Forgo's encounter.

Story by Lucent on SoFurry

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#2 of Krystal clear

Yerax 5012 Ralix 450

Hello there, the name is Forgo. I am an azure blue Krustalienos, we all look like lizards but each one of us have a different shade of color, only twins are the same colors. I am a bit shorter then the normal tough, I only stand at 6 foot 4 inches, while the rest are over 7 foot tall. I work at an accounting compagny.

Yerax 5012 ralix 500

Found a nice spot today on a walk, I believe they call it Pellucid Forrest. They say the place is cursed, so no one goes near there meaning I finally found a place I can go to relax and be alone. The place is beautiful, there's Krystal tree's everywhere and the grass is purple here, not the usual red! But this place is so silent, it's a bit creepy. I wonder how it was formed.

Yerax 5012 Ralix 524

Bought some camping gear last week, im now camping in Pellucid forest. Dear, what trouble I had to find a place where I could anchor the tent here. The ground is rock solid although it looks like grass grow's every where. I have enough provision to last me about, 9 ralix, one week. I will go explore around the forest i guess.

Yerax 5012 Ralix 525

This place is huge! It is at the very least 10 rebax. Most cities are about 30 rebax in circumference. I found a hole right outside the forest, I looked trough it and could only see some water at the bottom, it looks like its very deep. I wonder if its just a hole or a cave, i could not see too well inside. The ground seem a bit softer out here. I think I will move the tent here.

Yerax 5012 Ralix 526

I moved the tent closer to the hole, but from it, it seem like its still hidden from it by the crystal trees. I have been planning on making a decent into the hole. But I need to document the place first and that could take a long time, I also have to ask for about a week of time off from work to have plenty of time to explore the place.

I might not be able to do it this Yerax.

Yerax 5012 Ralix 529

I was woken up last night by a strange musical sound, it was kind of creepy, but it also sounded admirative. When I looked outside the orb of gloom where lighting up the hole area, something did not seem right, but I was too sleepy to look further into the matter so i went back to sleep. It's bugging me now tough.

Yerax 5012 Ralix 531

I heard the noise again this morning, I looked outside and saw a strange sight, it seemed like a dark spinning crystal was retreating into the hole. I don't know if I was dreaming or not, but it made me remember what seemed so wrong 2 nights ago. There was a dark mass floating above the ground making those strange sounds I heard.

Yerax 5012 Ralix 532

I did not see the crystal or the thing again, I don't know what to call it. Its the first time I saw anything like it. it seemed to be inteligent but thats not possible since we are the only inteligent life form on this planet. Any way I got to go to back to the city and start working again my week of time off is done.

Yerax 5012 Ralix 670

The year is almost over, yet what I saw at the forest is still bugging me, I tried to talk about it to my friend, but they think im crazy, people at work are makingfun of me, there asking me if I see dark crystal every where. I know what I saw and I know it was real! My resolution for this year is to find out what it was and prove to every one that it exist!

Yerax 5013 Ralix 1

I received a camera from my boss at work today. i guess he meant it a bit like a joke I guess, he asked me that next time I see a dark crystal floating above the ground that I take a pictureof it. I think he secretly believes me tough. If not why would he have gotten me one of the camera with gloom vision option on it?

Yerax 5013 Ralix 209

I went back to the forest again, i have been going there since Ralix 1 of this Yerax. I got some picture of the crystal, but most of them were of it retreating back into the ground. the others think it looks like a rock jutting out of the ground. It seem like i will have to take the picture in height to show them there's a hole there.

Yerax 5013 Ralix 300

I managed to get a few conclusive shot of the crystal. But most people still think its a weird rock formation rising slowly from the ground, I asked one of them to go and see for himself but since the place has the reputation of being cursed, no one wants to come with me...

Yerax 5013 Ralix 466

My old boss, an albino Krustalienos, got lowered from boss to simple employee, I don't know what he did, but in the end the new one fired me and gave him my place. I am not very happy about that, to say the least...

Yerax 5013 Ralix 467

I went back to the forest to try to calm down. The crystal was out again but this time it was not spinning. That darn crystal made me look like an insane lienos wich resulted in me loosing my job! I think i will kick the darn thing and be done with it! Lets place the cam glass too so I can remember this moment forward in case other things like that happens.

Is this camera is on? yes, good good. "The view on the cam start going up and down and closing rapidly to the dark krystal floating above the ground" Haley oup! "A loud hiting sound is heard and many curse's" Ok, now that hurt. What is this thing made off.. Hey wait a minute, its retreating way too fast not to be alive. "The cameras view pan down to the hole" It's too small for me to fit trough but maybe i can grab that thing. I cant, but that place feels like its huge in there. I will have to come back with more lienos.

At least now I have proof that it does exist and it is intelligent!

Yerax 5013 Ralix 468

I did not sleep at all tonight, i'm too pumped up since the government analysed the video and told me that they were placing me in charge of finding what this thing is. My old boss joined the expedition, he is be one of the most intuitive person I know an I want him on my team when I go down there.


Were now at the hole, the others saw the krystal quickly retreating in the ground, they seem ready to listen to me.

We started digging but during the process, the crystal we could see in the cave covered up the hole, it was one strangest thing we ever saw. One of the guy's placed explosives on it and detonated it. It barely scratched the crystal but we all heard a strange noise coming from down there before it retreated. A bit too suddenly too, since we were all standing on it...

After a short fall and a rough landing, we found our self in a cave, the walls were covered in pink diamond, a very resistant kind of crystal but totaly worthless except for that quality. In one part of the cave there was a bubble formation made of it. The strange thing was that there was about 20 black diamond in it. They looked like they were in the shape of a biped.

It made a stick and poked one of us. Oh dear, it just hurt Ribal! It seemed to be poking him but it continued trough his hide. I think I scared it somehow, it retreated the poker and left a strange liquidy krystal in the wound that seems to be closing it. Let's just say we will be more cautious of this thing whatever it is.

Yerax 5013 Ralix 469

We retreated to the back of the cave, the furthest away from the bubble, to sleep. Gloom time is upon us.

Hmmm... I felt poked softly.... hmmm... Felt a poke on my crotch then a warm feeling around it...wet dream's... I like em.... oOooOOoooh... some thing is warm around my cock. It feels good... It feels solid a bit and warm too. Oooooh I feel it like if its going up and down my dick, its the best feeling am close...too close. I can't hold it anymore.

I woke up at that precise moment the bubble was gone on the fartess wall and the being was encircling my dick in some sort of crystal and jerking me off, first thing that came to mind was to grab it and direct it to my other region to see what it would do.


Its now sparkle time again...that would make it Yerax 5013 Ralix 470... the others are still asleep Ribal seem to be ok his wound has disappeared... where are my manners, I turn toward the being and say "thank you, I needed that, thank you"

Next thing I know I receive this loud musical voice in my head asking me where we are! The others woke up instantly. Ameer a tall red lizard was voted to answer that question.

He answered "Krustallos" while making an image of what the planet would look like from space.

Soon after we received an image of the forest outside when it was just starting to grow. Ribal volunteered himself to answer that one, "Pellucid Forest"

Shimar, my ex-boss, asked it the same way the being was doing, what he was?

It seemed to turn a greyish shade before going back to its normal shade. Was that surprise?

It tried to answer us in our language this time. It calls it self Lucent, although it came out Luucent...hehehe...

We told Lucent we would like to get out of this cave and he quickly made a stair out of the ambient crystal, I was very impressed by that!

Yerax 5013 Ralix 580

I have now become a celebrity in the scientific world since I was the first to discover the intrakrustallos as the y call him. I still prefer to call him by his name Lucent. He has been visited by many of our scientist over the last few Ralix, I haven't been able to see him much, I hope they calm down a bit and let me have a bit of "intimacy" with him. I cant wait to try something else with him again, the scene that happened in the cave while the others were sleeping is still fresh in my mind.

Yerax 5014 Ralix 38

A new discovery has been revealed, it seem the memory of Lucent goes back to the ralix this planet was formed and gained its rotation. From what we understood, Lucent's "home" crashed into the planet and landed in a lake of lava, but the impact was big enough to shrink his crystal cover and spread some around the impact site, it also gave the planet a small rotational push.

Yerax 5014 Ralix 469

The world has finally calmed down, although they are looking for others like him all over the globe now. I can finally go see him, I cant contain my excitement.

When I got there I asked him if he remembered the thing he did to me a Yerax ago.

He confirmed he did and wanted to know why I was asking, so I took my courage in my two hand and asked him if he would do it again, with out the poking this time...

He started by changing the shape of one of his hand to cover my crotch completely and the proceeded to massage me again. Ooooohhh, how I missed that hot warm sensation on my dick. It feels so good! Hmmmmm... ahhhh... I cant resist pumping my hips toward it this time. He seems to stop for a moment and look at my bottom, could it be he seen my vagina and a~~.... OoooOOoooh that feels awesome, he just inserted 2 of his fingers in both of them. "Hmmmmm continue pushing them in please and could you make them a bit bigger?"

Ooooooaaaaoooohhh I feel myself being stretched to the limit, hurts a bit but feels sooo gooood, in my bliss I am aware he created a tail reposing in the water and it seem to be pumping it toward my ~~~~ oh dear, oh dear, that feels cold but sooo nice at the same time, I wont be able to last long....

That might have been one of the most mind bending orgasm I have ever had...

"Have you ever been out of this place you call Home, Lucent? Would you like to go visit where I live?"