Billy the Bully

Story by GrimmSanguine on SoFurry

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Billy the Bully

Note: I haven't written anything in the longest and this is my first story so please be gentle with the comments. Hope you enjoy the read =^_^=

There are a plethora of words that can properly describe the type of person Billy is; an intimidator, a browbeater, an annoyer, a tormentor, a nuisance...well, you get the point, but let's just call him what he is, a bully. Every day Billy woke up early, 5:00 a.m., to make sure he was at school by 6:00 to torture the few freshmen, sophomores, fellow juniors, and seniors who arrived early. He would take their lunch money if they had any, smack ‘em around a bit, but made sure not to leave any markings or bruises, and there were the classics like the mega wedgies, swirlies, and power noogies. Not much of a surprise that he's known as Billy the Bully. It's hard to believe that when at home his attitude does a complete 180 and he becomes one of the nicest people on the planet. He helps his little brother with his homework, manages to gossip with his older sister, does most of the chores around the house, and usually makes dinner before his mother and father get home. You see, Billy loves control, he loves to manipulate, and he especially loves power, but he figured long ago that his family shouldn't suffer his wrath, because, and he will never actually admit this in public, but he loves them dearly. This caused problems for Billy. He couldn't have power and control over his family if he couldn't make them fear him, so he made them love him instead and used fear and brute force on everyone around him, besides from his friends and the school faculty of course. To clarify one thing, if you're wondering how he manages to get away with being a complete ass at school while being nice at home, you need to understand a few things. Though he may be a huge jerk during school, he manages to get straight A's, is respectful to the teachers, and though he makes it seem like he gets constant detentions, he is able to fool everyone by making his own detention slips at home and keeping them in plain view for other students to see when he walks past, he is actually staying back to help a few students who come from other schools to be tutored. Atop of all that he has, what Billy likes to call, his "enforcer squad." The "enforcer squad" are a few of his other no good friends that make sure no one rats on Billy for messing with them, and they get to beat up on weaker kids which is a big plus for them. There's Markus, a 17 year old white male who everyone thinks has an unusual obsession with fire. Chris, a 16 year old red fox with a few anger issues he REALLY needs to work on. Hector, a 17 year old brown bear with a nasty growl. Last but not least there's Jeffrey, an 18 year old black male who talks with his fists. As much as Billy and his "enforcer squad" get a kick out of torturing other students, recently they've been bored out of their skulls, mainly because school had let out for spring break. But the long week is almost over and Billy and his friends can't wait to go back to the place they rule.

Billy was anxious, heck, more than anxious, he was as giddy as a school girl, hoping around his room and play dancing with his pink teddy bear. It was 11:00 p.m., and normally he would have been asleep by now, but the excitement of finally being able to go back to school tomorrow kept him up longer than he cared for, but it didn't matter. Tired or not, Billy would be ready and raring to go in the morning, ready to bruise his knuckles a bit and get a few bucks doing it. He smiled happily to himself and hummed a jolly tune, "I can't wait!!! I can't wait!!!" He screamed that over and over again in his head as he continued to dance around with his bear. Through pure excitement, he threw his arms in the air, throwing his bear toward the open window and letting a quick yelp escape, but his joy would soon sour when he saw his bear about to fly right out the open window. "Oh no no no no no!!!!" he shouted out, "don't go out the window!" His heart skipped a beat as he watched in a horror of his bear falling out the window. He shut his eyes and begged to God that it wouldn't go through. In that quick moment he heard a thud, and when he opened his eyes he saw that the bear was face down on the ground. He gave a quick sigh of relief and went to go pick up his bear. As he bent down to pick up his pink, little friend, Billy heard something, the distant sound of a truck. He looked out his window and saw a pair of lights coming closer from down the street. With a bit of squinting, and help from the street lights, Billy saw that it was a moving truck, with what appeared to be a black SUV following close behind it.

The white moving truck slowed to a direct stop in front of the house across the street. It was only then that he had noticed that the "For Sale" sign that had been on the front lawn for about two months had a big "Sold" sticker on it now. " come I didn't notice that house was sold? Oh well, doesn't matter...or does it?" he finished with a grin on his face, "Hehe, I might be gettin' some fresh meat to trounce on." He pranced around even giddier than before and stared out the window to see his new neighbors. "Come on, come on, get out the car already!" he said, his voice cracking a bit and his fingers twitching excitedly on the walls. Just as the car doors open, Billy turned away with an even bigger grin on his face "No, it'll be better if it's a surprise. Besides, there's only one high school in the area so they have to go...or what if they're too young or homeschooled?! Then I'll never know!!!" At that moment, Billy shot around to look out the window, but to his dismay the family had already entered the house. Billy began to panic at that moment, but then it hit him, "Oh duh" he said slapping his forehead, "They have to come back outside to bring in their stuff. I'm getting overworked for nothing" with that he calmed down and looked outside. He waited about five minutes before someone finally came back out. His eyes sparkled and he bit his lower lip. Ducking beneath the door to get out the house emerged a huge African lion. He was tall, almost 7ft, and his white button up shirt and black dress pants seemed snug on his massive, bulky frame. His mane was thick and dark, and his piercing yellow eyes were bright enough to be seen with ease. Billy's mouth flew agape at that moment and he hit the floor in shock.

"HOLY CRAP...HE'S FREAKIN' HUGE!!!!!" he shouted in his head, but with nervous curiosity he peeked back over to see more. The massive lion walked down to the moving truck to take in a few boxes with "fragile" written on the sides. He picked up two huge boxes with ease, and Billy's jaw only fell more. Just as soon as the lion was about to head back towards the house, he stopped and sniffed the air a few times. He slowly turned and stared right at Billy with his piercing yellow eyes, which made Billy quiver in fear and hide. He fearfully peeked out the window to see the lion still looking at him. It was weird; the more Billy stared at him the more comfortable he felt. His fear quickly dissolved into calmness. The massive lion gave a smirk at Billy. "You know it's impolite to stare," the massive lion shouted to Billy with his deep voice and strong African accent. Billy, more nervous than ever now, ducked down again, his heart beating quickly.

"Who are you yelling at, Mukanda?" came a sweet, luscious, beautiful voice from across the street. Billy would have looked, but he was still far too nervous to look to see who that wonderful voice came from. "Oh nothing honey, just messing with the neighbor boy over-"Mukanda pointed to Billy's window, but discovered he wasn't there, "where'd he go...oh well"

"Hmm, please, sweety, don't wake the remember what happened last time?"

"My apologies honey, besides, it wasn't that bad. I only spent a few hours in a jail cell. No problem and everyone in there were very nice to me."

"I know, but I don't want that incident to happen again. Now please, let us hurry, I would like to go to bed soon."

"Alright, alright, I understand"

Billy, a bit fear stricken and with the feeling of about to wet himself, he looked back over, but they were in the house by then. He slumped down, now tired from what just happened, and crawled into his bed. "Well, that's enough excitement for one night." With that, Billy slowly let himself drift to sleep with thoughts of the fresh pummeling's he would give to all the early birds in the morning.

Billy's eyes shot wide open, right before the alarm was about to go off, too. He quickly turned off the alarm before it began to blare and jumped into the shower. He sang happily to himself; a little song he made up that he liked to call "I'm gonna beat some kids." After he rinsed off, he jumped out the tub, brushed his teeth, combed his short, black hair, made sure his blue eyes had a sparkle and that there were no pimples on his face and ran out the bathroom. Quicker than lightning he threw on his cloths, the ever so classic bully's outfit complete with leather jacket, black jeans, and a nice gold chain with the letters B.B. on it. He flew out the house with his backpack, but went back in when he realized he forgot his shoes and keys, thankfully he forgot to lock the door in his excitement. In the blink of an eye he was at the street corner, waiting at the bus stop, tapping his foot to his song he was humming. Almost every minute he looked at his watch waiting for the bus to come. "Damn it!!! What's taking so long?!" the second he said that the bus pulled up. "Finally." He said in a low voice. He sat in the first seat he could find and tapped the floor with his foot while he still hummed his song. It was five minutes to 6:00 when his bus pulled up to the school. He stepped off the bus and ran to the entrance, and there, waiting for him was the enforcer squad.

"Awww, looky looky it's Billy the Bully" said Markus with one hand held up for a high five, the other clinging tight to his silver lighter.

"Markus, Chris, Hector, Jeffery, damn man it's been to long" Billy said, giving each of them a high five

"Dude, it's only been a week" said Hector in his low voice.

"A week?! Felt like fuckin' foreva man." Chris shouted out.

"I know man, my fists have just been itchin' to beat some weaklings" Jeffrey said in a sly tone, cracking his knuckles loud enough to echo through the parking lot.

"Damn man"

"I know, that old punching bag my dad has just aint cut it."

"Well, I'm sure your gonna get your fill today"

"Well, my enforcer squad, what the hell are we waiting for then? Let the torturing begin!"

"Yeah!!!!" they all shouted at once as they ran into the school, making a beeline for the cafeteria. There were quite a few students in the cafeteria, and Billy and his friends just went wild with excitement. The children looked in fear of Billy and his gang, and, like usual, they formed their neat little line, alphabetical order since that's how they like to do things, and commenced with their fun. They gave out the wedgies and noogies, but no swirlies, they felt generous, but they still slapped them around a bit, and since the teachers and principal don't really check the cafeteria in the morning, because Billy was entrusted with early morning watch, he had nothing to worry about. In less than thirty minutes they took more than seventy dollars, split up evenly between each other, and gave enough noogies and wedgies and face slaps to keep them happy for a few hours, except Jeffery.

"Ah man, I'm still itchin' for more" whined Jeffery.

"Look, don't worry, we'll have more opportunities later, but right now we gotta get our books and get to class," Billy said as he turned to the neat line of scared students, "Oh, you're all dismissed. Go on, get!" The kids scampered away like frightened mice, and Billy and his gang laughed while they watched them scurry away.

"Ah, I love this" Chris said

"Me, too, but now we have to go." Said Markus.

"Yeah, see ya'll in homeroom." Billy said to his enforcers

"Alright, man, see ya." Hector said as they all dispersed and headed to their first period class.

First period couldn't have ended quicker for Billy. It was biology, and despite the fact that he was getting an A out of the class, he still hated it to death, and boy he couldn't stand the teacher, Mr. Wither, with all his lame jokes and idiotic remarks. Billy wanted nothing more than to punch all those pearly whites out of his mouth, but he restrained himself, but what Billy couldn't stand the most out of having to listen to his boring lectures was the fact that he and Mr. Wither were "Best buddies." After fifty-five minutes of nothing but listening to him go on and on about the human nervous system, the class ended and Billy had to restrain himself from flying out the classroom. It was second period, which meant it was time to meet the enforcers, and Billy couldn't have been happier. The bell rang for second period, but Billy was already in his seat, and a smile ran across his face as he saw each one of the enforcers walk into the class right behind each other. The teacher, Mrs. Fields, was the last to enter the room, but Billy didn't care, he was just glad to see the others.

"Okay class, settle down. I know spring break has ended, but that doesn't mean we still can't have fun. Now, before we start class I would like to introduce you to a new student who will be joining our happy little class." She said as she turned to the door. "Come on in dear." She finished as she gave a hand gesture for whomever to enter. At that moment the entire class had turned toward the door, and every boy in the class mouths slacked beyond belief and their eyes popped out of their skulls. An absolutely gorgeous African lioness had stepped through the door. She was no taller than 5ft, her fur was a beautiful dark brown and her luscious black hair reached down to her flat chest. She was a bit on the chubby side, but that only served to give her cute figure more sex appeal. She wore a long grey skirt that ended a little past her knees with a pure white button-up shirt, but what made her so much more adorable were the big, pink bows tied around her neck and tail.

"Class, this is Aziza, and she has just moved here all the way from Africa. I hope you all treat her well. Now, let's see if we can find you a seat...hmmm...oh, there's an empty one there, right next to Billy in the back." Mrs. Fields said as she pointed to Billy way in the back. Aziza timidly made her way to her seat; looking at all the boy's ogling her with lusty eyes and the girls who started whispering, giggling, and pointing at her. By the time Aziza made it to her seat no one seemed to notice how nervous she actually was. Her breathing was a bit raspy and a few beads of sweat fell down her face, but no one could really tell because of all her thick fur. Billy, becoming completely infatuated, just as all the boy's, stared at her with great intensity. In one slick motion Billy pulled a tiny blue comb out of his pocket, ran it through his hair, and leaned over with a lovely smile and said "Hello there, I'm Billy. It's nice to meet you." But Aziza paid him no attention; rather she sat at her desk, tapping her fingers against it while making a sort of wincing noise while she looked out the window. Now, if there is one thing Billy absolutely cannot stand its being ignored so again he made an attempt of gaining her attention by clearing his throat rather loudly, but this did nothing to break her from looking out the window. At this point Billy had become a bit annoyed so he tried clearing his throat, only this time a bit louder, but still she didn't look toward him. Now Billy was becoming infuriated. "What the hell is she looking at?!" he thought to himself. He sat back a little and looked out the window to see what was so important that she ignored him, but the only thing he noticed where the storm clouds that were slowly moving over head. As a flash of thunder shot through the clouds, Aziza cringed and made a loud wince. That's when Billy figured out what was wrong. He leaned over a tad and tapped her shoulder. This broke her concentration and she stared at Billy with a pair of bright yellow eyes that were all too familiar to him.

"Those eyes" he thought "Hmmm, new lion neighbors...this must be their daughter." But all the while he thought this he didn't notice that Aziza had turned away towards the window again. "Damn it." He uttered in a low voice and grabbed her attention again, being stared at with those piercing, yet calming eyes. "Hey, don't worry; it's only a little rain, nothing to be afraid of." She didn't say anything, only gave a simple nod and turned back to the window. "You know, if you get to scared you can always move closer to me." Billy said with a grin. Aziza turned to him once again, the look of worry and nervousness still there. "No thank you." She said in a soft, adorable voice that made Billy melt, but that ended soon enough as he realized he was just turned down. "Aww, why not?" he asked, but there was no response this time. Just as Billy was about to try another attempt at getting her to pay any attention to him, the teacher told the class to turn to page three hundred in their text books, and to not destroy even a single amount of trust or respect he worked to obtain, he gave up and did as the teacher told. The day went by like it had done so many times before, and throughout the day Billy and his enforcers took a few more kids lunch money and gave a few more punches and slaps, especially Jeffrey who took double the shots at the other kids, but the others made sure he didn't over do it. At 2:45 p.m. school finally lets out and the kids were released into the drizzling, thunder and lightning filled open. Billy and the enforcers usually have an after school meeting on the Far East side of the school or on the bleachers when school lets out, but they decided to have it at Billy's house since the thunderstorm was coming, and quick. It wasn't like they minded anyway since they loved Billy's super secret stash of porn. They reached the bus stop just before the bus came and they hoped on. They made their way to the back and sparked a conversation, until they realized that one more person boarded the bus, Aziza. Their conversation came to a halt and their entire bus ride turned into another ogle fest.

Billy and his friends were excited when they got off the bus, mainly because Aziza had gotten off at the same stop. Jeffrey, Chris, Hector, and Markus patted Billy on the back and congratulated him for being the "Lucky Bastard" he was for having the same stop as Aziza. It wasn't like she didn't notice them, they shouted so damn loud it was impossible not to hear them.

"Jeez man, look at those cute little hips sway, and that ass!" Markus bellowed as he flicked the top of his lighter constantly.

"I know, man, but look at them legs" Jeffrey said to Markus.

"What about those cute feet of hers? They're man." Chris said in a lust filled voice

"Hehe, Billy, you sure are one lucky bastard." Hector said with a big grin on his face.

"Now guys calm yourselves, she could hear us....but when you're right, your right." He chuckled out.

Before they knew it they were at Billy's house and they all watched as Aziza went directly across the street to hers. "God damn, Billy, you's more than a lucky bastard, you fuckin' hit the jack pot!" yelped Chris.

"Hey, dude." Billy sputtered out as he covered Chris' mouth "Don't shout so loud man."

"Sorry, sorry...but still..."

"Yeah, I know. Look, let's go in, it's starting to pour out here, and remember, don't mess up the house and be on your best behavior around my brother and sister."

"Yeah, yeah, we know the drill." Said Markus "let's go I'm getting' soaked."

With that they made their way into the house, making sure to put away their wet shoes and jackets. They casually made their way upstairs to Billy's room, but as they approached the room, Billy couldn't help to think that he had forgotten something, something important, and just as they were outside the room Billy had remembered what he had forgotten that was so important...his beloved pink teddy bear was still sitting in his room out in the open. Billy's friends never knew about his fuzzy pink little friend. It was a gift he had gotten two Christmases ago from his grandma. At first he resented the thing, but he quickly grew to loving it, but he never let his friends know of it. If they found out he had a pink teddy bear they would think him weak and abandon him or worse. Chris reached for the knob, but Billy grabbed his arm to stop him. "Uhh, dude, what's wrong? Let me go." Chris said with a bit of harshness in his voice. Billy's world began to spin, because he stopped Chris, but hadn't made up an excuse for them not to enter his room, and he was drawing a huge blank.

"Uhhh, uhhhh I-"

"Hey Billy?" just as Billy was about to give some half-assed bullshit excuse, his little brother, Andrew, came from out of nowhere, and in his hands was Billy's pink teddy bear. As everyone turned to look at Andrew, Billy let out a sigh of relief and wiped the sweat from his head. "What is it, Andrew?" Billy said as calm as he could, but the sudden crack in his voice was a dead giveaway that he wasn't.

"Could you help me with a project I have for school?

"Uh, yeah, when's it due?"

"Next Monday."

"Okay, yeah, I'll have plenty of time to help you, but I'm gonna hang out with the guys today. Is that okay?"

"Sure, I wasn't going to start it today anyway." Andrew left right after that with the pink teddy bear in hand, and Billy couldn't have been more relieved in his life. Billy had forgot, Andrew loved the pink teddy bear just as much as Billy did and that he would always play with it when he got home since he got out of school earlier than he did. With that huge threat out of the way Billy opened the door to his room, smiling his big smile, and stepped inside with his friends close behind. The moment the door shut and locked closed Hector went towards Billy's bed, lifted it up with ease, pulled the bottom off and let the massive pile of porn magazines fall on the ground. He shifted through the pile, looking for anything with the word "anal", took it and headed for the bathroom in the hallway, but not before Billy said "Please don't get this one sticky like the last one." To which Hector responded with a thumbs-up, the same answer he gave the last time when he returned one of Billy's magazines covered in semen after an hour in the bathroom.

"Well, might as well throw it away now." Jeffery chuckled

"Yeah...and I really like that one too. Oh well, now, while Hector's "Busy" let's get down to it.

I'm sure you all know what today's subject is."

"Mmmhmm, that tasty piece of tail next door." Markus said, licking his lips.

"So, what do you think?"

"Let's recruit her." Jeffrey blurted out quickly.

"....bad idea, dude. Ain't no way in hell she's gonna join a bunch of guys like us." Chris stated

"Yeah, but we could probably force her to hang with us."

"NO!!! Trust me, if she rats on us for making her stay around us we gonna have hell to pay." Billy bellowed

"How you figure that?"

"Dude, last night I saw her dad, and the guys FUCKING HUGE!!!! He'd murder our ass."

"He can't be that big."

"Guy had to bend down to get through the door, and he picked up two giant boxes no problem. There's no way in HELL I'm doing anything to get on that guys bad side."

"So what w-"Chris was cut off by a bright flash of lightning that lit up all of outside "Damn that w-"he was cut off again by thunder so loud that the windows actually shook. Markus freaked a bit and jumped back, but that was no surprise, the guys knew how much he hated thunderstorms so they didn't rag on him for being afraid. Truth be told, they were all a bit afraid, but they weren't going to say that out loud, rather they just pushed aside their worry and continued their meeting like nothing happened. The rain started to fall hard after that, it crashed against the side of the window and thunder and lightning boomed and flashed in almost rhythmic sessions. Billy and the others tried to hold the meeting, but the constant interruption by the storm made it damn near impossible, so they gave up and went downstairs to the living room to watch television, all except Hector who was still in the bathroom. They took their respective seats, Billy, Jeffrey, and Markus on the loveseat, Chris on the arm of the loveseat, and Hector, when around, sitting on one of the arm chairs. The second Billy turned on the television there was a frantic beating at the door. "I got it." Billy said with disappointment in his voice as he had gotten comfortable already. "Damn it! Who the hell could this be?" He swung the door open wide, and Billy couldn't believe who he saw; standing there drenched to the bone, sniffling, crying hard, and shivering was Aziza. Billy was lost for words, he just stood there, mouth opened slightly, staring at her with amazement.

"Aziza?! What are you doing here?" Billy shouted, making the others run to the door when they heard her name. They jumped to the door and stared at her like Billy, mouth open and with amazement. "Aziza?" Chris, Jeffrey, and Markus all said at once. A violent strike of thunder and lightning sent Aziza's fur standing on in. She jumped into the house and clung tight to Billy who couldn't be more happy and confused than ever.

"Mama and Daddy aren't home..." She said hoarsely, her soft voice and beautiful accent giving away to fear and desperation "I'm scared, can I please stay here until they come home?" She said frantically as she looked to Billy, eyes full of tears and lips quivering. Billy didn't say anything; he just continued to stare at her loving the feeling of her soft, wet body pressed against his. The guys, thinking how he could possibly screw up such a sweet situation by not saying yes right away, grew a bit unsettled, but it was Jeffrey who was the first to act by slapping him in the back of the head to help him regain his senses. Billy shook his head and finally came back down to earth. "Uhh, y-yeah you can stay here...ummm l-l-let's get you dried off." He said as he took her wonderfully soft hand and led her upstairs to the towel closet. "Lucky Bastard." The others said as they followed him and watched him head up the stairs. Billy pulled out one of the biggest towels they had and draped it around Aziza, helping dry off her hair and arms. "There you go." He said, smiling without realizing it. Aziza wrapped herself up tight, cocoon like even. She pulled the towel down from her face and looked at him nervously. "T-t-t-t-thank you" she said as she continued to shiver and cry. Billy hugged her tight, but it was really just an excuse to feel her body once more. He loved the feeling of holding her, and to his surprise, Aziza began to purr softly as she rested her head against his chest. He pulled her back and stared into her eyes "let's go downstairs." She shook her head "No, I am tired. May I lie down?" Feeling quite disappointed with her response, Billy gave a reluctant nod and led her to his room. He helped to ease her down on the bed and let her lie down easily. "If you need anything le-"Billy was tired of being interrupted by thunder and lightning, but he was glad at what happened next. Aziza jumped up before he could move away and clung tight to him "Don't leave!!!" she screamed as she cried uncontrollably. Billy hugged her and sat down beside her. "I won't."

Aziza started to calm down and rested easy on Billy's bed. He opened his closet and took out a clean cover. He took the towel from her and laid the cover over her. Aziza smiled and got a little more comfortable. "You promise you won't leave?" she asked again for reassurance. Billy nodded and told her once more that he'd stay right where he is. Aziza started to fall asleep after she heard those words, and just as she was about to fall asleep, both Andrew, with the bear, and Hector, with the folded up porn magazine, walked in the room together. Almost as if they were synchronized they looked at Aziza, looked at Billy, set down there items near the door and walked out the room. Billy grabbed his bear and put his magazine in the desk drawer. He handed Aziza the bear, which she cuddled lovingly. Billy smiled and sat down next to her. Aziza, calm and tired, was finally able to ignore the harsh storm outside and drifted to sleep.

Hector and Andrew started down the stairs and their synchronized movement went unchanged until Hector stopped just before he reached the steps. "Andrew, what is up with that pink bear?" Andrew looked up at Hector, arching his neck almost straight up. "It belongs to Billy, but I play with it a lot...oops, I wasn't supposed to tell you that."


"Because he thinks you guys won't like him anymore if you found out it was his. Don't tell anyone, please."

"His secret is safe with me."

"Thank you." Andrew finished and started going down the stairs with Hector following close behind. Just as they reached the bottom they were confronted by the others.

"What's going on up there? Where are Aziza and Billy?" Markus asked quickly

"Aziza is lying down on Billy's bed and Billy's with her."

"Ahh, mans about to get it on. Damn he's one lucky bastard." Jeffery blurted out.

"I don't think so, but don't go up there." Hector said

"Dude, if he's about to do it I wanna see." Chris said.

"Okay, first off, that's weird and disgusting, two, there's a little kid here so don't be so rude, and three, you're not going up there so sit down and watch TV." Hector finished sternly

The others gave a grunt and went back into the living room to watch television. They sat there for an hour and a half watching cartoons and music video, but they were more concerned with what was going on upstairs with Billy and Aziza. Each of the boys thought up their own fantasies of what was going on, and each one was squirming in their seats, trying to ignore their erections. The only one who was contempt was Hector who had already pleased himself for thirty minutes in the bathroom. Meanwhile it had been a full two hours Since Aziza had fallen asleep, and Billy was still there watching her sleep soundly. The longer he watched her, the more anxious he became. He didn't realize it, but he was panting and sweating quite roughly. He tried to take his mind of the matter by looking at a few of his magazines, but it wasn't helping at all.

"Maybe I, no...but, I mean, she wouldn't feel one, little touch would she?" he thought. He slowly pulled the cover off her to not disturb her. She shifted and turned on her side, hugging the bear ever so tight. Billy cringed for a moment, but loosened up quickly. Aziza squirmed and flicked her tail; she straddled her legs and moaned softly as she nuzzled the little pink bear. "God what I wouldn't give to be that bear right now." He whispered beneath his breath. His jittery fingers tapped his leg frantically as he eyed her, looking at the small curve of her hip down to her bottom. His twitchy fingers moved from his lap to the bed, crawling and creeping slowly toward her body. "Oh my god, she has such a nice round ass...what if I just..." he trailed off as his fingers came close to her butt. His heart began to beat wildly and his breathing became even more raspy and distraught. His desire was getting the better of him, but he didn't care. He moved his fingers down to her tail and touched that beautiful pink bow tied around it. He ran his index finger up from the bow to the base of her tail, the feeling of it causing Aziza to squirm a little, but she settled down in no time. Billy licked his lips and let out a sigh. He twirled his finger around the base. Aziza moaned softly in her sleep and gave a quick giggle, which sent Billy over the edge. He moved his hand to her waist and slowly, but surely, let his hand sink down into her skirt. "Haha, s-she's wearing a thong" Billy said with a smile on his face. His sweaty palm grasped her chubby round butt and gave a soft squeeze. "Oh god it feels so nice, so big and soft and round." He sputtered out as he grew instantly hard. He touched himself through his pants as he continued to massage that beautiful round butt. Aziza's licked her chops and moaned to herself which only made Billy continue. He wanted more, he needed more. He pulled his hand out and turned her on her back. He looked at her cute face and let his mouth fall open as he took long, exasperated breathes. He moved his hands to her shirt and slowly undid one button at a time. When enough buttons were undone he opened the shirt...but Billy could have never seen this coming. "W-where are her breasts?" he said with nervousness. "N-no, maybe she's just a late bloomer...yeah, that's it." He placed a hand on her chest and felt, but it didn't feel like how he imagined. Billy become restless and continuously convinced himself that she was just underdeveloped for her age. "Okay, okay, no breasts, but I get to see her..." he trailed off harshly as he thought of touching her soft, dainty sweet spot. His tongue fell from his mouth as he moved down to her skirt once more, pushing at her waist with his index before placing his hand on it. Aziza winced and made a sudden jolt which made Billy fall back and his hand moved down to her crotch. Billy's eyes opened wide and his mouth slacked low. "N-n-n-no...i-it can't be..." he said as he felt more at the bulge at Aziza's crotch. He looked up at Aziza....his heart literally skipped a beat when he saw her looking straight at him. Billy jumped up from the bed, the look of shock still plastered on his face as he backed away slowly.

"Y-you're a-a-a...a GUY?!" Billy shouted out as he fell back almost hitting his head on his desk. Aziza looked at him with a face contorted with mixed emotions. "You were touching me in my sleep?! You pervert!!!" Aziza screamed out and headed for the door, but Billy grabbed the cross-dressing lion's arm and stopped him "No! That's fucking disgusting. You mean to tell me you're a fucking guy?!"

"Why were you touching me in my sleep you sick, sick child?!"Aziza screamed at him

"You have a lot of nerve calling me sick. I'm not the one dressed in ladies cloths, and wearing a thong at that!"

"You looked at my bottom?! I am leaving!" Aziza shouted as he tore away from Billy's grasp and headed toward the door, but the infuriated Billy grabbed him again, but this time he threw him on the bed. Aziza looked at him, cringing and crying. "L-let me leave, now!" Aziza shouted, but Billy wasn't having it. "Shut the hell up!" Billy screamed at him as he raised his fist in anger. Aziza threw his arms up and began to cry more. Billy rushed over and placed his hand on his mouth and forced him down further on the bed "Listen to me and shut up!" he said, but Aziza was still too scared and continued to cry through Billy's muffling. "If you don't calm down..." Billy said infuriately as he raised his hand "I'll bitch slap the fuck outta you!"As much as Aziza tried he just couldn't stop crying. Billy knew that his anger was getting the better of him so he calmed down and lowered his hand which seemed to work as Aziza started to quiet down. Once the crying had stopped, Billy moved his hand from over Aziza's mouth. "Okay, look...I'm sorry, I didn't mean to get so angry, okay?" Aziza gave a short nod. "I know I shouldn't have done what I did, especially while you were sleeping, but, but...I just wasn't expecting...this." Billy said as he got up, letting Aziza rise with him. "Why where you touching me in my sleep?" Aziza asked

" were just so cute, and I started thinking with my dick."

Aziza wiped the tears from his eyes and the snot from his nose. Billy went to his desk and grabbed a box of tissues to give to Aziza. He took a few tissues, blew his nose, and balled up the tissue and held it tight. Billy sat on the edge of the bed, grabbed his temples and rubbed them. After a few minutes of this he stopped and looked to Aziza. He didn't say anything, just looked at him. Aziza tried to say something, but Billy stopped him dead in his tracks. As angry as he was at him, Billy had to gain control of this situation. All of the sudden Billy gave a grin so strange that it made Aziza shiver in fear. He moved close to Aziza and stared him eye to eye.

"Haha, you know, you're so cute like this...but, you have a bit of a problem." Billy loves power, and he was about to use all he had in this situation. You see, he knew Aziza's big secret so he was going to use this to advantage. "You see...I know your little secret now, and I intend to tell everyone in school." Aziza eyes opened wide and he began to cry "Oh please don't tell anyone, please!"

"Oh, I don't know, what am I getting out of this?"


"What am I going to get if I don't tell?"

"...What do you want?"

"Hmm...are you any good at math and biology?"

"I-I guess so."

"Greeeat, then you get to do my math and biology from now on."

"What? B-b-but why can't you do it?"

"Oh I can, believe me I can, heck, I'm even getting in A in both those classes, but boy howdy do I hate the homework load they give us. So, in return for keeping your little secret, you're going to do my homework until summer vacation."

"What?! That's not fair!"

"Ohhh...that's too bad. Im sure my friends would like to know your secret, and between you and me, none of them can keep a secret for shit, so it's your call."

Aziza sat there with eyes full of tears. Very reluctantly he nodded, but that wasn't enough for Billy, he had to make Aziza suffer for lying to him, to everyone at school. He was going to milk this for everything he could get.

"Oh yeah, and whatever money you get for lunch you have to give to me."

"What, but-okay." Aziza finished as he began to lose control of himself and cry. Billy moved closer and wiped the tears from his face. "Don't worry; so long as you're a good little boy your secret is safe." Billy said as he stood up from the bed, heading to the window. "Oh, look, the rain stopped and your parents just pulled into the driveway. Time for you to go...oh, and don't say anything to my friends when you leave, and don't mention what happened here to your parents or anyone else or I and my friends will blab to everyone at school, okay?"

Aziza wiped away one last tear and gave a weak nod. Billy didn't look at him after that, only out the window, waiting and watching for Aziza to leave and head back home. When he knocked on the door and his parents let him in, Billy left the window and laid on his bed for a few moments before heading down stairs, or at least he was about to when he saw one of his porn magazines sitting on the floor. He locked his door and laid back on his bed, getting comfortable and flipping through the magazine for a good picture. He undid his pants and grabbed a few tissues. He smiled to himself and chuckled.

"Oh, today has been a good day. I can't wait till tomorrow." He said with a bigger smile as he relieved some much built up pressure.

Chapter 1: end