Chapter Six (Angie)

Story by houndlover56 on SoFurry

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#6 of First Steps 2: Happy Trails

"I need you to teach me how to shoot a gun." Wendell says. I put in another movie: Fault in Our Stars. Bruno never seen it before. I have my arm around him. We were just sitting here until my cousin came out of him and Todd's room, asking that question.

"What're you talking about?" I ask.

"I mean, I want you to show me how to shoot."

"Why would you want to?" Bruno asks.

"I just... the thought occurred to me that I never shot one before."

"You never went out with grandpa to shoot his rifle with him?" I ask.

"No. It never came up. So... will you show me, sometime?" I roll my eyes. I know we've bonded before, but I never really thought we'd go like this. I bury my eyes in my paw, sigh and shake my head.

"Ok." I say, "I will."

"Thanks, cousin." After that, he heads back into his room.

"Where did that come from?" Bruno asks.

"I don't know. It just... came out of nowhere I guess. Let's just go back to watching the movie."

"Alright." We're at the part where Hazel and Gus are on the plane heading for Amsterdam. I've read the book before. A couple years ago, in fact. I'm not sure if Bruno has. I know romance stories aren't exactly his favorite, but unlike most other guys, he's not really complaining about it.

The part of this story that always makes me cry is when Gus tells Hazel that his cancer came back. That and Gus's own funeral scene. It's so sad to know that shit like this can happen and take someone you love just like that. Of course his death was eight days later but, you know what I mean.

When the movie ended, I put the DVD back in its case and sat next to Bruno on the couch. "You know," I say, "Since Todd and Wendell are asleep, how about you and I snuggle a little bit?" I smile and nuzzle his neck. He puts his arms around me. Awwww, I love cuddles. He gives me a gentle kiss on the lips. His tail wags to and fro.

"I love you Angie."

"I love you too, Bruno." We kiss again. Man, I don't know if I can ever get enough of his kisses! What can I say? He's good

"What do you want to do, now?" Bruno pets me head. I can't help but mur.

"I'm not sure. What did you have in mind?" I ask.

"How about we do this?" He sits up and takes his shirt off, revealing that soft black fur. Oh my god! We're not going to do... that are we?

"Bruno. We're not going to do that. Are we?" I ask.

"No! No. I'm just... am interested in cuddling shirtless. Think about it. Have you ever felt what it's like feel someone else's body fur on yours? It's a warm and fuzzy feeling." he says.

"I... don't know."

"It's fine. I'm not asking you to do anything." He lays back down on me and cuddles with me again. "Let's just, enjoy right now." We lock lips and I'm back in heaven. He gently strokes my shoulder and arm.

I wrap my arms around him, by breathing starting to accelerate. His does too. I can feel his hot breath on my nose. I wonder what Bruno's thinking right now?

"What else do you want to do?" I ask. Mostly because I'm curious. Partly because I'm a bit excited.

"Well, I don't know." he says.

"Actually, my shoulder hurts a bit," I lie, "Would you mind if...?"

"Sure." Bruno manages to understand the unspoken question. I sit down on the floor. Bruno puts his paws on my shoulders and gently massages them.

"Thank Bruno." I say, "Such a gentleman."

"You're welcome. And what're friends for?" I smile. He's just so nice.

"I thought we were more than friends?" I tease.

"We are." Bruno leans down and kisses my head. I yawn without realizing it. "Aww, is my sweet little vixen getting tired?"

"Yeah. Besides, I've got research to do tomorrow."

"For what?"

"Camp Roadrock. I've gotta get directions and book us a cabin."

"Oh. Ok. Until then, get into my arms and let me cuddle you to sleep."

"Alright." I get back on the couch, with Bruno and I wrapping our arms around each other. Soon, I'm catching Z's.


"Ok. Thanks." I hang up the phone. It's the next morning. Todd and Wendell are having their morning coffee in the kitchen. Bruno and Jani are both still asleep on the couch and in the bedroom, respectively.

"Wendell, are you supposed to be drinking coffee? Caffeine makes you go crazy." Todd says.

"Don't worry about it Todd. I switched Wendell's with decaf a few days ago." I say.

"What?" Wendell says, "I thought that you just weren't putting enough sugar in it as you usually do."

"Nope. I stopped buying caffeinated coffee."


"Because it makes you go crazy. Remember the 5-hour energy drinks you drunk on our road trip here? It made you jitter nonstop." Todd says.

"It's not my fault." Wendell says.

"Either way, you needed the switch." I say.

"Whatever," my cousin rolls his eyes, "So, who were you on the phone with?"

"The guy who owns Camp Roadrock. Just got us two cabins there for Wednesday through Saturday."

"So, we're going to be there for three nights?" Todd asks.

"Yep. Why?"

"No reason. At least it's after my job interview. So, I don't have to worry about that."

"When is that?"

"Tuesday. Around noon."

"You think you'll get the job?"

"I hope he does," Wendell says," If not, how're we ever gonna get our own place?"

"Relax babe. I will. Like you've said before, people in this town love me." Todd says.

"Well, that's true but it doesn't mean you'll get it."

"Gee, way to keep my spirits up." There's so much sarcasm coming out of Todd's muzzle right now.

"Aww, I'm just messing with you." Wendell kisses Todd on his cheek. I reach into the cupboard and pull out the box of poptarts. The last pack. I'll have to get another box later.

"So, what're you guys doing today?" I ask.

"Nothing." They say in unison.

"I swear, you guys are together way too much. You're even saying stuff at the same time now."

"No we're not." They say together again. I snicker because they know I'm right. But, then again, they just became engaged a few days back. Of course they don't want to be apart. Ever hear of that 'Till Death Do We Part stuff during wedding vows? No, seriously. Do they have that at weddings? I wouldn't know. Never been to one.

"You guys have other friends rather than yourselfs. Wendell, when's the last time you hung out with Jasmine?" Some lesbian pink cat that he's brought up a few times.

"I... don't remember." he guiltily says.

"And Todd, what about Toby? Other than Wendell, you guys were pretty much best friends since your first day of school here."

"You're right." he pins his ears down. It's cute. "I haven't really even told Toby about Wendell proposing to me."

"Then there you guys go. Even though you two are about to be inseparable later on in life, you guys need to hang with other friends too." I say.

"Well then what about you?" Wendell asks.

"What about me?"

"You and Bruno?"

"We just started dating not two days ago. Of course I'm going to spend time with him. He's my first boyfriend in ages for crying out loud!"

"Sorry." Wendell's sarcasm shows with his voice tone and the way he waves both of his paws in the air.

"What about Janelle? Does she have eyes for someone?" Todd asks.

"Well, I think she likes this guy Eddie up the street." I say.

"Wait. Tourettes Eddie?" Todd asks.

"Or Fat Eddie?" Wendell asks.

I give them the "really? you just said that to me?" face and say, "Fat Eddie. You know, the black the pretty much acts exactly like Jani. Except he's a dude."

"Oh. Ok." They both say together. I give them the same face, roll my eyes and then munch into my poptarts. It's the s'mores flavor. One of my favorites. When Todd and Wendell are done with their drinks, Wendell carries Todd back into their room. At that moment, I take out my book The Testing again and continue reading. It would suck being stuck in the middle of Chicago and have to travel all the way to Kansas on foot. If I had to do that, there could be no way I would pass that test.

As I'm reading the part where Tomas and Cia get bikes, two paws cover my eyes carefully and a cute voice says, "Guess who?"

"Is it... Bruno, my adorable puppy?" I giggle.

"Yes. It is." He turns me around, sits on the floor and puts his paws up. He's so cute whenever he does that pose.

"You're so cute." I say. Bruno stands up and picks me up in his arms, lifting me out of the stool. I wrap my arms around the back of his neck to keep myself steady. I kiss him on the lips. I'm starting to get used to kisses now, but I still love them. "So, what've you got planned for me?"

"Well, instead of reading or moping or whatever you did before we became a couple, I'm gonna take you to dinner and then show you how awesome I can be." he says.

"Really now? I'm getting excited."

"That's good." Bruno gently puts me down, "Now, I'll let you get changed or whatever girls do and I'll be right here. Unless, you're ready now."

"Uh... I'll only be a few minutes."

"Ok. I'll be waiting for you, my love." I blush. He takes a seat on the stool and wags his tail a bit. I go into my room and shut the door. Jani is awake and playing some kind of video game on her phone.

"What're you doing?" she asks.

"Bruno asked for another date. I'm just getting dressed." I open my dresser drawer and pull out my yellow t-shirt with a pink glitter wolf on it. I have no idea who made it or how but it looks a bit silly. Yet, I always find myself wearing it.

"Is that dog treating you nicely?" Jani asks.

"Yes," I say, getting undressed and putting my yellow shirt on, "he's been very kind. And very sweet. He even rubbed my shoulders last night."

"Really? Why'd he do that?"

"Because I discreetly asked him to."

"Good thing. Everyone knows that if a guy wants to be with the girl, most of the time, the girl wears the pants in the relationship." I laugh at Janelle's comment.

"I'm not like that Jani. I'm not a girl who controls a guy. I don't know any girl who would. I'm just someone who would be happy to make Bruno happy and vice versa." I'm fully clothed. I grab my phone and head back into the kitchen with Bruno, who's whistling a happy tune.

"Ready to go?" he asks.

"Yep." I hold out my paw and he takes it. We head out. I made sure the door's locked behind us. As we're walking down the street, I notice that his tail is still wagging a bit back and forth. Maybe he's really that happy. The thought makes me smile. He opens the metal gate and we start walking down the street, our fingers laced together.

"Hey, Bruno, where are we going?" I ask.

"To that place I took Wendell and Todd to after the went to the movies."

"Really? And what did you plan afterwards?"

"Oh. Let's just say, you'll have fun."

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