Baker's Dozen: Harley Robertson

Story by LiquidHunter on SoFurry

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#1 of Baker's Dozen

Surprise post!

Baker's Dozen

The First

How do you remember your life? Do you have a long string of important events, one leading to the next in an exciting adventure through your roller coaster of a life. Perhaps it wasn't so exciting. Maybe you had one or two major events with some minor events in between and then the rest of the void is filled with mundane crap that you can't even remember.

What I'm trying to get at is that people remember their lives in different ways depending on what they deemed important. We all look back and see something different. My best friend Harley remembers his academic achievements along with his financial achievements to track his path through life which led to him to achieving the American Dream. That's how he remembers his life. I on the other hand look at things a bit more sideways.

I have memorable events that occurred to me, those that I loved, those that I hated. I remember one thing specifically about my life... the sex. It's not perverted, it's simply the one thing in my life that I find worth noting. People graduate from high school all the time, people get cars and job. I don't want to idolize the parts of my life that everyone else idolizes, it's not special that way. It's the reason people buy overpriced cars and houses, it's something to set them apart and let me tell you... Few have experienced the kind of action I have gotten, even if some of it was painful. Anyhow, let me lead you on a little adventure through my hot, dripping mess of a life that I like to call Baker's Dozen,

Why the name? Well, that's very simple. My name is Baker, at least that's what I prefer to be called, and my life is made up of thirteen memorable sexual encounters. So shall we begin?

Let's start right from the beginning with my dear friend Harley.

"Now listen here." My spoke to me and stood in front of me to make sure that she was the sole focus of my attention. I listened like I was told because I had no intention of angering this Grey Wolf on the night of my first night home alone. "I want you to lock all of the doors before nine, close the windows and take out the trash. When that's done, I left... blah blah"

Okay, well, you try and listen to a droning mother.

I nodded at everything she said. Do this, do that. Don't burn down the house or invite girls over. The usual banter that anyone living with their mother would get, especially a fifteen year old Wolf-Dragon hybrid. I can only imagine the kind of stuff the forty year old virgin was lectured about.

Yeah I know, it's a weird combination, but that happens when a wolf and a dragon get married and do it. I was quite the specimen if you ask me yourself. My father was a gray-scaled drake and my mother a gray timber wolf. They met in college and got married there, but waited several years before having me. It's actually a very interesting story, but this is about me.

Due to both of my parents being the color gray, I came out looking like a pencil drawing. I took after my mother and had a very canine appearance, but chromosomes work in mysterious ways. I had an abdomen of shiny scales that made sure that I always had a rock hard gut and a long thick tail that was furry at the base, but slowly gave way to more scales near the tip. I had a pair of small horns sprouting from the top of my head between my very dog like ears and even a cute set of wings that do nothing for me but get caught in shit. Thanks dad, at least your wings let you glide.

Back to the story at hand before my mom figures out I was ignoring in a story I was telling, I can just imagine her waking up in the middle of the night, just knowing.

"Did you get all of that?" She asked me and I nodded my head. At the time, I did actually listen. "Good." She stood up and towered over me. She was a very tall woman, or maybe I was just a short kid. "Now your friend will be over any minute, so I want you two to look after each other while your father and I are gone."

"We will." I said in my cracking voice. I was just going through puberty, so don't judge.

She smiled a smile that could melt any heart and leaned forward to give me a lick across the chin which I recoiled from. Naturally. She left with a goodbye and a quick wave and suddenly I was alone.

My parents worked in business. My father was in real estate and my mom was in construction. She didn't build anything, she worked the numbers and money. Anyway, this combination meant that there was often traveling as either company often had something going on that required one of them to leave for a few days at a time. Sometimes we went as a family if the location was nice such as San Diego, but this time, they decided that I was old enough to stay behind with a friend for a quick overnight run out of town to check on a suburban construction site that both of my parent's companies were tag teaming.

I was excited about this. Not only was this a sign that I was being trusted more which was a big thing for a teenager. C'mon, you know that you had an ego back then as well.

My first course of action, being the responsible child I was, was to raid the freezer for microwavable junk food. There was plenty. My dad liked to spoil me and had made a quick run to the store to make sure that I didn't starve overnight. There was pizza, pizza rolls, bagel bites... pretty much a hundred different ways to serve a piece of bread with tomato sauce, cheese and meat on it. It took it all and set the oven since microwave food always tasted better when cooked in the oven instead.

I turned on the radio to my favorite station. At the time, everyone listened to rock, so that was what I had on. I danced and pretended to play along to the lead guitarist as I waited for the food to finish. I had stuffed everything into the oven, I was barely able to close the thing. It was during this time that the doorbell went off, signaling the arrival of my partner in crime.

I bounded over to the door, sliding the last four meters across the linoleum in my socks. A quick flick of the dead bolt lock that my mother insisted remained locked at all times since she didn't like the way some man looked at her once, and a twist of the knob and the door was opened, revealing a shy little otter.

I say shy because that was what he was. In school he didn't talk to anyone he didn't know. He avoided eye contact, sat in the back corner, the whole nine yards of loner. Somehow along the way of going through school, I managed to get a few words out of him and now we were the best of friends.

"Sup!" I yelled to be heard over the radio.

"Hi." He said coyly. The otter was still timid, even when it was just the two of us. It was just how it was and I had gotten used to it by them.

"Come on in" I back away from the door and waved him in with an extravagant bow that put a pink tint to his small ears.

He walked, but not before waving to his older brother who had dropped him off and stayed to make sure he wasn't just left on the patio all night. His brother waved back and then drove off.

Harley brought with him a sleeping bag and a backpack that would be filled with a spare change of clothes and some toiletries.

I had him set his things down in the living room where we would be spending the night due to the huge ass television there. Not much sleeping was planned since we were going marathon anime all night. My parents would get mad, or act mad since we both knew that this was going to happen, but it would blow over and be worth it.

I led him to the kitchen where the food was almost done. We chatted about school and how I was struggling to get my grades up.

"You just need to apply yourself more." Harley said as he popped a bagel bite into his mouth and proceeded to speak as he chewed. Yeah, with no parents around, manners went out the window. "You spend too much time staring out the window when you should be doing work."

"But it's so boring." I slumped onto the table and rested my head next to the plate of food. I reached out with my tongue, which was another part of my that was more draconian. Let me tell you, that guy can get freaky. I drew in a pizza roll which was scalding hot on the inside, luckily a hot food had little effect on me. "All those numbers. I see them, but I don't know what to do with them, so I ignore them."

"You can't just do that." Harley reminded me. "If you keep getting these grades, you'll have to take a summer course."

I groaned. The last thing I wanted was to lose my summer. Scratch that, I didn't want to disappoint my parents. As much of a rowdy child I was, I looked up to my parents a lot. They were successful upper middle class and never seemed to worry about their future, which meant all of that time for worrying was spent on my. They made me feel like I had the weight of the world on my shoulder and I didn't want to drop it. "You could help me, you have the best grades in the class."

It was true. Harley, despite his timid nature, was the smartest. I guess he spent all of that time hiding in the dark actually learning the material.

"I've tried and you don't listen." He said and swallowed his food. He thought about taking another piece, but they were still very hot and he had burnt his tongue on the last piece. How did I know this? Keep reading. He opted to wait a bit.

"I'll listen this time." I already knew what he was going to say.

"You said that last time."

"It will be different this time."

"You said that last time."

You're a pessimist, I grumbled and stuffed a slice of pizza into my mouth.

"I'm a realist." He splayed his webbed paw over his chest.

I rolled my eyes.

We ate the rest of the food quickly, changing subjects multiple times. We talked about sports. My dad really wanted me to take on wrestling. He had made it to the state championship his Junior year and again his Senior year, taking fifth and second respectively. Harley on the other hand was going to go with the stereotype and join the swim team which was made up of what one would expect, otters, dolphins, an orca and even a shark.

I had seen Harley swim a few times at the lake, and let me tell you he's fast. I don't know if he's fast for an aquatic, but he can swim circles around me easily. I think he would have a chance of succeeding so I supported him. Plus, it would be good for him to find more friends. Don't get me wrong, he was a fantastic friend, more would just be better.

We dumped the dishes which consisted of a two forks since, you know, paper plates and plastic cups and began setting up our bedding in the living room.

The living room had a massive corner couch positioned so that the inside of the corner was facing the television, giving anyone sitting on the couch, a clear view. This would be where we would sleep since it was easily large enough to accommodate the both of us.

I drug down a large pile of blankets from the closet upstairs and tossed them onto Harley. "Surprise attack!" I yelled as the blankets all landed on the otter.

"Ah!" He struggled as he was completely enveloped. His arms were sticking out, grasping at the blankets, trying to pull them off, but I kept putting them back on.

This went on for a good minute and a half before I finally let him pull them off of him.

"How." He was breathing hard and actually sweating. I couldn't stop laughing at the sight. "How many were there?" He rolled off the couch and stood up, a bit shaken.

He looked at the pile, expecting a mountain and then back at me. "You're an ass sometimes."

"I know." I giggled and bopped him on the nose and he sneezed. "Gesundheit" He sneezed again, his eyes half closed. It had caught him off guard and I repeated myself. "Gesundheit." Then he sneezed three times in a row. "Geeze. You OK."

"Uh huh." Nodded and held his paw up to his nose before sneezing again. "How old are these blankets?" He asked.

"I dunno." I shrugged. "I think some of them are older than me."

"It's the..." He sneezed, his head rocketing forward from the force of the sneeze. "blankets, the dust. I... I need to take a shower real fast." He got up and went to the stairs. He had been over before and knew the way to the right bathroom, though the shower was leaking so I told him to go use my parent's bathroom instead. That was what I had been doing for the past few days.

I turned on the television as I waited. I flipped through the channels for a few minutes until I noticed that Harley had left his backpack that had his towel in it. If he was sneezing from some dusty blankets, I was sure that he would want to use his own towel so I grabbed it and ran upstairs.

I could hear the shower going. It was going to be simple. I would open the door, run in, drop off the towel and get out. The curtains would be closed and the shower was loud enough that Harley wouldn't hear me. I really should have just knocked or waited for Harley to finish, but who thinks about such things when they're in the spur of the moment, I didn't and I was in for a surprise.

I opened the door, steam drooled out from the opening and I stepped in. Harley must have had the hot water on all of the way, it was so steamy. I took a few steps in and saw Harley. The curtains were pulled forward and he had his hand wrapped and vigorously pumping at his pink shaft. He had his other hand resting on the tiled wall and his head was down, his eyes closed in obvious pleasure.

"What?!" I said and his eyes immediately opened up and looked at me.

We both stood there, speechless. What was amazing was that he kept going at it even though I was watching his hand glide up and down his member.

I couldn't bring my eyes away from it and he couldn't bring his eyes away from me.

"I..." I stuttered. I had seen porn before, but it was different. Those were images on a magazine or on the computer screen. This was real, I felt the steam swirling around me, clinging to my fur and "I brought your towel." I raised up the towel in my hand and he turned off the shower.

The otter slowly stepped over the lip of the shower and onto the tile. He walked over to me, the tips of his round, small ears lighting up. At this point, I had managed to tear my gaze away and was looking at him in the eyes.

He reached out for the towel, but I let go of it an instant too soon and it slipped through his fingers right before he could close them.

"Oops." I blurted out and immediately bent down as a natural reaction since I had dropped it.

My nose bumped it and the little bit of pre that was there stuck to me.

I froze and I heard him gasp. I didn't dare look. My fingers were wrapped around the towel. I could feel the heat from him on the side of my face. I tried to stand up, but again, my nose bumped him and he gasped.

I looked this time. His cock was resting on the top of my muzzle, staring at me between the eyes.

My breath quickened and I looked up at him and he looked back down. His body was tense, I felt each of his heartbeats, his member pulsing with each beat. He bit his lower lip. He hadn't asked me to back off and I was unsure.

I felt a stir in my trousers, tensing in my underwear as my own cock was filling my sheath. The smell didn't help. It wasn't a strong smell, Harley hadn't finished puberty at the time, but he had begun to develop a musk that reminded me of what my dad smelled like some mornings. Eww.

My pants were getting uncomfortably as I took in more of his scent. It was a bit fishy, but not the bad kind of fishy, more like a sushi than the gross frozen stuff at the back of a supermarket. It was arousing is what I'm trying to get at.

Both of us didn't know what to do next. Neither of us had ever been in a situation like this, so I ended up saying the first thing that came to mind.

"I saw something in a magazine once." His cock bobbed with curiosity, slapping gently against my muzzle as I spoke. "I can show you. If you want."

He didn't say anything, he just nodded.

I looked back down at his cock, it was oozing pre all over my the top of my muzzle, glistening from the overhead light.

Remembering from the magazine that I had stored under some boxes in my closet, I copied what they did there.

I raised my muzzle up so his cock slid off, leaving a spiderweb of pre. I caught it in my hand. Harley sucked in a breath as my scaly palm subbed against him.

I brought it up to my mouth and wrapped my lips around him.

"OHhHhH" He whimpered, voice trembling.

I focused on the task at hand. I began by bobbing my head up and down. He wasn't large enough to reach the back of my throat, so there was no danger there.

I reach under and between his legs and supported his balls in the palm of my hand.

Harley was drooling at his point and I had just started. I twirled the duo between my fingers, feeling them, caressing them.

I used my long tongue and wrapped it around his member, stroking it while my lips bobbed up and down.

"Uh... I... You..." He had turned from the smartest kid in class to the a babbling idiot just like that and I chuckled, the vibrations from my throat, massaging him even more. "I can't. I can't take it much longer." He managed to spill out in a rapid blurb of words that I barely understood.

I took me off guard and even when I did realize what was happening, he grabbed onto my horns and held me in place and began to buck into my mouth.

My cry was muffled by his light, but earnest pounding of my face which quickly grew in intensity, parallel to his breathing. He huffed and then everything stopped as he let out a pitiful growl.

He pushed as hard as he could into my mouth, and then he came.

It wasn't a powerful blast, mind you, he was only fifteen, like me. The first jet hit the back of my throat and even though I didn't swallow, it leaked down my throat, forcing me to swallow or risk drowning in it.

The next jet laced itself across the back of my tongue that was still wrapped around him, milking him for everything he had. It tasted a bit salty and bitter, not at all enjoyable.

When he as done and spent, he let go of my horns and I released him in turn.

I coughed a bit and he blushed. "I'm sorry." He apologized. "I got carried away."

"It's fine." I said and stood up. Neither of us were embarrassed now.

"It feels unfair." Harley said and grabbed the bottom of my shirt and tugged it up, exposing my smooth stomach. "That you did this for me and got nothing in return." I lifted my arms up and soon my shirt joined his pile of cloths.

He knelt down and attacked my zipper and button. Soon those were taken care off and my pants were around my ankle, revealing my bulged underwear. I watched as he took a moment, admiring. I'd like to think he was admiring.

He pulled down the elastic band in one smooth motion and my draconian member jumped out at him.

While I had a sheath like a wolf rather than a slit like a dragon, my cock was a red, raging dragon with ridges and tapered tip at one end a slight knot that wasn't as prominent as a canine, but it would still get the job done.

"I've never seen one like this." He said, his breath tickling me and his eyes watching the small stream of pre that ran down it and into the fur of my crotch.

I didn't answer and he didn't' need a reply. He swallowed me whole in one go and I immediately grabbed onto the sides of his head while he went down on me.

It was a glorious feeling and I was envious that he got to get this first.

His tongue lashed out at my cock, teasing the tip and prodding the hole, sending quick violent spasms up my back. I gently rolled my hips into him in response. At first, we were out of sync. I would bump into his nose or he would bury his face into my crotch fur, but we eventually got the timing down.

He slurped greedily at me as I was lost in a sea of pure pleasure.

His hand reached around my back and two fingers went exploring under my tail. I yipped as his finger grazed my entrance. He didn't push in, not with unlubed fingers, he simply massaged and teased at me.

His fingers clawed up my taint and grabbed a hold of my balls. He tugged at them a but, pulling them between my thighs.

I was getting close now and I signaled Harley by putting one hand on the back of his head and left the other on the side of his head. The sucking grew stronger and my body tensed up. My toes curled as I felt my climax approaching.

My bucking grew more erratic, ruining the perfect timing we had. I drilled his face, lost in a mating haze. a flurry of hormones coursing through my prepubescent body. It didn't know how to handle it so it just let it take control.

A low rumble filled my throat as I pushed my knot into Harley's mouth. His eyes widened and he tried to pull back, but I pushed him back with a savage growl.

I shut his jaw around my knot, which forced my cock to the back of his throat. Felt my tip hit the soft spot of his throat. He held in a gag and that snapped me out of the daze. I didn't want to hurt him so I pulled back a little to let him breath, but kept my knot in, it felt too good to take out as his tongue wrapped around my base and yanked, playing a tug of war with my hips.

I hit my climax and wrapped my arms around his head, bending over as I shot my load into his maw.

He took all of it, every jet of my seed that I sent his way had a one way ticket into his gullet.

I felt my knot grow as it became engorged in blood. I began to think that I wasn't going to be able to pull out, but it was a warrantless fear.

When I was spent, panting and left a wreck, Harley slid my cock out of his mouth with a crude schlicking pop.

He stood up and hugged me. I hugged him back, our two fading erections rubbing against each other as we embraced in our afterglows.

"We can't let our parents find out." I said in a somewhat serious tone.

"No way." He laughed. "I don't know what they would do."

We stayed there for a moment, in each other's embrace. Have you ever felt otter fur, especially young otter fur? It's like velvet, so silky and smooth. I ran my hands down his back and he played with my tail. When we did pull apart, the pre that had collected on us made a sound not unlike velcro.

"I need another shower." Harley said, disgusted with the matting of his fur as he dug out a clump of pre from his crotch.

"You mind if I join you?" I asked.

"Not at all." He replied.