Brace for Impact Ch.3

Story by Silverback_CP on SoFurry

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#6 of Random Stories

Brace For Impact: Chapter 3

By: Silverback Christianpaw

My wrestling name is Cross Wolfe. I'm still fuming after EC3 distracted me and caused me to lose a match that really could have made a good impression as a new superstar for TNA. Well I'm not going to take it anymore. This is the last TV-taping before the Destination X pay-per-view this Sunday. Now is the perfect time to make a bigger impact by beating EC3 yet again. I've embarrassed TNA President's golden child once, I will gladly do it again.

I almost finished putting on my suit when I heard someone telling a story nearby,

"I must've turned his rainbow hair white after I took his title," I looked and saw that Mr. Anderson was talking to Tigre Uno and Manik. Looked like they were having a good laugh. A happy lockerroom always brings my spirits up. I finished putting my gloves on and adjusted my mask as he talked, "I mean Jeffrey (Jeff Hardy) was doing all his Anti-Christ BS during that year. His jeans were all ripped up and smelled like cigarettes. But I hooked his head and hit the mic check, bam!" He clutched his hands together and jerked his arm back, "became World Heavyweight Champion."

I smiled and enjoyed the story. But that was not before I suddenly felt a pull on the back of my suit and was thrust back against a locker, and was thrust hard. I looked up and it was EC3's bodyguard, the massive Tyrus with EC3 in a business suit as he got right in my face and whispered angrily.

"You think you can come into my company and embarrass me like you did and think I wouldn't retaliate? Well let me tell you something you little jobber, that loss last night was just the start of many many many losses to come, I guarantee that!" I looked up at Tyrus, his expression still blank as I panted to regain my breath.

"Well . . . well . . . WELL!" Mr. Anderson spoke up with Tigre and Manik still in toe, "Look who it is, the guy who lost three times in one night. What's your name again? Oh right, Ethan Carter the Turd. Why don't you and you're boyfriend, Miley Tyrus, get away from him before I make you!" EC3 and Tyrus looked at me before Tyrus shoved me into Manik and Tigre.

EC3 said, "Since when do you stick up for the new guys, Kenny boy?"

"Since, jerk-offs like you started running around thinking you're all high and mighty."

I collected myself, "It's ok I got this," I got right back in EC3's face once again, "If you're so sure I'll lose, then why don't you prove it and face me in the ring tonight. And hell, were still in New York City, why not make it a New York City Street Fight?"

He just smirked, "That sounds fantastic . . . but you need some eye-holes in that Halloween mask of yours," he backed up, "because as you can see I'm not dressed to compete tonight. No, my gracious aunt D has given me the night off. But Tyrus on the other hand . . . needs an opponent. A street fight?" He chuckled at me, "A street fight is right up Tyrus' alley. He accepts."

I chuckled back and said, "Fine! But you're next!"

EC3 walked away as he said, "Oh we'll see jobber." Tyrus glared at me, EC3 walking away from him before he finally turned around to follow.

Fine, EC3 is too much of a wuss to face me in the ring again? Well I'll take out his bodyguard and then that will lead me right to him. Then when I beat him yet again, he will have to give me respect.

* * *

The Manhattan Center crowd was awesome as always as they got ready for my match. Plus it's the opener, opening matches always get good reactions. My metal music started up as Jeremy Borash stood in the ring with mic in hand.

In this world I find...a way to Cross the Line!!!

"Your opening contest is a New York City Street Fight scheduled for one fall. First, from coming down the ramp, from Parts Unknown, weighing in at 202 lbs, this is Cross Wolfe!"

Came out to a good amount of cheers as I raised my arms in the air and rolled under the bottom rope into the ring. Ran back and forth across the ring, bouncing off the ropes a few times, this ring is seriously starting to feel like home.

Ladies and Gentlemen . . . E . . . C . . . 3

"And his opponent, from the Carter Estate, weighing in at 375 lbs, this is Tyrus!"

I looked up the ramp at him and shockingly Tyrus was alone. No Ethan in sight. It wouldn't surprise me if Ethan showed up later, but at least for now I had Tyrus to myself. I could knock him out early before EC3 had any time to come down to the ring.

I quickly got out of the ring and didn't waste any time as I charged up the ramp and started delivering hay-makers to Tyrus.


I kept firing shots but he just shoved me down on the ramp. I tumbled back but got right back up and kept firing more shots to his face, but he grabbed the top of my head and hit me with a vicious headbutt that knocked my back against the ring. Damn his head was hard as hell. I almost fell over dizzy but he grabbed me by my wrist and whipped me into the ring-post


I tumbled onto the floor. I worked hard to not get beaten down early and used the steel steps in the corner to get back to my feet quickly. But it wasn't enough as the massive Tyrus jerked me up and shoved me hard into the steel guardrail by a bunch of fans in the front row.

"Ohhhhh!" some of them said.

"Grrrrrahhh!" Tyrus yelled charging for me, so I dropped down and hit a dropkick to his knee on the way down. He fell over smacking his head on the guard rail. I got up and thought fast. I leaped up quickly on the thin guardrail and came back down with a leg-drop right across the back of Tyrus' head.

"Ohhhh!" more fans said as they clapped for me.

'Ok high fly, high fly' I thought to myself. I slid back into the ring and leaped up to the top rope. I sat perched just waiting for him to turn around to get the maximum impact I could. He shook his head and turned himself around. I jumped off the top rope, extending my body out in mid-air for a cross-body but in a unbelievable feat of strength, he caught me.

"Grrrrah!" he then rammed me back-first into the ring-post before dropping me right on my ass.

"Ahhfff! Guh!" I yelped feeling on my lower back. He grabbed me again and slid me back in the ring. I tried to get up but Tyrus met me from behind with a sleeper-hold around my head. He wrenched my head from side to side to try and knock me out even faster. For someone who was much thicker around the middle there's a lot of muscle in that body. That mass got pressed down on my shoulders as I sat down, him still wrenching the hold on me. I tried to fight out of it, but he was just way too big. However, he changed his mind and stood up, jerking my body up with him. He kept my head and neck close to his body but threw me across the ring, letting my body spin in the air before landing hard and awkwardly on the ring canvas.

"Ohhhh!" the fans yelled. Tyrus crawled over and covered me for the pinfall. The referee got down on all fours and counted, "1 . . . 2 . . ." but I jerked my shoulder up in time before he could make the three-count. Tyrus grunted as he got up and grabbed my head again and threw me into ropes, I tried to use my speed to counter his attacks and started running, I ducked under his clothesline, bounced off the ropes again, but only to get smacked back down with a hard shoulder tackle. Tyrus then backed up to the nearest rope, came back to me and dropped a heavy elbow drop to my chest.; Everything about him was big, just his elbow felt like both my chest and stomach were caving in. I thought he would cover me for another pin attempt, but instead he got back up, backed up into the rope again and came back but this time looking for a splash. I quickly rolled out of the path as he leaped and splashed nothing but canvas.

The fans cheered loudly.

I made my way back up and hit him with a quick low-kick to his face. He started to get up but I kept trying for the kicks, but they reflected off of his thick body like they were nothing. I kept trying the kicks to his thigh, I finally gave up and jumped up onto the second rope and came back with a big dropkick to his face that finally knocked him down. Finally a solid hit!

"Ohhhh!" The fans said followed with more applause. But then new chants drounded out the applause as the arena started chanting louder and louder, "We Want Tables! We Want Tables! We Want Tables!"

Oh my God! I was so focused on Tyrus I almost forgot, this is a street fight! I need weapons!

I got out of the ring and looked under it and found exactly what the fans wanted. A wooden table right there for the picking. I pulled it out and the fans cheers and claps grew louder. I picked the legs up and set it up perfectly at ringside. I'll get Tyrus on the ring apron and I will dropkick him through---

Tyrus hit me with a clubbing blow to my back. "Gah!" I yelped. He pulled me away from the table before grabbing the back of my suit and hurling me head over heels in the air. The table didn't break but instead I slid across the table like a slip n' slide before landing on floor yet again. I crawled around to another side and pulled the ring apron back again and managed to find a steel chair.

Back up, chair in hand, I ran back and didn't even wait for a chance for him to get weakened. I just walloped him with the chair as hard as I could, hitting anywhere I could. The chair smacked against his side. I reeled back and drove it hard into him big gut. He grunted in pain holding his stomach. I reeled back again, it smacked his thigh. Another shot, to his kneecap, he goes down onto his knees.

"Hyah!" I yelled as I connected with the hardest shot I could to the top oh his head.


The fans were going nuts from all these chair-shots, and dammit so was I. I was pumped! I have a good chance to kick his ass now and beat him!

I set up for another shot but he just weakly shoved me back a few steps before stepping his big legs over the guardrail. He was standing in the aisle-way holding his gut. Was he trying to walk out of this match or just get away from me so he can recover? Well either way I wasn't going to wait around for him to feel better. I grabbed hold of the chair and took a few steps back until I was at the other corner of the ring. I had him in my sights. I ran as fast as I could while holding the chair, jumped over the guardrail and cracked Tyrus right in the head as hard as I could once again.

The fans all over the arena started chanting, "Holy shit! Holy shit! Holy shit!"

I dropped the chair and covered him for a pin. The referee started yelling over the fans chants, "You can't pin him out here! You have to pin him in the ring!"

I stood up pissed at the ref, "Oh come on!"

Sadly the referee was right, this wasn't a Falls Count Anywhere Match. Street Fights have to end inside the ring. Dammit, I've got a weakened Tyrus but I have to get him in the ring now.

I stepped back over the guardrail not sure what to do next.


I got hit in the back of the head, which sent my head careening off the steel steps. I tried to get myself back up but--


My head started ringing and I collapsed as my head got sandwiched between the steel steps and a steel chair.

"You're not going to win jobber! You will never win again!" It was EC3, scowling at me. His voice was faint over the crowds boos as well as the ringing in my head. Regardless, I reached up to try for a slap him but swiped nothing but the air.

"Here, let me help you!" EC3 grabbed me and tossed me over the steps. I kept trying to get up but he got me really good with that chair. He picked me up a second time before driving me through the wooden table at ringside with a huge slam.


"Ohhhhh!" the fans yelled in a chorus of boos.

Now my back was killing me and my sides felt like they got cut on the framing around the table. Plus my already beaten head smacked the floor on the way down. I felt my body getting flopped around before being rolled back into the ring.

"Tyrus! Get in there! Get in there!" I faintly heard EC3 say.

Soon I felt a very big guy cover me. Before I knew it the referee smacked his hand on the canvas and saying "3" before ringing the bell. EC3's music started up, I was too weak to move.

You're winner of the Street Fight, Tyrus! The ring announcer said. I managed to get enough feeling to roll over onto my forearms. But the pain didn't stop as I got hit in the back again with a steel chair.


I couldn't help but finally yell out in pain as I groveled in the ring. The music stopped and all I could hear now were Ethan's curses.

"You think you're gonna beat me?! You can't even beat Tyrus! You are a looser!"

I felt a slap across my face. He kept giving me scowls and slapped me in the face once again.

Misterrrrrrrrrrrrrrr . . . Anderson!

I heard Mr. Anderson's music start up. EC3 and Tyrus both got away from me. Soon I heard grunts and the ring bounced up and down beneath me. I looked up and saw Mr. Anderson deliver hard and heavy blows to EC3 in the corner. Tyrus tried to grab him from behind but the former World Heavyweight Champion was too smart for that as he punched Tyrus in the face several times. And then in a flash Anderson had his arm hooked across Tyrus' neck before dropping down on his back, sending Tyrus down face-first into the ring with the "Mic Check."

I pulled myself back to my feet as Ethan and Tyrus rolled themselves out of the ring.

Anderson said to a ref, "Give me a mic!" Moments later he patted the mic a few times as the sound echoed through the arena,

"Hey! You two cowards may want to stick around for this, you don't want to miss this. You two got the win tonight, but what you should really be worried about is this Sunday at Destination X. Because I'm not booked in a match," he pointed right at me, "he's not booked in a match," and finally pointing at them, "and you two aren't booked for a match. So how about we make a match. You see, I went to your aunt D, Dixie Carter, and she approved a certain tag team match for the pay-per-view."

EC3 shouted, "NO! NO! You're lying!" but his voice sounded silent over Anderson's microphone.

Anderson smiled, "Oh yeah, this Sunday, at Destination X, it's going to be Ethan Carter the Turd, and Miley Tyrus vs. the newly-formed tag team of Cross Wolfe . . . and . . . Misssssssterrrrrrrrrrr ANDERSON!!! . . . Aaaannnnnnddddeeeerrrrrssssooooonnnnnn!!!"

His music started up again as I walked over to him. "Thank you for the save," I said.

He replied, "No problem, we gotta look out for each other, and we'll take them down for good in our match on Sunday." He shook my hand and raised it in the air.

While I didn't win, in fact I got the hell beat out of me, but at least now I'm not fighting this battle alone. I've got a friend in this in Mr. Anderson. Those two better be ready for the fight of their lives, because it's going to be one helluva match come Destination X.

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