Lil & Luki's Day [Prologue]

Story by RaccoonDouga on SoFurry

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#4 of Luki & Lil

Prologue for my story "Lil & Luki's Day", featuring my Lucario brothers.

He remembered this place, on a distant memory, he did, the last time he was here, he felt in love, or that's what he thought... He was so young then, he didn't even thought he could find her ever again, I mean, what were the odds that she could be here? And also, it was years ago, she might have evolved in all those years. She was such a cute little Riolu, her soft furred body was all he had, the touch of her lips against his, her sweet touches, her beautiful red eyes; those memories was all he had now. He was here today for another reason, though, apparently, he had a twin brother, who was caught when they just came out of their eggs, so that's why he didn't knew about him. Or that's what his trainer said. His trainer, Johnny, wasn't really exited about this, he thought this was just a waste of time, time that could be used to train Luki into becoming even more strong, but, he accepted because of Lil's trainer, Tammy, a cute girl, he had a crush on her since the moment they both choose their starters, they crossed their paths a few times, he found out that Tammy was a contest girl, she had won a few ribbons, which she used as accessories for her Pokemons, her last winner, Lil, which had a pink ribbon in his left ear, it made him look feminine, yet, she didn't care about that, she thought he looked cute, and that's all it matters for her. Now they were face to face, Luki and Lil, twin brothers that has never seen each others before, and yet, they seemed like they've been knowing each others for so long. "Hey" -Luki broke the silence, staring at his feminine brother, he wasn't showing it, but, he was actually very happy of knowing that he had a brother. Lil stayed silent, looking at Luki's scarred body, scars of so many battles... -"... What happened to your eye?" - he asked, looking at Luki's left eye, which had a patch covering it. "Oh, this? Heh, a battle against a Zangoose... That bitch got me with his claws... But, that's nothing." "So... We are brothers, uh?" He asked Luki, he still not believe they were twins, they looked so different, and yet, similar. It was, odd... "Yeah, it is kind of weird, but, my trainer says we are twins... Although, you're a few inches smaller than me." "Yeah, my trainer says that's because I evolved way after you did." "Oh... I see". Luki said; after that, they just stayed there, staring at each other, in a really awkward silence. Lil stared at Luki's strong, scarred body, he was... Actually very hot, he wanted to touch him, to move his fingers against his strong chest all over, and to play with his abs all day long, he started to blush, thinking about things like that with a twin brother you just met? It was dirty, it was wrong... It was exciting. He had been with males before, a lot of males, he loved being with a strong male, and he had no shame on admitting it; he loved being dominated, he loved being taken, he loved to have a big, strong and powerful rod inside of him, the feeling of being full of it, the wetness of mating, he wanted it, he wanted to feel all that, with his brother. He thanked Arceus that he was sitting, otherwise, Luki would've notice his erection. Luki was also staring at him, at his slim, girly body, he had the curves of a female, and, if he didn't knew Lil was a male, he would've thought he was a female, somehow, even if he wasn't into males, Luki had to admit that his brother was cute, and even... Sexy. He blushed at the mere thought of it, he was your brother for Arceus' sake, and not only that, he was a male... Not that he was against males who liked other males, it was just that he wasn't into that. "So..." - Lil finally broke the silence. "Is this your first time here at the day-care?"- he asked Luki, who was still staring at him, in some sort of daze. "Uh.. O-Oh, no, I've been here before... When I was a young Riolu... Heh." He answered, feeling somehow stupid for how shy he was being... He always felt this way around females, the only exception being... That Riolu... The female of his dreams. "Oh, really?!" - he said excitedly. "I was here when I was a Riolu, too!" ..... This couldn't be. "Oh, y-yeah...?" He asked, for some reason, he was feeling sick, his head was spinning, oh Arceus please tell me he wasn't... "Yeah, and here I... Meet... A Riolu..." Reality was a bitch... Was a dirty, dirty bitch. He couldn't be her... Lil couldn't be the females of his dreams... HIS BROTHER COULDN'T BE HER. Luki felt like he could puke, now the memories were so vividly strong inside of his mind... Her touch, her lips against his... It was a 'him' all this time?! No way, no fucking way! 'This wasn't happening' he told himself over and over again. 'I was on a battle, and my enemy probably knocked me over, I am dreaming, that's the only way to explain this!' He lied to himself, wanting so hard to believe that, but, a cruel part of him knew this was actually happening, a part of him knew this wasn't a dream... A part of him hated himself. But Lil wasn't feeling too different, his first time kissing a male, the first time touching one, the reason why he realized he was into males... That first time... Was his own twin brother?! Their world started to spin right round, they didn't knew where were they, and so, their world faded to black... This was going to be a long day at the day-care.