You Make Me Feel Like Dancin'

Story by Picklessauce69 on SoFurry

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Sometimes I just get these crazy fantasies and ideas of what I'd rather be doing than watching Netflix or doing homework, usually they involve my favorite furball. Today, I was feeling a little bit musical because I was watching some Netflix movie (Dirty Girl) with all this jammin' 80's music in it, so I started rocking out afterwards and it evolved into this interesting little tangent.

Just a reminder that whether you have wisdom teeth or not, wifi or not- I still love ya Skatelian and I'm always thinkin' about you even if you aren't getting my messages fast enough.

Enjoy everyone :) Shout out my music in the comments? Any bands you listen to too?

"Baby? Baby, come here! I need your help!" Pickles's voice echoed out from down the hall, breaking through the husky's concentration at the computer. He glanced up, one triangular ear popping up at attention as his fingers froze on the keys of the computer. He paused, frozen like that as he listened to catch the sound again.

"Pooch? Are you out there? I need assistance!" Her voice rang out again from down the hall, this time a bit louder, with the lilt of nervous laughter at the end. "Pretty please! I could get seriously injured!" Again, her voice broke through the house's silence with a warm lilting.

The husky chuckled, shaking his head once before he pushed back from the desk. Strolling down the hallway towards the bedroom, his hand swiped up through his hair, smoothing out the streaked green locks. As he rounded the corner, he tucked in right against the edge with his cheek flush to the wood, "Yes? Did you need something, cutie?"

When he rounded completely into the room, he saw the girl seated primly behind the small side table, perched on the edge of the bed. At the sight of the husky, she curled her lips high with a bright sparkle in her eyes. On the table, spread onto a pair of mugs and a squat teapot. Behind, the canine sat with her back straight, hands folded in front of her lap. A tight, simple black skirt sat high on her waist, flared out and resting on the tops of her thighs while a snug cropped top tucked into it. The lace, of the bra beneath her top, showed at the edge of the shirt framing around the crease of her cleavage. Her eyelashes fluttered playfully at the sight of him as she leaned into the desk, pushing both breasts up at the frame while red fingernails tapped lightly at the wood.

The husky grinned, eyeing the small canine as he slowly strode into the room, taking each step to sweep his gaze over another part of the girl seated in front of him, so patient as he made his way to her. First, he tried to solve the puzzle in her eyes. They sparkled with mischief and crinkled at the edges where her smile spread up to the far reaches of her face. Lower, her breasts strained inside the top, simple and casual but situated perfectly to give him a sample of what hid beneath; all lace and soft, furred skin. As he stepped closer, he heard the faint strains of the music in the back, the guitar building before the canine stood with a little shimmy. Her hips started to sway to the faint beat of the drums. Her arms stretched out, finger hooking towards him while her nose crinkled, a giggled escaping. "Coffee, tea or me, baby?"

Her tail gave a little swish behind her, showing when she gave a little spin and bent right enough to let her skirt shuffle around her thighs, giving him a glimpse of the red lace hiding beneath that hugged around the curve of her pert rump. "Touch a la'/ My opening line might be a bit passe-"

She turned, eyes fixing on him with a broad smile curling up her lips as she continued to playfully dance. Closing the gap between them, a hand curled over his shoulder as she shimmied in against him, rump grazing the front of his jeans as she leaned in, singing in a mere whisper. "But don't think that I don't know what I'm feeling for, cause I got a vibe on you the first time that I saw you, saw you." Another laugh left her lips, butt starting to grind right into him blatantly while the song continued without her voice over. Her head tipped back, lips grazing into his chin while two hands settled on her hips. "What's gotten into you today?" he mumbled, unable to stop grinning at her surprising little game.

She spun, pulling away and out from his hands and starting to sway a bit faster. The fabric of her skirt fluttered around her thighs. It danced up, glimpsing more of her thighs while her bare legs shimmied down towards the floor. Her arms twisted up, lifting above her head as she seemed to slip partly into her own world, just dancing over the bedroom rug. Looking over her shoulder as she dropped to the ground, butt grinding to the beat playfully: "I need your love, and I won't bring no pain. A little birdie told me that you feel the same game."

She straightened quickly, fast enough that her skirt flipped up to give him a glimpse of the pure lace panties. They hugged to her rounded ass, giving the foggy impression of her lower lips between the pert cheeks before the skirt fell into place once again while she strode towards the bed, a footstep falling in time with each beat while her shoulders rocked in time. "I'm for real, and for you I'm true blue," she sang, almost to herself before she reached the bed, spun, and sad down with legs spread while her bright, green eyes met his. "Let's make a deal, sugar. All I want to do is be your one and only lover."

Chuckling to himself still, James started to move closer to her, listening and humming along until the words continued. As he stood in front of her, arms gently pulling her up and against him, she pressed into his study chest. Her arms wrapped up around his neck, breasts squishing into him as her lips found his neck. "I just want to be your lovergirl." Then, a hand dropped down, squeezing blatantly over his crotch. "I just want to rock your world."

James's eyes went wide, mouth even rounding out into a little O. "Oh, really now? You needy girl." Her eyebrows danced at him while she started to wriggle back to the bed, tugging him with this time so that as she dropped onto the comforter, he came over top of her.

Her lips found his neck, starting to kiss up the length, slowly using the music's beat as a guide for her lips. Her hips, at the same time, were still grinding and writhing to the beat. Her soft, furred fingers slid up onto his cheeks, guiding him into a deep kiss as her body rolled up against his, still hovering over her with one foot firmly on the ground and a knee on the bed. The husky's hands slid up her thighs, sending shivers through her limbs. Her skirt had spilled up, piling over her crotch but leaving every inch of her long, slender legs bare for his fingertips to trace up till they hit her little panties.

At the lace, his hands paused and both lips eased back from his lover's and shifted down to find her neck. Soft, wet kisses followed along her collarbone till he nosed beneath the flop of her furry ears with a whispered singing voice, "Hook, line, and sinker, baby. That's how you caught me." His fingers ran over top of the lace panties, tracing out the shape of her lower lips and starting to rub his thumb along her slit. He already felt the wetness gathered there, soaking through the thin fabric without challenge. Her legs shifted, one curling around his side and pulling his groin closer as her lips returned the kisses along his shoulder. "Don't think that I don't know what it's doing to me, cause I got a vibe on you the first time you saw through me, through me."

Then, their lips met each other again, the music fading into the background and melding into another while the golden canine cupped around her lover's cheeks and forced him into a long, lingering kiss. Her teeth tugged at his, faint, playful growls whispering between their lips and tongue lapping over canines. Her hips continued to grind into him, though his fingers kept her in check. One hand held her hips, forcing them down against the bed while his opposite hand cupped over her mound, feeling the heat washing out from the aroused pup. His thumb rubbed along her slit, feeling the moisture spreading into a patch in the panties, still without moving them.

When the kiss broke apart, the two were breathing into each other. James cupped the girl's face, letting her hips press up into him impatiently without his controlling grip. Gently, he stroked the length from between her eyes down her nose before kissing the little button. "I love when you sing to me." He whispered, kissing one of her cheeks and then the other. "Even if you're distracting me from ever finishing anything ever again."

Her fingers grabbed his cheeks on either side while both eyes held him intensely. Her lips parted, as though she'd respond, but instead she just started to sing in a mere whisper: "L is for the way you look at me and O is for the only one I see." Her head dropped back, arms rising above her head dramatically as her voice raised, "V is very, very extraordinary and E is even more than anyone that you adore!"

"Love is all that I can give to you and Love is more than just a game for two and if two in love can make it. Take my heart and please don't break it 'cause love was made for me and you." James continued, leaning into the girl's shoulder and neck so that his voice tickled against her fur until she started giggling. Both her legs wrapped around him, clutching him in an entire body hug as warm lips pressed to the side of his neck in a long kiss that snuck to his jaw and lips over the span of a second. "Come make some love, baby." She murmured, meeting his eyes again with that sparkling light filling them once more.

"Mmmm...." He dipped his head, kissing over each of her breasts right where the soft tissue met to the base of her chest. He nuzzled down her chest, using his tongue to start tracing over the edges of the lace that nestled against each breasts. "I'm going to make you into a well-loved, little lovergirl."

"I love it when you talk nonsensical to me." She purred, giggling as her back arched, pressing herself into him in anticipation. Soft, gentle hands slid up her sides, easing her top out from where it tucked in to the shirt and guiding it up to reveal the entirety of her brassiere. The bodice of the garment continued longer, created a slim frame while her breasts sat perky up top of the molded format. Each soft breast was cupped within a red base, though a black lace overlay over the entire thing with red, ribbon lacing down the center. "I like this-" James crooned, kissing once just above the bra's edge between her twin boobs before his hands slid beneath her, undoing it one clasp at a time. Once loosened, he guided it back, humming softly against the furred skin. The straps untangled from her skin, the garment fell away, leaving both breasts bare atop her chest. James paused, cupping once in each palm while his fingers massaged into the tender flesh and his lips sought out the warm dot of each nipple. They each stood out, pink against the golden hue of her coat and perky with arousal.

His tongue swirled around each of the little nubs, sending shivers down her spine so she vibrated atop the comforter. Then, his mouth closed over top of the gem, suckling it down into the hot depths of his muzzle. The female stiffened, gasping once before she grabbed onto his head, clutching onto him there against her chest. Her hips writhed, pushing up to him until his thigh nudged forward as a base for her needy grinding. Then, she just seemed to freeze in the moment. Her breathing slowed to bursting gasps while her eyes clenched shut and fingers dug into his hair. She tangled the green and gray strands of his hair through her fingers, tugging him gently into her. Whimpering beneath her breast, her eyes peered open when he swapped breasts and his matching green eyes swept up to meet hers.

Breaking away from the stiff nub, he shifted back up to hover over her. His lips reached down, tangling their muzzles together while his fingers trailed back down her body, mapping out where her shirt crunched up beneath her chin and the skirt crumpled above her waist. Slowly, he peeled the thick waistband of the skirt away from her body, tugging it down over her body in a swift motion without breaking the kiss. His tongue nudged her lips apart, lapping down into her mouth and tracing out the landmarks of her mouth as her shirt followed after the skirt, sliding over her head swift enough their lips only broke long enough for one, shuddering breath.

With just the panties between them, his fingers slowed. They traced to the scalloped edge of the red fabric. One fingertip, nail long, started to draw over the lace's designs, writing flowers and swirls over top of the sensitive skin of her pussy. His touch sent shivers down her spine, awakening the flesh with just this soft, wandering touch. When he started to really focus in on the slit of her sex once again, she dripped through the fabric. Cupping her mound once, his fingers came away glistened.

Their kiss broke only for his three fingers to slide against his mouth, a long pink tongue licking them clean with a low groan, "Mmm... tasty." He met her eyes, winking before he leaned over her waist. A kiss settled over her belly button and another started a dotting path right to the edge of her panties. He kissed over the lace, tongue lapping out and running right over her lace to suck the juices through the thin, soaked fabric. Then, his mouth opened wide and pressed right to her, teasingly rubbing his tongue against her sex through the material so that she felt him, so close to giving her what she wanted, what she needed but with that barrier in the way.

"Poooch, don't tease me." The girl whimpered, voice straining already with impatience. "Please. I need you."

The husky looked up at her, eyes glinting with mischief much like what she'd had when she'd called him down the hall and away from his work. "Oh no no no. You're not rushing me, little girl."

He smirked at her once more, leaning back down with another soft kiss before his voice strained out in a singsong speaking voice, not quite singing, but hinting that he was returning her favors so far: "Baby, I finally know what I'm going after. I'm learning to let in all the laughter." His tongue swiped up her sex, nose rubbing down into her clit all swollen under the lace with a broad grin, "Holy Moley you're so funny. You crack me up, you crack me up."

She whined, bucking her sex up to his mouth to muffle the next verse so that he'd start teasing her once again. This time, his fingers slid beneath the side of the panties, rubbing against her leaking sex before delving down between her folds. She instantly clenched around him, hugging around the first finger desperately.

She felt his lips, shifting against her skin and trying to start up his song again so she quickly jolted up a bit so that he could see her peering down at him without doubt. Her hips started to keep time, wriggling to the beat that started in her head before her voice broke out: "Are you worth your weight in gold? 'Cause you're behind my eyelids when I'm all alone. Hey, stranger! I want you to catch me like a cold. You and god both got the guns, when you shoot I think I'd duck."

She broke for a second, voice raising slightly as her body did a little dance against the bed: "I led the revolution in my bedroom and I set all the zippers free! We said, "No more war, no more clothes!" She paused, voice becoming whimpering and then desperate begging, "Give me peace. Oh kiss me!"

James laughed once, bending over to spread a warm kiss over her stomach before he hooked both hands into the sides of her panties and peeled the soaked garment off of her, watching the gooey strings of her arousal stretch from her bare sex to the moving fabric. The second the panties dropped off her toes, she curled her legs up around him while her fingers hunted out the zipper of his jeans. "Did you hear my song?" She mumbled, leaning up to pull him into a needy kiss as the jeans open and shucked down and away from him so he could kick them the rest of the way off, "I set all the zippers free." She whispered before leaning back to the bed, one hand reaching down to spread her pussy lips wide so that the glistening pink of her swollen, horny lips spread out wide and inviting for him.

He didn't hesitate. Once hand hooked behind her back, pulling her up by her hips as he ground the tip into her once before plunging forward, inch by inch until he hilted in the first stroke. They moaned in unison, a singsong quality still clinging to the cry before his other hand settled onto her, steadying her body in his tight grasp so he could start to pound the female.

Her sex clenched madly with every stroke, gasping moans leaving her lips instantly. Her breasts bounced with each thrust, keeping time with the thudding of the bed and the smacking of their lips in the symphony of sex. Hunching down, his lips met hers while his hips continued pounding into the female.

"P-pooch!" She gasped, breaking the kiss with a sudden cry when her sex clamped down. Her body stiffened and then started to shudder. Her back arched, hard with her head tipping back. For a second, the husky even saw her eyes flutter. "God! Baby, cum with me?" She squeaked, breath cutting off in her throat before she clutched to the edge, holding herself off even as her sex started to spasm already, impatiently resisting her self control.

"Cum for me, Pooch. F-fill me. Please." Her voice broke again, another moan interrupting while she grabbed to his arms, clutching on as she teetered and fell off the edge of orgasm with a howled schriek. For a second, her body shook through the pleasure alone, but another second in a rich, hot spurt of cum filled her insides as rope after rope followed, signaling the husky's quite copy.

Twin howls filled the room, peetering off into deep, breathing gasps as the two crumpled together. The mutt sighed as she finished completely, feeling the gooey sensation of being filled while the heat of orgasm left her tingly and cozy. "A-ah..."

"Someone needed that, huh?" James chuckled once, kissing over her ear.

"Mmm. I always need you, you forget that a lot." She shot back, flashing a broad smile before squirming back onto the bed, pulling her mate up with her until the pillow cushioned their face-to-face, clutch of a hug. Her chin rubbed into his shoulder before she sighed contentedly. "You make me feel horny-" She paused, thinking.

"-and happy-"

"-All the time."

James smiled a cheeky smirk, running a hand down the back of her head and cradling it closer to him. "You might say, I make you feel like dancin.'"

"No, you make me feel like singing."