A RedTail Story Part 1

Story by VixenRedTail on SoFurry


I want to say a few things first. One this isn't a fiction story it's base on my real life from 2012 if your wondering why it's from that long ago? Because i'm at a point in my life where i can deal with my losses in life, and all will be told through "A Redtail story" that will have many parts to her and my life as fox and foxy, before i lost her...In time talking about her loss will be hard to talk about because what happened to her due to other people.. My last thing i want to say, im not the best writer in the world so please don't judge my poor writing skills lol  My love for foxes started at such a young age. Early one morning back in 1998 this six year old little girl woke up early to watch cartoons,as she walked into her living room rubbing her eyes she looked outside she saw something she'd never seen before. A family of foxes just passing through her backyard without a care in the world.This image of the family of foxes,stick within her heart that day and would forever change her in ways she never knew. That little six year old girl over time grew up never forgetting that image, she became obsessed with foxes they became her life! That girl was me..Ashley "Foxy" By the age of 22 i was past being obsessed with foxes, they became my life style, my dream, and everything i wanted my life to be,being obsessed with Foxes wasn't a big enough word.It got to a point in my life where, i couldn't handle being apart of this world without owning my very own pet fox.For almost two years i begged my parents to please help me buy a pet fox,they would reply "Ashley why don't we get you a dog or cat? that looks like a fox?"  I was craving getting to touch and feel a fox, sniffing them and cuddling close.Nov 2012 i was on my way home from school when that image hit me again,standing on the side of the road there was a Gray fox. Sniffing around my heart started pounding so hard seeing yet another fox! This gray fox started to walk across the road, joining me on that side. Just then i heard this loud booming sound, as the Gray fox stood still listening. Without warring a truck came around the turn, before i could even yell out "MOVE" the stunned and scared Gray fox was hit..The truck kept on driving without care.As this Gray fox lay dead i fell on my knees and tears began to fall. As i went to get up my knees gave away and i fell back down holding my chest as my heart began to break.Just then a friend drove by and stopped there car, seeing me crying they looked out to the Gray fox. My friend said "stay here Ashley" she went over and moved the dead Gray fox to the side of the road. She then help me into her car driving me home. I cried all night till no more tears would come, it would be the first time i saw how cruel this world could be, but it wasn't my last....Dec 25th 2012, i woke up so happy it was Christmas! I ran down stairs in my fox PJs into the

living room, greeted by my mom and dad. Merry Christmas everyone! my mom said. Merry Christmas  i said back,alight lets dig into our gifts my dad said.  Christmas was great! we all got everything we wanted! Just then this white truck pulled up outside our home, who's said? i said. My dad replied "stay here" As i watched him through the window he seem to know the man behind the wheel. They walked around the back of the truck, as my dad pulled off a big box and walk back to the house. Once inside i said "hey dad what's that?" he replied "i don't know Ashley why don't you check it out" He dropped the box ever so gently in the middle of the living room floor. I had no clue what this was?  I took off the big red bow that was on top, and opened the flaps, looking into the box i saw something that made my heart skip a beat. This little face was looking back up at me, the face of a baby red fox! Maybe only six months old. I put my hands over my mouth trying not to scream in joy, i was jumping up and down like a crazy girl. I jump up in my parents arms saying THANK YOU! THANK YOU! THANK YOU! I ran back to the box. tears of now joy in my eyes. Here was my dream right before my eyes, my mom ask me "so what are you going to name her?" I replied her? my mom said "yes she's a vixen" I was smiling so big as tears flowed down my face, through being choked up i said "RE....R.......R......RedTail" I sniffled and said it again,her name is "RedTail" 

A RedTail Story, Part 2.

I want to say a few things first. One this isn't a fiction story it's base on my real life from 2012 if your wondering why it's from that long ago? Because i'm at a point in my life where i can deal with my losses in life, and all will be told through...
