Part 2- Captured

Story by Uniden on SoFurry

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#2 of The Mountain Valley War

Warning; contains sexual acts between two males. Also includes forced rape. If you do not wish to view either of these please leave now. You have been warned.


He stirred on the wet concrete floor, the wolf felt a pain he hadn't felt before. His eyes, although swolen severely, opened slightly giving him a blurry view of the room. He couldn't tell much but he seemed to make out what seemed to be skinny trees coming out of the ground. Looking between the "trees" into the dimly lit room, he could see the outline of at least two or three furs, but with his vision so blurry, he wasn't sure.

He tried to move his arms, but they were bound together by some sort of strong cord. Struggling a little, all he mamaged to do was cut up his wrists. He could feel the cool and slight wetness of the floor. Trying again to look at his captors, the wolf opened his eyes, this time seeing a little more clearly. He turned his gaze to the furs huddled around what seemed to be a small table.

One of the wolfs turned and looked into the cell, a menacing smile stretched across his face.

"Lookey here boys" he said tapping the two beside him, " it looks like our little play thing has woken up."

He shuddered as he heard those words. To be honest, he was scared at what these wolves would do to him, eapecially in the bound state he was in.

As the other two wolves turned around, they gave a better view of themselfs. The prisoner examined his captors, taking in all he could. The first wolf, the one who had spoken, was a good bit taller then the other two, but just as ragged. He was standing there, bare furred, stairing angrily at his captive. The other two wolfs weren't paying as much attention to the incident, but they did keep one eye and ear pointed in his direction. They muttered unaudible words between themselves before turning to the first, who must have been their leader.

"I think it's time we show this little price of trash why we are superior." the second wolf said a little menacingly.

"I believe it is, leave us you to."

The two wolves nodded and turned to leave the room. Placing a paw on the heavy iron door, the first one walked out followed by the next.

"You must excuse them, they do not know when to hold their tongues." walking from his position, the wolf squatted down in front of his captive.

Taking the other wolfs muzzle in his paw, he chuckled.

"So this is the mighty Shalako, not much of a warrior are you? Letting yourself be captured so easily." he smiled as he heard the other wolf start to growl, "Did I anger you?"

The wolf thrust his head out of the others paw. This wolf, as well as he could remember, had betrayed his fathers, his whole tribes trust. He had turned on his own flesh and blood during a battle many years ago and was banashed from them forever, Shalako had been the one who took him away from the tribe and banashed him.

"What do you hope to accomplish here?" Shalako asked, in a rather angry voice.

"I want you to pay, to feel what I felt. How it feels to lose everything. What it's like to be all alone."

The wolf had an evil smile on his face as he walked around the tied up male. Dropping onto all fours, he moved behind the other. Coming to the rear of the wolf he stopped. Snickering to himself, he sniffed it strongly, enjoying the scent.

Feeling the cold nose in his tailhole made the wolf jump a little, but seeing as be was still tied up, he could do nothing to stop it. His heart sank once again as he felt the tongue lap at his tight hole.

Lapping at the tailhole, he loved the taste. He hadn't had his way with anyone in a long time and he was about to have as much fun as he wanted. And he would get to kill his foe in the process. He could feal his cock starting to come out of it's sheath.

"Alright!" Shalako said, "I get your point!"

Chuckling to himself he smiled at his "toy". He smiled even wider "Well just wait till you get this point" he said this as he pounced on the wolfs back. Thrusting to find the tailhole, he grinned and pressed hard around the tied wolf.

Feeling the point of the wolfs cock trying to invade him, he tried to clench his muscles up in order to prevent the unwanted entry. From anyone elses point of view, it seemed that he was enjoying it to. In fact, he was kinda. His cock had come out of it's sheath and was throbbing underneath of him. He knew he shouldn't enjoy it but at this point he had no control.

The thrusting wolf finally hit his mark and thrust lightly into the others tailhole. He sighed out of shear ecstacy from the tightness of the other wolf. Thrusting hard into the wolf, he felt almost his entire length enter the other.

Whincing in pain as his tight hole was invaded, Shalako felt a mix of feelings. Yes it was a horrible thing that was happening to him, but, if he had to tell the truth, he actually enjoyed it. His throbbing cock was evidently liking it a whole lot.

The tireing wolf continued to thrust into his captive. He began to feel himself coming close to going over the edge. On his final blow, he thrust hard into the tailhole letting out a howl. Bringing his head down hard on the wolfs neck, he sank his teeth into the wolfs neck as he let his seed fill his captive.

Feeling the weight of the wolf, combined with the pain of the teeth digging into his back, he howled out into the night as his cock burst forth letting his rich seed fall onto the concrete.

The drained wolf pulled his slippery cock out of the now dripping tailhole. He stood up, his limp cock retreating slowly back into it's sheath. Walking over to the wolfs side he chuckled.

"Well now that you've had your fun, I think I will have mine."

Lifting his foot, he brought it down on the other, his heel digging into his back, buckling the wolfs legs and arms sending him into the puddle of his own seed. Shaking his head he walked to the side of the wolfs face.

"Look what has become of the great warrior. Forced to swim in his own seed, be taken by his enemy and now killed in a humiliating, discrasefull way."

"Burn in the never ending lake of fire, you son of a...."

That was all he could say before he felt a sharp pain in his jaw. The other wolf had kicked him with all his strength.

Growling loudly at Shalako, the wolf snarled, showing a line of white, freshly sharpened teeth, still dripping with blood from the back of the wolf. He grinned as he placed another kick into the wolfs side.


The wolf let out a muffled grunt as the foot made contact just below his ribcage. As the foot was taken from his gut, the wolf coughed, spitting up deep red blood onto the floor. He turned the gaze of his golden eyes from the blood to the wolf standing above him.

He laughed menacingly at the bloodied wolf. Although he felt a small amount of remorse for what he was doing, his heart had been hardened after years of wanting revenge, so the feeling didn't last.

The wolf watched as Shalako tried to get up. Shaking his head argain, he buried his foot into the wolfs chest, causing him to slump down onto the floor. Looking through the window, he could tell that night had settled in and there was work to be done.

"I will finish with you tomorrow" he said as he walked out the door leaving the beaten wolf to lay.

Shalako layed there, in a small pool of his own blood. He thought that this would be were he would die, far from his home, in a cold, dark room, and by the paws of one of his own. At that moment the metal door flung open, followed by two furs falling into the room. He curled up trying to protect himself as the two struggled.

The two rolled into a nearby wall. The fur on top of the pile sank his teeth deep into the others neck, producing a loud snap that echoed through the room. The victorious fur stood up and walked over to the bound and bloodied wolf. Kneeling down, he undid the binds around the wolfs arms and legs.

Looking up at his "rescuer" his golden eyes looked into the others deep blue eyes. He recognized those eyes. He looked into the night, his eyes now adjusted to the low level of light. What he saw surprised him even more.

It was a light brown wolf staring back at him. He was covered in blood. Must be from the other wolf, Shalako thought. It was Kyru, he was one of the members of the tribe that had been sent away two years after the rogue wolf was expelled. He was sent to keep an eye on his activities. The elders were very suspicious that he would take revenge on the tribe, and now he had.

"Come on Shalako, we gotta get outta here. They will be coming soon" picking up the wounded fur, he slung the wolfs arm over his shoulder and they hobbled put of the door.

It was already dark outside, the moon, being covered by clouds, gave out no light. The two wolfs were hidden by shadows as they walked into the woods behind the log building. The woods weren't thick enough to stop at this moment so they continued to walk through them, the brown wolf carrying the beaten and battered wolfs weight.

They got about four hundred yards into the woods,Kyru set his burden onto the grass and looked him over. There were cuts criss-crossing his muzzle and blood covered his face and chest. He looked nothing like the wolf remembered.

Leaning on his arm, Shalako looked at his friend. "Kyru, wha..What happened?"

"Well once I was sent to look after the intentions of Tyson, he began to form his own republic and planned his revenge. I tried my best to stay loyal to our people but he began to become suspicious of me and it's good this happened when it did."

A worried look crossed Shalako's face as he remembered the attack. "Kyru, did you have a part in the attack?"

"Shalako! Why would.....I understand, no I was left here to watch the camp. I wanted to stop him, but he wouldn't listen. But once I heard that you had been captured, something told me that this was my destiny."

Struggling a little, he got to his knees. The other wolf, seeing his friends hardship, ran to his side to lift him up. Being met with a paw, he let the wolf rise to his feet under his own power.

The two walked through the thick forrest for at least a straight day. They made camp at a small mountain stream, the same one that greeted Shalako, and gave him his revalation. The two wolfs sat on the bank of the stream, Shalako nursing his woods and recalling the story of the attack to Kyru.

Kyru stared deep into the stream as the horrific tail of what had happened was told to him. He couldn't believe that one could be so filled with hatred and anger at anyone, let alone his own people. The stream trickled around Kyru's foot as he stared into it's cold clear water. It had no feeling for the two, it just did it's duty, running down the mountain and through the woods. And yet, to Kyru, it seemed like it did care. The way that it's cool waters flowed around his foot, creating small whirlpools behind the furry foot.

The wolf looked over at Shalako. He had begun to wash the blood and seed from his chest and from his muzzle. He wanted revenge to, he began to feel the same hatred growing in him that Tyson had felt for their tribe. He too had a wife, he had two young children that wouldn't have stood a chance at all if they had been caught in the ambush. He was almost too scared to ask Shalako, but he wanted to know what had happened to his wife, his children, and Shalako's wife to.

He looked over at him but couldn't find the courage to ask. He just shook his head and stared into the stream. His heart told him what he wanted to know.

Finished washing his chest, Shalako walked out of the stream and over to Kyru. Sitting in the grass beside him, he looked as the wolf stared into the water. Tapping the wolf on his shoulder Shalako gave him a stern look.

"I know what your thinking Kyru... We will get our revenge. But we cannot do it alone."

Looking up at the other wolf, Kyru was a little puzzled. How did he know what he was thinkin? Shalako was good at telling what people were thinking, but as far as he could remember, he was never able to read him. Maybe there was something that had happened to Shalako since they last saw each other, he thought. Well whatever it was intrigued him.

Looking at the wolf, Shalako gave his friends shoulder a smack. The wolf chuckled a little at his friend.

"Come on Kyru, let's get a shelter built before night settles in."

The two spent what was left of the morning, and the entire afternoon collecting firewood and constructing there makeshift shelter. It wasn't an elabrit structure, just a lean-to surrounding a tree. The branches making up the structure let there leaves surround it, making it very watertight.

The two wolves started a small, smokeless fire and took a seat opposite from each other. The woods were quite this night. The only sound was the crackling of the fire and the trickleing stream behind them. As the sun set, the warm fire surrounded the two in an erie glow. The two hardly spoke. They both just stared into the red, glowing embers of the fire. Each ones mind focused on it's own premises. Shalako, his mind was already planning, plotting, deciding on how they would get there revenge. Kyru, his mind was occupied on his family. He had gotten up the courage to ask his friend earlier on in the day and was both shocked, and horrified when he heard Shalako's account of how he found the camp.

He had sat down, in the middle of the forest, and cried as his heart broke into pieces. Now, in front of the fire, he lost the will to do anything besides survive, and get his revenge. He could litteraly see red whenever he thought of Tyson. Hatred began to fill, he was unable to controll himself as he let out a loud howl into the woods. It was a noise that tugged on the strings of Shalako's heart when he heard it.

Standing up he looked at Shalako. A serious and somber look on his face, he spoke quietly. "Shalako, excuse me, I am turning in." With those words, the wolf excused himself and headed into their makeshift shelter.

Shalako watched his friend head off. He knew in his heart that the wolf wasn't really tired, he just needed to be alone. He had taken the news about his family very hard and Shalako needed to let him cool down.

He looked into the dancing flames of the campfire. The night, still as when it was first born, it was peaceful, it gave him time to just think. Think and plan, that's what he did most of the night.