Monsters - Breeder

Story by Clarkers on SoFurry

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Okay, so, this is the first story of this nature I've completed.

It's for audiences 18 and over, so if y'all who are under that age would kindly click the red X at the upper right-hand corner of the window, I'd greatly appreciate it.

Contents: Love, F/Solo, M/F



Lunar groaned as beams of light struck her face. It was a soft, pitiful sound, a complaint of how the world was treating her. When it was apparent the brilliant sphere couldn't possibly leave her alone, she opened her eyes and rose from the comfortable folds of her bed.

"Stupid sun," she whined as she opened a door into a sun-lit hallway. Unfortunately, the top of her head caught on the doorway, causing a migraine to course through her skull, "Ah, stupid!"

Lunar wasn't a small woman, not by any means. That wasn't to say she was fat, in fact most of her body was muscle. She stood at seven feet, which meant that she should have gotten used to the morning headaches by this point in time. She also had large hands and feet, much to her dismay.

She also wasn't human, at least not usually.

She was a wolf, one that walked on two legs, wagged two tails, clapped four hands, and smiled with three heads.

A yelp of pain erupted from Lunar's mouths. When she looked at her feet, she found the trickles of blood she had come to expect.

A clawed hand gingerly pulled out a shard of glass.

She lived in an old, broken hotel with her best friend. The walls had long-since lost their layers of paint, the windows had long since broken under the stress of wind and rain.

Her eyes focused on the world outside those windows, onto the surface of the colony ship Anatolia. Mountains spread as far as the eye could see; the only flat land was the field at the hotel's feet. Birds sang among the trees, tiny angels caught in their holy chorus.

Here, she and her best friend were alone.

A smile crept across her faces.

Lunar's tails flicked behind her as her heart swelled. She loved this place, despite the everyday discomfort.

She just wished that her best friend didn't have to work so much. He was always either hunting for food or trying to fix the building.

The wolf wanted to help him, but recently she began to have pains. It always felt like someone had stabbed the depths of her body with a heated spear. The last time, the pain became bad enough to bring her to her knees.

Her muscles still ached from the incident, a dull burn that teased the edges of her conscious.

"Maybe a bath?" Lunar asked herself. She had been told to take it easy, to relax, to rest until she felt better.


Lunar poured a bucket full of steaming water into a tub that would barely fit her.

There was only one working faucet and one working bath. Fate had somehow managed to place both at opposite ends of the structure.

But, despite its placement, the bathroom had everything that the woman needed. Light cascaded through a sheet of green leaves, provided by the azure sky above. Soft green moss was spread upon the floor and rose along the walls, a carpet for her feet. Flowers floated in the sink's basin and filled the air with their tropical scent.

But, as if to spite her environs, Lunar's body burned once more.

It was a struggle to lift her legs over the tub's edge, even more to allow herself to fall into the water's calm depths.

The descent would remind her of the things she had to clean: the marsupial pouch on her stomach and the two small breasts that hung underneath her more obvious first pair.

But those could wait for a bit.

She felt consumed, exhausted. Her arms and legs dangled over the edge, unable to fit within the bath's confines, and throbbed in time to her heartbeat. It took everything she had to force her hands around a wandering brick of soap.

Lunar's legs were first to be caressed. Her fingers pushed, prodded, and pulled at her skin, at the muscles underneath. She struggled to push forward, to reveal the pain buried so close to her bones.

Tears escaped her eyes as she bit back a whine.

The water that cleansed her fur only served to enrage her body. She was only giving it what she thought it wanted.

A yelp escaped Lunar's mouth as something hard struck her left breast. When she looked down, she found that the bar of soap had sprung from her clenched fist.

Timidly, carefully, the woman caressed the tender flesh.

The thick, velvety pads of Lunar's fingers pushed through her fur, gentle strokes that were meant to comfort.

The touch drew a purr from within the beast's chest. A gasp rocked her body as an errant finger grazed the edge of her areola. A whine pulled at her lips as that same digit found the tip of her nipple.

A bolt of clarity struck the woman's mind. Her hand fell away as she questioned what had just happened. She didn't feel clean, not any more, like she had just done something that wasn't proper.

But her body, though it still ached, had begun to feel better.

Something at the corners of her head said to go through with it, to just let go for a moment.

Lunar's four hands rose to her chest. Each began to caress her sensitive spheres, frightened by the alien task that lay before them. Each tried to please in a different way.

One hand continued to massage the woman's skin in hopes of pulling a purr from her lungs. Another gently squeezed her breast until she couldn't help but gasp. The third gently squeezed her nipple until she yelped, and would attack her again when she grew complacent. The last drew circles, lost in a dream it hoped to share with her.

Each caress satisfied the burn in her body. Like poison, it began to shift, pulling in from her arms and legs to the very center of her being. It coursed through her veins, bounced along her ribcage, and pushed against her lungs until it formed a ring of fire around her heart.

From there, pushed onwards by gentle hands, it slid between the sweet mountains of her breasts. It roamed across the plains of her flat, buttonless, stomach and delved into the depths of her body.

A muted pain blossomed across Lunar's face as her legs pressed against the bottom of the tub. Her hips thrust into the air, her body shuddered, and her tail lashed at the water beneath her, all to catch the rhythm of her fluttering hearteat.

Six eyes focused on the engorged lips of the wolf's sex. They glistened, moistened by both water and a colorless fluid that dribbled like drool.

Lunar slid one hand down her body, curious as to why she was being hurt, only to stop when a cold voice echoed within her mind. She remembered how she had been told to never touch herself there, that she was only to relieve herself.

But wasn't this a relief from pain?

A probing finger answered Lunar's question. She could only pant in joy as her feminine cleft was stroked. Up and down her hand moved, pushing and tugging at her breath.

Water enclosed the wolf's body once more as her eyes shut. The world melted away as she delighted in the sensations that wracked her form.

Lunar felt a clawed finger push against her folds. It glided through her velvet muscles until she felt her knuckle push against her flesh. Liquid bliss rolled through her body as she felt her heated tunnel clench and unclench, a soft suckle meant for only her and her lover.

The slightest movement now made the wolf moan in delight. Those moans became heated and passionate as the intruding finger became a piston within her sex. In and out she thrust as she explored and exploited the tenderness of her body.

Her thumb bumped against the tiny nub of flesh at the top of her cleft.

Her entrance became slightly stretched as a second finger joined the first.

Her quest even found a special spot that turned her vision to snow.

The heat that burned between Lunar's legs spread once more to her entire body. Her remaining three hands caressed every spare piece of flesh they could, whether it was thigh, breast, neck, or even her tail. She wanted to be touched, needed to be touched.

Every movement would reign in the painful burn that coursed through her body. Every time she moaned, cried, or purred the fires would pull deeper into her body. Every time her hand collided with her sex, the heat would condense a little more in her heart.

Something in the back of her mind told her she was close, but nothing told her what she was close to.

Determined, desperate to find out, the woman began to buck wildly. Water was thrown in every direction. Her groping hands clenched her flesh, her thumb ground against her clitoris, and her invading fingers curled to strike that special place she had found.

Her body seized.

Her back arched. Her legs clenched. Her mouth opened. Her tail thrashed against the bottom of the tub.

Lunar was caught in the throes of purest ecstasy. She could only delight in the sensation of her sex trying to pull her fingers deep, deep within her body. She could only ride the waves that bathed her invasive hand in nectar and brought her mind sweet rapture. She could only embrace the explosion of crystalline heat that erupted from her heart.

That same explosion rocketed from her lungs, a chorus of howls that could split the earth and bring down the heavens.

Lunar collapsed with one final splash, drenched in sweat, soap, and bodily fluid.



Gusts of wind teased the emerald heart of the Anatolia mountains. Long forgotten by the minds of men, it was the last sanctuary, the only place to run and be forgotten. Here, anyone could be safe from hunters and soldiers, becoming ghosts among the roots and branches.

But, like any paradise, the forest held its own peril, peril that came in the shape of an old road. Broken, worn, aged beyond all repair, to most men it was no more than a memory. To those who visited the forest knew it as a nightmare, a path that only lead to haunted ruin, to the Hotel Dusk.

One man now followed its tattered cobblestones.

His name was Gon.

He wore a dark green shirt, a pair of camouflage pants, and looked at the world through a single red eye.

His gray pelt, scarred by lavender stripes, shimmered in the sun, damp with sweat. His right leg and left arm glinted with every step, cold steel substitute. He had even lost his left eye; all that remained was a solid, blind blue sphere.

But each of these wounds was a lie.

At least he liked to think so.

He tried to be nice, tried to never bother anyone, tried to be supportive to everyone he met.

He even tried to be everything for his best friend.

A smile broke the stoic frost that ravaged his face. It was wide and innocent, one might even go so far as to say goofy and stupid, but he knew it was how he felt right now.

Gon had failed to kill a single deer. He had failed to catch any squirrels.

It didn't help that he left all of his supplies back within his room.

A hand with two fingers and a thumb, his hand, connected with the flat section of his face where any normal person's nose would be.

As the hotel's shadow engulfed Gon's body, he realized it did not entirely matter. He had gathered enough food for the next few weeks. Even if the animals began to hide, he could still grow food on the third floor.

The second the man's hand touched the door he tensed.

Every single hair on the back of his neck stood on end.

Normally his best friend would have tackled him by now, maybe even curled around him in one of her typical displays of affection.

The man's steel arm crackled with electrical current as he threw open the front door.

Gon's footsteps echoed through the hallways. He threw his weight into each door door he could. His eyes canvassed every single room, every single hallway, every single tile that he came across.

Then, on the third floor, the very heart of the hotel, Gon stopped. The entire floor was bathed in the innocent light of a crystalline tree, a soft blue glow that throbbed against the lichen-plagued walls and the mossy floor. Like liquid, the light cascaded wherever it touched, pulled back into the pool that protected the weathered trunk and nubile vines.

This was the last place she could be.

The entire room was wrong somehow, tainted. It always felt as though the building itself wanted to push them out. She wouldn't be here unless she had to be.

"Lunar!" Gon shouted. His body twisted from side to side in fear. He nearly choked upon the desperation that crushed his chest, "Lunar!"

Something struck the man in the center of his back, fast and heavy enough to lift him from his feet. He barely had enough time to throw his hands forward and cushion his fall.

When Gon opened his eyes he saw Lunar's smiling face. Without missing a beat, her tongues began to drag across his face and her tail mercilessly pummeled his left leg. His hands tried to push her away, to create breathing room, only to become pinned against her breasts.

Slowly the woman calmed. Her heads found places to rest, her arms wrapped behind her best friend's back, and her tails gently stroked the moss on which the two lay.

A dampness, warm and sticky, pressed against Gon's left leg. An eyebrow rose as he asked, "Lunar, are you alright? You're not bleeding are you?"

The wolf's reply was a deep, amorous dive into his crimson eye, a surprised blink of clarity, and an ashamed attempt to flee. Her hands and feet slid against the slick moss, her claws only came away caked with spongy mass.

Gon knocked Lunar to the ground, flat onto her back. His hands pinned her arms to the floor, his tail wrapped around her right leg. His fearful eye traveled across her naked figure, searching for any injury.

"Where did you hurt yourself?" the man asked tenderly. His fingertips withdrew from her limbs and began to push through her fur, "does it hurt?"

Lunar shuddered as her best friend graced her flesh with his claws, whined as his palms stroked her stomach. She could barely put her hands on his shoulders and push him away, "Sorry."

"Why? You don't need to apologize for getting hurt."

"I'm not hurt," the woman's six eyes could no longer bear to look at him. Instead, her embarrassment forced her to stare at the walls and the cieling, "I touched myself."

Gon raised an eyebrow, confused. He nearly missed the one finger that pointer down Lunar's stomach to the red petals of her sex.

The man's mouth filled with half-formed words. He would pull away, look into her eyes and begin a phrase, then shut his mouth and scoot a little closer.

"You know, we're in a bad position to discuss this," Gon said as his hands left his friend's body. Burdened by embarrassment, the two turned away from one another, unable to speak, unable to think.

So, the man simply leaned backwards and came to rest on his best friend's back.

"So, you touched yourself?"

Lunar looked at her hands. She still felt their shadows on her skin, she still felt the tingle in her veins. She wanted to hide from herself, but could only pull her knees to her chest, "yes."

"And did it hurt you at all?"


Gon's hands pushed through Lunar's hair. They graced her three heads and caressed the sensitive spots behind, above, and below her ears. It took every last bit of her willpower to keep from collapsing atop her best friend.

"Then why be worried? Sometimes you've just gotta do what feels right."

The words echoed in the woman's mind. They played amongst her thoughts and pushed deep into her body.

Afraid, Lunar felt herself turn around. Gon's scent filled every breath as she came to rest her heads against his skull.

"May I love you?"

The words hung in the air, meek, powerless, a request of borne of uncertainty and fear.

"May I love you in return?"

Gon's voice played against the woman's throats as he tilted his head backward, his eyes closed, his body open.

Gently, like the wings of a butterfly, Lunar placed her lips against those of her best friend. This first kiss was little more than a peck, a timid attempt to placate the thoughts in her head. When they would not relent, she gave into the second kiss, and found it far more satisfying than the first.

It began with the timid extension of her tongue. She closed her eyes as she tasted Gon's lips, savored the inside of his mouth, played over his sharpened teeth. When his tongue returned the favor, playfully pushing into her maw, she couldn't contain the rumble that had begun to form in her chest.

Tempted by the delightful moan that now pushed into his lungs, Gon felt his body turn. His hands gently curved around Lunar's sides and locked behind her back.

Then, the man began to retreat, "wait, wait..."

Lunar's arms held him against her, "what?"

"What are we doing?"

"I don't know," The answer was a soft whisper in Gon's ear, "but, it feels right."

Lunar's hands lifted away the man's shirt, pushed away his pants, and guided him to the mossy floor. Her two tails swayed back and forth, a hypnotic dance for his enjoyment. She wanted the moment to last forever: her best friend's face was buried in her breasts, his body pinned beneath hers.

The woman could only giggle as she felt Gon writhe in her grasp, his face lit by modesty. She felt the flames of his embarrassment lick at her tender flesh, barely dampened by her fur, and ignite the heat that had pounded in her veins.

Clawed hands played across the man's body, caressing him, delighting in every touch, every sensation. They traced his spine, rubbed the base of his tail, clutched the curves of his effeminate ass, searching for what pleased.

Ecstasy ricocheted within his throat as a stray finger lifted his scrotum.

Six eyes looked down in unexpected glee. They focused on Gon's engorged shaft, watched as it throbbed against a furred thigh.

Sadistic grins spread across Lunar's faces as she turned to her best friend's manhood. Her mind told her what it was, what it was for, told her that it was another thing forbidden to touch. She watched it, tempted by pulsations so in tune with her own heartbeat.

She turned to it, her tails left to play with Gon's face

Soft, leathery fingers wrapped around the man's sensitive flesh, pulling a groan from his lungs. Fingertips toyed with his balls, slow, deliberate strokes worked the skin of his penis, kisses from three mouths moistened his loins, all while Lunar's toned butt danced in front of him.

Gon was entranced; lost to the ministrations that entertained his member, lost to the two round globes that filled his vision, lost to the glistening slit between her legs. Every movement of her body, every twitch of her tail dampened his neck, every drop that landed on his tongue tasted of sweet, burning nectar.

He wanted to reward her, needed to give something back.

His hands guided Lunar's cheeks closer, that his entire world was consumed by the scent that flowed from the lips of her sex. A slow, powerful lick released a torrent of juice down his throat.

Lunar gasped, her breath held captive by the wonderful tongue that ravished her heated tunnel. Soft laps sent bolts of lightning to her mind. Gentle nibbles burned the edges of her vision. When his lips closed around her entrance, her face fell into the fluff of his pubic fur.

Waves of purest pleasure smashed into the back of her skulls. Each crest threatened to break a dam within her, a battering ram against her will. Then, suddenly, she felt herself crumble. Her thighs threatened to crush Gon's head as she ground against his face. It took every last bit of strength to keep her mouth open, to avoid biting her best friend in a fit of passion when she felt her liquids pour from her snatch into his waiting mouth.

Panting against Gon's tender meat, Lunar felt herself fall from the crest of her climax. She smiled in pleasure as lips kissed away the last droplets of her thick, fruity ecstasy.

But the pleasure was tainted: her depths burned, itched, all because her best friend couldn't reach them with his tongue.

Lunar's gaze focused on the twitching cock in front of her. Her eyes locked on the spiny shaft, bulbous base, and almost mushroom-like head. Her tongue graced the throbbing flesh and found a taste she enjoyed.

Her lips engulfed his sensitive manhood, twisting in satisfaction the moment she heard Gon groan, felt his breath in her loins. When she pulled away, she smiled, his spines tugging at her maw.

Carefully, without saying a word, Lunar crawled forward. When she finally stopped, her three heads turned back to her best friend, her eyes filled with nothing but love. With a wiggle of her hips, a flick of her twin tails, she lowered onto his groin.

Canine teeth glinted, a mixture of pleasure and pain, and the woman's breath was taken away. Gon's cock sank into her folds so deeply, stretched her silken walls so wonderfully, caressing places she had struggled to reach, touching pieces she didn't know exist.

It felt so good, so right to be impaled on his member that she didn't notice the pain of her virgin hymen being torn. All that existed was the novel bliss of taking her lover in completely. She became lost to the rhythmic throb inside her, a hum that matched her fluttering heart.

She wanted to lift, but found her body unable to respond, too far consumed by the brilliant heat that consumed her soul.

But she couldn't panic, Gon didn't let her get that far. His clawed hands traced figures on her back, ran down her spine, and stroked her tails, pulling a pleasured purr from her lungs. He lifted himself to her ear, where his teeth nibbled at her sensitive skin. His hands moved to her breasts, diligently massaging her orbs, tweaking her nipples. Every motion twisted the heat in her veins.

"Lunar, you're so beautiful," he praised her, "you're so tight, so soft."

Gently, carefully, Gon's hands coaxed the woman's body to lift, to turn. Her four hands clutched at the ground for support, every muscle weakened by the slow rotation deep inside her. She wanted to scream,wanted to moan, cry, pant, nibble, and bite, to kiss. Her lips locked with those of her lover, rampant and wild, desperate for his taste, for that touch that was becoming her life.

She began to rock, lost to the touch of their flesh and the rhythm of their heartbeats. Every time she felt him hilt she release a soft, pleasured yip. Every spine that tugged her folds was rewarded with a gasp. Every stroke made the knot at his base grow larger, thicker.

Soon, Lunar found that she could no longer fit her lover inside. Those spots inside her, the ones that felt so good, the ones only he could touch, now burned in agony. Her eyes welled with tears as she struggled to push herself down.

"Please, Please," she begged as his arms held her tight. Her four hands cupped his ass, held his thighs, pulling him into her, "Please, I need you."

Her request was answered by a sudden pop in her loins, a sudden fullness that caused chained explosions in her veins. She couldn't hear, couldn't see, couldn't smell or taste, but she could feel. She could feel the sweet cream that was being pumped into her, that was cooling her down.

She was melting atop her lover, melting into him, seeping into his veins. She swam in his blood, danced in his lungs, played in his arms. She even cupped his two hearts in her hands, her lips giving them the love that they deserved before unleashing the song that had welled inside her.

Twitching inside his lover, Gon crushed himself against her stomach, against her chest as he was ripped apart by his climax. His mind burned, his hearts fluttered as wave after wave of his cream shot into her needy pussy. Every spasm brought another constriction, every constriction forced another spasm, a never ending cycle that pounded into his soul and pulled away every last bit of his strength.

And when she howled, he joined her. He felt her hands guide him through the ceiling, into the bright sunlight and the cool breeze. Higher they flew, until they ran among the clouds, swam through storms. Higher still they climbed, until they sat on the very top of the world, watching the sun die and the stars shine.

The two fell to the ground, drenched in each others' sweat, tails intertwined, unbreakable.