he in bed with me? God he's cute when he sleeping and has such a hot body, I wish...wait, what the hell am I thinking! Stop it he's your best friend and your here admiring and fantasising about him while Dean's through in the other room going through god knows what.'

That's when Gabriel's eye lids fluttered open. My eyes were wide and I could feel my heart in my chest trying to escape and I'm sure Gabriel could feel it a well since he had one arm wrapped around my chest. He looked at my face and laughed loudly,


"What do you mean ‘morning'? Why are you laughing and more importantly, why the hell are you doing in my bed hugging me?" I demanded.

"He-he well, I said ‘morning' because it is morning and it is a common greeting to use this time of day. I'm laughing because of the look on your face and I'm in bed hugging you because it was the only way short of smothering you as you slept to keep you quiet enough so I could get some sleep."


"Relax," he said, "you were tossing and turning and whimpering in your sleep. You even called out Dean's name; I tried to wake you but next thing I know you're clinging to me begging me not to let you go so I crawled into bed with you and hugged you, you calmed down and slept like a baby for the rest of the night."

I could feel myself blushing. "Thanks."

"No problem, just don't tell anyone, I've got a reputation to keep up you know." I just nodded my head in agreement. "Good. Well then why don't we get up and get dressed then we'll go have breakfast and check if Dean's okay."

I felt my heart stop at the very thought of seeing Dean. ‘What would he say? What would I say? What could I say?'

"Doug, are you alright?"

"No, but I'll be okay." Gabriel gave me a nod which let me know he knew what I was thinking.

"Come on the longer we put this off the worse you're going to feel."

It was 9:30 when we got up and dressed in the clothes that had worn the day before since we didn't have any fresh ones at hand. I wore my workout clothes while Gabriel wore his suit minus the tie and jacket, we were both bare foot. As we walked to the kitchen we paused outside the door to the bedroom Dean was in. It was quiet inside, so we took the untouched tray of cold soup with us to the kitchen. Once we had eaten some toast and fresh orange juice we made our way back to the bedroom door, there was no more putting it off now. Gabriel keeled in front of the door and fished out two paper clips and bent them to his desired shape and stuck them in the lock.

"So umm...how did learn to do this?"

"Well I haven't always been on the straight and narrow; my father was a petty crook and taught me a few things. Now please be quiet so I can concentrate, I'm a little rusty."

I stood there in complete silence and let him work; all the while my stomach was doing somersaults. With and audible click he unlocked the door a few minutes later. We looked at each other for a few moments before nodding to each other stating our readiness. Gabriel pushed the door open slowly and I followed him in. The room was dark; the only light was the faint light coming from the hall and bedroom window which had the windows closed blocking out most of the light from the outside world. The room reeked of sweat and piss, Dean obviously never left the room to relieve himself and had done it in here; the smell was overpowering and sickened me to my stomach causing it to do a somersault again. I felt like shit, not because of the smell but because I had forced Dean to live like this, like a feral animal trapped in a cage, scared and alone. We each walked to one side of the room trying to spot Dean in the faint light. I saw Gabriel motion to look toward the bed, the sheets were all over the place and the pillows were thrown across the floor but at the head of the bed was a bundle of sheets, a bundle of sheets with a tail!

"Dean?" I asked.

"We're here to see if you're okay Dean, if you want us to leave we will but we need to know you're alright." Gabriel continued.

The bundle of sheets moved and growled as we slowly made our way to the foot of the bed. In mad flurry of movement Dean scurried under the bed, I felt myself relive that dreadful scene from two nights ago, I could feel my heart breaking all over again and fresh tears roll down my face. Gabriel motioned for me to back away while he crouched down at the side of the bed looking under it to try and see Dean.

"Come on Dean, talk to me. I'm your friend."

Through my tear blurred vision I caught a glimpse of a red blur dart from under the bed and out of the open door of the bedroom.

"Dean!" We cried in unison. We made chase and found ourselves in the living room.

"Where is he?" I asked.

"I don't know but I didn't hear the front door so that must mean he's still in the house somewhere. Let's look for him but don't frighten him, there's something wrong with him."

"What do you mean?"

"I don't know exactly, there was something about the look in his eyes beyond the fear, something almost...primal."

We began to systematically search the room, finding nothing we moved into the kitchen again finding nothing leaving only the utility room. The door was still open from last night. I pushed open the door and again having my nose assaulted the scent of washing powder and wet clothes and the slight odour of urine.

"Dean?" I could hear someone breathing in the room and took a few steps inside and saw the eyes looking down at me from the top of the dryer. I walked towards him with a hand out-stretched and tears in my eyes and he growled. The growl was primal and angry it made me freeze in my tracks. Gabriel took this time to turn on the overhead light and what I saw made my heart break. Dean's fur was matted with sweat and piss and was badly misplaced, he stood atop the dryer on all fours with his teeth bared growling like a feral animal.

"Dean?" I whimpered.

Dean launched himself off the top of the dryer at me and landed on top of me knocking me to the floor where he started to bite and scratch at me, all I could do was try to shield myself from his onslaught. Gabriel ran over to help me but before he could get to me Dean attacked him as well. Gabriel managed to stay standing when Dean pounced on to him and managed to shake him off and as soon as Dean hit the floor he scrambled on all fours into the kitchen. I crawled to my feet in a state of shock with several bloody scratches over my arms and face while Gabriel nursed a bite he had sustained to his wrist.

"What the hell has happened to Dean?"

"It seems like he has gone feral." Gabriel explained.


"I've read about it, sometimes when cubs or less commonly adults go through a traumatic event they revert into a feral state. They can't speak or reason, they run on the most primal and basic of instincts, the instinct of survival."

"So what do we do?"

"We need to get him professional help probably but we need to stop him from hurting us or anyone else first, including himself."

"Oh Dean what have I done to you?" I started to break down crying but received a good slap to the face from Gabriel bringing me back round to my senses.

"Snap out of it! You're no use to anyone like that and Dean needs your help."

I nodded, "sniffle...okay then, let's go help him then."

We ran through the kitchen into the living room to find Dean scratching at the door to the hall, grateful that I had closed it earlier making this slightly easier. We closed the door to the kitchen sealing off all exits to the room; the only other door was the door to the front door and cloak room which was firmly closed as well. Dean heard us close the door and turned to face us, we made our way round the couch and loungers in the centre on the room each of us going round on opposite sides, walking slowly and cautiously towards Dean. Dean whimpered and backed into the dresser near the door causing it to shake and the bottles of alcohol on it rattle against each other.

"It's okay Dean, we're not going to hurt you," Gabriel cooed trying to calm him down. I paused at the end of the couch a few feet away and let Gabriel take the control of the situation.

"Come on Dean," He reached his hand out to the still terrified fox who had pressed himself as far back against the wall as he could, his eyes darting all around looking for a way to escape. Gabriel inched his way towards the terrified fox all the while cooing comforting noises and phrases. Dean started to calm down and held out his hand for the fox to sniff to show that he wasn't a threat, but just as he was about to touch Dean someone knocked on the front door. Dean freaked at this sudden noise and bit down into Gabriel's hand causing him to jerk backwards on to his feet, Dean ran through his legs and jumped onto the window sill and started head butting the window. Unfortunately when Dean ran through Gabriel's legs he lost his balance and stumbled back into the coffee table falling on to and through it, smashing it.

"GABRIEL!!!" I cried running over to him. He was sitting up and was cut all over and had small pieces of glass sticking out of his back.

"I'll be okay, get Dean." I ran over and leapt at Dean who was still head butting the window but he saw me coming and dodged, causing me to smash my face on the ledge bursting my lip and causing my nose to bleed. I didn't let it slow me down as I immediately grabbed Dean as he landed and locked him in a bear hug. He screamed, scratched and bit my arms wriggling trying to break free. I lost my footing as I tried to stand up and fell backwards into the dresser knocking over everything on it, smashing the glasses and bottles of various alcohols on the floor and lost my grip on Dean who leapt from my arms onto Gabriel's back as he got to all fours trying to stand up and onto the back of the couch and stood there snarling at us. Just as we managed to get our wits about us the door to cloakroom and front door burst open and in came a beautiful white female wolf with intense electric blue eyes.


Our heads whipped round to see who had burst in.


This made Gabriel and I lose focus on Dean who was also looking at the new intruder. He made a dash for the open door next to her.

"Sarah close the door!" I screamed, but it was too late, Dean barged into Sarah knocking her into the wall and fled out the front door which had been left open by Sarah in her hurry. Gabriel ran to check on Sarah and I ran to the front door just in time to see Dean flee into the tree line on the other side of the street.

"DEAN!" I cried.

"Daddy, why did a naked fox run out of the house?" came a Childs voice to my right. I whipped my head round to find both my cubs standing on the path with a large 7 foot white tiger standing behind them in the driveway leaning against a car, wearing blue jeans and an expensive looking leather jacket with a very confused look on his face.

"YOU!!!" I snarled.