A RedTail Story, Part 2.

Story by VixenRedTail on SoFurry

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I want to say a few things first. One this isn't a fiction story it's base on my real life from 2012 if your wondering why it's from that long ago? Because i'm at a point in my life where i can deal with my losses in life, and all will be told through "A Redtail story" that will have many parts to her and my life as fox and foxy, before i lost her...In time talking about her loss will be hard to talk about because what happened to her due to other people.. My last thing i want to say, im not the best writer in the world so please don't judge my poor writing skills lol  I was smiling so big as tears flowed down my face, through being choked up i said "RE....R.......R......RedTail" I sniffled and said it again,her name is "RedTail" Here i was face to face with my life long dream of owning a pet fox, through all the ups and downs of life.The hard days and good days,i never gave up on my dream and no matter what kept a smile on my face. Never giving up paid off, life smiled apound me this little red fox that i named RedTail. Dreams can be reached just not for me, but everyone who dares to never give up on them.With my hands shaking i reached into the box where RedTail was, i was craving so much to touch her.However that part of my dream would have to wait.. As i reached in RedTail got very scared and started to scream and bark at me, as she was in total fear, the look in her eyes broke my heart seeing her like that.I pulled my hand back and said in a soft voice "It's ok RedTail i'm not going to hurt you, i'm  your mommy and i'm going to love and take care of you forever honey" She then barked again. My Dad said ok me and your mother will leave giving you and RedTail time alone.I kept on talking to her in a soft voice, when i felt the time was right i reached in again, RedTail once again screamed in fear and started to run around her box clawing at the sides trying to get out or find a place to hide.I had to hold back tears understanding she was scared new home, new family she wouldn't know any better. I got up and left the room as well, to get RedTail a bowl of water, when i came back she shoved herself into a corner of the box shaking in fear. When i put the water inside her box i said "It's ok RedTail" she got up and sniffed the water and started to drink it. I was so happy! i was gaining trust with her!But still i was craving so bad to touch her! and cuddle with her! For over an hour i sat with RedTail just talking to her claming her down, around dinner time i felt i gained trust with her so i opened the side of her box. Just to see if she wanted out and check out the house.she never wanted to leave her box.After dinner my family felt the best idea would be to, let RedTail stay in my room

until we could make a real home for her. Like a fence in cage inside/outside made up to look like a fox den. As RedTail was only a six month old kit we felt safe with knowing she could live indoors like a cat or dog (for now until she got older) Once i took her into my room, and set the box down on the floor, i could see RedTail looked cold so i went and got her a blanket very quicky!  Later that night i looked into the box and RedTail was sound asleep. OMG i can't even tell you how cute she looked!! Around 10:00pm that night RedTail woke up and started screaming in fear again, making fox  distress call. Calling for her fox mother, it was heart breaking to listen to her cry out like that,i sat next to her box and talk in a soft voice saying it was ok. I even open the side of her box again to see if she wanted to come out, but nope. Later on that night i had to leave my room and get a drink of water, when i came back and looked into the box RedTail was GONE! my heart dropped. I looked all around my room for her and couldn't find her, i now started to feel like RedTail scared to death!But i soon found her she was hiding under my pillow siffing around, i thought to myself omg shes out of her box..and shes happy!! i felt happy for her! so i sat down next to her ever so slow. I reach my hand out to touch her, she backed away. So i said in a soft voice, It's ok RedTail im your mommy i will love and take care of you.With that i reach out again and this time i got my chance to touch her. Tears of joy flowed down my face, getting to touch a fox, my dream since i was six years old! I craddled RedTail in my arms and patted her for hours, that night i wasn't sure if she wanted to sleep in her box? so i put her box on the floor and told her RedTail you pick where you wanna sleep. She then jumped on my bed, i was hoping she would do that too! i was smiling so big. As i got into bed RedTail was sniffing around looking for a place to sleep. She then got under the blankets and worked her way up, to me.And rested her little head up under my chin. I kissed her little head and said good night RedTail i love you so so so much, you have no idea how lucky you are, to be born a fox.I just couldn't wait for the new year to roll around and share it with RedTail!! However little did i know less than two months later, a fox trap and a hunter  an arrow. Would change my life forever and RedTail would lose her's...After  christmas night i understood dreams can and do come true, if you want them bad enough.Any dream or goal set in life can be reached, you just gotta be willing to hang in there through the good and bad times. And remember life owes you nothing, life is giving with love hopes and dreams..You just gotta be willing to take that step and take a chance it's not life that owes you that. Your owe yourself that chance just never give up..

A RedTail Story Part 3..Remembering RedTail

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A RedTail Story Part 1

I want to say a few things first. One this isn't a fiction story it's base on my real life from 2012 if your wondering why it's from that long ago? Because i'm at a point in my life where i can deal with my losses in life, and all will be told through...