Kelly's Adventure

Story by KayTee on SoFurry

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Great Expectations, Greater Results!

Kelly's mind had never been so full of naughty ideas. "You've built an invisibility ray?" She asked for he third time.

"Look, it's a little pet science project" Sophia said, sternly, "Not a toy for you to play with!"

"But I can have so much fun with it!" Kelly complained

"No! For starters I don't know how long the phase-shift lasts for, the change is far from perminant. Besides, it only works on organic matter. Nothing synthetic."

Kelly pouted "Awww... Meanie!" she said, putting on her childish voice.

"Knock it off! C'mon lets go eat something, I'm starved!"

The two left, but not before Kelly had a close look at the combination Sophia rolled into the padlock of her shed.

Later that day...

She felt a little guilty for disobeying her best friend, but the feeling soon passed as she began to imagine all the things she could get up to if the ray actually worked. Her long rabbit ears flicked back and forth as she opened the shed door, after sliding in the correct combination. She flipped the switch by the door, and immediately the sheds strip lights flickered into life. The shed looked quite innocent on the outside, but on the inside, it was a completely different story.

Polished metal walls adorned with various tools, strange chemical distilling tubes and vials bubbles and dripped all along another wall. It was like something out of a cartoon. Kelly tiptoes down to the bottom of the shed, where a large blanket covered a lone table surrounded with discarded tools and sheets of scribbled-on paper. She dramatically flipped off the blanket, there, on the table, was a large rifle-sized gun that looked like a cheap prop from some corny Sci-Fi TV show. She hefted the ting into her arms, surprised at how light it was. Trying to imitate the people she'd seen on TV, she tucked the butt of the gun into her shoulder, and squinted down the side, slowly, she settled on a potted plant sat across the room. Harvey, Sophia's favourite fern.

"Sorry Harvey, This is for the greater good." She muttered before pulling the trigger. There was a whine, and a pop... and nothing.

Confused, Kelly lowered the gun, and looked at it. All the lights were still on, the battery gauge on the side (Well, she assumed it was a battery gauge) read full.

'Don't say it doesn't work!' She thought to herself, then she looked at Harvey. It was gone! The pot was still there, but the plant was gone. Putting the gun down, she ran over. Glancing in the pot, there was curious hole in the packed soil. She reached out, but before her fingers touched the soil, they were brushed by soft leaves. She gasped and pulled her paw back. Then she reached out again. Harvey was still there... Invisible! Ha-ha! She squealed with joy and did a small jig on the spot, spinning the seemingly empty plant pot around. Now, to reverse it. She skipped back t the gun, and found a switch on the side that read: 'Re-phase'. Flicking the switch, she aimed again, and fired... Wrrrrr Pop and Harvey was back! Kelly did another squealing jig. After placing Harvey back on his shelf and giving him a fresh shower, she turned her attention to invisibility ray....

A few moments later, Kelley peered around the door of the shed. Back to the outside. The sun beat down on her, and she quickly retreated back into the doors shadow. It was so bright, and no matter how hard she squeezed her eyes shut, it didn't seem to help. Then she realised, of course, her eyelids were transparent now.

'Chalk up problem number two' she thought. Problem number one, was that the ray didn't work on her clothes. She'd had to strip nude in order to be 'completely' invisible. She lent out the door again. Part of her as telling her not to be stupid, she was invisible, so no one could see her, but the other part was telling her over and over again that she really didn't want to be out, in public, naked. Taking a deep breath, she ran across the yard, into the shadow of the house. The sun was so bright! She crept around the wall, and round to the front.

As she turned the corner, she walked smack into Mitch, Sophia's brother. She clasped her paws to her muzzle, and tried not to make a noise, as she stepped back. Mitch stood, frowning, he looked left and right, then staring at Kelly. Instinctively, Kelly folded her arm around her breasts, while her other hand cupped her crotch. She winced, waiting for Mitch's shriek, but nothing came. She looked up, Mitch was scratching his head, and looking at her. No... He was looking through her, at the shed!

"Not like Sophia to leave that open." He muttered to himself. And he walked over to close it. Kelly needed no more proof that the ray had worked. She crept up behind Mitch, and stood, hands on hips, enjoying the feeling of being out in front of this guy, nude, and him not even noticing. She felt the wind whisping through fur that is usually not whisped by wind, and she loved every second. As Mitch turned to leave, Kelly bent forward and pushed her breasts up jiggling them at him. His bemused expression was priceless, and Kelly couldn't stifle a giggle. Mitch paused, and looked around at the sudden noise. Kelly once again clapped her hands around her muzzle. Mitch shrugged, and walked off, while Kelly grinned at all the things she could do now.

Trying as best she could to keep to the shadows, she was getting used to her sudden sensitivity to light, but it was still something she wanted to avoid. She knew what she was going to do now. She was sure it was football practice today, if she could, she could sneak into the boys changing room and get herself a proper eyeful. She fancied a little tryst, and a sneak into the changing room would allow her to choose the real studs, without having to rely on word-of-mouth (as it were!) As she approached the pitch, her heart sank. The team bus was missing. Oh! They couldn't be playing an away game today? Could they? She ran the last few yards, and leapt up onto the railings, to peer across the field. They could, the pitch was empty. Damnit! What now? The answer came along sooner than she'd imagined, in the form of whistling from across the street, at the school entrance.

She turned, and followed the direction of the whistling, and her spirits shot up. Locking the school gates, having just finished his jobs, was the new janitor. She'd seen him occasionally, and all the girls were crushing on him. A tall wolf, in his early twenties, with what she called 'home-grown' muscles, the ones that come from good hard work, not fake-looking muscles that come from bodybuilding. A rugged face, dark eyes, and a sly smile that would send all her girl-friends into gushing fits. All of a sudden, she knew who she wanted to see in the shower. Skipping across the road, ignoring the strong light, she followed the wolf to his home.

Trailing him was quite easy. Slipping in the door to his home as he was going through it was a task. Thankfully there was mail on his doorstep that he had to pause to pick up. Once inside, Kelly couldn't believe her luck as the first thing the wolf did was pull off his shirt, giving her a view of his muscular chest and back that until now her and her friends had only fantasised about. She'd hardly noticed, but one of her paws was already circling her nipple, while the other was stroking the slender cleft between her legs. The wolf strode into his front room, with Kelly awkwardly following behind.

His home was strangely well furnished. She could believe that a simple janitor could afford half of this stuff. She had to stifle a gasp when the wolf walked into his front room, where there was the largest wall-mounted TV she'd ever seen. The wolf flopped back into a large chair and his hand slipped under the cushion for a second, before re-emerging holding a remote control. For the third time that day, Kelly's heart sank, had she done all this only to watch the cutest guy in the world just veg out in front of the TV? It wasn't fair! But for the third time that day, her spirits were unexpectedly lifted, when the wolf turned on his TV, to display the images of three furs getting it on together in a high class porn movie.

She watched as the wolf smiled to himself, before snuggling deeper into his chair and sliding a paw into the front of his jeans. He let out a sigh. Kelley's face lit up! This was too good to be true! She had only been hoping to get a glimpse of a sheath, but now, there was a chance she was going to get a chance to see the whole thing! She tiptoes around in front of the reclining wolf and slid down to the floor. The carpet was soft and think. As the wolf began breathing deeply to himself, Kelley began to stroke herself too. Sliding a paw between her legs, and gently sliding her fingers across her nether lips. Slowly at first, then faster, parting them slightly, and letting her fingertips glide through her cleft, across the sensitive flesh within.

Her hips began to rock in time with her strokes, and she slid down lying in the thick carpet. Tilting her head to the side so she could look up at the wolf sat in the chair, as he tipped his head back, his hand pumping up and down within his jeans. Kelley closed her eyes and wished to herself, over and over in her mind:

"Let me see it! Please! Take it out so I can see it!" Her free paw crept up to her breast, massaging the fur and flesh gently, every now and again allowing a fingertip to stroke across her nipple.

She tried to imagine the wolf leaning over her, tried to imagine that the hand rubbing her breast was his. While she did this, her finger slipped into her wet folds, and she began to circle her finger around in the moist opening. As she did so, the wolfs free hand crept down to his jeans fly, and he began unbuttoning them.

"Yes! Please! Take it out! Let me see it!"

She parted her legs, so both hands could slide down there, usually a treat she only allowed herself on special occasions. Slowly, agonisingly slow for the enamoured rabbit, the wolf popped open the buttons of his fly, and let the jeans part. There it was, the object of her desire, shining pink, throbbing almost, with a single wolf paw methodically rolling up and down it's length.

On the screen the orgy reached new levels of action, and the wolf quickened his strokes, his hips rolling and shifting in his chair, his eyes wide, staring at the screen, his long tongue hanging out of his mouth, panting with exhaustion. On the floor, Kelley could imagine that the wolfs wyes were fixed on her, that his ecstasy was not being created by the images on the screen, but my her own writing body. She was causing the wolf so much pleasure, her, and only her, while he did the same. She arched her back as the first waves of her climax began to grow.

"No! Not yet! I have to see him come! Please! Let it stay away until he comes! Please!"

But her body wouldn't listen, her hips kept rocking, her hands and fingers kept rubbing, stroking and probing.

All the while The wolf remained transfixed. He really seemed to be staring right at her. She looked right back at him, deep into those dark eyes. Then with a deep growl, the Wolf threw his head back, gave a single powerful pump of his hips, and climaxed. His semen shot forth in a great creamy stream. That done Kelly allowed herself her release, her paws worked hard and fast at her nether regions until the wave hit. She was naked, in a strangers house, and had just brought herself to climax beneath the very eyes of a strange, beautiful wolf who was masturbating himself. This was a fantasy that she could have never dreamed of, and that made her orgasm so powerful, so much more than anything she had ever felt before. Quickly, she brought up her arm, and wrapped the fold of her elbow across her muzzle, biting into her own fur to stifle her yell. Slowly, the waves faded, her body relented back under her own control, she suddenly realised that she'd been holding her breath. She had to make and effort to exhale and breathe deep as quietly as possible, to avoid warning the wolf of her presence.

She glanced across at him. His member was slowly softening, glistening trails of semen dripped from it's tip. He was laid back in his chair, eyes closed, mouth open, chest heaving as he gulped for air. As she watched him, waves of exhaustion and the warm afterglow of her intense climax took hold, and she curled right there on the carpet. It didn't matter that she would fall asleep here. No one could see her.

So wrapped up in the wonderful feelings, she didn't notice that now, when she closed her eyes, darkness came.