Joining The Pride

Story by LunaMoonstone on SoFurry

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Joining a new self help group can have a lot of benefits, some of which you might not expect...

Hello, everyone! It's been a long time since I uploaded anything, so I decided to finally fix that today. I'll get back to cowgirls, catgirls and wolf demigoddesses soon enough, but today I'm doing something a little different. This story is loosely based off an old hypnosis file I used to listen to long ago. It's also a bit of a different style for me, as I tried to capture what it would be like for the reader to be in the position of the main character. As always, all constructive criticism is welcome. Enjoy!

Junk mail, junk mail, junk mail... ah! Here's the packet for that self-help thing Greg was talking about. He used to be the only guy at work more reserved and shy than me, but now he's really starting to rise up. His work's been getting better, he seems happier, and he even looks like he's starting to get in better shape. A couple of the girls have really started to notice him all the sudden. When I asked him what his secret was, he smiled and told me about joining this self help group. He said it really helped him turn things around, and that maybe I could use a little boost myself. He said he'd refer me to Mr. Leo's service. That was only yesterday; surprised it got here so fast. Let's get inside and take a look at this thing.

So this group is called The Pride, huh? They've got a picture of a lion on the cover of this packet; seems about right for The Pride. Seems a little thin for a self help group flier; this thing's barely a dozen pages. Let me just glance through here real fast... letting out your inner animal? Growing through submission? O.K.; seems a little weird. I thought I just heard him wrong when he said Master Leo the first time, but maybe I didn't.

Wait, there's still something else in the packet. I did notice that new ring on Greg's finger when he gave me that firm pat on the shoulder, and this looks just like a ring box. It's just one solid cube, though; no seam or lid for me to open. There's this thing I'm seeing here on this sheet at the end. "Sign here to claim your ring and begin your personal transformation?" Seriously?


Alright, I signed it. It's not like signing a piece of paper is going to magically open a completely sealed box or anything; I just want to prove how stupid this whole thing is. I should just gather up all this crap and throw it out. The paper work, the envelope, and the box... that's now open and has a ring sitting neatly inside...

O.K, this is just getting weird now. This thing doesn't look like some cheap piece of costume jewelry; it's got a thick, solid silver band, with a bright orange stone set inside. The gem's got a rectangular shape to it, think that's called an emerald cut? I'll have to check that later. Does it actually fit me?


Wow; fits like a glove. For a weird motivational group, membership certainly does seem to have its benefits.

<Yes; it's just one of the many benefits of being a part of The Pride, my pet.>

Huh? Who said that?

<I did, pet. So, you're the young man Greg mentioned. I must say, I think you'll take to the change well.>

Change? What the hell's going on? Where are you?!

<I'm right here in your head, pet. You signed the agreement, and now you're a member of The Pride. Now, let's get started on your personal transformation.>

O.K., this is insane! I got some weird guy talking to me in my head, calling me his pet. Is this thing laced with some kind of weird drug that's making me hallucinate?

<No drugs, pet; just magic. You're linked to me now through the ring and the contract that you signed. Now, do you live alone?>

What? Yes, I do, but what does tha-

<Excellent; the first transformation is always very intense. Now then, let's begin.>

Begin wh-OW! What was that?!

<The beginning of the change. First the shock, then the warmth begins to spread. You may wish to remove your shoes, pet.>

My shoes? Why? And why does my hand feel so numb?

<That's because it's starting to become more paw-like. See how the tips are starting to round out and grow?>

What the hel-OH GOD! You're right; they're changing! How are you doing this?! Make it stop!

<I'm afraid that's impossible, pet. Once the change starts, there's no stopping it. You might as well relax and enjoy it.>

Relax?! Enjoy?! What are you turning me into?!

<A lion, my pet. Or more specifically, a lion man.>

A lion man? Like, some kind of anthropomorphic cat?

<Exactly. You can feel the hairs on your body starting to grow thicker and longer, can't you? Soon more will join them, giving you a nice, thick coat of fur.>

Is that why it feels like I'm itching all over? Oh crap; there's even hairs on my hand now!

<Yes, your coat is coming along nicely, pet. Look at that soft, tawny yellow fur slowly creeping along your body. Doesn't it feel nice?>

It feels weird, that's for sure. Watching this stuff growing over my hand, watching my hand turn into an oversized paw... wait; it's not just the shape that's making it look bigger. It IS bigger, and it's still growing!

<Indeed. When the contract talked about growth through submission, it wasn't just referring to spiritual or emotional growth. I like my pets big and powerful, though I must warn you again about the shoes. Though I would personally enjoy watching the sight of your massive paws bursting through them, it will be quite painful for you.>

Alright, alright! It does feel like it's getting pretty tight in there... while I work on this, can you at least tell me why you're turning me into some sort of animal slave?

<Well, pet, I've noticed most people in the world fall into two groups. They are either kind and weak, or rough and strong. I seek another kind of person; one who is kind in spirit and strong in body. Though I ask for submission from my subject, do not misunderstand what I'm making you into. You will be my pet, not my slave.>

Pet, slave, what's the difference?! Damn it, my feet feel like they're gonna explode!

<A slave is someone who has no will of his own, someone who is forced into service by someone with no true concern for their well being. By contrast, a pet is someone who their owner loves and cares for. A pet is submissive to their master because they love and appreciate their owner, and their master loves them in return.>

So you turn guys into lion men and you expect them to just fall in love you in return? Come on, come on... Gah! Finally got my shoes off. It looks like my toes are starting to round out like my fingers. Something's poking through my socks too, right at the tips of my toes. What are they?

<That would be your new claws, pet. Big, powerful claws for a big, powerful pet. And no, I do not expect my pets to automatically fall in love and be mine forever. You will feel some affection for me initially as a side effect of my magic, but that will just allow time for our relationship to develop.>

Our relationship? I don't even know you!

<Not yet, but I can see potential in you. Some people lack the courage to put themselves out there, to become more because of fear of exposure and rejection. With the encouragement and help of another it becomes much easier. See how the hairs on your arm are starting to grow longer and fuller? Soon it will be a thick, fur coat that keeps you nice and warm. Just imagine that warmth as my encouragement, wrapping around you and keeping you safe.>

So you're my protector and my master now? What if I don't want to be a pet? And how the hell is this ring still on? My paws are huge now, but the ring still fits perfectly.

<It's a part of my magic; I don't wish to cause my pets any pain, so it's enchanted to grow with you. And do not think of this as a permanent life change, more like an extra hobby. I usually only have a few active pets at a time, spending one or two nights a week with them while we feel out our relationship. And I don't think we're quite as incompatible as you think. Few of my pets are so quick to call their new hands paws.>

Well, that's what they are now. Big, thick paws covered in golden yellow fur. Even my arm is almost totally covered in it. Damn, it feels so thick...

<Exactly, and it's just beginning. Do you feel how warm your body is starting to get?>

Yeah, it feels like I'm starting to burn up. Is this from my fur?

<No, it's from the next change you're about to experience. Just take nice, slow deep breaths, and relax. You'll see what's happening soon enough.>

Alright, I can handle that. In, and out. In, and out...

<Good, pet, good. Feel how your chest fills out with each breath, pushing out more and more. That's the beginning of your next change.>

You mean how my shirt is pulling tighter across my chest? Holy crap, I have pecs!

<Yes, my pet. When I said I like my pets big and confident, I meant it. And this is just the beginning. Leave your clothes on for this. It might sting a little, but the feeling of bursting out of your clothes will be worth it.>

Damn, this feels so weird, but I kinda like it. I've always wanted to get a little stronger, but I've never found the time to hit the gym. Now it looks like I'm about to start popping buttons off my shirt.

<Mmm, yes, and that's just the beginning. Feel my power flowing into you. It's reshaping you, making you into a proud, powerful beast of a man. You love that idea, don't you?>

I love the idea of being stronger, I'll admit that. That button's gonna go at any second, maybe with one more deep breath...


Fuck, that button shot across the room! My t-shirt's still holding on, but just barely.

<Not for long, it won't. About now the growth should start spreading out, filling your shoulders and arms. You're getting so big and bulky already, and there's still so much to come.>

Seriously? I'm popping buttons off my shirt and feeling like a hardcore bodybuilder. How big am I going to get?

<Much, much bigger, my pet. You're a little under six feet now, correct? Well, most add a few extra inches of height, but you're taking so well to the transformation, I imagine you'll get much, much bigger.>

Bigger that that? Damn it, I'm gonna be freaking huge! It sounds so weird and so good at the same time...

<Don't worry; soon it will just feel good and right. Look at how thick and rounded your shoulders are now, and how pumped your biceps are. Even unflexed, your shirt sleeves can barely contain them.>

Yeah, feels like they're gonna pop at any minute. Even my t-shirt's starting to tear under the strain. In fact...


That felt amazing! As soon as I hit that double biceps pose, both my shirts just exploded off my body. I'm naked from the waist up now, but who would want to hide this? I'm so strong and thick, even the fur can't hide it all. Mmm...

<You know, for someone who protested so much about being a big lion man, you're taking to it pretty well. Unless the way you're groping your chest is a sign of displeasure.>

No, M-Mas... I mean, fuck; I can't help it! I know I shouldn't like this, but the further it goes, the more I want. I can feel fangs in my mouth now, and it feels like my face is stretching forward. I'm getting a muzzle, and I know it's all wrong, but it feels so good...

<Then just enjoy it, pet. You can't stop it, so you might as well embrace it. Accept your new form, and enjoy it to its fullest extent.>

I-I really shouldn't, but damn it, I can't resist. I'm getting all these new smells, and this thick aroma... oh man, that thick, musky aroma, and it's coming from me! The fur's going over my face now, and now I've got this thick hair sprouting all around my chin. It feels kinda like a beard, but it's so much thicker, and it's going around my whole head.

<That would be your new mane, pet. All my pets have nice, thick manes that I absolutely just love to touch and caress, and scratch their little kitty ears as I do. You can feel my hand doing that to you now, can't you?>

I can, and it does feel so good. Your hand feels so warm and soft, strong yet gentle, I can't help but relax. Purr...

<That's it, my pet. Purr and relax, and know that I will take care of you. Just relax, and grow in your submission as your body grows in strength and size.>

Yes, Master... Wait, I didn't mean to... but it felt so right, so good...Master...

<Yes, I am your Master, and you are my pet. Doesn't it feel good to know you're loved and cared for?>

Yes, it does... I'm so nervous about what this all means, but I'm excited, too. My Master's pet...

<Good, pet, we must complete the spell, to make sure your lion form will always stay with you. Fortunately, you've already taken care of the first step when you fell to your knees.>

Wait, I did? Geez, you're right. I don't even remember doing it...

<That's because it's just so natural for a pet to kneel in front of their Master, that it never even registered in your mind that you had to do it. Now comes the next step, removing the rest of your clothes.>

Easy enough; they're about to pop off under the pressure anyway. I'll just make use of the new claws you gifted me...


There we go. Damn, my legs look like marble columns, and about as hard as them too. My calves are huge, too; I think I'd put some horses to shame with how big and hard they are.

<Yes, and speaking of large parts generally associates with horses, you should bring your paw to your cock now, so we can begin the final part of the change.>

My cock? Oh my... it has this furry sheath around it now. And my nuts... it feels like I've got a furry pair of pool balls hanging under my cock. Even my big paw can't contain it all in one hand.

<Yes, you're going to be quite the virile beast. Now comes the last part, to seal the spell. Cum, my pet. Bring yourself to orgasm and seal your new self permanently. >

If I cum, I'll be this way forever?... Forever this big, and strong, and furry...

<And already you're stroking away, rubbing that powerful paw over your giant cock. Very good, my pet.>

Thank you, Master. It feels so good, so right to be doing this, and I'm still getting bigger. My back's filling up, getting thicker and stronger, and I'm still getting taller. Everything looks so much smaller... oh fuck, this feels so good...

<It's a joy to watch, as well. Mmm; I think you'll be the alpha among my new pets. You're already bulkier that the strongest one, and now you're getting even taller than my tallest.>

Other lion men like me? Oh god, the idea of meeting them, seeing them, feeling them... I can only imagine what that will feel like.

<Well, you won't have to imagine soon, my pet. Occasionally I'll bring a pair of my pets together, and they tend to get along quite well. Nuzzling and licking, feeling each others soft fur, your strong muscles...>

Oh fuck, that sounds so hot. I can feel his muzzle on my cock, licking and sucking it, his tongue so rough, but soft. Nggh; getting so close...

<Yes, my pet. Feel that mighty cock twitch and tense. You're going to shoot a huge load out of that cannon between your legs. And when you do, I want you to roar. Show me how proud you are to be mine.>

F-Fuck, my cock IS huge. It's more than a foot, easy. I'm bigger every; huge muscles, huge cock, and I think my head might scrape the ceiling if I stood up now. You've made me so strong, so furry, and so masculine. M-Master, I-I...


<Yes, my pet! Feel the orgasmic bliss of being so strong, so loyal, so mine. Look how your cum shoots clear across the room, how your powerful body flexes and throbs with each blast.>

Yes, Master! I'm so strong, so confident, and it's all because of you. Thank you, Master. Thank you for this!

<You're very welcome, my pet. My, you're making quite the mess...>

I'm sorry, Master, but it just feels too good. Why did I ever resist this?

<Don't worry, my pet; it's a perfectly natural reaction to be a little hesitant. Now, once you finish, you can remove the ring and return to your normal self almost instantly. As much as I'm sure you love being my pet, a nearly 7 foot lion man waking around WILL cause a bit of a scene...>

Y-Yes, I suppose it will. Damn, I'll miss this body.

<You'll have it again soon enough, pet. My magic is reaching its limits, so I'm afraid I must depart for now. You'll know when I'm ready for you again, and then you can wear the ring again, and return to your lion man form.>

Yes, Master. I'll wait until that time.

<Good, my pet. Now, make sure you clean up the mess you made... although I suppose as long as you don't leave your house or have company over, you could stay in your new form a little longer...>

Purr; thank you, Master. I'm still so horny...

<Then enjoy yourself, my pet. I'll speak with you again soon.>

Thank you, Master. Thank you for everything...Master? Master?

Guess he's gone. Damn, I miss him already. Oh well; he said he'd let me know when he was ready for me. I'll have to change back in the morning when I go to work. In the meantime, my cock's still as hard as steel, and my big paw feels so good stroking it...

Thank you, Master, for making me your pet.