Why We're so different... Part 4 “Fate is only an expression to the unknown...”

Story by Love_Ink on SoFurry

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Hey there, Its Love_Ink! And as always, I hope that I entertain or maybe poke at your imagination. But First a note or disclaimer if you will, is that there is male on male attraction in this particular story. So if you are uncomfortable with ideas of homosexuality then please kindly click the back button and have a wonderful day elsewhere here on Yiffstar. This is part four and I hope you enjoy it despite the many errors one might find, it will all be corrected. So heat up a nice cup of tea and relax ^.^

Chapter Four... "Fate is only an expression to the unknown..."

Julian hopped into Alex's car that was parked out side of Zack's house and buckled his seat belt. The Cheetah sat for a moment as he didn't see some one chasing him while the wolf put his piercing into his bleeding lip. His eyes then remained on the wolf as he seemed to be spacing out, looking out the front wind shield with his chin resting on his knuckles. His ears were pinned back with his eyes were only gently half open. Alex knew that this meant that he was trying to ignore the current situation.

"What happened Julian?" Alex asked as he started the car. Julian put his paw over Alex's jaw and lifted his muzzle looking deeply at his neck looking for any injury. On seeing that his fur was only matted from the rain and that Brian had not hurt him he took his paw back.

"Get me home so I can check on Jake..." he mumbled. Alex started down the road keeping his eyes on the road, but here and there he would flash a peek at Julian.

"He's in Sage's care right now so he'll be fine. What about you... Why did you leave the house like that, I know they were still in there..." Alex asked knowing that some sort of deal was made. That was just the way Lynx worked and it annoyed him to no end.

"I'm finishing this next week, don't worry Keek..." Julian smiled as he slowly closed his eyes to the breeze from the open window, catching a few trickles of rain on his ears tip and the fresh air filling his nose. Even after an ordeal he had been through, he still seemed to become at ease from such simple things.

"How are you finishing it? Julian, don't be so vague!" Alex said agitated.

"He wants me to fight or something, I don't know..." Julian said with a weary smile.

"The fighting ring? Really?" Alex said with a wince. "You couldn't figure out any other way of settling this?" He added as he made a slow turn.

"He insisted, kind of had his heart set on it really..." Julian mumbled.

"This is so like you! You never solve your problems with anything but fighting!" Alex growled.

"Its not like that Alex..." Julian said softly still with his eyes closed.

"Oh, I'm sure he offered and you were all too willing to accept the challenge." The cheetah retorted.

"I can't deny that I was excited Alex... But it wasn't the challenge that caused me to accept his offer, if you can even call it that." Julian mumbled. "You wouldn't understand unless you were there." he added.

"Bull shit, He's my boss, I know exactly the way he works." Alex responded as he turned onto the road to the foster house.

"Is that right, then how does he convince some one to do what he wants if they don't want to do it?" Julian asked turning to look at Alex.

"He threatens and likely beats them or something, or uses bribery..." Alex said slowly as he knew that Julian would get to his point.

"Right, now figure this... When has threatening me ever worked, or less it bored me to tears when some one offers me money for doing something that I don't want to do?" Julian said with a scratch behind his ear.

"Yeah, you never really think about that stuff do you." Alex smiled as he saw that Julian really wasn't bothered by what he had just been through.

"Right, now what is the next thing he goes after?" Julian asked with a raised brow and a lifted chin, almost like he was saying I told you so before the point had even hit the Cheetah.

"Family and friends..." Alex said sinking into his seat a little realizing where this was going.

"Exactly..." Julian said calmly, not in a way that it was rubbing his point in Alex's face, but in a way of saying "See, once you calm down you can see it too" Kind of way.

They pulled into the driveway and Alex shut his car off leaning back into his seat. He put his paw tips through his braids and sighed with a glance over to the wolf beside him.

"What are you going to tell Sage?" Alex asked with an exhausted look painted on his face.

"I... Don't know..." Julian said with a shake of his head. Alex thought it was funny that he looked discomforted by the idea of telling him. The fact that it bothered him more then the act of actually fighting made the cheetah smile. He was such a treasure to not worry about the details of his own well being, but be so immersed with the care of others. The cheetah found him self wondering if Julian had not been so alienated when he young, if he would try so hard to hide the things that hurt him. Alex blushed and looked away before he exited the car. He was admiring his friend to much as always, But it was hard not to do. In some ways Julian was simple, but at the same time this was mistaken most of the time. He was simply direct, and his hesitation in his feelings toward the either of him self or Sage showed. Not so much to Sage though, but Alex could see it. There was strain in his normally forward demeanor. A forward behavior that was by all rights his... He only wanted to make every one dear to him happy, and Alex wondered when he would start to make himself happy...

"Hey Alex, thanks for the quick response. You haven't even slept much yet and you were there for me... And Jake..." Julian said as they made their way to the house in the now trickling rain.

"Some times you have to grin and bare to the wear and tare." Alex quoted as he he rolled his shoulder in its socket. He was quoting Julian from a past comment, but he knew that the Wolf would appreciate it in a nearly comically mocking way and he was rewarded with a big smile from the wolf as he opened the door for him. It was a true smile that Julian couldn't fake.

They walked in and Julian could smell the blood that had trickled on the floor from Jake.

"Hey..." Julian started to speak but he was cut off by Alex's already knowing response.

"Yeah, clean these drops up before it freaks out the little ones..." Alex said with a wave behind him as he made his way to the kitchen with out looking back. He was heading off to get the napkins and such but Julian could tell that he was smiling for knowing what he was going to say before he said it. It was a smug attitude that the Cheetah had that actually made Julian adore the keek that much more. It was like he had never left. In a lot of ways, he hadn't...

Julian took a few steps up the stairs before he caught the scent of some one new. He tilted his head and his ears became crooked as he got to the landing. Standing in the hall... Looking into his room was a large wolf. There was no mistaking it, and what was more was that he was at Julian's door. Julian moved closer and saw that he was watching him closely. It only took Julian a second to realize that he was doing no less. He stopped a few feet away from him and mocked his posture by crossing his arms and standing to his full hight. The wolf turned to him and lifted his chin. There was the small mummer of voices coming from Julian's room, but aside from that it was silent. They stood there sizing each other up, their eyes were locked and Julian got a tightness in his chest. This wolf... He was older, he had nasty markings on his body made by an assortment of life's little tortures. But he didn't seem to hide them. Instead he seem to wear them as a badge of honor, only wearing a leather vest to cover his upper body. Julian had always seen his scars as his mistakes, never once as a trophy. He saw the older wolf smile at the corner of his mouth, tracing the bandage on his fist with his keen eyes. It dawned on Julian that he was looking at any sign of pain in his life, and scar, or lasting mark on his body. Julian realized that the way he was sizing him up was exactly the way the older wolf seemed to be doing the same to him. The older wolf's stare deepened as Julian's eyes moved away and for some reason he felt as though he had lost a game of sorts. Instead of showing his frustrations of losing, Julian simply closed his eyes and scratched himself behind the ear as though he had lost interest, he even added a yawn. He knew some how that not acknowledging his existence would be like a quiet "Fuck you" some how. At least that was how he would feel if it was reversed. He walked past as if disinterested by the new wolf only to run into another. A female, but she had a very different atmosphere about her. She was calm, tranquil and smiling as her paws guided Sage's who was stitching Jake's eyebrow closed. The way she sat behind Sage, it was nurturing in a way. Julian found it strange the way he felt this, as she was a stranger. Just like the other one, but there was a grace to her. It had taken mere milliseconds for Julian to take that in as he sat down next to Jake on the bed. They exchanged pleasantries with a tap of their fists and grinned at each other. At that moment he felt Sage's warm soothing paws touch him and start to remove his shirt.

"Fine... You want to see my scars?" Julian thought as he glared at the older wolf in his doorway. His shirt was removed and Julian caught it. A moment of surprise in the wolf's eyes as his past mistakes had become visible to him. He saw more of a hurt look in Jon's eyes, but he sat with the edges of his mouth locked in grin as he saw that older wolf look away for a moment.

"Bit off more then you could chew, huh..." Julian mumbled with another glance to Jake. The fox only smiled and shook his head. He then felt a hand much like Sage's only a tad larger touch his chin. His gaze was persuaded to look into the eyes of the female. She winced as her thumb ran across his bleeding lip.

"Thats a split lip hun, and right near the piercing too..." She said. Julian knew this already but the emotion in her face and touch showed that she cared for some reason. Julian didn't know her though, so why would she care?

"Your back looks ok, but we should put something on it." Sage chimed in. The wolf suddenly felt strange being the center of attention. Even more so with the older one in the door way watching him the way he was.

"I'm not use to two mothers, who are you? Julian asked with a slight grin.

"My name is Knall, over there is my husband Dine." She motioned with her jaw to the other Wolf. "We'll talk when your all cleaned up. You two take a shower and then we'll get Jake here to the hospital... Then we'll make a better introduction." she said with a warm smile. It reminded Julian of Jon's smile. The kind of smile you get when your proud of something. He felt him self blush, not just for that reason but because Sage's paws were slowly rubbing his back between the scrapes, stretching his tendons only the way he knew how to. He hadn't even noticed that his hackles were slightly raised until he felt himself calm down to Sage's attention.

"Your blushing alpha dog..." Jake chuckled.

"Fuck you and the horse you rode in on..." Julian mumbled, closing his eyes and taking a deep breath to try and flush the blood out of his cheeks. He grabbed Jake by his ruff and pulled him out of the room. "I'll be down stairs once I get numb nuts cleaned up..." Julian laughed. Dine moved out of the way for them to move through and grunted once they had entered the bathroom. The sound of water could be heard and there was a howl from Jake as cold water was sprang over him. They could hear a struggle as apparently in Jake's attempts to get out of the cold shower he had pulled Julian in.

"Are they always like that?" Dine asked with a raised brow.

"No actually, but I'm sure its for the better that Jake is horsing around again..." Jon smiled now that their unpredictable antics had started again.

"Excuse me, but the air is a bit thick in here and I have a lot to clean up. If you would excuse me..." Sage said quietly.

"You did well Sage... I'll help you if it wouldn't be intrusive." Knall said. Sage only looked to her, then to Dine and back to her.

"I'd appreciate it, thank you." he said. But his expression toward Dine was a bit more of discomfort. When he lived with his real family he knew that they could pick up on little things like this to understand his emotions. Strangely it had not worked in a while save for Julian and he was suspecting that it was one of those things that was between wolves.

"Dine, hun... Go play with paster Stevens and we'll be done soon." Knall said with a charming smile to the larger Wolf, who only grinned from ear to ear and offered Jon a direction with a point. Jon just shook his head confused by all the silent language and moved with him toward the stairs. Out side the room Sage and Knall could hear Jon scold Alex for smoking in the house.

"Now why did you have to go and do that..." Jake chuckled in Julian's arms.

"Why did I have to? Why did you pull me in!?" Julian growled with his ears back clinging to Jake against the cold water sprinkling on them.

"Turn on the hot water already..." Jake said still laughing.

"Your closer..." Jake protested. Jake just nudged the handle with his foot and sighed.

"Nothing like a nice shower to brighten your morning?" Jake mumbled.

"Nothing like my actions messing your day up..." Julian sighed as his ears pinned back.

"Whats that supposed to mean?" Jake asked as the water started to warm up.

"Its because of me dude... The reason you got hurt today." Julian said holding Jake a bit tighter.

"Hurt? Nah... Sage's needle hurt, but I'm not hurt you know?" Jake smiled. Julian found the smile contagious as the same grin was painted to his own mouth. "Besides, knowing you... You ended it..." Jake added as his foot paw was resting over the bathtub bouncing in place to some unheard beat.

"Not yet... But soon everything will be back to normal." Julian assured quietly.

"Off topic, but those wolves... I think they want to eat me... Or adopt you..." Jake said easily.

"Adopt me?!" Julian asked shocked.

"Yeah, you and Sage I think." He said

"How can this happen!?" Julian asked as he started to thrash a bit. Jake reached behind himself and held him in place.

"Hey easy man, think about it. Think about where you live, why else would there be Wolves here at the foster home." Jake reasoned.

"B-But... Its me..." Julian said dropping back down onto his butt still being hit with the idea like a sledgehammer. Jake turned around and faced his dear friend on his knees. "That doesn't happen!" Julian said trying to kick away.

"I know man, I don't want to get eaten either... So I'm hoping its the chance that you get a home instead too." He smiled. He knew that Julian had never been considered for adoption before and at the age of nineteen he guessed that Julian had figured it was never going to happen. But he was really freaking out.

"Dude no! What am I going to do!" Julian rasped.

"What do you mean?" Jake asked.

"I mean... If I say yes then I'll have a home sure, I'll have parents I guess, but what will happen here? I'll be up and leaving the kids! I'd be leaving Jon... I'd be... Leaving you Bro..." Julian said calming down. Jake put his paw on his friends shoulder and just nodded. The water had been building and was at about thigh hight. Jake grabbed Julian by the shoulders and dunked him under the water so that only his nose was poking out from the mirky water. He then pulled the shocked wolf out and grinned.

"Do what you always do Julian..." He said with a wink as he brushed his paw through his own spiky hair and spit a bit of water from his lips. Julian only looked at him with a furrowed brow. "Be your damn self, no one wants you to do anything differently..." He added evenly.

"Your strong for a cripple..." Julian mumbled as he got up and pulled the plug in the tub.

"Adoption huh..." Sage said as he was folding sheets after he had cleaned his paws in the kitchen from the blood.

"Yes, not right away of course. We don't plan on going anywhere for a while so you two can take your time on your answer." She said calmly. Sage saw her lift a sheet and sniff it, he knew that he couldn't hide it for very long. "Some one is sexually frustrated... and..." She leaned over and sniffed Sage's bangs that fell from his head fur. "Its not entirely you..." She said with a giggle.

"Now your being intrusive..." Sage said blushing and pulling the sheet away from her. She tilted her head as she watched him press the sheet to his chest protectively with his ears pinned back.

"You fluster easily, don't you..." Knall whispered with her tail wagging slowly behind her. Sage didn't answer but slowly folded the sheet. He was afraid of something, at least he was very nervous suddenly. "I was just being playful hun, calm down..." Knall said in a soothing voice.

"W-well... Its just that Julian and myself have been living together for so long, I'm not use to others helping me handle this..." Sage said as he put the sheet aside instantly calming down now that it was out of sight.

"Naturally territorial... I understand..." Knall nodded. "I get that way too, If anyone were ever to touch Dine's favorite pillow I think I'd chew their fingers off..." She laughed, but then went quiet slyly looking for a response form Sage who was laughing and grabbing Julian's pillow.

"Yeah, This pillow has been through a lot but it's always there for us..." Sage said, then realized what he had said and froze up. It was a painful few seconds of silence as he had just pointed out the simulators between Knall and Dine's relationship and Sage and Julian's relationship.

"You love him don't you..." Knall said quietly, her paw tip running along the edge of the pillow in Sage's arms that he hugged tightly trying to hide his nose.

"N-n..." Sage was about to deny it but he felt like he would be disrespecting Julian if he did. So he stalled again. "How would you know..." Sage asked as he pressed his face into the pillow, he drew In Julian's scent trying to draw comfort in it, he felt like he was in front of a firing squad. He didn't want Paster Steven's to lose the foster house or the church.

"A mother can tell..." She said simply and picked up a bloody cloth that Sage had used to help staunch Jake's nose bleed. "A mother can always tell..." She added with a sigh.

"I'm not a monster for it... You wouldn't understand..." Sage muffled from the pillow. He felt like such an idiot for feeling tears in his eyes. She had read something so dangerous that could cause all the one's around him that he had grown to love... To lose everything...

"Your not a monster hun... Not by a long shot..." she said calmly.

"Really?" Sage sniffled into the pillow.

"No Angel, I do understand. I'll say that its a bit strange sure... But I mean look at Dine!" She rasped with a smile. She was keeping her volume down.

"He looks like a trouble maker... and a bully..." Sage said with out regard to her feelings.

"Yes he does... But I love him more then life it self. So I understand your feelings hun..." She giggled.

"So... It doesn't bother you?" Sage asked.

"Well I can say that it doesn't bother me, but to be honest I'm not sure Dine would feel the same way..." She said with a nod. Sage wondered if she ever frowned.

"So he wouldn't like it then..." Sage said peeking over the pillow.

"Listen, what ever you do behind closed doors is your business. You can barely tell, this room hardly smells like boy love at all. She laughed. "So I don't think he would notice."

"We... haven't..." Sage trailed off blushing and pushing his face back into the pillow while leaning against the window at the end of the bed. He bent his knees and curled himself up into a sitting ball, even curling his tail up around his shins.

"Really? Two wolves at your age..." She suddenly gasped with her wrist to her mouth shocked. "Oh gosh, he doesn't know?" She asked.

"N-no... Its just... Things have been really hectic for him... and I don't know if he truly feels the same way..." Sage said peeking over the pillow again. "And how do you know that smell anyway..." Sage muffled with his ears perking up interested.

"Hun... I DID go to collage you know..." She giggled.

Sage spoke to Knall for a few more minutes before Julian appeared to change his clothing. He noticed Knall and grabbed a towel, drying his head fur looking to Sage. He saw him curled up at the end of their bed with their pillow and tilted his head.

"Your not scaring him are you?" Julian asked as he turned back to their dresser and grabbed a pair of pants.

"I don't think so. Why? Do I scare you?" Knall asked with her whimsical smile. Julian looked at himself in the mirror with the towel still over head. He narrowed his eyes and then closed them gently. The two wolves were new and as with all new things, they brought change...

"Yes..." He said quietly.

"What? Julian!" Sage gasped at the words he just heard. It was so rude, and never once had Julian ever admitted to being scared of anything. Sage tossed the pillow aside and scrambled to his side trying to look him in the eyes.

"I understand Julian, We're still strangers. Maybe when we learn each other you'll feel different." Knall said as she raised from her seat on the bed. She left the room with a look back. "We're going to take Jake to the doctors. Dine and myself will be back if thats alright."

"Sure, We'll be around. Take care of that fox please..." Sage said softly. The shorter wolf hugged Julian's arm to his chest and looked at their reflection in the mirror. He saw worry painted on his own face and a stoic expression as always resting on Julian's. "Julian..." Sage soothed with a gentle voice as he moved behind him and pressed himself to his back. "Whats going on?" he asked closing his eyes gently.

"Change..." Julian whispered as his tail curled behind him and tangled with Sage's.

Julian really had no idea what to do. He was to fight later in the week against some one that he didn't know, deal with the panther and his goons and he had no idea how he was going to pull that one off as it was. He had to figure out what he was going to do about Sage and Alex, because not doing anything would end up hurting both of them and just wasn't fair. He didn't know his sexuality but he knew that he loved them, more then the breath he took from the world. And now... He had to make a choice of wether he wanted to live with a family of wolves and abandon his family at the house. Or stay here and disappoint Sage. He was already getting along with Knall very well, he could read it. There were so many solutions to any of these things. But none of them ended with out some one getting hurt. He felt Sage's paw running the length of his back, slowly stroking his fur and running his paw tips along each scar it passed. Sage had no idea of many of these things and he wanted him to live in a happy world of bliss, where so many complexities never occurred to him. He wanted to protect him from the ugliness of the world... Of all the things he could expect... it wasn't what came out of Sage's mouth next...

"God... make me brave for life, oh braver then this... let me straighten after pain as a tree straightens after rain..." Julian couldn't believe it. Sage was praying... "God... make me brave for life, oh much braver then this... as the blown grass lifts, let me rise from sorrow with quiet eyes..." Julian opened his eyes as he felt something warm against his back trickling down his cuts. They were tears... "God make be brave, life brings such blinding things... help me keep my sight... help me to see aright... that out of darkness... comes light..." Sage sniffled.

"I've... never heard that one before..." Julian said warmly as he turned to face Sage. Neither of them were particularly religious, but the care he put into saying it... meant something to Julian.

"You wouldn't have..." Sage said quietly with another sniffle.

"Whys that?" Julian asked as he pulled Sage closer and put his arms around his slender body. Sage tucked his head under Julian's and their embrace deepened.

"It was my mothers..." he said with a smile and clearing the tear from his eye with his wrist. He felt himself smile as Julian held him. He was being himself again, and for this Sage couldn't have asked for anything else. Talking with Knall... she reminded him a lot of his own mom... It was kind of messing with his head, being that there were a lot of things that he never got to say to his parents. And it was only Julian that could understand that. It showed through his touch... his tone... and his eyes as Julian lifted his gaze with his nose. He felt Julian's warm lips press against his own and his ears fell to the side. He could feel his heart race and his face burn a bright pink.

"Your such a marshmallow Sage..." Came Alex's voice from the doorway, just in the nick of time to ruin a good moment. "And your the fire... Julian..." He chuckled.

"And your the reason we can't have nice things..." Sage growled playfully into Julian's chest.

"Hows he look..." Alex said with a shake of his head and a charming smile.

"He's alright, but the two of you need rest..." Sage said as he parted himself from Julian keeping his paws on his chest. "Especially you Alex, you haven't slept a wink for a good while now..." he added with honest concern.

"Nah, its like one o'clock... I can't sleep unless its dark out now." Alex mumbled. "But I'll catch you two later, I have some things to do around town." He smiled.

"Hey Alex... Thanks again man." Julian said scratching the back of his head.

"Hey... Its what I'm here for... Call me if you need anything..." Alex said with a wave behind himself as he left.

Alex made it to his car and slipped a cigarette between his lips as he started his car. But for a moment he sat there thinking deeply. He knew that Julian was going to take Sage as his mate. But he had to keep telling himself that it wasn't because he himself wasn't good enough. And he knew that he was forcing Julian to hesitate due to his care for the both of them. Sage made him happy, so did he in a lot of ways, but it wasn't like Sage. They were the same breed, they lived together, and... Sage was truthful, honest and genuine. Easy to make fun of some times, but in a way... So was everyone at times. Alex pulled his car out of the driveway and started heading down the road, he could still smell Julian on the seat next to him. He felt wrong in leaving them. He knew that Julian wouldn't be taking Sage as his mate out of spite, but in a lot of ways he still felt like it was being rubbed in his face. Alex had known Julian for so much longer and the Wolf had been through the worst with him. And two years ago Sage showed up and everything got flipped up side down. But... Alex knew more then anything, That he wanted Julian to be happy... He needed him to be happy... after all, one of them needed to be. His feelings would never change but Julian deserve to be happy... it felt so wrong but in his own dedicated way he felt of the two of them, Julian deserved bliss more then himself. It would never really leave his mind, nor would this kind of pain fade. But it was for Julian and for this he was willing to endure what ever pain followed. He didn't really have any thing to do or anyplace to go. But reasoning with these thoughts he just wanted to get out of the house that made him feel weak. He lit his cigarette and thought about what he should do. With out another thought a smile slipped across his dark lips, he bolted off toward Chris's house for some mild entertainment.

The day had been long. Julian had only just shut his eyes before the kids came storming into the house. So he was dressed and tending to them before he knew it. Sage and himself ran the house until Jon, Dine and Knall got back with Jake. Jon was unable to pry what had happened out of Jake who at one point had stolen the bag of candy. Jon knew it was as good as gone as he dashed toward the parking lot, and it made the two wolves he was with laugh as how he seemed to ignore pain when motivated by the goal of obtaining something as mundane as jellybeans. He was eighteen after all and he still acted like a ten year old some times. Jon had relieved Julian and Sage of their tasks so that they could go out to dinner with the potential parents. It went well, save for a few awkward moments between Dine and Julian, but they seem to put their differences aside for the night. Knall had explained to Sage that it was an Alpha thing. But when Dine and Julian had over heard that they just shot each other a confused look. They had gotten back and helped clean up. After putting the kids to bed they stumbled into their room and Julian closed the door behind them.

When he looked back he saw the way Sage was laying on the bed, looking out the window with the moonlight casting into the room. The way his body was shaped, the way he had put himself on his spot right next to his own. Julian smiled to himself, his mind had been a jumbled mess lately. But Sage always seemed to distract him from it. All the troubles of the world seemed to slip away when that door was closed and it was just them. He moved to the bed and sat down taking Sage's tail into paw. He shook it a bit to remind him to wag his tail when he was happy. Sage looked back and smiled sweetly to the gentle reminder and his tail reacted in kind. Their eyes traced one another as the silence embedded itself into the walls. Sage sat up on his knees and started unbuttoning Julian's shirt as Julian gently pulled Sage's favorite shirt over his head, the very same shirt that he had given him the first morning he started his new life at the foster home. Sage pressed his lips against Julian's tone stomach and closed his eyes gently, at ease regardless of the chaos out side of the room that had happened. Julian stayed there a moment as he had never seen Sage act like this before. The way he moved was different then normal. He had realized that Sage had been more touchy and clingy lately. But he guessed that he had enjoyed the attention so much that he hadn't noticed it over the past few years as to how it had built. It wasn't long before they had lost their pants too. Julian had gotten under the covers next to him and they watched each other for a moment. Julian ran his paw through Sage's long head fur as the smaller wolf ran his paw tips up and down Julian's chest and abs that he had grown to admire over the seasons of his body maturing. Julian felt something vibrate in his throat, a feeling of pleasure that he had not gotten in a while. As though something felt as though it truly belonged and was natural to his pleasured by his natural being, Not something that was taught to be liked or endured. But something that it felt nothing more then to express as if it belonged.

"You murred..." Sage giggled.

"You murr all the time... Or whimper... I can't tell some times..." Julian laughed as he rolled over to his back.

"O-Only when its you..." Sage said shyly. He didn't hear a response from him but in the moonlight he could see that Julian's eyes were open and there was a comforting smile resting on his jaw. Sage slipped himself on top of Julian, straddling his legs over over the larger wolfs sheath and feeling the warmth that emitted from the one that he felt nothing less then the world that he took breath from. He ran his paws over the larger wolf's chest watching him. He could feel Julian's sheath swelling between his thighs and his wolfhood pressed just under his sensitive balls. He could feel the way his tone chest would gently flex and relax to the sensation of his touch.

"Your beautiful..." Sage heard Julian say as his paws moved to his thighs on either side. Sage felt his cheeks burning as Julian pressed his hips upward and brushed his growing erection against Sage's crotch. The smaller wolf felt a warm tingling sensation flush through out his body as his shaft started to pulsed with each stroke the wolf under him made. "You'll be here when I wake up... And thats a gift I won't let anyone take away from me..." Julian whispered as he propped himself up on his elbows.

"Where would I go?" Sage asked before he gasped with his fingers tangling into Julian's chest fur as he found the wolf's safe arms around his slender body. Julian ran his cheek along Sage's slender body, then gave a passionate kiss to Sage's neck. He bit deeply to show that of all the things that could hurt him, it was only him, regardless of the pain... that truly mattered. He marked Sage's neck, drawing a small bit of blood in the processes. It would scar over and would remain there forever. Julian could feel Sage tremble softly in his arms, his breathing was heavy but not one sign of pain would emit from his quiet lips. Sage endured this... Knowing full well that he would from then on belong to Julian. And Sage was to wear this mark with pride... for he had no regrets...

Sage reached behind his arching back and put his paws around Julian's erection, clasping it in both palms and hilting him upwards toward his virgin tail hole. As he lowered he felt Julian hold him tighter, his lips still viced tightly to his neck. He felt the warmth of Julian's tip touch his sensitive entrance. Sage felt him self shiver. This was it, Julian was taking him as his mate. There was nothing more to his life that he could remember that he wanted more. It was going to hurt, he knew this... But he wanted this... needed this... to be in his safe arms and locked to him forever... But... It is the illusion of safety that allows trouble to get the drop on you... There was a loud crash from down stairs, a Screech of pain and the clatter of braking glass...

Alex fell on his tail to what he had just heard out of Chris's mouth as they were on his bed. He couldn't believe it! Of all the things he was expecting out of the next few days, he could not by any means expect that it would connect with Chris life, of all lives out side of his home town it was Chris that it would hurt.

"Its just one fight..." Chris said.

"But its against a wolf?" Alex exclaimed. "Chris! Your going to fight Julian!" Alex said in panic.

"I don't think so, theres a family of Wolves that just moved in like... right down the road from the school I thought." Chris said with a flick of his ear and a confused look.

"Lynx is doing this to fuck with me I know it..." Alex hissed. "Chris, Don't go to that fight, Please..." Alex pleaded. Not just to spite Lynx, but also he knew that Julian would annihilate Chris in a bare fist fight, and in truth he did really have heart felt feelings for the coyote. He didn't want to see Julian hurt anyone that had a good heart, not ever! Chris, as awful his line of work could be, was nothing less then an angle!

"Lynx ordered me to do it. And you know how he gets when he doesn't get what he wants hun..." Chris said as he started to look more worried. "Please, I didn't want to ruin the night... I just wanted you to know..." He added.

"Babe, I don't know... Its... What did he offer you?" Alex asked with a raised brow.

"Don't worry about it hun..." He said as he fell back onto his pillows that still smelled of their sweat from love making. He pulled a cigarette to his lips and lit it exhaling it slowly. Alex crawled to him and put his naked body to the Coyote's.

"Chris... Tell me..." Alex said softly, already knowing the answer as he rolled his paw along his chest. It was the one thing that would persuade him to risk his hansom face in a fight...

"Alex please..." Chris said not wanting to say it.

"It was me... Wasn't it..." Alex said. "He said that he would come after me..." he added, pressing his cheek to Chris's chest.

"Y-Yeah..." Chris sighed, looking to the ceiling, resting his paw with the cigarette on his bent knee. There was a moment where they just sat there, Alex listening to his heart beat, and Chris watching the swirls of smoke that drifted from the cherry.

"I have to go tell him..." Alex said quietly as he took Chris's smoke from his paw.

"Yeah..." Chris mumbled. "I have to meet him eventually... So I'll drive you..." He said evenly. Alex blew the smoke to his face with a smile, that was met with the Coyote's own charming grin.

They took a shower together and quickly got dressed. Chris checked up on his sleeping family and grabbed his keys and the two of them were off. The drive was nice, the way Alex could feel the breeze slip through his braids. The soft tune on the radio fit to how quiet the night was. Alex always liked how in the Coyote's car that the music always fit the mood of the drive. It was not long before they reached the Foster house. The moment they got there something was not right. The front door was wide open and there were two car's parked out side that Alex had not recognized.

"Shit..." Alex whispered as they parked.

"What?" Chris asked, then went quiet as he saw the door. His ears flattened with a look to Alex.

"Somethings not right..." Alex said as he got out of the car. He saw Chris get out of the car and move quickly in front of him.

"Stay behind me babe..." Chris rasped as he stayed low and approached the house. They moved in together and got through the open door. Right away they could spot two figures opening doors quietly and peeking in.

"No... Not here..." Alex hissed quietly. Chris recognized the goons the moment he saw them as Lynx's errand boys. The same ones that had given him the demand that he show up for the fight in a weeks time. Chris pieced the situation together knowing that they were likely looking for Sage. It seemed that Lynx didn't trust Julian's word to show up so he needed a bargaining chip. Chris saw the look on Alex's face and did something that he knew at the time that he would regret later if not very soon. He stood to his full hight and clenched his fists.

"Alex... call the police..." he said quietly.

"What are you going to do?" Alex asked as he reached for his phone.

"I'm going to give them something to tie them over till the authorities arrive..." He said as he walked toward them. Alex did as he said but watched frightened, knowing that there was about to be a fight. Paster Stevens was never going to forgive the either of them for this...

"Chris? What the hell are you doing here?" One asked with a low quiet growl. It was dark so the poor guy never saw the punch that landed right to the front of his nose. He staggered back holding his nose with a cry of pain and crashed into the kitchen table knocking dishes off and shattering to the ground. Before he could react further Chris was grabbed from behind by the second but the clever Coyote kicked his leg against the wall in the narrow hall and slammed the attacker against the old stone wall, pinning him in place.

"Nine one one emergency, can I help you?" Alex heard in the phone. He came back to the task shaking his head and trying to steady his trembling paws.

"Yes, Please come to Twenty willks street, theres a robbery in processes!" Alex said.

"Wait, the foster home?" She asked.

"Yes! the damn foster house!" Alex said in spite, then closed the phone and gripped his fists as he saw Chris was being pummeled by the two seasoned goons. One held him as the other threw his fist into the Coyote's stomach. Alex was about to charge them and help with what he could, but he was stopped by a strong hand to his chest. He looked up and saw Julian, dressed only in his pants narrowing his eyes at the sight in the hall. He saw Jake file in right next to him confused but giving the same mile stare to what was going on. Sage was watching from the bottom stair and looked scared out of his mind, still yet blushing with only a shirt barely covering his lower body. Julian's lip raised with his hackles as he approached them in a walking pace. The one punching saw him coming and hesitated a moment. Julian's paw gripped the back of the Lion's neck, forcing him right to the floor by pulling down savagely. The Lion let out a yelp before Julian stomped on the back of his head, sending his snout through the old floorboards and knocking him out cold. Julian didn't skip a beat as he simply pushed Chris out of the way and moved to the canine that was bleeding from his nose. The assailant threw his fist out and Julian caught it with a snapping sound from his palm. His paw tightened and the goon's fingers could be heard cracking at the joints. The canine fell to his knees wincing in pain, totality finding himself being over powered by the Wolf.

"You come into my home..." Julian snarled. "Where my family sleeps... Comes to be safe?!" He added tightening his grasp even further. Alex could tell even from down the hall that the guys fingers were broken.

"Julian! Whats going on here?" Paster Stevens asked walking out in his sleep wear.

"You came here thinking that I would push over and submit?!" Julian shouted with fury in his eyes. He was fuming with rage and couldn't hear Jon at all.

"Stop! Let go!" the canine pleaded as Julian brought his fist up. Paster Stevens tried to get to Julian before he did something that he might regret later, but Jake put himself between him and the seen.

"Dad... Tend to the kids, I'll handle this. Alex, Sage, Stranger dude... you too..." He said with a look over his shoulder. Indeed the kids were padding their way out of their rooms in wonder of what all the noise was about, their innocent eyes scanning for an explanation. Jon shook his head and took the closest kid into his arms and pulled another along toward the front door. Even though Chris was hurting he picked up a tiger cub that pinned his little claws to his face and he limped toward the door with the others. Jake turned around and saw as Julian pounded his fist into the Canine's face that he was also painting the counter with blood.

"Fuck Julian!" Jake said as he grabbed the wolf from behind, pulling him away from the helpless intruder. "Enough! Your lucky if you didn't kill him already!" Jake added as Julian hyperventilated in his grasp. "What are we going to tell the police now that their both in critical condition?" he laughed.

"They send two guys? One that I had already beaten earlier?" He motioned to the seemingly lifeless Lion with his face in the floor. "That I'm fucking insulted..." He growled as he pushed past Jake toward the front door. Jake watched him leave and then he looked back to the canine with a smile. He inched closer tilted his head from one side to the other, his tail flicked back and forth as he saw the guy's eyes open slightly.

"Hey... Remember me?" Jake grinned mischievously as he reached for the garbage can near by and slid it closer. The goon was one of the ones that had beaten him up with the Rhino. The Canine nodded the best he could as Jake opened the trash can slowly, chuckling with a mischievous smile.

"Alright, So these two were braking into the house, and Julian here beat them to a pulp in defense of the house?" Detective Harneky asked with a worn laugh and his paw pinching the bridge of his tiered eyes.

"Thats what the report says..." The raccoon said as he typed away at the computer. Harneky looked through the glass and watched the half naked wolf in hand cuffs sitting in the processing area. He didn't look concerned about being there either. The Airedale just shook his head as he fumbled with his hat.

"The Lion swears that he fell down a flight of stairs before the so called random mission that was just for fun, and the Canine over there says that they were really hard up on cash and knew the place didn't have alarms so they where going to case the joint..." the Raccoon laughed. "But most of the records involve them being close to Alabaster Lynx..." The raccoon said itching his nose with a look to Harneky that pointed out that it was more to the point of who they worked for.

"So their Alabaster's lackeys..." Harneky said distantly. "Alabaster Lynx... Now how the hell did you get involved with that hairball..." He added under a breath while crossing his arms and looking through the glass at his young friend. There was a moment were they sat there quietly before the Airedale broke the silence. "And he swears he has no idea how that used diaper got into the canine's mouth..." he added with a snicker. The raccoon just smiled and shook his head resisting the urge to laugh. "Right... I'm going to go have a chat with him now." He said putting his hat on and exiting the room. The Raccoon just tapped away at the key board. But he took a quick peek through the glass to see the Wolf smile to the Detective the moment he saw him. That was the first sign of emotion the Wolf had shown since he had been brought in.

Thats the end of Chapter four, Number five is complete but I'm going over it to make sure its the way I want to go with the story. Much love to those that have been editing the story on the side for the final copy when I compile all the corrections. ^.^ Geneseepaws... Fluffy The fox... Thank you so much.