Poem, The filth

Story by cainfoxy on SoFurry

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I can no longer believe, in what I cannot believe. I cannot continue with these lies. I cannot see in what I was told, for I was blind, without ears to hear.

Push me to the edge. Leave me dissent without hope. Lost in time it not to bright and lost is found darkness. Can you not believe in me hahahaha. The world is deteriorateing before me.

The graves surround the heart. Lost in the ocean of blood. Can we escape this hole this cave filled with hate, lack of faith to stand for what we believe? Is there dreams when there is no hope to hold onto?

I saw what human, we do. As if we cannot feel. There blind without much sense. All I can think, Is why this is as it be. Why can we not overcome these things that break all we are as we have seen?

I can't lie and watch, I must stand to say loud. Their eyes piercing me with hate for what they fear. Damn, Can they not overcome such frivols things.

The winds carry the hell of worlds. The pain is felt outside the mind. They seek my head without understanding of the things of us. The human condition not understood by any.

No they can't, they half to see. Look my heart I scream as I pull it out. The blood staining the white cloth of there memories. You see how it beats. The echoes etching into the eardrums.

A rope around the neck, Tignten just right to dig deep and burn. As they read me the rights for which I have had taken. The people watch in fear this will be them. I shall say my words, without a beat. Don't hide and live unfilled, don't give in. Wake up smell the world, hear her pain.

Don't... Choking as I struggle to keep my eyes open. My lungs collapsing with the blood of my life. I see my way to the end. Without fear of the end that's insight. Still my body goes as people turn there head in disgust. There was no true good bye for me. But a welcome to my afterlife....

looky, look. poem

Looky, looky over there do you see me. Wait no that can't be. Then around you go with no sight of me. A rub of the head and a wallet less. They scream at me for the things I do. But hey it just me, it the nature of things. It is wrong it's bad it a...

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Not sure what to say. Poem

What can I say. What do I say. I see her soft sweet face. What do I do Lost inside her eyes. Why can I not speak. The warmth overcomes me. Joy inside are eyes. As if we have joined into one. Love just like the sun. An inferno of ever...

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Falling through my life eyes lost in the sky, this lie built from inside dragging me down.Why can i not escape my own mind. As if every move i make is not right. Why can i not escape this lie why. sometimes it is as i just dream. A ghost Just passing...
