A new life.

Story by DeathAvenged on SoFurry

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#8 of Opposites.

Blade shifted in the chair of the table in the hotel room. He had been up for almost two hours turning off the gps of his phone and ignoring the missed calls from his father. He knew his father was beyond pissed off with him but at this point Blade didn't care. He leaned back in his seat and looked to the bed where Kora was still asleep, laid out on her back with his hoodie laying over her chest. Blade smiled some as he watched her shifting and groaning softly in her sleep. He shifted and moved from the chair to the bed, laying on his side beside her and reaching his hand up to gently brush his finger tips along her cheek slowly then down along her neck. Kora let out a soft groan as she began to wake up. She turned her head some as her eyes opened and looked at him, her cheeks turning a bright shade of pink. she rolled over to face him, murring to him as he kissed her forehead. "We should get going Kora...we will have to keep moving for a while until we find a safe place....my father will more then likely look for me...and you?" Kora sighed and nodded a bit as she wrapped her arms around him with a tight hug while he nuzzled his cheek against hers. They laid there for a few more minutes before he pulled away to get up, moving to a old sports bag and pulling out some clothing for her. He moved back to the bed, putting the clothing down while she was sitting up and stretching with a small wince coming from her. He knew she was still sore from the spanks and scratches she had gotten from the lion the day before. "Go ahead and take a hot shower...it will help relax you. I will get us checked out and we can leave." Kora stood up and moved to him as she nodded some, her hand gently slipping into his. "Alright Blade." He smiled as she squeezed his head before closing his eyes when she kissed his cheek softly. He opened them and watched her disappear into the bathroom.

When Kora finished her shower she got dried off and walked out of the bathroom, grabbing the clothing he had laid out for her she pulled the jeans on then the shirt before grabbing his hoodie and pulling it on. By the time she was done dressing Blade walked back into the room, smiling to her as he grabbed the bag while she was pulling on some shoes she had pulled from it. "Ready?" Kora looked to him and nodded as she stood up and walked out of the room with him. She climbed into the car and relaxed as he got in the drivers seat before they headed off down the highway again. Kora sat in silence as she looked out the window, watching other cars going by them before she finally spoke. "Blade.." He stood his ears up and glanced over at her for a few seconds before looking back to the road while she turned her gaze to him. "The other day...when your father took me...he pushed you away without touching you...how was he able to do that?" Blade stiffened up a bit and took a deep breathe. He knew he would have to tell her at some point. He finally relaxed with a heavy sigh coming from him as he spoke softly. "My father is a demon wolf Kora...he rarely uses his powers on his family like that...it was a small thing as far as his abilities go but still..shocking. The last time he lost his temper and used his powers on me was when I came home after disappearing for a week of partying a few years back...he flung me across the room and kept me pinned to the wall for two hours while he yelled and ranted at me." Kora stood her ears up and shifted in the seat to face him, staring at him with a confused look on her face.

"Wait...so...that makes you?" Blade nodded a bit as he glanced to Kora with a faint smile on his face. "That is why my eyes are red...I got that from him...but I take after my mom a hell of a lot more then him...I haven't really shown any kinda abilities that I may have gotten from him and I guess it kinda pisses him off if he thinks about it..." Kora lowered her ears a bit as she went silent for a few minutes before looking to him again after glancing down to her hands. "What...are we going to do? If he is a demon...can't he easily find us?" Blade bit his bottom lip as he gave a small shrug. "He could but I don't know if he will...over the years he has gotten kinda lazy with using his powers like that...he has his money and rep to work for him so he has no use for it. I guess he will if it is a last resort...he might wait and see if I come crawling back to him..which I won't." Kora looked at him before she nodded as she leaned over to kiss his cheek, making him murr softly to her.

After two or three hours of driving he pulled into a fast food joint. He parked and glanced over at Kora who had dozed off against the window. He smiled some and got out of the car, going inside and getting some food for them as well as drinks. He came back out and got back into the car, the sound of the door closing making Kora jump a bit as she woke up. She looked around for a moment before looking to Blade who chuckled and handed her one of the drinks. As she sipped on it he pulled out his phone and looked at a map in silence before looking to her in silence. "Kora.." The fox blinked and looked to him with her head to the side a bit while he smiled. "Is there anyplace you would want to go? A place you would want to live at for a while?" Kora flicked her tail a few times as she toyed with the straw of her drink, thinking on it for a few minutes before blushing lightly. "Well...New Orleans...my grandparents always told me we would go since that is where they were from before moving to start their own life and family." Blade grinned and nodded as he leaned over and kissed her softly a few times. "Then we will go there." Kora returned the kisses before staring at him in silence before she smiled and nodded some.

When the two finished eating he tossed the trash out into a trash can before heading off, knowing it was going to be a long drive for them. It was another two or three hours before he had to pull over into a rest area, parking away from other cars before he got out to stretch his legs with a groan. Kora got out and stretched as well, walking around the car as she stretched with a little groan coming from her. Blade was sitting on the hood of the car watching her in silence until she was close enough to grab her. He gripped her arm and gently pulled her to him, lifting her head and kissing her deeply for a moment with a small growl coming from him when she returned the kiss. When she broke it she held onto his shirt gently, looking him in the eyes as he smiled to her before nuzzling her gently. "Want to just sleep in the car for a while or keep going?" Kora thought on it for a moment before she murred softly, licking his cheek gently. "Lets sleep...I'm sure your tired from driving." Blade smiled and nodded while running his fingers through her hair before moving off the hood of the car and climbing into the back seat, laying down across the seat with a groan while Kora joined him, laying on top of him after pulling the door shut and locking it.


After a few hours of sleep Kora was the first of the two to wake up, groaning softly as she nuzzled into his chest some. Blade shifted and sighed heavily but remained asleep. Kora laid there and lifted her head to look at him before smiling some then pressing her lips to his, kissing him softly a few times until he woke up. He returned the few kisses before rubbing his eyes and stretching out with a groan and a yawn coming from him. He laid there a bit longer, looking up at her as he gently pet her head before she moved off of him and climbed up into the front seat, jumping when he lightly swatted her rear with a chuckle coming from him. Blade moved to the drivers seat and started the car before heading off again. It was silence between them for a while as Kora stared over at him, watching the concentration on his face before grinning and slowly leaning over to him. Blade stood his ears up when he heard her movements but he didn't look at her. Kora murred softly and began undoing his pants, pulling them open and reaching in to rub at his sheath gently while she was licking at his neck.

Blade stiffened up with a soft growl coming from him, his hands gripping the wheel a bit tighter then before. "Kora..." She murred into this ear while rubbing his sheath a bit more, grinning when she felt his cock becoming hard and escaping his sheath. Kora then moved her head down and began licking at his exposed cock making him let out a soft groan. He bit his bottom lip hard, shaking a bit as he glanced down at her for a few seconds before looking back to the road. "Kora." She shushed him before taking his cock into her mouth now that he was fully erect for her. She began sucking on him slowly, her head bobbing along the length while her tongue pressed and rubbed against him. She blushed when she tasted his precum that was leaking from his tip. Blade shuddered hard a few times, his cock throbbing in her mouth as she moved her head. He finally let go of the wheel, keeping one hand on it while the other pressed into the back of Kora's head. He gently pushed down, making her take his cock into her mouth as he let out another groan.

Kora let out a soft growl as she held herself like that with his cock in her throat before pulling her mouth off of his cock, panting softly as she glanced to him. Blade didn't say anything as he pulled the car into the parking lot of a run down gas station, throwing it into park before pushing the seat back and grabbing her, pulling her over into his lap so she was straddling him. "Cheeky little vixen." He gripped her head lightly and kissed her deeply as she began grinding her hips into him, making him groan into the kiss while his hands moved to her pants. He pulled them open and slipped his hand inside, feeling that she was already dripping wet. He rubbed his fingers against her clit a few times before pushing two of his fingers into her.

Kora broke the kiss with a moan coming from her, her hips beginning to push against his fingers as he thrusts them into her, growling against her neck as he bit it a few times before stopping. He pulled his fingers from her, both panting softly while the scent of her arousal mixed with his own. Blade folded his ears back ,remembering what she had been through with the lion. "Kora...we don't have to.." She blushed and pressed her head against his own as she whined softly, her hips grinding into him more as she whispered. "I want to Blade...I want to with you...only you." He growled and pressed his lips to hers, kissing her hard as she pushed her tongue into his mouth while he struggled to get her pants off of her, tossing them into the passenger seat once he had her free from them. He gripped her hips and guided her down, pulling back from the kiss as she let out a moan when she felt his cock pushing into her until her hips met his.

Kora let out a groan as she pressed her head against his. She closed her eyes and relaxed on him, taking a moment and enjoying the feeling of him being inside her again. She opened her eyes and blushed, seeing him looking back at her before his hands rested on her ass, gripping her ass cheeks lightly before she began moving her hips on him slowly. Blade let out a little groan and nuzzled his head against hers, making her murr softly between her little moans that came from her. Kora wrapped her arms around him and held onto him lightly at first, her pace with her movements on his cock were gentle and slow on him while she let out soft moans and groans to him. Blade let out a low growl into her ear, beginning to pull on her to make her move a bit faster on him as he began bucking his hips up into her, his cock throbbing hard from the tight feeling he was getting from her.

"B...Blade..." Kora moaned softly into his ear as she took his hint, her hips beginning to move on him harder and faster then before, making him let out a little grunt in response to her. Blade pressed his head against hers as his arms wrapped around her and held onto her, his hips bucking up every so often to meet her movements. Kora bit down on her bottom lip with a muffled moan coming from her, her head nuzzling into his. After a few seconds she pulled back from him as she began moving on his cock harder and faster then before, her cheeks turning a light pink when she realized their movements were making the car shift around some. Blade ran his fingers through the fur along her hips and sides as he watched her with a low growl coming from him. Kora let out one moan after another, her hands gripping a hold of his and interlocking their fingers together. Blade closed his eyes, his knothaving formed and beginning to hit against her pussy lips as she moved on him even harder then before, her pussy clenching and rubbing his cock with each of her movements on him.

Blade growled a bit more when she gripped his hands a bit tighter while her pussy began to clench onto him tighter then before. She was coming close to her orgasm as her movements seemed to become a bit more frantic then before. Blade pulled his hands free from hers, wrapping his arms around her and pulling her down onto him hard so his knot stretched her open and popped into her. Kora gripped his shoulders tightly with a loud moan coming from her. She moved her hips on his as hard as she could until seconds later her pussy clamped down on him while her juices gushed over his cock with her hips bucking and moving on him through her orgasm while her head pressed against his. Blade let out a snarl as he bucked up into her hard even after her orgasm faded. It didn't take long for him to hold her down on him as his throbbing cock released into her, a small shiver going through him with each gush of cum before the two went still. Kora laid against him with her head laying on his shoulder, a soft murr coming from her between her pants and groans. "Blade..." The male stood his ears up and let out a soft grunt in response to her while he gently ran his claws along her ass and up along her back. " I love you Blade..." He opened his eyes and blushed, looking to her as she lifted her head. He saw her blushing as she looked at him with a timid look on her face. He soon smiled and gently pressed his lips to hers, kissing her softly for a minute or so before pulling back and looking to her. "I love you to Kora...We will be fine." She smiled and nodded then laid her head down against his shoulder once more as the two sat there resting.


After a long drive with several different stops for sleep or fun Blade drove into New Orleans. It was still dark outside and Kora was asleep in the passenger seat, curled up against the seat some. Blade let out a yawn and slowly drove around until he found a hotel. He parked and got out, letting Kora remain asleep while he went inside and rented a room for a few weeks. Once everything was set up he went outside with the key to the room. He grabbed the bags from the trunk before opening the passenger door, gently shaking Kora until she woke up. "Come on Kora...I got us a hotel room...lets go in and lay down." Kora nodded and groaned as she climbed out of the car, stretching out with a groan before closing the door so he could lock up the car. He gently led her to their room, letting her into the room first before going in and closing the door behind them. He locked the door and dropped the bags on the floor, throwing the room key and his car keys on the table before moving with Kora to the bed, both laying down on it with out a word. Kora rolled so her back was against his chest, murring when he wrapped his arms around her and hugged her against him a bit more, the two falling asleep rather quickly once they had gotten comfortable.

After several hours of sleep Blade was the frist to wake up with a groan coming from him. Kora shifted a bit as she remained asleep, curling up a bit more while Blade got up to check his phone. He saw he had a missed call from his mother and let out a soft sigh. He walked out of the hotel room, leaning against the wall outside as he called her to let her know he was alright.

"Hey mom.."

"BLADE! Where in the hell are you?! What is going on?"

"I found Kora...dad had sold her to some lion....he refused to tell me where she had been taken so I followed him...found where the lion was staying and I got Kora out of there...we left the state mom...it isn't safe for either of us to stay there with Dad hell bent on getting Kora out of the way so things will go his way."

"Oh Blade...you have had me worried sick...At least I know your alright now...and Kora is alright?"

"Yeah...she is fine now. she is sleeping at the moment. How are things at home?"

"Your father is pissed off...his business partners are calling him and bitching him out...they heard about the attack and you taking Kora after she had been sold...the lion wants Kora back or his money...so your better off out of state for now."

"Yeah. I am sorry mom...but I had to."

"I know hun. Just be careful and check in with me in a few days starlight? Be safe Blade."

After he hung the phone up with his mother he let out a deep breathe, rubbing his forehead some before going back into the room to see Kora stretching out a bit as she woke up with a soft groan coming from her. She laid there rubbing her eyes a bit before she sat up and looked over to him with a small smile on her face. "Hey..." Blade smiled and set his phone on the table before moving to her, kissing her deeply with a soft growl before pulling back and nuzzling his head to hers softly. "Hey sleepy head." She returned the kiss and wrapped her arms around him, pulling him to her a bit more then before as she rest her head against his with a deep breathe coming from her. "Where are we?" Blade laughed softly and licked her cheek gently. "New Orleans...want to go explore?" Kora stood her ears up and looked at him for a moment before she smiled and nodded with excitement. He got off the bed, helping her up before heading out of the room after grabbing the keys. He held onto her hand, deciding they could walk for a while as he laced their fingers together and taking his time as they walked down the street with her looking around with a smile on her face.