Dog Cracking

Story by FlameOfFurious on SoFurry

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Hello everyone :D

Here is my second story, it's based on this picture by FA: Cagey

I had a lot of fun writing this and I cannot thank FA: Leon_Bluestreak enough.

He helped me edit the story immensely.

So give him a +watch if you can cause he's a great person :D

I would also like to thank TicklishFurry (or FA: TicklishFurry ), he's been a great friend and really supportive :)

Hope you enjoy and please comment all you want, I love constructive critique :)

Mark's hand was cupping a warm cup of coffee when he heard the noise of breaking glass coming from outside the surveillance room.

"What the..." he shot up, coffee still in his hand. He peered closely at the monitors, looking for the source of the sound. The screens slowly panned around the rooms of the office, cubicles, soda machine, waiting room, everything was covered. After only a few moments Mark spotted an open window, the glass broken around the handle.

"Gotcha," the guard whispered under his breath. Leaving the hot coffee on the table, he dashed over and grabbed his Taser gun.

He was ready to catch a burglar!

Taser in hand he stalked the corridors, tiptoeing around and watching behind every corner.

He checked the window and the rooms near it, then the boss' office, even the bathrooms! But the burglar was nowhere to be found.

He was getting frustrated and antsy, afraid he might have let the intruder steal something under his guard.

After more than an hour searching every corner of the office he gave up and walked back to the surveillance room, "Damn fucker must have left, and now I have to pay for the window!" he growled angrily.

. . . . . .

He got back to his small office and plopped in his chair. His coffee was cold and ruined so he got up to make a new one. As Mark fired up the machine a shadow moved behind him but he did not notice it in his angered state. Suddenly something heavy hit is head and he crumpled to the floor, blackness enveloping the world...

. . . . . .

When he woke up, Mark couldn't see anything. He tried to move but his limbs wouldn't budge, something was wrapped around his wrists and his knees were bent, ankles close to his butt and connected to his wrists. A strip of tape over his eyes blinded him and he was stripped to his underwear, bare fur touching the cold tiles beneath him.

As he rose to consciousness and his strength returned he began struggling on the hard floor. He pulled against the tight uncomfortable ropes and bucked his legs as he rolled around trying uselessly to get free. When he tried to pant through his mouth from the exertion he discovered his lips were sealed by tape, some of it even wrapped around his snout to keep his maw shut.

"MMMMMPPPHHHHHH!! MMMMMMMMMMMMPPPPHHHHHHHH!!!" he screamed through his sealed mouth.

Mark kept trashing around for a while until his need to breathe forced him to stop. He whimpered in defeat, the amount of air he could get through his nose too little to fuel his desperate fight against the accursed restraint.

As he panted on the floor he heard gentle steps coming towards him and he panicked, struggling weakly and whining, knowing there was nothing he could do to escape his captor.

Stupid mutt thought he could get me, AH! No one can catch me, I'm too cunning for people like him!

Look at that! Pathetic!

He can't even get out of some ropes, and those whines... HURGH!

He's so fucking disgusting!

There is no time for that, though! I need to get inside safe, and I have no time to lose! The last episode of Voyager is airing on Channel 9 in just a few hours, and I'm not gonna let some safe make me miss it!

This mutt will give me the code and if he doesn't... well, I can always take him home and play with him. It would certainly beat watching TV.

The burglar hands went to Mark's face and ripped the tape blinding him, some fur coming along with it. The tied up dog growled in pain only to receive a slap from his captor.

His eyes opened and he saw the thief who had tricked him so thoroughly.

An Iberian Lynx stood above him. His snout was covered by a brown bandana stopping just below bright golden eyes. The cockiness of the cat and his contempt towards the tied up dog at his feet could be seen in the shining orbs. He wore a tight, brown shirt, strong muscles showing beneath the tight cotton. A pair of military green trousers covered his legs. Well-built boots protected the feet that were so adept at sneaking around that they allowed the lynx to get the better of Mark's acute hearing. The meagre possessions he had on him before the assault lay on the ground near the burglar's feet.

An open shoulder bag lay near him, safe-cracking tools showing through the open zipper together with more rope and a ball-gag. Seeing those, he looked around in panic and noticed he had been taken to his boss' personal office, where the safe with the small company daily earnings was kept.

"You will give me the code for the safe mutt, or you will suffer," the lynx said and Mark's eyes opened wide: he didn't know the combination, they had never told him!

"MMPH NNPPH OOOOPPHHH! PLEEETHHH!" Mark pleaded through his gag and shuddered when his captor shook his head. He kneeled beside him, and put a hand on his head, "That's not what I want to hear; now tell me the codes or I WILL force you!"

"NNNPPHHHHH! PLTHHHHHHHHH!!" he tried again to tell the lynx but his muffled words didn't convince the cat, "Very well mutt, I gave you a chance to do this the easy way but it looks like you're too stupid to get it."

His hand pushed the dog's head to the floor, pinning him as he listened to his captive's pleading sounds and whines.

Fucking stupid mutt! You will regret this!

I will not stop until you scream in agony...

Mark tried to squirm away, to break his binds, to scream, anything! But the tight and uncomfortable ropes didn't give and the lynx completely ignored his pleas. He started to sob softly and closed his eyes, terrified by his captor's words and afraid he was not going to survive the night.

His left sole was the first to be attacked. Mark opened his eyes and tensed his body, his hands closing in tight fists. His back arched and he tried to get his feet away from the lynx's paws but he was stuck.

He had expected to be tortured, beaten or even abused but not this, not tickling.

The burglar's fingers dug into Mark's helpless soles, their retractable claws tenderizing the dog's pads and making the torture even worse. He chuckled and gripped his victim's head tighter, stopping his useless attempts to escape the torture, "You should have told me the code when you had the chance doggy, now I won't stop until you scream..." he whispered into his victim's twitching ears.

Mark was desperate. He was bucking and trashing in his bonds, unable to break the ropes' hold on his limbs or the lynx's grip on his head.


His arms pulled at the ropes binding them to his ankles. His fingers tried desperately to undo the knots holding them as he arched his back as much as he could.

His lungs were empty, he couldn't breathe, the tickling was relentless and his diaphragm couldn't move from all the laughing. He tried to pant through the tape but it was useless, only his nose was free and it wasn't enough. Panic gripped him and his trashing got even more desperate and uncoordinated. Unable to think properly, his eyes teared up and he began to shudder. The tunnel was closing around the world when the lynx finally stopped and tore the tape off his mouth.

"ANNFF! AANFFF!..." Mark panted, his body slumped and immobile on the floor, his feet twitching every now and them from the unbearable sensitivity.

"P-Please... I d-don't know the combination... They never told it to me... Just let me go..." he pleaded, "...please..."

Mark was on the verge of crying as soft sobs escaped his mouth and his arms pulled at the ropes, more out of instinct and pain than any real hope of getting out.

"Tell me the combination, NOW!" the lynx screamed angrily with no care for his captive's pain before whispering menacingly in his ears, "Or I'll make you wish you could die..."

Mark began to sob uncontrollably, squirming in the ropes in desperation with the small, dying hope that the cruel cat towering above him will have mercy, but even that frail thought was squashed by what the his captor did next.

"If you don't want to talk, then you will cry" he said before taking a huge red ball-gag from his bag and holding it in front of the dog's quivering lips, "Last chance. THE COMBINATION! NOW!!"

The helpless dog shuddered and tried to get away from the terrifying object in front of him as he pleaded again, "I-I-I don't know it! Please! You hathMPHHHHHHHH!!"

"You had your chance, you stupid dog. Now. You. Will. Suffer."

The lynx straddle the bound dog sitting on his lower arms and back. He stretched his arms and cracked his fingers as his helpless victim squirmed and wiggled beneath. Pleading screams came from his ball-gagged mouth, drool leaking around it and forming a puddle on the cold floor, soaking the exposed chest thoroughly.

"NNNPHHHHHHH! PLTTTTHHHHHHHHH!! MRRRPPPPHHHEEE!!!" he screamed at the top of his lungs.

He pulled his arms and tried desperately to kick his captor off his back but every attempt at freedom he made was weak and useless. He was completely helpless and there was nothing he could do to stop the coming torture.

The lynx's hands moved fast. With the sharp claws just barely out of their homes, he began to tickle the dog's sides from armpits to hips. The fingers were relentless in their torture and every spot on the white fur of the helpless captive was reached and thoroughly rubbed, stroked, scratched and tickled.

Mark could barely breathe around the ball-gag. He could only take shallow bouts of air in between the laughing fits that wracked his whole body and made him sweat profusely.

His arms fought under the torturer's weight and his head shook from one side to the other trying to dislodge the uncomfortable gag.

He had no dignity left when he tried again to plead to the burglar, "AHAHHEHEHPLEEEETHHAAHAHAHAH!" he screamed, "NOHOHOHOOHOH EHEHEH MRRRPPHHHAHAHAHHA!!" but all his cries fell on deaf ears and the terrible torture continued mercilessly, the dog now sobbing with tears streaming from his eyes.

"You foolish mutt. You think I will have mercy on you but I will not. We will keep this up until you are destroyed..." the cruel cat said before intensifying his torture. His short tail was added to the mix and he used it to brush the helpless feet behind him.

The more the dog screamed and pleaded, unable to breathe and to think, the crueller the lynx got.

His hands ran all around the most ticklish spots in his victim's sides, his tail was relentless and inescapable as it brushed over his overly sensitive feet.

The helpless, hopeless, dog beneath struggled for his life as his breaths got shallower. Less and less oxygen reached his lungs until the darkness returned and despite his desperate, pleading mewls, the lynx continued without mercy.

The tunnel closed, darkness enveloped everything, and he passed out...

Did he just pass out!?!?!


Ok, relax; you have the whole weekend to crack him. It's Friday night and the office doesn't open till Monday.

I'll just take him home and keep at it.

He knows the code, and he'll suffer until he gives it to me.


. . . . . .


Can't see

Where am I?

What happened?





Mark jerks awake.

He is upright. His arms taunt and stretched up at the sides. His ankles stretched outward too. He is in a spread-eagle position but he doesn't know how he got there.

A tight muzzle is wrapped around his snout and a thick leather hood covers his whole head, he can feel padlocks tinkling as he tries uselessly to look around.

Heavy leather cuffs are locked around his wrists and ankles. When he tries to reach the buckle he discovers his hands are trapped inside tight fist mitts. Even his finger denied the freedom to move.

He could feel only a small pair of briefs on his nether regions, cold air ruffling the fur all over his exposed body.

When the full extent of his predicament was revealed he panicked, desperate and terrified.

"MMMPPPPPPPPHHHHHHHHHH!" he screamed as he began to struggle. He tried to yank his limbs away from whatever they were chained to but he couldn't move them by an inch, forget about breaking his bonds. He kept screaming through the stifling darkness of the hood as his trashing intensified but he eventually had to stop.

Panicked breaths whistled through the two small nose holes in the hood, too small to sustain his struggles.

That bastard!

Torturing me wasn't enough! He had to kidnap me!

Why... why....

I want to get out....


...let me out...

What's that!

Oh no...


That's his hand, please no more...








Kurfust's Kidnapping

He couldn't see anything. He could only hear his own agitated breaths and the creaking of ropes. Ropes were tied around his wrists and forearms, a spreader bar separated his tied thighs. The last thing he remembered before this place was wearing...

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